New Year’s

Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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A loud groan travelled through the room, disrupting Minju from her study. She turned to see Eunseo whose head was shoved into the pillow.

"You've been groaning for the past hour. What's wrong?"

With voice muffled, "Do we have to be there for the final session?"

"They're giving extra allowance."

"But it's New Year's...I don't want to spend it in an operating room."

"We'll be done before that."

Eunseo supports herself with her elbows. "We're going to do the countdown here? If we don't go for the final session, we could go somewhere nicer." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"What's so important about the countdown?"

"It's exciting. Just think about the fireworks, the screams, the feeling of entering a new year," Eunseo imagined. "And New Year's kiss. Am I really not going to get a New Year's kiss this year?" The more she thinks, the more miserable she gets.

Minju had no idea when she had one of those. New Year's weren't a thing for her when work and school took up most of it. Double-pay was a thing.

A New Year's kiss? She could only do it in her head.

Waiting outside the operating room, Eunseo's pout couldn't pucker more, her fingers scrolling through her phone. "I hate this," she muttered, seeing her girlfriend's story that consisted of their friends having a gathering.

Minju tightened the drawstring of her scrubs. "We just have to change the clips. Do it fast, you might make it to call her before midnight."

The older girl groaned, making her way to the lockers.

Gyuri stood next to Minju, observing the whole scene. "Times like this I call myself lucky to have no one to go to."

The instant the doctors called it a night, ending the procedure, Eunseo was the first to dash out of the room as if she might die the next second not being able to call her other half.

"She's really something," Dr Park said, snickering as he let the nurses un-scrub him. "Thank you all for tonight. I hope you have a good New Year's."

Minju gave a polite bow, following Gyuri out of the room while taking off her surgical mask.

"Do you have any plans?"

The brunette shook her head. "I'm just going to sleep through the New Year's."

"Not even going to call her?"

Assuming the senior was talking about Yujin, Minju shook her head once more, running her arms under the faucet. "She has a project meeting. The submission's on New Year's."

"Can't believe that's allowed." Gyuri dried her hands. "It's supposed to be the holidays," she said. "At the same time, there's no such thing as holidays for us."

Minju shrugged as they both exited the main doors to the operating rooms. Pulling her phone out of her coat pocket, she sees a notification from Yujin who sent her a picture of her with the laptop, her pout being the most significant thing on her face.

My Ahn Yujin: I wish I could be there with you.

The brunette smiles, replying to her message.

My Ahn Yujin: Will you be in your room? Or are you going somewhere to celebrate the New Year?

Minju then sent a video bubble of her with Gyuri, waiting for the lift.

Minju: We'll be eating supper in my room. Eunseo's out somewhere. I can't be bothered to know where she's going.

My Ahn Yujin: So you'll be in your room for New Year's?

Minju: Yes.

My Ahn Yujin: Okay. I have to do something now. I'll see you in a bit.

Minju: See me?

My Ahn Yujin: Video call. I'll call you before the clock hits 12. Just be in your room.

"What's your room number?" Gyuri asked while ordering takeout.


"I just remembered, we can see the fireworks from your room's window."


Gyuri hummed, clicking confirm on her application as the lift arrived at the lobby. "So we don't have to head to the rooftop. It's too cold. I'll go to your room after I take a shower. The food's on the way."

Minju nodded as they went their separate ways.

Running the towel through her hair, the brunette made sure to get it as dry as possible, glancing at the LED clock on the room's wall—11:00 PM.



Minju brushed her hair back, flinging the towel over her shoulder before opening the door. Retrieving the food, she wished the man a good year ahead, earning the same in return.

She settled the food on the foldable table and gave the ends of her hair a last squeeze with the towel before draping it over the chair. watered as she unpacked the delivery, wondering what Gyuri ordered.

Spicy chicken feet, cheesy tteokbokki, a few cans of beer and two bottles of soju. The good thing is, they are on a break tomorrow.

Another knock sent the brunette to the door, opening it for Gyuri.

"Oh god, that smells so good." She beelined towards the small table and sat on the floor. The first thing she opens is a can of beer, followed by another one and handed it to Minju.

While they ate their way towards the New Year, they talked and ranted about certain patients who get on their nerves, venting to the air with alcohol in their systems. Conversations lingered between them, from love to hate, past to present.

Gyuri settled the cup on the table, continuing her rant about her past relationships. "The thing is, all he does is go to the gym. And whenever we go out, he brags about me to his friends as if I'm some trophy. But it felt like I was a trophy being left, abandoned on the shelf, full of dust because the last thing he does is care for me."

"He doesn't deserve you." Minju chuckled, bringing the cup to her lips.

"Exactly. What did I even see in him? Just because he's handsome?" Gyuri scoffed. "He might be but his heart is full of . I don't know what took me so long to realise that."

"How about the other one? The one who made you hate tangerines."

"Minmin," the senior uttered, clearly a little too high on alcohol. "Am I pretty?" She cupped her face wuth a hand, presenting herself to Minju. The brunette took a closer look and hummed.

"See, men are all the same." Gyuri took a bite of rice cake. "No matter how pretty you are, there's always someone else they will feel something for. They can never stick to one. One and only, my ."

