The third song

Just you [ Endless Waltz]
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-comme Des garçons ( Jiwoo) ( full dialogue chapter~ it's like a play muahahahha)


" It seems to be social anxiety and depression, I'll write a letter for the school. Madame...I believe the right course of action here would be to take her out of school, her condition doesn't seem right even with the diagnosis. I'd recommend getting a body checkup."


" Winter, why don't you talk to Karina anymore?"


" What ma? Oh uh... Ill call her!"


" Winter..? Oh, what's up? How have you been?"


" I've been alright, school work has been kicking my though ahahaha..."


" Try your best, I guess that's something I don't miss about school hahaha, well, not like I missed much anyway."


" Hm? Miss about school?"


" Oh... uh... I got diagnosed with depression, my mom took me out of school for me to recover." 


" Are you okay?"


" Yeah! Yknow me. Life's been...challenging, but I'm strong, I'll be okay. 

" Dude, you can talk to me abt anything alright?"


" I'll take you up on that offer, don't regret it~"






" She's ing weird."


" I mean, who the hell would have enough energy for someone like her anyway?"


" Did you see what she was texting to that girl? She's seriously a freak."


" Rina, it's okay, who cares what gender you like?! Those people are just weird. They might even be jealous you have a hot girlfriend hahaha."


" Sorry, we just feel bad that you're always so energetic we feel like we don't keep up. That's why we've been leaving you out."


" THEN ING TELL ME! NOT LEAVE ME TALKING TO MYSELF AND FALLING SILENT SITTING NEXT TO ALL OF YOU! FINE, you don't like me anymore? That's perfectly okay. Don't waste my fxcking time sitting with you all."


" Karina, why has your attendance been getting worse?"


" My neck hurts."


" Honestly I feel like that student has just been skipping school, they wear a hoodie to school and skate here. Clearly they aren't a model student either. Youngsters nowadays... "


" Shouldn't you be doing your work rather than gossiping about students, sir? Here's the homework you wanted. Oh and... my neck hurts, I'm not skipping. Though seeing

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Hanechan #1
Chapter 2: I wonder who's pov is this... the later part I mean