AUTUMN PT 6: with these falling leaves, i remember and fall

seasons and weather
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The frosted window blurs out the view outside, but snow was falling - indicating the start of winter. Gone was the warm and vibrant colors of autumn, transitioning to the cold and dull presence of the new season. Jimin was left there standing in her room, the deafening silence of their dorm engulfing her and her loneliness. She stood there as she watched how the blurred out view and the specks of snow were falling - Minjeong's words echoing in the loud silence, replaying in Jimin's mind.

The way Minjeong's eyes screamed pain and longing all at the same time was carved in Jimin's mind - never leaving the moment Minjeong left her alone. It pained Jimin to know that she has caused it again, and she despises herself for it. For not stopping Minjeong, for letting her walk away.

But most importantly, Jimin despises herself for the fact that Minjeong was right.

As Jimin breathes in, she looks around her room only for her eyes to stop at the familiar book - hidden in the most random part of her room. The book that first gave her a connection to the younger girl, and something tugged her. Clenching her fist as she looks away, as it was a piercing reminder of memories that she treasured, and all but lost because of her cowardice and stupidity.

"Jimin, hey."

Jimin turns around to see Giselle entering her room, roaming her eyes to the mess that Jimin did not bother to clean. She could care less about it when all she could think of is Minjeong, the girl who has been on her mind since she could remember, the girl who has been with her since she was young - the girl who has always captured her heart since she could be aware of.

"Hey," Jimin greets back quietly, "sorry for the mess." she said out of courtesy before making an effort, even a little bit, to clean some clothes and scattered papers around.

"Let me help you." Giselle said and did not wait for a reply as she started cleaning up.

It was quiet the whole time they were cleaning up, packing for Jimin's trip back to her hometown - the said trip that was supposed to be done with Minjeong but all went to shambles because of Jimin. She could feel the glances of her friend from time to time, and Jimin is quite sure that Giselle already has an idea of what happened with Minjeong a few days ago.

"You don't have to tiptoe around me, Gi," Jimin sighs as she grabs a random sweater from the ground, "spit it out."

She watches the latter pausing from folding Jimin's shirt, looking straight at Jimin in which she avoided, her eyes going to the blurred out window once again. Jimin never liked that look, the one where Giselle all got her figured out but was still confused. Jimin may have escaped Giselle's questions during their celebration, but she knew that this conversation would happen - and until now, Jimin still doesn't know how she would take it.

"Ji, tell me honestly. You've been with girls and guys, so why not her?" Giselle started and Jimin sighs at this. "It's obvious that you're open, so why not MInjeong?"

Exactly, the right question.

"You won't understand , Gi. It's hard to explain."

But never having the right answer.

Jimin has always asked herself that, why not Minjeong?

"Well, at least try because we can all see that this," Giselle gestures to Jimin and to her room, "this is eating you up."

And she always comes up with one answer, Jimin clicks her tongue as she runs her hand through her hair in a frustrated manner. The sweater in her left hand being held on tightly against her fist, "Because it's her! It's Kim Minjeong, and I just can't risk it because it's her!" she clenches her eyes as she tries to hold on her tears.

The tears that she can only release when she's drunk, the ones that she suppresses every damn time since that night. All coming in a tidal wave the moment she remembers Minjeong and her soft smile, down to how she takes care of Jimin - as if Jimin's existence is the reason she's breathing.

"What's wrong with her?"

Jimin lets out a chuckle, a low and empty one. The question is too ironic for how she views Minjeong, because that's the thing - for Jimin, nothing is wrong with Minjeong. Jimin sees the girl as the light everytime she wakes up. Minjeong is the moon during the night, and the waves in the oceans. She's the warm coffee that embraces Jimin every morning, the melody and lyrics to the songs that Jimin listens to. Because for Jimin, Minjeong is the life of everything she lays her eyes upon.

In everything that Jimin sees, all she could think of is Minjeong.

So no, there's nothing wrong with her, rather, "What's wrong with me?" she whispers.

