Fall Dance

Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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In a cosy dorm roamed four girls who were busy preparing for the night ahead.

Yena, clad in her pyjamas, had spread her dress across the bed, eyeing it with a mix of giddy anticipation and nervousness. Yuri was known for her impeccable style and high expectations, and Yena wanted to make sure her outfit measured up.

Meanwhile, Yujin was a vision in the making, standing before the mirror. As she adjusted her earrings, the gentle sway of her long, curled hair framed the allure of the ensemble. The black, off-shoulder gown clung to her curves with an air of sophistication, the slit daring enough to leave an indelible impression. 

Yena turned around to see her best friend all ready for the night. She gasped in astonishment. It was her first time, in uncountable years, seeing Yujin in a dress. The effort and details were too much for Yena to handle.

It made her wonder about the lengths Yujin would go to impress Minju.

The younger girl turned to her while putting on her earrings. "You're not going to change out of your monk outfit?"

"Black surely brings out your—hey, this is not a monk outfit." Yena frowns when she realises. "Everyone wears this."

"I guess only you can pull them off."

"At least I can pull them off."

In the room next to theirs, Hyewon was sitting on the floor, surrounded by shoeboxes. She had opted for a classic black suit, knowing Chaewon appreciated a sharp, tailored look.

Snatched at the waistline, people might mistake her as someone extremely important.

"I hope these heels won't kill me," she grumbled, trying to get the hang of walking in them.

Jiwon was a whirlwind of activity, carefully applying the finishing touches to her makeup. She chose a black, spaghetti-strap dress that ended just before her knees, perfectly contrasting that blonde hair of hers.

"Just a little more highlighter," she mumbled, determined to shine as bright as Rei's smile when she saw her.

Hyewon entered Yena and Yujin's room, wanting to ask for silicon plasters for her heels, only to get greeted by beauty she didn't know existed in this dorm.

The slit in Yujin's dress caught her eyes. "You're asking her in that?"

"What's wrong?"

"She might throw herself onto you." Hyewon snickers. "Isn't it too y?"

The younger girl gasped playfully. "How did you know that was what I'm going for?"

Hyewon shook her head, going to the vanity table to look for those plasters.

"Too casual."


"Try on the blazer," Yuri said.

She and Chaewon were over at Minju's place, busy helping the brunette doll herself up. They had picked their own dresses way before they came over and the only step for them was to put it on.

Minju swore she had gone up and down the stairs at least ten times trying to gain their approval. "Will there ever be a yes?" She pulled out, practically two-thirds of her wardrobe in the past hour.

"There will be if you show us something. Not some flapper dress that came from the 1920s," Yuri said. "This isn't Great Gatsby, Min."

"My cousin gave me that." Minju struggled to fit the last button of the blazer before walking to the railing. "How's this?"

The two girls looked up and shook their heads in sync.

"Try something white. You've always looked great in white." Chaewon gave her comment, hearing a soft groan from the brunette.

"You have that white dress, don't you? The one you wore to your dad's wedding." Yuri recalled.

Not long after, Minju emerged from the top of the stairs in an elegant, off-shoulder white dress where the ruffled ends stopped well above her knee.

Yuri and Chaewon were immediately taken aback by her beauty. Her dress was a blend of sophistication and playfulness. The off-shoulder style accentuated her graceful neck and shoulders while the length of the dress showed off her slender legs.

Yuri was first to react with a standing ovation, her eyes lighting up with admiration. "You should've put this on earlier—why didn't we think of this earlier?"

Chaewon beamed in agreement. "So this is how Romeo felt."

"Is this okay? Does it fit?" Minju was worried it might be too cold, being bare on the shoulders.

"Perfect," Yuri said, standing up. "Now, we change. They're coming in twenty minutes."

The brunette headed back to retrieve a cardigan, not wanting to freeze for the night.

The three of them stood by the lobby, their anticipation for the night ahead was growing by the second. The evening air was crisp as they shivered slightly, both from the wind and the excitement.

It wasn't long before the soft purr of an approaching car signalled the arrival of transportation.

Hyewon's sleek black sedan pulled up in front of the building, its elegant design fitting the occasion perfectly. The car door opened and Hyewon stepped out, looking effortlessly chic in her black suit and high heels.

