Rain After Mornings

Moving On With You, Jinjoo
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Minju steps out of the bathroom after her morning shower to see Yujin sleeping with an arm over her head on the couch, the other resting above her stomach. She decided not to disturb her and went up the stairs.

Grabbing her phone from the desk, she sees a message from Chaewon.

Chaewon: Are you coming over today?

Minju: Why?

Chaewon: You're not going to the hospital today. I need a favour. Sohee had to go to her brother's recital. So now I'm alone. It's boring.

Minju: I have things to do.

Chaewon: Like what?

Minju: Things.

Chaewon: Does this thing have anything to do with Yujin?

Minju's eyebrows arched into a frown, wondering why that was the first name that came from Chaewon. Does she bring her up that often? I don't.

Minju: Why are you bringing her up?

Chaewon: If it's not that, you'll immediately say yes to coming over like you always did. Since you had to ask why, that could be the only reason for taking you away from me.

Minju: Who's taking who away now?

Chaewon: Anyway, I guess I'll not disturb you. Enjoy your little date then.

Minju saw that smirk emoji at the end of the message, followed by a couple of stickers that gave off the same energy. Before she could send anything else, the latter went offline. She could already feel the older girl breathing down her neck for the details.

Chaewon for one will never let the girl off without updates. As a frequently contacted number, Chaewon never fails to stay in that position. Mostly to tease the sanity out of the brunette and send a bunch of bull throughout the day. Minju knows what's happening in the cafe without even being present.

Minju lets out a small sigh, going down to the bathroom to hang her towel. Hearing continuous buzzing, she went to the living room and noticed Yujin's phone vibrating against the coffee table.

Quietly going over, she sees the name Blanket Stealer on the screen. Minju didn't know what was with the name and whether she should be picking it up. The call ends, revealing five missed calls.

Blanket Stealer started calling again but Minju didn't want to wake the younger girl up. Who knows if this was the only time she was sleeping this well?

She picks up the call. "Hello–"

"Ya, Ahn Yujin! Did you stay out the whole night? Where have you been? Did you forget you have an appointment today? Where are you?"

Startled by the incessant mumbling and yelling, Minju pulls the phone away from her ear to look at the caller.

"You better get your back here. You made me cancel my plans with Yuri so I could go with you to get that stupid thing off your arm. So where the are you?"

Minju could hear her voice without turning off the speaker. She puts the phone back to her ear. She remembers Yuri ranting about how her situationship cancelled their plans the other day. "Is this Yena—"

"This is not Yu–who is this?" Yena's voice softens. "Why do you have Yujin's phone? Did you kidnap her? Where's Yujin? How do you know my name? For all I know Yujin doesn't save our names as it is. Who are you?"

Why is kidnapping a thing for them? Minju furrows her eyebrows. "She's sleeping for now–"



The call suddenly ends, confusing Minju. She looked at the phone but the call never came back. Did I do something wrong? She put the phone back on the table and went around it.

Gently shaking the younger girl, she wakes her up. "Yujin."

Yujin lets out a soft groan as her eyebrows crease into a deep frown. "Hm?" She stretches her arm, seeing Minju in front of her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

The brunette wondered what went into that chamomile tea. "You're in my house."

"I'm in—oh." Yujin sits up and looks around. She turns to Minju. "I didn't go back?"

"Why else would you be here?"

"I fell asleep?" Yujin asks.

Minju pulls the blanket aside. "You said there was no one following you to the hospital today."

"I did." Yujin rubs her eyes. "That's why I asked you."

"Blanket Stealer says otherwise."

A morning full of surprises, Yujin's eyes followed her into the kitchen. "How do you know about Blanket Stealer?" Her brain wasn't functioning well in the early hours so she quickly reached for her phone to check. I swear if Yena unnie said something stupid.

Minju glances at her while putting the coffee capsule into the machine. "She sounded really mad."

"It's either I die today or tomorrow. I don't want to go back. I'm so screwed." Yujin slouches into the couch when she remembers begging Yena to follow her. "Why did I fall asleep?" She mutters under her breath and sees Minju walking into the living room.

Yujin drags both palms down her cheeks. "Minju."

"Minju?" She frowns.

Yujin puts down her hands. "Will you protect me?"

"From what?"

"Blanket Stealer."

She sits on the couch when Yujin is just lying there expressionless. "Do I still go with you or..." She knows Yena is supposed to be in her place and she has Chaewon who needed her help for the day.

Yujin looks at her. "What do you think?"

"I think you should go with her. She cancelled her plans for you."

"But I was testing her. I didn't expect her to actually cancel her plans with that girl. She didn't even tell me so how was I supposed to know that she was following me? That's why I asked you."

"You'll go with her. Yuri made other plans for today so there's no way they can–" Yujin's pout made her pause.

The younger girl stands up, making an effort to fold the blanket. "I'll just see myself out." She places it in the corner.

"You don't want to stay for breakfast?"

Yujin wouldn't say no to an offer. Her appointment's in the afternoon. "Do you have an extra toothbrush?" She smiles with her dimples.

Once Yujin was done, she came out of the bathroom and peeked from behind the wall to see Minju preparing breakfast.

A bag of croissants on the counter, the smell of ham and cheese being toasted in the little toaster and the sound of scrambled eggs cooking in a pan. Yujin observes the way Minju works. She figured the older girl worked part-time at the cafe, all this was perhaps simple for her. Although Minju looked like a slow person, she was fast in this area. And particularly neat.