Indeed, what is wrong with Jimin? A rhetorical question if you ask her, because Jimin already knows the answer. It was not something deep for her, it was too simple - too pathetic to even voice out; she was simply afraid. The fear was eating her up, enveloping her whole body in knots that slowly swallowed her whole being - caging her from feeling everything about Minjeong. Providing war to her own self, and pain to her beloved.

Fear of what exactly? Rejection?

"Jimin, I really don't understand you and I really want to help." Giselle said gently, sitting beside her, "come on, try."

"Everyone that I've had a relationship with always has the same reason," Jimin started, remembering the people she had relationship with, the moment where they would decide to break up. "That I was too much, that they can't keep up with me, and that it's hard to love me." she smiles, the pain of those break ups all coming in one go to her at that moment.

She then clears , controlling her breathing as she continues and looks up at the ceiling. "And I just can't risk it because I don't know what to do if I heard that from Minjeong."

Finally, everything comes into light as Jimin lets it out - the fear that has been embracing and caging her since that fateful New Year's Eve. The night where she finally understood the growing feelings she has had for the younger girl, and the moment the fear finally won - the war overpowering her peace. It was the fear that she made herself, fear of disappointing Minjeong - the one person that she never wanted to lose.

And yet she lost in the process.

People would not understand it, perhaps Jimin is the only one that could understand it. Her whole life, she has always done her best to not disappoint the people around her. Doing what was expected of her to not receive those looks of disappointment, and so, she became this Jimin. The one who will do her best even if it breaks her apart from the inside, as long as people will not be disappointed.

MInjeong was never the problem, it has always been Jimin.

The disappointment has been with Jimin like shadow lurking, growing as time passes by until it evolved into fear - and when Minjeong confessed her feelings to her, that fear ate her up, blinding Jimin from her true feelings. The moment she became in touch with her true feelings for the younger girl, that shadow of fear swallowed her whole - hindering and making Jimin immobile, whispering things that Jimin could never risk her whole life.

The knots that have been holding and caging her unraveled when she met Minjeong again, going back to their own dynamic - as if everything was alright, everything was back to normal. Only for Jimin to be slapped again with it, knocking every possibility to be with Minjeong. She hates herself for it, for everything she has done and what she did not. As she looks at her friend, her eyes full of concern and questions, Jimin just lets out a shaky breath.

"Why, why not her?"

It has always been Minjeong but..

"Because she's," Jimin starts and shakes her head, playing with her fingers as a small smile forms - as expected, Minjeong would always have the ability to make her smile, even from small and mere memories of the younger girl. "Kim Minjeong is that girl that gave me a random book when we first met. She's the girl that helped me make new friends, the one beside me when our tree house was built." Jimin pauses, and looks at Giselle as she lets her tears fall.

"Kim Minjeong makes me smile and laugh with her lame jokes, comforts me whenever I need it despite not saying it," Jimin remembers the way the younger girl would always be by her side, the warm and secured hugs, words that Jimin never asked but she received. "She's the one that would always say I'm beautiful even if I feel so otherwise, and somehow I believe it whenever it's coming from her."


And Jimin was then again brought back to the moment of her life, the vibrant colors of autumn - the fresh air and warm breeze of the season, as a shadow was right in front of her. A person with a sweet and blinding smile approaches her, with a book in hand.

"She reminds me of my childhood home, that I have always loved and still love," she lets out and glances at Giselle, "and it's just scary to risk it, because to hear those same words from her, to see her look at me like that, it would kill me."

Haunt me then. Jimin hears the words that Minjeong said to her days ago.

"Because she might see my flaws and decide that she can't do it anymore, that all she sees is how I'm this perfect girl and can't handle the other side of me. That I maybe, truthfully, am too much for her."

It was silence that came over after that, Jimin's words - her raw insecurity being open for Giselle to see, to know. Jimin just lets it be, she has kept it long enough - hiding it through alcohol and partying, the pain that she has been carrying - the same exact pain that she caused herself. But the truth is, falling in love is terrifying - and yet the easiest of it all. Jimin has fallen in love, that she knows, to Minjeong - always with Minejong.

