
Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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As winter's icy grip begins to loosen its hold, nature awakens from its slumber with a gentle and gradual transformation. The final hours of the day filtered through the windows, lighting up the white walls of the apartment. 

Minju stood in front of a full-length mirror, hands busy alternating the two tops she was choosing to put on. An orange sweater and a white turtle neck. As she was making up her mind, the door beeps a few times, signalling someone's entrance.

She walked to the railing, peeking down to see Wonyoung looking for her. "Up here."

The taller girl looked up and smiled. "Are you ready?"

"Come help me pick."

Walking up the small flight of stairs, Wonyoung says, "They've seen you so many times babe. Just wear anything comfortable."

"This, or this?" Minju asked her to pick, showing her the tops she was holding.

Wonyoung bent down slightly, making her way to the bed. She shifted the few pieces of clothing, seeing how much effort the girl was putting in for a family dinner back at her parent's place.

She sat on the edge, eyes alternating between the two pieces of clothing before looking at Minju. "You want me to pick?" She saw a nod and pointed at the brunette. "You."

"I'm being serious."

"I am too." Wonyoung chuckles, looking at the oversized blazer next to her. "Pair it with this if you're going with the turtle neck." She handed it to Minju who hung the orange sweater over the chair.

Minju voiced a soft okay, taking the turtle neck off the hanger. Wonyoung watched as the girl took off her oversized shirt. "I'm fine too if you choose not to wear anything." Her small, devious smirk earned her a shirt to the face. She breathes a chuckle, hands folding the shirt.

"Your whole family's going to be there, Won." And that includes the girl's relatives Minju has yet to meet. It was a big dinner, in fact. Today's the day that marks the birth of the man of the house, Wonyoung's father. Even after five years, the brunette has yet to get used to all the mansions and cars Wonyoung's family owned. Going to their place felt like entering a palace. The land of the complexity.

Minju adjusts the collar of the blazer. "This is the least I could do."

Wonyoung goes behind her, slipping her arms around her waist and resting her chin on the girl's shoulder. "Even if you don't do anything, they're going to love you. They will love you. I'll make sure of it." She presses a soft kiss on Minju's jaw before looking at her through the mirror. "I'll make sure they see what lies beyond this pretty face of yours."

Wonyoung felt an elbow hitting her stomach before standing up, legs shoulder-width apart to prevent her head from hitting the ceiling. She cups Minju's face to see that pretty blush painted across her cheeks. "Absolutely beautiful." She admires her before giving her a gentle kiss on her lips.

Minju wasn't given a chance to respond when Wonyoung greeted her with a tug on her waist, bringing her body closer, and deepening the kiss. The lingering warmth of the girl's floral scent merely brings back the moments they shared, being this close to each other. The way it swirled with the jasmine Minju wore only drew Wonyoung closer to the girl, wanting more than just a taste.

But their schedule stopped them or more like a soft tap to Wonyoung's chest which made her pause her attack on Minju's lips. "We're going to be late." The brunette whispers a breath away, feeling Wonyoung's hands slide onto hips.

Her little pout earned her a peck to her jaw before Minju slipped away to change out her bottoms.

The grand mansion stood nestled amidst sprawling gardens, its elegant facade illuminated by the warm glow of lanterns. Inside, the air was alive with anticipation and joy as the Jang family prepared to celebrate a momentous occasion.

In the lavish dining hall, a long table stretched beneath a glittering chandelier, sparkling crystal glasses, and polished silverware. The soft candlelight danced across the room, casting a warm ambience that embraced the guests as they took their seats.

Though important, tonight's dinner was only open to the close relatives of the family and their spouses.

The distinguished man took his seat at the end of the table, his wife on his left, and two beloved daughters on his right, coupled with their significant others.

A hand landed on Minju's shoulder as she turned to see Wonyoung's older sister, Jang Da Ah. A splitting image of Wonyoung. Their relation could definitely be seen in their astounding heights. Standing behind her was her fiance who was greeting the adults along the table.

"Who gave you the permission to look this good?" She compliments, flaunting over the brunette as if she doesn't do it whenever she sees her.

Minju's lips break into a smile. "Unnie," she called, watching the older girl sit next to her.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to see you. I have so much to say," she starts. "Mainly complains about him. You do know how Won doesn't want to listen to a single thing happening in my life. You're the only person I could talk to." Her elegance played through her fingertips that lay on Minju's forearm.

Within that few minutes, before the servers arrived with their food, Da Ah spilt everything about her fiance her father arranged her with, who happened to be sitting right next to her, listening to every word. But Minju has always found him to be the calmest person alive, contrasting the endless energy of Da Ah when she's out in her own life. She only ever tones herself down in front of family and guests.

Minju could tell they were a perfect fit. Arranged but meant to be.

The older girl only found out about Minju a year after she started seeing Wonyoung. All because the girl hid the brunette from the family before things became serious. It was a milestone they got through and Da Ah was the most supportive person, the girl she could rely on whenever it came to dealing with the Jang family.

Wonyoung saw Minju talking to her sister before leaning in. "She's my girlfriend, not your therapist."

Da Ah rolled her eyes playfully as they heard a bell, signalling the entrance of the servers.

The first server entered through the huge velvet doors with a flourish, presenting a selection of delicate hors d'oeuvres that danced with vibrant colours and intricate garnishes. Miniature works of culinary imagination, these appetizers hinted at the culinary journey that lay ahead.

