and i’ve never seen someone lit from within, blurring out my periphery [pt. 2] | REQ

seasons and weather
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"Come on, Gi," Jimin used her whiny voice, looking at her phone. Seeing that the girl didn't hang up yet. "I'm bored, let's go for a walk."


"Jimin, it's already 9 in the evening." Giselle said and Jimin could hear a yawn coming from the girl.


"You and your sleeping schedule," Jimin said, rolling her eyes. "Just a few minutes, come on. We can buy some ice cream. I can't really sleep, please?" She begged, already bribing Giselle with ice cream.


That was just how desperate Jimin was. It was currently night time, and Jimin was just laying on her couch. The series was not doing it for her, still being bored out of her mind. She thinks about any pending school work she might have, but she got nothing.


"Why don't you ask Minjeong?" Giselle suggested, making Jimin pause.


"Why her?"


"Well, you can ask Ning but we just went out earlier."


Jimin gasped, "Why didn't you tell me?"


"It was for a project, Jimin." Giselle said and continued, "Anyway, you can ask Minjeong. Ning said that Minjeong doesn't have anything to do."


Jimin thought about it, "But it's already late." She mumbled quietly, hesitating to ask the girl.


"And you're calling me to go out," Giselle deadpanned, "Just go give her a call or text. I doubt she'd reject you."


"What made you say that?"


"You're charming, right?"


Jimin would've believed it but she knows Giselle too well, and the girl was being sarcastic. Rolling her eyes, she decided to end the call as she could hear Giselle's yawn again. "Alright, alright. Have a great sleep then."


"You take care there, Jimin. I'll hang up now."


And the call ended. Jimin bit her lips, scrolling down to see Minjeong's contact. Contemplating if she should send a message or just call the girl.


What if she's already asleep?


"Ah, whatever." Jimin muttered and quickly sent a message to Minjeong. Deciding to herself that she would go out for a walk regardless if can go with her or not.


Wanna go for a walk?



Not a minute later, she received a reply.


Sure, just the park near your apartment?



Jimin blinked at the message, the reply came faster than she thought.


Yeah, see you there?



I'll see you by your apartment. :)



Take care, Minjeong!



That’s how Jimin found Minjeong right by the entrance of her apartment, surprisingly with a bicycle. The girl waved at Jimin, her sweater paws were so adorable for Jimin that she squealed at the sight. “You look like a kid, Minjeong,” she commented, grabbing the sleeves of the sweater.


“Whatever you say, Jimin.” Minjeong answered, “so, let’s go?”


Jimin nodded her head, watching Minjeong hop on her bicycle and started pedaling. Jimin just walked beside the girl, maneuvering the bicycle to match Jimin’s pace. “I didn’t expect you to bring a bicycle.”


Minjeong just glanced at her then focused on the road again, “I’ll teach you.”


“What,” Jimin coughed, surprised at the words. “How did you know that I don’t know how to ride one?”


“Hmm, just a hunch.” Minjeong smiled, getting off the bicycle as she walked beside Jimin. They’re already at the park, and as expected, there were no people around. Gesturing to the bicycle, Minjeong gave Jimin a grin. “Come on, you try.”


The bicycle was not even intimidating for Jimin, but she couldn’t help but to gulp, hesitating if she should actually try. It’s not like other people would see her embarrass herself, given the park was deserted, save for her and Minjeong. “I don’t think I should.”


“Why?” Minjeong laughed, though the sound came out gentle - and Jimin didn’t feel like the girl was mocking her. “It’s easy, I promise you.”


“I might hurt myself,” Jimin pouted, “You know, I’m clumsy for my own good.”


And somehow, along their friendship, staring became a common thing for them. The stare that Minjeong was giving her at that moment was a stare that just gives off a warm feeling - too soft, and maybe the night sky complements her eyes, because Jimin couldn’t look away. “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you.”


The words were short, simple - and yet Minjeong said it quietly. It’s like a whisper of promise to Jimin, with her eyes looking at Jimin warmly. Full of reassurance and security, and it was weird that Jimin trusted the girl with those simple words.




True to her words, Jimin was clumsy - and yet, she found herself laughing every time she failed to balance herself. And Minjeong, the girl will always be by her side catching her every time she would fall, and if Jimin felt her heart skipping a beat every time Minjeong would be too close to her - she brushed it off with just the adrenaline from riding the bicycle.


Because Jimin, she has been getting weird things - well, feelings from Minjeong. Jimin might be bubbly and all that, but she couldn’t handle Minjeong because the girl is just there. She knows that she rambles a lot, and only Giselle could handle her rambling. Sometimes, Giselle would even tell her that she’s too exhausted, which was alright, since there would be off days for people.


But Minjeong, it was like she never had an off day. Despite being tired from her practice, or from her class, the girl would always be there for Jimin. Just right there for her to listen to whatever Jimin was talking about - no matter how random it would be. And it was the first time that someone would entertain Jimin, to ask her questions about what she was rambling about.