But the frightening part is to be vulnerable with that person, to open and present to Minjeong her secrets, her heart. The raw honesty of what she sees for herself, for her life, for Minjeong to see the worst side of Jimin. But the most frightening, and achingly painful part is not the fact that Minjeong may leave Jimin, but rather the fact that Jimin may indeed, utterly mess everything up. To ruin whatever they have left of, the friendship and memories, the love - everything as she breathes all would be ruined and turn into dust.

That's why she may have convinced herself that Jimin is unlovable - that all she loves, and would love her, would be disappointed in the end.

Tell me honestly, is it really that hard to accept that I love you?

"It's normal to fear everything that's unknown but Ji, believe me when I say to trust me," Giselle says carefully, turning to her friend who was simply staring out of the window. "Minjeong, that girl has seen all of you."

"You don't kno - "

"But I do, I've seen it." Giselle smiles reassuringly, hoping it would ease the doubts that have been gnawing at her friend for days. "The way she takes care of you whenever I bring you back to your dorm, god, she looks at you like you're the best art piece in the whole world despite being so drunk up on your ." she chuckles, her memory vivid the first time Jimin got drunk that year.

Giselle completely forgot for a moment that her friend has a new dormmate, so imagine her surprise when she was pulling Jimin's drunk weight, completely forgetting that might be disturbing someone's sleep with all the noise that they're making.


"Need help?"

Giselle almost screamed as she was welcomed by a yawning Minjeong, suddenly remembering that Jimin already has a dormmate. She glares at her drunk friend, completely blaming her mentally for this disturbance. "Uh, no. I can handle - "

"I'll have her," Minjeong sleepily cuts her off, gently grabbing Jimin's left arm and slinging it over her body.

Even in the darkness of the dorm, Giselle noticed the way Minjeong carried her friend, too gentle and soft - too caring and secure. An odd thing for someone who doesn't really know the person, for an acquaintance nonetheless. But there was the way Minjeong took care of her, carrying Jimin to her respective room, and moving and doing as if she knew what her drunk friend wanted.



"When you broke down during one of our finals week? She was the one who told and asked me to accompany you," Giselle chuckles as she remembers the way Minjeong awkwardly approached her that day, "giving me the chocolates because she knows it would help to calm you down."



It was one of those weeks where Giselle was flooded with requirements, her whole department is. Which is why she's so focused on her laptop, looking for possible concepts that she could use for her plate. She only glanced when she heard some ruckus, hearing Ning's voice calling to Minjeong, and she simply assumed that the two would stay over in their dorm.

Few minutes in, and Giselle did not hear anything from the two save it for Ning's exclamation on them watching some movie on her laptop inside her room. That's when Giselle felt another presence, making her look up to see Minjeong right there, awkwardly standing as if waiting for her to be known without making it obvious. Giselle tilts her head, smiling at the younger girl, "Yeah? Have you been standing there all this time?"

Minjeong lets out a small smile, "Uh not really, but can I ask you a favor?" she questions lightly, glancing worriedly at Giselle's laptop.

Seeing this, the older girl closed it and put all her attention on Minjeong. It's not everyday that Minjeong would talk to her to ask a favor, which means this is something that concerns her as well. "Yeah, sure. What is it?"

That's when Giselle noticed the paper bag that Minjeong was holding.

"Can you accompany Jimin at our dorm?" she asks as she holds the bag out, "and give her this, it'll help her."

Giselle stood up from her seat, taking the bag and checking its contents. "Chocolate and other sweets?"

Minjeong smiled and nodded, "I'll really appreciate it if you accompany her, do your requirements if possible. Just have someone by her side." she comments as if without thought, which surprised Giselle but she hid it with a nod.

"That's random, but why?"

Minjeong hums before stepping back, "She needs it, she's been too down lately."