Unbeknownst to the smile she had on her face, Yujin got caught by Minju who was plating the food halfway. The tiniest smile from the latter did something to her that caused the vital organ in her body to skip a beat. "What are you doing?"

Yujin felt the smile on her cheeks and relaxed her facial muscles. "What am I doing?" She casually walks to Minju and sits on the chair. The older girl pushes the plate towards her. "Thank you." Yujin just couldn't contain her smile.

For all she knows, she was the one who cooks in her past relationships. Having someone do that was a new experience for her. The only issue is, a relationship was non-existent here.

Yujin took the first bite of eggs, letting them melt on her tongue. "Do you cook often?" She sees Minju sip on her perhaps cooled-down coffee.

"As much as I can. Eating out is expensive." She has to save every penny she can to cover her expenses. Although she does receive an allowance from her parents, she doesn't spend them recklessly.

"I think you should continue cooking at home. There's really no difference compared to restaurants." Yujin opens wide for the croissant to enter but fails. Minju pulls the drawer and retrieves a knife, handing it to her.

"It's that good?"

Yujin cuts the croissant in half. "It's not just good," she said. "I would get hit by a train just to get here if it means getting to eat this again." She takes a bite of the croissant, confirming her allegations.

She's crazy. Minju shakes her head but lets her lips slip into a shy smile. She had never heard someone compliment food like this. Not her food.

Yujin notices. "You're smiling. Why? Because of me?" She teases her way through, laughing when Minju pushes her head lightly. "You're seriously a great cook. Maybe you should switch career paths to become a chef."

"I'll tell them to use a real saw."

The younger girl sees the faint blush but decides to stop there. She would've continued teasing the latter but being too much was the last thing she wanted to be.

Minju watched her devour the food with passion, earning a flood of compliments from the girl who just couldn't contain her contentment.


The sizzles of eggs and the aroma of toast wafted through the apartment. Minju carefully swirls the egg in the pan, using the spatula to stir it.

She waits for a few seconds, only to feel a pair of arms slipping around her waist and soft lips meeting her cheek.

Wonyoung nudges her nose at the slope of her neck. "You smell good," she dragged. "Why did you leave me alone up there?" She rests her chin on the brunette's shoulder.

"You knocked out." Minju lifts the pan off the stove, scooping the scrambled eggs onto the plate.

"Did you go too hard on me?"

The brunette peeks at her, only to nudge her head onto her. Wonyoung chuckles, reaching for the pan in the girl's hand and putting it into the sink, hand not leaving her waist. She returned to her, lifting her palm to cup Minju's jaw. "You really had to do that."

"Do what?" Her tone was playful as she drew her gaze down to Wonyoung's collarbone where a few bruises lay. "I didn't do anything."

The taller girl narrows her eyes, her touch firm on the side of the girl's neck as she draws her in, pressing her lips against Minju's briefly yet deeply. "You know I have a meeting today." She tugged on Minju's waist, pulling her body closer. She kisses her once more and feels the brunette's grin against her lips.

"Maybe I did it on purpose," Minju softly says. "Maybe I did not." Her eyes sunk deep into Wonyoung's as if the galaxy lies within, her in.

The taller girl would drag the morning if the meeting weren't in less than an hour. She suddenly lifts the brunette onto the counter. "Knowing you, you probably did it on purpose." Wonyoung goes over to the toaster when the bread is done, quickly transferring it onto the plate next to it.

She goes to Minju. "You never miss the opportunity to."

"Because I don't see you often." Minju extended her legs, hooking her ankles at Wonyoung's waist to pull her closer while the latter was spreading butter on the toast. "How else would I know there's no one there waiting for an opportunity to walk to you?"

"Oh, so doing this to me will keep them away?"

"You know so well." Minju acted impressed, putting her hands on her shoulders.

Wonyoung held the toast to . "You'll seriously get me in trouble

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"I'll protect you from the polar bears."
~ Yujin


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0 points #1
Chapter 49: Wow! Thank you for this wonderful story! Hope to read a new one from you writernim! This story is home
future_mrs_liu #2
Chapter 49: Damn!! Awww. Very nice closing to this beautiful story. It’s really emotional for me as a reader not having anything to look forward to. But I am sooo thankful I met with this story. If I could I’ll really promote this hard so that people will know more about this. This really deserves more subs and votes than it has. Beautifully written, and the characters are to loveable equally in their own way. Thanks again and congrats author. Fighting!
KhessyV #3
Chapter 49: thank you so much for this beautiful story authornim! looking forward to your next masterpiece!
bluejin #4
Chapter 49: ugh cutest couple ever
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 48: If this is the end, then I am so happy. It’s like everything is finally in full circle a d how they really moved on together.
Thanks author for this beyond words beautiful masterpiece. I’ll leave it up to you to make sequels. As as I want to, I know you’re busy as well with reality. But thank you for always updating. Fighting!
bluejin #6
Chapter 48: please dont end please dont end ㅠㅠ
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 47: Woah!! Speechless! Just when I thought this story could be better. Boom. This happened. Thanks author!
Chapter 47: Ohhh my heart!!! I love it love it!!
pandamaos #9
Chapter 46: It hurts…. Oh my heart hurts…..
future_mrs_liu #10
Chapter 46: Awwww. Finally back in each others arms. Yujin and Minju fighting~~~ thank you for the update author. As always, no matter how short, this masterpiece of a story is always giving us the feels. After being infatuated from all the fluff and their chemistry, this is another side of the couple we should also see. Them as separate individuals dealing with their own thing. Again, I really appreciate this update so much. Thanks and Fighting author!