However, Minju's attention was drawn to the person who emerged. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Yujin stepping out of the car.

She was a vision in that black evening gown that flowed around her like a cascade of calm water. Yujin's smile was radiant as she stepped forward, a twinkle in her eye.

Minju's eyes widened as she took in the sight of the girl she could yet call hers, voice caught in . Yujin was beyond stunning, black gown contrasting her features beautifully. It was a sight Minju never knew she could see during her time on Earth.

Yuri and Chaewon exchanged knowing glances. For one, Yujin had passed their approval. Aside from this whole look, the way her eyes shone while looking at Minju told them the 3-month rule was there to stay.

Yuri whispered to Minju, "You better say yes." She advised before going to the other side of the car.

Yujin stood before her and watched the brunette's blush thicken. "Did someone put extra blush on you? Or do you like what you're seeing?"

Minju's heart raced, using the back of her hand to cool her cheeks. "Must be the extra blush." She couldn't resist a smile, getting a strand of hair tucked behind her ear.

"Really?" Yujin's smile widened. Her glistening eyes were a clear sign that she was enjoying Minju's shyness. "Yuri told me she didn't put any on you. Just how much do you like me?" She tilts her head and takes the bag Minju was holding onto before going to the boot to store it.

Yujin grasps her hand, bringing her towards the car.

Minju's eyes have never once left her, like a moth drawn to the flame, earning a grin from Yuri who was watching how smitten her best friend was because of a certain girl.

Yujin entered the car, gently guiding Minju onto her lap since her car was being used by Jiwon who had to use it to fetch her date for tonight.

"You should get a bigger car," Chaewon told the older girl.

Hyewon looked behind to see whatever was going on. "I think this is fine." She starts driving off.

Minju slants her body against the car door, hearing them talk about what to expect during the fall dance, how it usually plays into the night and ends with an after-party.

Yujin sees Minju smiling a soft smile as her hand reaches for hers, holding onto it before leaning her head onto her shoulder. The older girl circled her arm around Yujin's shoulder, making sure her hair didn't get ruined.

Upon reaching the venue, they got off at the open car park.

Minju gently pulled Yujin by the hand, helping her out of the car. "You had the audacity to wear heels." She chuckled when the girl towered over her like never before.

"You like tall people." Yujin intertwined their hands, carrying the brunette's purse for her. She whispers, "I don't think I'll make it to the one-hour mark." Her confession elicited a soft laugh from Minju as they followed the rest to the entrance of the hotel.

Stepping on the velvet, carpeted floors, the scent of wood and citrus surrounds them. They walked through the elegant lobby, passing by well-dressed attendees and soft, lobby music that filled the air.

For all Yujin knows, this is the first fall dance that's being held in a hotel other than the school.

Following the signs, they stopped at a door where three girls were giving out bracelets that had mini artificial flowers embedded in them.

The six of them gathered around the table and heard the blonde girl explain, "Each of these bracelets will determine your relationship status," she gestured at the bracelets displayed before them. "A red rose means you're taken, no one can approach you. A pink rose means you're single and available, ready for someone to pick you up. The white rose means you're single but unavailable, or it's complicated. Pick whatever suits you." She smiled politely and went on to explain the theme of the dance.

Just like how Autumn's leaving for Winter to make its entrance, it's a symbol of Moving Forward. Towards a new semester, new months to come or build new relationships.

Yujin's eyes danced between the red and white roses, contemplating which she should reach for. The meaning being put behind it made her hesitate but not for long.

Her hand reached for two of the white rose bracelets as she turned to Minju, helping her put it on.

"That one's prettier," Minju said.

Yujin saw where her gaze lay, amongst the row of red rose bracelets and smiled gently, wondering if there was an underlying meaning behind her words. "Have you heard of colour-changing petals?"

"There's no such thing."

"I'll show it to you," Yujin said. "I'll perform some magic that will blow your mind and change this to red."

Minju snickers, getting pulled through the grand double doors to the ballroom as muffled sounds of music and laughter travel from within.