And the way the younger girl said it, it's like she has known Jimin long enough, for her tone sounded so sure without a hint of any doubt. The steadiness of it all, it's like there's an underlying story beneath her words - behind Minjeong and Jimin. Giselle wanted to ask, as she herself is not in touch with Jimin with this kind of thing, the latter has always chosen to hide it despite being obvious sometimes. But to meet someone, Minjeong, and have this kind of assurance when it comes to Jimin, it's a curious thing to see.

To Giselle's surprise, Minjeong was indeed right - Jimin really needed someone that time. Because the moment she entered the dorm with the sweets that Minjeong gave to her, Jimin just ranted and brokedown to her without any preamble.

That's the time that she had an inkling that Minjeong is not just a new dormmate, that there's really a past between her and Jimin, that they are not just mere acquaintances that came from the same school. There's something there between them, and soon enough, Giselle noticed it - the little things that the two are unaware of.

The way Minjeong would slightly hold down her book, tilting it whenever Jimin comes or talks. As if Jimin's mere presence begs for her attention, and that's the only time that Minjeong would actually do it - Giselle noticed that she never does it, even when Ning is directly talking to her.

The lingering looks, from Minjeong but most especially from Jimin. The way the latter would pause and glance at Minjeong's direction whenever they are in the library, only resuming whenever she's pulled out from her thoughts. On how they are in tune with each other, as if they have known each other for years.


Giselle doesn't know if her words are going through Jimin, but she herself knew that what she witnessed with Minjeong and Jimin, it went with her. Giselle never needed words to know what is obviously evident in her eyes, that perhaps, even Jimin is too blinded to even acknowledge and understand.

"She has seen every little side that you have," she slowly says and laid down beside her friend, "and she's still there, right beside you. And all you're doing is pushing her away, and right now, both of you are hurting."

Jimin sighed as she glanced at Giselle, "It's hard, Gi. I will die if I lose her."

"You're losing her right now, Jimin. Make up your mind, even your heart knows it already."

That was the last thing she said before they quietly laid there on Jimin's bed, letting everything sink in. The room is the visual of everything that is happening inside Jimin, the tangled up knots, with the scattered clothes, and dirty sweatshirts. With the lone book being her only saving grace, her only salvation from the shadow that has been lurking beside her - introducing itself as fear and disappointment.

"How do I look at her?" Jimin suddenly questions out loud, it was only supposed to stay with her but it was already out there in the open.

"With the way she looks at you." Giselle answered as if she was reading a line from a poem. It may be like that after all, Jimin and Minjeong are poems carrying the same message - only being separated by a pause. A pause that Jimin could not help but to do. A pause that Minjeong lets her to do, waiting and waiting - for years, and perhaps for a lifetime.



Minjeong was quietly sipping her hot chocolate, sleep still evident in her posture and eyes, as she drowns her senses to the instrumental playing some kind of Christmas song. She looks out of their kitchen window, it started snowing yesterday, and that morning was no different. Their home was too quiet given that Mingyu will be returning later today, while her mom is outside doing god knows what. The absence of her father is still not something that she is used to, but she has come to accept it.

She has forgiven him already, for his actions and things that he left them to mull over. Minjeong understands that this is the best thing to do, if she could see their mother smile again, then it is the best thing indeed. But as a daughter, a child of divorced parents, it will never become easier for her. Despite having communication with one another, they all knew it would never become the same again. The wound has healed but it left a scar that they all refuse to touch.

Seeing that her hot chocolate is already done, she washed it and went back to her room to freshen up. The way her mind comes and goes from the thought of a certain older girl, it tickles Minjeong's heart and at the same time, gives it a dull ache. Her talk with Ning before the latter flew back to her home still lingers in her mind, as she went through every single thing that has happened between her and Jimin.

Even Minjeong is surprised with herself that she still never found the will to stop, to move on - to let go.


She looks up to see her mother in front of her door, "Hey, mom. Good morning." She smiles and gives her a hug, brushing away the snow that has fallen on her shoulders. This is one thing that has changed since the divorce happened, she and Mingyu became very affectionate with their mother.

"Good morning, honey," Mrs. Kim said and kissed her head lightly, "Someone's outside looking for you." she smiles, gesturing downstairs.