And it simply does things for Jimin - but she wasn’t used to it. But seeing Minjeong, right under that lamp post looking at her from a distance, as Jimin tried to balance the bicycle. She got distracted with Minjeong’s eyes, and her in general.


Because the smile on her face is something that Jimin is proud of - because she feels like she was the only one that could make the girl smile like that. And when Jimin failed to balance herself, she could feel herself falling down - and Minjeong was already by her side, catching her.


The worried eyes looked directly at her, and before Minjeong could ask her if she’s alright, Jimin said the first thing in her mind.


“You look beautiful tonight.”


Minjeong raised an eyebrow, a smile forming in her lips. “Really, now?” a knowing smile on her face.


Jimin frowned, it was like deja vu for her. The way Minjeong’s words hit her, and just everything about the girl. “Why do I feel like this happened before?” she wondered.


“Maybe it did,” Minjeong answered mysteriously, helping Jimin to stand up. “Come on, it’s getting late.”


“Hey, what did you mean by that?”


“You’ll get there, Jimin.” Minjeong smiled, grabbing the bicycle and gesturing for Jimin. “Come on, let’s go back.”


Jimin walked beside Minjeong, and the girl talked about their practice but all Jimin could think about were her words and how the shorter girl managed to confuse Jimin for a number of times already. But there was nothing that Jimin could come up with, frustrating herself even more.





Looking around, Jimin could see students standing up and going to their assigned partners. She looked down at the paper given to her by her professor, an unfamiliar name - Lee Jeno. Frowning, she was about to stand up when someone approached her.


“You’re Yu Jimin, right?” a deep voice asked, and Jimin saw a guy - assuming that he's Lee Jeno, she nodded her head.


“And I assume you’re Lee Jeno?” Jimin smiled and showed the guy the paper.


Jeno nodded his head, “Yeah, that’s me.” He then gestured to the seat in front of Jimin, and the two of them talked.


The whole class was tasked to perform a dance for their project - since it was an elective and Jimin, weirdly chose dance as her elective. Now here she was, stuck and would need to perform a contemporary dance with a partner. If Jimin was being honest, Jeno doesn't seem to be a bad guy - he was actually really open on discussing things for their project.


Giving out his ideas and listening to Jimin’s, until the two of them decided on what to do.


“Alright, that settles it.” Jeno smiled, “so, when are you free for our practices?”


“I’m not yet sure but I’ll give you a message when I have a clear schedule.” Jimin answered, looking at her watch and smiled to herself seeing that it was almost time for lunch. Following the other students, she started packing up as well.


“Alright,” Jeno nodded, standing up as well. “Are you going to the cafeteria after this class?”


Jimin looked at him and nodded, Jeno then grinned. “Do you mind if we walk together?”


Jimin simply shrugged, “No, come on. I don’t want to get there late and not eat the cheesecake.”


“Oh,” Jeno said, nodding his head. Jimin simply followed the guy to his table, watching him grab his belongings. “So, you like their cheesecake?”


Jimin nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah, it’s to die for!”


So when Jimin arrived at their table, the other three were already there - she received curious looks from them. Jimin smiled, unaware of their looks and how Jeno was looking at her as well. “Hey, I’ll just grab some cheesecake.”


“I already have it,” Minjeong said and slid a tray to Jimin, but her eyes were directed at the guy beside her. “And you are?”


Jimin then looked at Jeno, the guy smiling awkwardly at the other three. “Oh, this is Jeno by the way.”


“Hi, uhh,” Jeno looked around, before directing his gaze at Jimin, “Just text me when you’re free?”


Jimin nodded her head with a smile, “Yeah, sure. Have a nice day!” she waved as Jeno walked away. Taking a seat beside Minjeong, she was immediately greeted by a question from Giselle.


“Who was that?”


Jimin looked up, “Uh, Jeno?” she said, confused since she basically just introduced the guy to them.


“And what does he mean by texting him when you’re free?” Ningning followed up.


Jimin formed an ‘oh’, “That, we’re dance partners for my elective. So, we’re going to have to practice together.”


Before Giselle could ask another question, Minjeong cleared and looked at the two friends in front of her. “Hey, let’s just eat.” she smiled, and somehow Jimin noticed that the smile was a little bit different from her other ones.


“Hey, are you alright?” Jimin whispered to Minjeong, a little too close but she was too concerned about the girl.


And when Minjeong looked at her, Jimin couldn’t even read the girl’s face. “Just peachy.” she simply answered, gesturing to Jimin’s tray. “Let’s eat?”


Jimin frowned but nodded her head, glancing at Minjeong from time to time. But the girl seems too focused on her food, yet Jimin could only see Minjeong playing with it. The latter wasn’t even eating, as if she’s too deep in her own thoughts.


“Hi, Minjeong.”


It was a girl.


