Chapter 2

When Thirteen Become One

Seungcheol and Soonyoung walked towards the building Jihoon and his kidnapper were supposed to be in. Both were nervous about what would happen, but they knew they had to go through with it if they wanted Jihoon to make it out alive. The other ten were waiting in a coffee shop about 1km (A little over half a mile) away. They were to come after them if they hadn’t heard anything in two hours. 


They had gotten right up to the entrance before Soonyoung stopped. “What’s wrong?” Seungcheol asked him with concern.


“Nothing, just nervous. What happens if we can’t save Jihoon, what if we mess this up? Hyung, we have ten other people depending on all three of us to make it out.”


Seungcheol grabbed Soonyoung by the shoulders and turned him towards him. “Soonyoung, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I promise we’ll make it through. We will get through whatever obstacles this crazy person throws at us. Now take a deep breath with me.”


They both stood there for a moment breathing in and out before Seungcheol spoke back up. “Okay, you ready to face this?”


Soonyoung nodded. “Let’s get this over with.”


As Soonyoung and Seungcheol walked in the building, they noted that it was just a big empty warehouse. They turned the corner from the entrance into the main room, and Jihoon was sitting tied up and gagged in a chair. No one else around. Jihoon was also unconscious, with a dark purple bruise running from his temple to his chin on the left of his face, his left eye was also swollen with the purple bruise surrounding it. It was going to be hard for Jihoon to open it. Soonyoung and Seungcheol walked to the chair very cautiously.


Seungcheol bent down in front of Jihoon. “Jihoon!” He said quietly. “Jihoon, wake up!”


There was no sign of movement coming from him. Seungcheol looked at Soonyoung, both of them visually expressing their concern. Seungcheol put two fingers against Jihoon’s neck and two more under his nose, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt a pulse and a breath. 


Seungcheol began untying Jihoon’s ankles and wrists, as Soonyoung worked on untying his back and getting the gag out. They had gotten him untied when the room became filled with six huge men. Men tall enough to make Mingyu look small, and they also had enough muscles to make them look like they could move a car. Soonyoung knelt down behind the chair Jihoon was in, wrapping his arms around Jihoon protectively. Seungcheol stood up. Trying to cover both of his dongsaengs.


It was quiet, until a small figure walked through two of the men. It was an older lady with long black hair, and a face that would’ve looked pretty if it weren’t so cold. It was as if she were throwing ice into Seungcheol and Soonyoung.


“So,” She began. Her voice soft, yet grating. “I finally have all the leaders of Seventeen in front of me.” She snapped her fingers and two of the big men walked over to the boys. Soonyoung held on tighter to the still passed out Jihoon. 


One of the men walked over and grabbed Soonyoung tearing him apart from the vocal leader. The other man went and grabbed Seungcheol. Both of the boys called out with shouts of protest. Seungcheol kicked the man who was holding Soonyoung hoping he could get him to let go of the dance leader. It didn’t work though and the man holding Seungcheol twisted his arm behind his back so hard, Seungcheol thought it was going to pop out of socket. Luckily though, the man let go at the command of the lady in charge. 


“You must not hurt my lab rats too much.” The lady let out an evil grin. “Tie them up.”


The men tied Soonyoung and Seungcheol back to back on the floor in front of Jihoon. The man Seungcheol had kicked tightened his ropes so tight the leader knew he was going to have severe rope burn. The two leaders being tied up then allowed the woman to walk up to both of them, examining them very carefully. “It seems my earlier examinations were accurate. You boys seem to be perfect for me to perform my experiments.”


“What do you mean by examinations and experiments?” Seungcheol spat out with hatred. “You said you would let us go!”


“Oh, I will. I just need to activate my serum and then you boys will be good to go. I’ve already secretly given the serum to all of you. I just need to activate it. I wanted to be sure you were acceptable before I did. The last thing I need is to accidentally kill off thirteen of Korea’s top idols.” 


Soonyoung and Seungcheol looked at each other. “Serum?” Soonyoung asked.


“Yes. I was able to sneak it into your waters at the awards show last night. I just need to give you a shock then we’ll be able to start examining the effects in your everyday lives. If you three work, then the others should too. As long as none of the others experience an electrical shock before I administer it, the serum should remain inactive.”


“What is this serum supposed to do?” Seungcheol asked, trying to keep his composure for Soonyoung’s sake.


“It’s supposed to rearrange people’s DNA to reverse the effects of aging. Now, what will it actually do? I have no clue. It could do literally anything. That’s why I needed test rats. I figured why not try it out on famous lab rats instead of my own. If you can hide the effects of the serum from the public, then the serum will be perfect.”


“Why did you kidnap Jihoon then? Why not just shock us?” Soonyoung questioned.