Minjeong tilts her head, curious as to who her mother is pertaining to. She doesn't know anyone that will visit her today, she nods her head and mumbles something about getting ready - after all, she's still in her pajamas. She then grabs anything that she could wear, enough to cocoon her body from the cold. She didn't think much about who was looking for her, she doubts it's Jimin - though she hopes it to be her.

As she went down, she could hear her mother talking with someone, and MInjeong approached her from behind to see the person. Peeking from her mother's shoulder, she felt the cold and chilly air from outside, her eyes widening to see the familiar smile that greeted her.

"Hey, Min. Good morning!"

Minjeong blinks for a moment, as she feels her mother squeezing her shoulder and mumbling about something she needs to do, eventually leaving Minjeong right there, staring at her surprise visitor. The smile never leaves the person's face and Minjeong slowly shakes her head, smiling as well. "Minju, good morning."

The usual laugh that the girl echoes, reverberating everything from within. "Look at my little Shakespeare bean, are you not happy?"

Minjeong rolls her eyes with the long- nickname, "It's just a surprise, what are you doing here?" she asked, leaning her body against the door frame.

"Just wanted to see you, let's walk?" Minju answers, putting her hands inside the pocket of her puffer jacket. The cold air was visible as she talked, taking a step back and gestures out with a nod. "I missed our walks."

"In this weather?" Minjeong teased and yet she moved away from the doorframe, stepping out and closing the door behind her. "We're going to die in this case."

"Oh, but what is life if not for being a little too cold and less warm?" Minju said dramatically, just like the theater kid she has been, as if saying a line straight out of a script. Minjeong couldn't help but to chuckle, walking beside the girl as they hooked their arms together just like before. "We're going to walk until we're tired."

"You mean until we die of hypothermia." Minjeong jokingly said, "come on."

When Minjeong said that she and Minju broke up in good-terms, it was not a lie, the two of them managed to talk it out. She was, and will always be grateful for the girl. Minju came to her life in a way that she never expected, and managed to talk and pull Minjeong out of her shell even for a little bit. Minju was the person there for her who has the audacity and strength to be beside Minjeong, even though she herself doesn't want anyone.


It happened in their senior year, where Jimin was no longer around, and came around Ning - the one who was loud enough that made Minjeong stop reading. She fitted herself with her personality, getting along with Yuna and Chaeryeong right off the bat. Then Minju followed, it was a random lunch time, where Yuna and Chaeryeong, of course along with Ning, pulled Minjeong and decided to have some lunch right under the bleachers because they wanted to be a rebel.

It was ridiculous, but Minjeong just let them do whatever pleases them. After all, it helped her to forget and be distracted by the huge void inside her.

Just as they were eating rather loudly, they heard some mumbling of some sort in which they discovered Minju as well. She's rather known in the campus being the new girl in the senior year, and her beauty was the talk of the whole community. Which was why they were all surprised to see her right under the bleachers, with papers that she kept mumbling on as if practicing something, looking all ridiculous just like them.

Minjeong recognized Minju's words, it was some line in a Shakespeare play, making her raise an eyebrow. But she didn't say much about it, and it was Ning that approached the girl - eventually introducing themselves.

"Kim Minjeong." She answered shortly, nodding her head.

Ning butts in, nudging Minjeong rather harshly, "She's a woman of few words, sorry about her."

Minjeong rolls her eyes, and didn't bother much with the new addition to their group that time. Focusing on her sandwich as she listens from time to time with their conversation. It's basically them asking Minju questions to get to know the girl. That's how they discovered that Minju transferred because her parents decided to stay in their hometown, and Minju wanted to experience it as well. She is also fond of acting, which is why she's auditioning for the theater club and all explains the lines she's mumbling.

"Well, that's great! Minjeong here likes to read, she might help you!"

Minjeong chokes on her sandwich, glaring at Yuna who was only smiling sheepishly. She then glanced at Minju, staring at her in wonder and anticipation. Minjeong shakes her head, "I just read, I don't really act. You can do it though." she smiles, hoping it came out encouragingly.