Minjeong just looked at the girl blankly, “Hello.” she answered shortly, closing her eyes since she knew where this was obviously going.


“Uh, can I ask you out - “


“Can we have our lunch peacefully?” Ningning answered for Minjeong, seeing that her friend really doesn't have the energy to deal with the girl. “We’re kind of busy here, you know?”


The girl bit her lips, probably embarrassed by now. “Yeah but if Minjeong could tell me if she’s free later - “


“No,” Minjeong said, giving the girl a cold look. Her voice was steady and cold, and Jimin shivered at the sight - Minjeong would usually control herself, unless someone was really pushing her to her limits. But right now, Minjeong was really cold - something that was new to her.


“I don’t want to go out with you. So if you could let us be, that would be wonderful.”


The girl quickly stuttered and bowed, leaving their table in silence. Jimin looked at Minjeong, obviously the girl was really having a bad day. Without second thoughts, she put her fork with cheesecake near Minjeong. "Now come on, open your mouth!" She said, urgining Minjeong.


The girl looked at her, then at Giselle and Ningning who were also looking at Jimin.


"Jimin, what the -" Giselle was cut off by Jimin.


"You look like you're having a bad day," Jimin pouted, pushing the cheesecake more to Minjeong. "Come on, this will make you smile." She grinned, and Minjeong didn't have much choice. Opening , Jimin gently gave the girl the cheesecake.


A satisfied smile on Jimin's face as she looked at Minjeong, then as if natural, her hand went to Minjeong's face. Wiping a little bit of crumbs near the latter's lip, the action surprised Minjeong, but of course, Jimin was oblivious to it.


"See, you're smiling now." Jimin said in a light tone, scrunching her nose at Minjeong. "You look much better smiling."




"If I didn't know better, I'd say you like our Minjeong here." Giselle deadpanned, sipping from her soda. Making Minjeong cough while Ningning laughed out loud. Jimin on the other hand, frowned at the girl.


"That wouldn't be so bad, right?" Jimin jokes, giving Minjeong a side hug. "Anyone would be lucky to be your lover, Minjeongie." She said sweetly, and if she felt herself getting giddy at the thought, she ignored it. Because right now, she just wants Minjeong to smile. Jimin feels something wrong whenever Minjeong doesn't smile.


And sure enough, she was successful. Then her heart hammered, beating wildly at her chest with Minjeong's words.


"I really think it would be the other way around, Jimin-ah." Minjeong gently said, a soft smile on her face. "Anyone would be lucky to have you."


"Okay lovebirds, stop or I might puke." Ningning groaned, and Giselle just laughed beside her.


Jimin then untangled herself with Minjeong, widely smiling at Minjeong then turning to the other two. "Hey, how about we hangout tomorrow?"


"The four of us?" Giselle thought about it and nodded her head in agreement. "Right, that's fine. That would be fun."


The other two just nodded their heads as well, it's not like they have anything to do. Soon enough, it was settled for them. Jimin was really excited about it and couldn't wait any longer. So when she and Minjeong were walking to class together, Jimin was already telling everything to Minjeong. On the things she wanted to do for tomorrow, and places she wanted to go.


Minjeong was just right there, listening to her. Mentally listing down all the things that Jimin was saying.


"We seriously need to go to this trampoline park!" Jimin exclaimed, showing Minjeong a picture of the park.


"Let's tell them later." Minjeong smiled, opening the door for Jimin to their room. The taller girl entered, a hop in her steps as she pulled Minjeong inside.


Jimin looked at Minjeong, and when her eyes connected to the latter, somehow all she could see was fondness. And there it was again, the feeling that only Minjeong could do to her. The shorter girl was just really there, diligently listening to Jimin and asking her questions.


Anyone would be really lucky to her. Jimin thought to herself, and then she felt her phone vibrate. It was a message from Jeno.


"Ah, it's from Jeno." She said, the name reaching Minjeong ears, making her frown.


"Ah, why did he message you?"


And Jimin frowned as she read the message.


Hey, the deadline was moved to an earlier date for the performance. Would it be possible if we can practice tomorrow? So we can already start it?



"Oh, the dance was moved earlier," Jimin said and Minjeong didn't need to hear the next words. She couldn't help but to release a disappointed sigh.


"Ah, then that would mean," Minjeong trailed off, looking at Jimin who just smiled at her. But she could see the excitement from earlier vanishing from the girl's eyes.


"I don't think I can join tomorrow," Jimin answered, sadness very much evident in her tone. "I can't really fail this one."


Minjeong mustered up a smile, "There's always a next time. Pretty sure Giselle and Ning would understand it."


"Next time, then?"


"That's a promise."





It's been a few weeks since then, and Jimin was busy as ever. She didn't expect that choreographing a dance would be this hard. Every time after their practice, she would be too exhausted and out of it. And beyond all that, the only time she would see her friends were during their classes together and at lunch.


And Jimin knows she has been too quiet since

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0 points #1
Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