Her grip tightens around Yujin's hand. The atmosphere was nothing short of enchanting. The soft glow of crystal chandeliers bathed the room in romantic light, casting dancing reflections across the carpeted floors. Tables were elegantly set with fine linens, delicate bouquet centrepieces and flickering candles that added to the enchantment of the evening.

Couples swayed gracefully on the dance floor to the rhythm of a live jazz band, their movements synchronized with the soothing melodies.

The two found themselves amidst the splendour of the event, and as they walked further into the ballroom, they couldn't help but exchange smiles and appreciative glances.

Yuri and Yena, who had entered ahead of them, waved them over to a reserved table. The table was adorned with a pristine white tablecloth, a small vase of fresh flowers, and a flickering candle at its centre. The perfect spot for them to enjoy the evening.

"What took you so long?" Yena questioned, not knowing how long should choosing bracelets take. She glanced at their wrists, the accessory immediately putting a grin on her face.

Yujin pulled out the chair for Minju. A gesture the brunette was afraid she might get too used to. "Where's Hyewon?"

"Already at the buffet," Yena said. The rest had no other expectations when the older girl was known to be a massive eater. "Is Jiwon coming yet?"

Just as her name left her lips, the blonde girl appeared at their table. They all shifted their gaze towards the brunette next to her and realised it was indeed the waitress from the other night.

"Speak of the devil." Yena nods.

Minju leans towards Yujin. "Who's that?"

When the girl realised she hadn't seen Jiwon before, she replied, "She lives in our dorm. And the girl next to her, she's her—I too don't know what's going on. But she's her date for tonight and I heard she met her at some restaurant."

As the night went on, tables slowly got filled up with plates of food and glasses of wine. Conversations started dancing around the table as they took the time to know one another better.

Games were played, evoking laughter from the group of friends.

Rei watched Yujin leave her seat for the bathroom, her hand briefly lingering on Minju's shoulder. Amongst all the couples around them, these two stood out the most. From the way Yujin's hand never left hers, eyes always gravitating towards Minju and the same goes for the brunette. She couldn't help but wonder why they weren't wearing the red rose bracelet. Maybe they chose not to take it seriously, she doesn't know.

"What are you studying?" Rei started a conversation with her.

"Medicine," Minju replied.

"Med student?"

The brunette nodded. "What about you?"

"Culinary. I like food, so..." Rei chuckled softly. "You must be really smart then."

"I wouldn't think that way." Minju shyly shakes her head, getting that comment from every person she first meets.

"You're really pretty by the way." The Japanese girl compliments off-hand, receiving a shy smile and a soft you too. She shifts slightly closer to Minju. "Why didn't I see you the other time?"


"I believe it was someone's birthday. Yujin's?" Rei couldn't quite recall.

"Something urgent came up," Minju explained.

Yujin slips something into the pocket seamlessly woven into this dress, letting out a soft breath.

"Are you nervous?" Yuri asks.

"Do I look nervous?"

"Why are you nervous? It's not like she'll say no." Yena earned a soft smack from her girlfriend. "You should've totally gone with the long speech on stage. A public proposal. She'll never say no to that."

"I would say no," Yuri rejects.

"Me too," Yujin agreed. "Only those scared of rejection

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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0 points #1
Chapter 49: Wow! Thank you for this wonderful story! Hope to read a new one from you writernim! This story is home
future_mrs_liu #2
Chapter 49: Damn!! Awww. Very nice closing to this beautiful story. It’s really emotional for me as a reader not having anything to look forward to. But I am sooo thankful I met with this story. If I could I’ll really promote this hard so that people will know more about this. This really deserves more subs and votes than it has. Beautifully written, and the characters are to loveable equally in their own way. Thanks again and congrats author. Fighting!
KhessyV #3
Chapter 49: thank you so much for this beautiful story authornim! looking forward to your next masterpiece!
bluejin #4
Chapter 49: ugh cutest couple ever
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 48: If this is the end, then I am so happy. It’s like everything is finally in full circle a d how they really moved on together.
Thanks author for this beyond words beautiful masterpiece. I’ll leave it up to you to make sequels. As as I want to, I know you’re busy as well with reality. But thank you for always updating. Fighting!
bluejin #6
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #9
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #10
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!