And she went on, finishing her sandwich as the others talked again. But Minjeong felt something, someone looking at her - only to see Minju glancing at her from time to time. Minjeong on the other hand just brushed it off, mentally shrugging her shoulders as she stood up once the bell rang, signaling the end of their lunch.

As they part ways with Minju, the latter not belonging in their glass, Yuna, Ryeong, and Ning waved goodbye and promised that they'll be spending more time with each other from there on. Minjeong just simply smiles and waves, and they were about to walk away not until Minju called her.

"Kim Minjeong!"

She was surprised, looking at the girl, and glanced at her friends to see their surprised faces along with teasing smiles.

"Yeah?" Minjeong asked and tilted her head, confused as to why Minju called her.

"You like to read, yeah?" Minju asked as she walked towards Minjeong, giving out some papers and Minjeong simply stared at it confusedly.

"I don't really get - "

"Practice lines with me sometimes." Minju cuts her off, "You don't have to think on what to say, just read those lines." she smiled and pointed at the paper that was already in Minjeong's hand.

And with that, Minjeong was left there standing, staring at Minju's retreating figure.

Surprise was really an understatement for the girl's bold move.



"How's life?"

Minjeong looks at Minju, they are in the playground that they always go to whenever they practice their lines - where Minjeong is always forced to practice lines with Minju. The playground was almost covered in snow, just enough that she and Minju could use the swing. The sound of metal slightly moving and creaking was the only thing they could hear.

"Just the same," Minjeong answered, thinking about the question and her answer. She wonders if it's still the same just like the last time, and when an image of Jimin flashed in her mind, she got her answer. "Nothing changed much, how about yours? Going with that theater life?"

Minju hums and chuckles, "Doing good, really. But I think it would've been much easier if I had my practice partner." She smiles, leaning forward and looks at Minjeong.

Minjeong scoffs, shaking her head. Hearing the slight teasing tone from the girl's voice, "Why? Never found someone as bland as I could read?"

"To be fair, you're a reader and not an actor!" Minju raises her hands, as if surrendering.

"Which still beats me on why you asked me to practice lines with you," Minjeong laughs, jokingly kicking some snow to Minju's direction.

"To get close to you, of course." MInju softly answered and Minjeong went quiet with that, "It worked, did it not?"

Minjeong lets out a breath, regarding Minju's figure for a moment before mumbling a 'yeah'. It did work, that she could not deny. Minju managed to get to know Minjeong with that silly order from her, a bold move that even the others were surprised by. But that time, that's what Minjeong needed - someone that will pull her out from being stuck, and Minju was the person that did that.

"It did, surprisingly it did."

"But not the way we wanted it to end."

This, this is something that Minju is the only person that can do this to Minjeong. Her choice of words is as honest and vulnerable as it can be, and yet it echoes and carries the acceptance of what has happened. In all honesty, if Minjeong wanted an easier life, she would've chosen Minju - the girl makes it easier, as if they were made of the same thread. But life was not meant to be easy. After all, Minjeong has a deeply hidden and uncontrollable desire for something - someone beyond her lifetime.

"Perhaps in another life."

Minju laughs, staring at the sky as she nods her head. The feelings from the past suddenly overwhelming the both of them, emotions and events that the two of them knew - and all but has a certain understanding. 

"Perhaps by then."

The both of them knew that if they continued, it was a tragedy in the waiting - prolonging the agony and pain that the two of them would feel in the end. An agonizing longing that neither of them could sustain, and they both understood and accepted it. "I really did like you, Minju. Honestly."

Minju smiles at the words, looking at Minjeong softly - and thinks of how the world is too cruel for the girl. She never doubted the girl, after all, Minjeong has always been honest with her feelings from the get-go. Not once did she ever try to lead Minju on, she was naturally caring and sweet. But one thing is for sure, Minju saw the wall that Minjeong built around her heart, and despite their feelings being on the same page, they have never become the same intensity.

"But I'm not her," Minju answers gently, "how is it going with her anyway? I've heard that you were dormies." she asked, adding a teasing tone in the end.