Minju lightly tapped the older girl's cheek, aligning their gazes. "This is your sign to date women," she said. "Although stereotypes exist, if you find the right one, you'll get to know what one and only feels like."

"Are you talking about your girlfriend again?" Gyuri lazily pointed a finger at her. "That's just her."

"I think so too." Minju smiled, sitting up and seeing the older girl shrivel into her palms.

"Where am I going to find someone like that then? Just give her to me." Gyuri politely puts her hands in front of her as if she's receiving something.

"No." Minju gently slapped her palms.

"I'll do your assists."


"Night shifts?"


The older girl whined softly, breathing out a long sigh as she admitted defeat, mumbling inaudibly. Minju glanced at her phone but saw no messages from Yujin even though it was 2 minutes away from 12.

Gyuri suddenly jolted up. "Do we have grapes?"


The senior held onto Minju's shoulders. "They said if you eat 12 grapes under the table, you'll have a good year ahead."

"I think we do but I'm not so sure about 12 because Eunseo—"

Gyuri quickly ran to the fridge and found the grapes just to see there were a handful left. "Who leaves 5 grapes like this?"


"Damn Eunseo." Gyuri gave up, snacking on the grapes instead. "Let's get ready for the countdown." She opened the window, letting the cold air in so they could get a better view of the fireworks and for her to sober up a little.

Minju stood next to the girl, her phone in a hand, having her shoulder wrapped in one of her arms.

"I'll give you the last one so at least you'll have a good month next year." Gyuri fed her the last grape and patted her head.

The brunette glanced at her phone once more but saw nothing. She must be busy. She understood, leaving her phone aside as they heard soft cheers from the roads, leading to the countdown.


Minju laughed at the gibberish coming out of Gyuri's mouth.



The brunette heard a knock on the door and the next second, they became a little more consistent as if the person behind it was dying to enter.

She slipped out of Gyuri's arm and went to the door while the girl continued counting down.

"Kim Minju! Where are you going—4! 3!"

Minju twisted the doorknob and swung the door open. She was met, not just by the cool air, but by the breathtaking sight of Yujin. The girl stood there, breathless and exhilarated, a wide grin spreading across her face as her eyes locked with Minju's.

Before the older girl could even react, Yujin lunged forward, lips meeting her in an electrifying, soft kiss. The room, the countdown, and even Gyuri's cheering seemed to fade into the background as the world condensed to just the two of them, their hearts beating in sync.

Yujin's fingers gently cradled Minju's face, caressing her cheek with a tenderness that spoke volumes of how much she missed her.

The younger's lips moved against Minju's with an urgency that conveyed the depth of her feelings, and the brunette responded in kind, her hands finding their place on Yujin's waist, pulling her even closer.

The distant sound of fireworks provided a whimsical backdrop to their kiss as if the universe itself was joining in.

Gyuri's countdown came to a triumphant, "Happy New Year!" amidst the background noise. She turned around, finally realizing what was happening, only to burst into laughter at the sight of the embracing couple.

Breaking away, breathless and flushed, Minju could hardly believe Yujin was here, in her arms, at this very moment. "What are you doing here?" She managed to ask between gasps, her eyes sparkling with joy.

The younger's grin grew. "Happy New Year," she replied, still catching her breath from both the surprise and the rush of excitement. "I couldn't bear the thought of spending New Year's without you."

"So you came all the way here? Are you crazy?" It may seem like the brunette was worriedly lecturing her but that smile on her face says otherwise.

Yujin nodded, brushing her thumb over Minju's cheek. "I'm crazy," she admitted. "A three-hour drive is nothing when I'm willing to time travel for you."

The brunette unconsciously pulled the younger into the room, closing the door, hands not leaving her body so Yujin wouldn't go anywhere else. "I thought you had a submission to make."

"That's a lie," Yujin revealed. "How else am I going to convince you that I was doing something so you wouldn't expect a single thing?"

Grinning, Minju shook her head in disbelief mixed with sheer adoration. "You really went all out for this surprise, didn't you?"

Yujin's eyes twinkled mischievously, leaning in to give her another kiss before

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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0 points #1
Chapter 49: Wow! Thank you for this wonderful story! Hope to read a new one from you writernim! This story is home
future_mrs_liu #2
Chapter 49: Damn!! Awww. Very nice closing to this beautiful story. It’s really emotional for me as a reader not having anything to look forward to. But I am sooo thankful I met with this story. If I could I’ll really promote this hard so that people will know more about this. This really deserves more subs and votes than it has. Beautifully written, and the characters are to loveable equally in their own way. Thanks again and congrats author. Fighting!
KhessyV #3
Chapter 49: thank you so much for this beautiful story authornim! looking forward to your next masterpiece!
bluejin #4
Chapter 49: ugh cutest couple ever
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 48: If this is the end, then I am so happy. It’s like everything is finally in full circle a d how they really moved on together.
Thanks author for this beyond words beautiful masterpiece. I’ll leave it up to you to make sequels. As as I want to, I know you’re busy as well with reality. But thank you for always updating. Fighting!
bluejin #6
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #9
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #10
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!