The repeating song

Just you [ Endless Waltz]
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- Cashew by Jude York ( it released today ๐Ÿ˜‰ it's also a song that inspired this story because it reminded me of me and my friend...hahaha)


Trembling, was it from fear? Fear of being hated by the one person she wanted to be loved by? Anticipation? For a chance to even touch Winter perhaps? Trembling fingers landed on the cheek of the girl who had just fallen, hovering just over the red mark that had just surfaced.

" Does it hurt?" Karina reached into her bag, grabbing a bandaid and dropping it into the others hands. Afraid.

" I'm the one who got hurt, so why are you the one who looks as if you're in pain? Hahaha" The long haired teen laughed, pushing herself off the floor and up onto her feet once again.ย 

How was the taller supposed to react? What was she to answer? 'Oh I've just been feeling as if I'm dirty, that I shouldn't taint someone like you with my worthless touch.'

Was she to reveal the fact her neck had been screaming in pain since the moment they had stepped into the mall? Was she to reveal her innermost thoughts about how she wasn't... worthy of love?ย 

" I'm just worried, no one likes to see their best friend in pain... right?" The shorter girl burst into a fit of giggles.

" Hmm I wouldn't know about that I guess~" Bending slightly forward, Winter positioned herself to look up towards Rina. A thumping that accelerated at the sight bothered the older, so much so Karina couldn't fall asleep that night.



" Your hands are really small huh?" Winter raised her palm. Holding it out and waiting for Karina to compare hand sizes, revealing to both of them just how small karinas fingers and palm really were

" Your hands are just big you know..." With pink dust colouring her cheeks, Karina looked out the cafe window. One by one couples walking by with intertwined hands, smiling and laughing without a care in the world.

As if on cue, Winter intertwined their fingers.

" Hey~ attention on here!" A cute moment would Rina agree, if not for the fact right after looking back at Winter caused her to pull out her

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Hanechan #1
Chapter 2: I wonder who's pov is this... the later part I mean