Minjeong sighed, "Let me guess, from Ning?"

Minju laughs, the loud and honest one. "Who else?"


Minjeong does not know how or when it happened, it's like Minju just pulled her and suddenly, she's practicing lines with the girl. For all she knows, she's just basically reading it - not even a hint of emotion in her voice, and she wonders how Minju is taking all of it. On the other hand, Minjeong feels good at the sudden change in her routine, the amount of judgement that courses through her mind as she reads some lines that are too questionable for her.

"This is too cringey," Minjeong suddenly said out of nowhere, ticking a line and showing it to Minju, "I don't want to read that."

The girl raises an eyebrow and reads it silently, "Too bad we need to do it, come on. We're almost done."

The two of them are in a vacant room, as the others went out to buy some snacks in the cafeteria. This has been their usual time to practice some lines, and other times it would be Minju adjusting her schedule to fit with Minjeong.

"Theater kids are really into this kind of cringey stuff, huh?" Minjeong comments with a shrug, sighing as she reads the line in her head and couldn't help making a face.

Minju scoffed at that, "It's no different with books, you know?" she narrows her eyes at Minjeong, "Stop being so judgmental."

With that, Minjeong could not help but to laugh, because Minju has a point. After all, they are practicing lines for one of the classic English literature that she has read before. "No offense, but I thought you guys would base it on the book and not with the movie."

"No offense taken, but I think Darcy's line in the movie is much better than the book."

Minjeong thinks about it for a moment, nodding her head slowly in agreement as she remembers how the book went in comparison with the movie. But the difference is that the dynamic of Elizabeth and Darcy in the book was never much touched in the movie - for her, it's much more complex and confusing. The fact that the book showed the slow progression of their story as with their little conversations and small interactions.

"Well, I guess that's true," Minjeong says quietly, "but only because the movie focused much more on the romance rather than the social implications that were present during the regency era."

"Look at you being all this intellectual with me," Minju smiles and playfully slapping Minjeong's arm, "this is the first time that you got so passionate with something."

Minjeong pursed her lips, looking at the lines and then to Minju - the latter wearing a smile that seems too caring for Minjeong's liking. She avoids the girl's eyes and clears , "Just go on with your line, I want to read."

"Alright, alright but you need to put even a little bit of emotion here," Minju said and pointed at her paper, "this is kind of a huge scene, I'm sure you know it."

Minjeong rolls her eyes, "I'll read it."

"Act it."



"Just go with it, Minju."

And Minju started acting it out, the first time they practiced some lines, Minjeong found it awkward given that she's not really close with the girl. But she got used to it, she found entertainment and was really amazed with how the girl could deliver such lines in a manner that Minjeong could never. As if Minju has embodied the character she's acting, as if the words she's saying are from her - and her alone.

It never fails to capture Minjeong's imagination, sometimes being pulled into it and that's what's happening right now. As Minju says the last bit of her line, looking at Minjeong in anticipation - she suddenly felt the pressure to do the same thing with the same intensity and emotion. She looks down at her own, despite knowing the line already as this was the one that she doesn't want to do.

Minjeong doesn't know how Minju does it, but in that moment - she did what she thought could help her. It's the scene where Darcy confesses her love to Elizabeth, to let the latter know the longing and yearning, and everything that has been troubling Darcy all throughout the movie. To show his vulnerability and meanings behind his actions, there's only one thing that Minjeong could think of.

One person that could drown her with these same exact emotions, and so she started. She carefully said her lines, looking down at the paper then to Minju, whilst her mind was out of the window - and her heart held by the other person not there.

"My affections and wishes are unchanged, but one word from you will silence me forever." Minjeong says softly, too soft and real - the honesty in her heart showing through these lines.


And so she continued just as the script said.

Just like how her heart screams for Jimin.

"If, however, your feelings have changed," she continued slowly, looking at Minju and Minjeong didn't know what the other girl saw as she noticed the subtle surprise painting Minju's face. "I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul."

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0 points #1
Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