Following closely was another server, bearing a tray adorned with golden-domed cloches. With a synchronized reveal, the cloches were lifted, revealing a fragrant cloud of steam that enveloped the room, earning gasps and wows from its performance. Beneath each dome lay a carefully plated soup, each one a symphony of flavours that whispered of distant lands and treasured traditions.

As the procession continued, the main courses made their grand entrance. Wonyoung's favourite part—a parade of servers brought forth succulent meats, perfectly seared and garnished with fragrant herbs. The aroma mingled with the anticipation, creating an intoxicating fusion of scents that hung in the air like a promise of culinary bliss.

Side dishes followed suit, ranging from heirloom vegetable medleys to rich, creamy gratins the man loved, sharing his palette with his family. Each dish was a masterpiece in its own right, carefully crafted to complement the main course and dazzle the palate.

The long table was soon adorned with passionately created dishes as everyone started digging in, catching up with each other's endeavours they'd missed out on.

While Minju was listening to Da Ah's endless rants, Wonyoung swapped her neatly sliced plate of beef with the brunette's, not going out of notice of her mother who smiled at the gesture. Simply because Wonyoung was doted on as she grew up, watching her do the same for someone only warmed the lady's heart.

Minju never forgets to thank Wonyoung who only wanted to make sure she was eating well despite being occupied with her talkative sister.

As the evening seeps in, the of the spectacle is marked by a procession of dessert-laden servers. Bite-sized cakes adorned with spun sugar sculptures, velvety chocolates in intricate patterns, and platters of exotic fruits glistened under the soft glow of the chandeliers.

Wonyoung gave her plate of tiramisu to Minju, knowing she loved it, trading it for a plate of mango tart. She took a bite, turning to the brunette who showed delight and satisfaction through her glistening eyes, putting an affectionate smile on Wonyoung's face.

Minju gently placed the dessert spoon on the plate, rousing to stand.

"Where are you going?"


Wonyoung was about to follow her but was stopped by her father's gesture. Minju gave a small smile. "I'll be fine." She assured with a soft tap on her shoulder.

The taller girl was afraid she might get lost, asking one of the helpers to guide Minju to the nearest bathroom. She watched the girl climb up the spiral set of stairs to the second level before returning her attention to her father.

"I've been wanting to speak to you," the man said, gently wiping the edge of his lips with the napkin, neatly settling it next to him. "About your marriage—"

"Father." Wonyoung stops him. "Not now."

"You're graduating soon. You're going to marry her once you do," he demands, not letting her speak. "I know we've talked about this before, but taking over the company is not going to wait for anyone, Wonyoung. I'm not getting any younger. I'll need you to be there for me and take over the operations of the company."

"I can't, not now."

"What's the difference in marrying her later when you're going to marry her eventually? She'll not have to go through all the hard work but stay right next to you. Isn't that what you want? After all, I've never opposed this relationship of yours even when she has nothing to give to our family. The least you could do is listen to me. It's about time—"

"She has a dream, Father," Wonyoung sighs. As much as she wanted to marry Minju, this wasn't the way she wanted to do it. Not when the brunette was flourishing in her studies.

"What? Become a doctor? How long is that going to take? Another ten years?" He scoffed softly. "Sometimes I wonder why you girls want to take on all the hard work a man should do. Isn't being a housewife better?" He looked at his wife, wanting an opinion but the lady gave her none. "She'll become one the moment she marries you anyway."

Da Ah saw the way her sister was clenching her first under the table and held onto it. She shook her head, telling Wonyoung to calm down.

"You've always wanted that, Wonyoung," he said. "Her life would be much easier with you than pursuing that dream of hers, don't you think? I've had friends in the medical industry burning out because it's way more demanding than everything else. They all gave up anyway. You've seen your cousin Sooyoung. Think about it. Do you want her to go through all that?"

Wonyoung would be lying if she hadn't thought about it that way—how much Minju would have to go through, bearing night shifts in the hospital and putting her health at risk over everything else. Life beyond the hospital seemed impossible. It was both physically and mentally draining for the brunette and Wonyoung had a glimpse of it, of the hours Minju had to stay up doing her revision for her exams.

And it'll only get worse as the years go by. Everything would be so much easier if the brunette said yes to her father's offer.

Da Ah noticed the contemplative look Wonyoung had on her face. "No," she said. "Don't think about it. He's getting to you."

"He's not wrong," Wonyoung muttered, turning to her.

"Watch y

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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0 points #1
Chapter 49: Wow! Thank you for this wonderful story! Hope to read a new one from you writernim! This story is home
future_mrs_liu #2
Chapter 49: Damn!! Awww. Very nice closing to this beautiful story. It’s really emotional for me as a reader not having anything to look forward to. But I am sooo thankful I met with this story. If I could I’ll really promote this hard so that people will know more about this. This really deserves more subs and votes than it has. Beautifully written, and the characters are to loveable equally in their own way. Thanks again and congrats author. Fighting!
KhessyV #3
Chapter 49: thank you so much for this beautiful story authornim! looking forward to your next masterpiece!
bluejin #4
Chapter 49: ugh cutest couple ever
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 48: If this is the end, then I am so happy. It’s like everything is finally in full circle a d how they really moved on together.
Thanks author for this beyond words beautiful masterpiece. I’ll leave it up to you to make sequels. As as I want to, I know you’re busy as well with reality. But thank you for always updating. Fighting!
bluejin #6
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #9
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #10
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!