“I needed to make sure the shock was contained enough to actually activate the serum without killing you from the shock itself. This was the best way I could think of, and since Jihoon is so small and lightweight, he was the easiest for my men to take away without too much fuss. Now, stop asking so many questions. It’s time to administer the shock.”


Soonyoung and Seungcheol, watched the lady and her men go in a room with a window. They watched as the woman grabbed a button, and pressed down, right as there was a loud bang and several screams.




The other ten boys had been listening to the exchange, hiding just outside one of the windows. They had all been too nervous to wait the two hours to go, once Soonyoung and Seungcheol had been gone for forty-five minutes, they had all decided to go ahead and go after them. Now, they were glad they had. They needed to get in and get out. With all of them together they would hopefully be able to get out unharmed.


So here they were, Jeonghan was supposed to count to three and all of them were going to rush in as fast as they could, get the three leaders, and then get out. It was full proof… right?


Jeonghan motioned one, two, three. They rushed in, running forward. All of them suddenly stopping, painful electrical surges went all throughout them. It was the most pain any of them had been in. The shock lasted for about five seconds before fading out. 


Jeonghan had fallen to the ground in absolute pain, he looked around. He was one of the few that had not instantly passed out. The others that hadn’t passed out being Mingyu, Jisoo, and Seokmin. Also the shock had actually woken up Jihoon. They were all still for a moment, not knowing what to do, and also recuperating from being shocked. Seokmin was back to normal in no time, even seeming to be a bit more energized than before. He jumped up. Looking towards the room with the window. The lady and her men were gone.


“Guys, we need to leave now.” Seokmin pushed. He ran towards Soonyoung and Seungcheol untying them. “We need to go before they come back.”


Jeonghan stood up for a second before almost falling back down. He braced to hit the floor, but instead he fell into a pair of arms, immediately his dizziness ceased and he felt better. He looked up to see the concerned face of Mingyu looking down at him. “Are you okay, hyung?” 


Jeonghan nodded. “I’m okay now. I was just dizzy for a second. Let’s go help the others. Mingyu instantly released him and moved to go help the others, even almost dropping Jeonghan with how fast he had gone to the others. Jeonghan brushed it off as his clumsiness and ran over to Jihoon before going to any of the others. “Jihoon, are you okay? What did they do to you?” Jeonghan lifted Jihoon’s chin gently, examining the horrible bruise and swollen eye.


Jihoon was quiet. He couldn’t open his left eye too much and when he did it seemed to cause a lot of pain. Jihoon also looked like he was still a little frightened about everything that had happened. “I’m okay for now, hyung,” he whispered.


Jeonghan gave him a sad smile and patted his shoulder before turning to the others. Jisoo, was trying to rouse anyone, to make the carry load less for them, Jun was slowly waking up, he complained about how cold he was, and Jeonghan had to admit it did seem a bit chilly all of a sudden. Mingyu had succeeded in waking up Seungkwan, and Hansol, All of them seemingly okay. Seokmin wasn’t having much luck with Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and Myungho.


Jeonghan looked around and spotted Wonwoo and Chan both laying still. He walked over to them, praying to anyone who would listen that they were okay. He went to shake both of them, hoping to get them awake.”Wonwoo!” He didn’t have any luck so he turned to the maknae. “Chan-ah! Wake up!” 


Chan’s eyes flew open. The second they did, a wave of nausea filled Jeonghan and the room looked like it was tilting, even like it was closing in on itself. Jeonghan fell down grasping his head. He had never been this dizzy before. “Hyungs!” Chan called out. Instantly the dizziness let up. Jeonghan looked around the room. Everyone was was awake also seemed to have fallen. That was weird, was it another shock? The only one who seemed to not have been affected was Chan.


“Okay guys, I think we need to get out of here.” Jeonghan mustered up the strength to stand. Chan helped Jeonghan put Wonwoo over his shoulder. Jun picked up Myungho. Jisoo was helping Jihoon, who seemed really weak. Jihoon kept making faces of pain. Hansol and Seungkwan got Soonyoung. And Mingyu went to get Seungcheol, but as soon as he did Seungcheol began to wake up. 


“Oh so I spend several minutes trying to wake him up, but as soon as you go to carry him, he wakes up sure.” Seokmin complained.


“Shut up, Seokmin.” Mingyu stated. “At least he seems to be fine.”


They all looked at Seungcheol who was now shaking, tears also running down his face.


“That is not fine.” Hansol stated.


“Guys, we need to go now.” Jeonghan pushed, he was beginning to feel very nervous and scared, he needed to keep a calm head, but it was very hard at the moment. It was also starting to get very cold. Jeonghan just wanted to get everyone safe and sound. “Mingyu, Seokmin help Seungcheol and let’s go.” Instantly both turned to help Seungcheol without saying anything and everyone turned to leave the building.


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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^