f i v e;

Make It Love
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WARNING: it's a double update! the chapter turned out to be quite long, so i decided to split it in two^^ read the part f i v e first, then the part s i x, thank you!


“How are you feeling?” the man asked when he stopped his car to let Donghae out before they approach the office building.

Hyukjae didn’t want to hide Donghae, yet they couldn’t allow themselves to be reckless. Not yet.

The guy who’s been silent ever since he heard what he has to do his lips and said, “Like someone who’s being unfairly treated and has to watch his boyfriend being unfairly treated as well.”

They’ve been calling each other boyfriends every time the two had an opportunity for that – just to make sure that wasn’t a dream and they could have each other for real.

Hyukjae grabbed the younger’s palm and said, “I’m really sorry. It’s all because of…”

“Your father. It’s all because of your father. He is the one making our lives harder, not you. It’s not your fault.”

Donghae looked at him with reassurance and tightened the grip on the man’s hand to leave no space for doubt – he’ll be here. He won’t go anywhere, won’t leave.

Hyukjae smiled, “Yeah, it’s not my fault you’re feeling bad. For a change.”

“That’s a nice change though. And I’m sure whatever change will follow in the future – it’ll be a wonderful one.”

Hyukjae shook his head, deciding he’d rather say nothing. He knew Donghae was trying to be optimistic and give him some reassurance, although both of them were perfectly aware of the fact their life was going to become hell now. Because of many things.

“Finish packing your stuff today,” the older among the two said eventually. “I’d rather have you staying away from all this mess while it’s ongoing. I promise to not keep you in the basement and you’ll be able to go whenever you want to, search for whatever job you wish… But stay with me for now. I mean, in my house. I mean… our house?”

Donghae smiled lightly. Hyukjae told him his plan, which was full of flaws, full of ‘what ifs’ and whatever, yet that was the best they’ve got. They either trust fate in such situation or not fight back. And since they decided to try fighting… let’s just say each battle is bound to make you lose something. Even if it was him losing his job because there was no way for the guy to keep working in that company. Not while there were more risks to it rather than advantages.

“Do you want me to stay to be safe or to keep you company?”

“Both. You know it’s both.”

Donghae inhaled deeply and more than anything he wished he could kiss Hyukjae at the moment. But they couldn’t. Not here, even though they were hidden from others by the dark windows of the man’s car.

Instead, the two of them nodded to each other and parted ways before anyone could see them being closer to each other than and ex-boss and ex-employee would.

It was kind of funny to be boyfriends and exes at the same time.

Sneaking into the building, Donghae hoped to do everything quietly first and then talk to Yumi. But his unpredictable friend was ahead of everything and anything.

“Looking much better today, aren’t we?” he heard the girl’s voice sounding the moment he appeared on the floor as she was – quite obviously – waiting on him.

“Yumi!” was all Donghae managed to utter before jumping at her and engulfing that girl into a hug, making her chuckle.

“I am happy to see you, too,” she said, returning the hug. “But, you know, there’s actually a huge progress humanity made within past years.” She pulled back a little and showed her hand holding a phone. “We use this to exchange information faster and not make our friends wait for juicy news until the next day comes.”

Donghae’s smile grew wider.

Hyukjae told him he suspected that Yumi knows about them. That shocked the younger at first and he was fast to apologize for breaking the rules of their agreement and letting someone know, although unintentionally.

Only for the other man to remind him there was no such thing as agreement anymore. They were in a relationship. A proper one. A real one. And (almost) an official one.

“I’d still refrain from telling everyone around us about it for obvious reasons,” he said back in the day, “but she’s your best friend. Best friends always know, don’t they?”

Donghae jumped on their bed and asked ‘Are you sure? Are you for real? Can I tell her? Really? Really-really?’ about a million times for Hyukjae to assure him that yes, it was okay for Yumi to know, of course he believes not a single soul apart from Yumi will know about it, and yeah, he doesn’t mind it.

“It’s something new for me as well,” he said eventually. “Never have I ever had a relationship anyone was aware of.”

It was a new chapter in both of their lives, and Hyukjae didn’t want to lie saying he had no doubts at all, but it is what it is. Before, he’d never let anyone know simply because he’d never trust anyone enough to know, but he was slowly learning to let more people into his life. Even if technically Yumi was a part of Donghae’s life more than she was of his.

And the fact he could let the second most important person to him know about his first most important person genuinely felt thrilling. For a second Donghae forgot what he came here for. But then, Yumi noticed folded paper boxes he’s been carrying this whole time, tilted her head and asked, “And what are those for?”

That’s when Donghae remembered that, although his happiness was all-consuming, it wasn’t absolute.


“I seriously can’t believe you’re quitting!” one of his seniors spoke when Donghae was finally done with placing all of his belongings – which weren’t many – into those two boxes he brought. “Is there, like, absolutely no way to make you reconsider?”

“Yeah, we’ll miss you!” the other guy spoke. “Not only you’re super helpful, you’re also such a nice person to be with!”

Donghae had to close his eyes for two good seconds to not start crying as it was literally the first time he felt so… welcomed somewhere.

It’s not like he was the soul of their team – he still was friends with Yumi only and others never intended seeing him somewhere outside of work, yet even that was more than what he had in his life before. He was on good terms with everyone, they could chat a little from time to time, he crawled out of his shell and finally became a bit more confident in front of others without expecting to be stabbed once he looks away. It was the very first environment he was actually pleased to be at.

But he had to go. For Hyukjae’s plan to go smoothly, for his father to not any threads he could pull to control the man, Donghae had to quit that job. Just so Mr. Lee wouldn’t be able to threaten them through this. Which was unfair. Totally unfair. They both knew it, and that was a small win for Hyukjae’s father because he wanted to get rid of the guy and, technically, he did. Although not in the way he intended to.

But there was another side of the coin as well. Once Hyukjae does what he wants to, there will be talks. Public outrage maybe. A lot of people would love to dwell deeper into everything and that’d endanger Donghae too, especially if the man’s father decides to do the nastiest thing in return. So, it’d really be better for him to quit. That was the sacrifice he had to make. Although he didn’t want to.

“I also was extremely happy to work with you, guys,” he said genuinely. And then, added what Hyukjae told him to list as a reason because it sounded believable, “If it was up to you only, I’d stay. But I don’t really feel good in this company now. It’s not nice when you’re used like this, you know? Seems like I was an accidental victim in a crossfire between Hyukjae-ssi and his father, and I don’t really fancy that.”

One of the girls sighed, “I know… But Hyukjae-ssi stood up for you last time, didn’t he? Maybe it’s not that bad, after all?”

“It only means being caught in even bigger crossfire. It’s one thing when his father treats me like his errand boy, and another one when they fight over it. What was nothing but a feeling of supremacy for Mr. Lee at first turns into pure disgust or even hatred towards me. It’s going to get worse for me exactly because Hyukjae-ssi stood up for me. Better to leave before it happened.”

His other colleague sighed and nodded, “I get it. I really do. Did you find a new workplace already?”

Donghae sighed, relieved that it didn’t take them much to believe him. Mr. Lee’s outburst really was beneficial for them.

“Figuring it out,” he said, and it took them 20 more minutes to say their final goodbyes.

Donghae promised he won’t forget them, although no one promised to keep in touch. For the first time it was okay with him because he finally had Yumi, although he’d love them to see each other almost every day as they used to, and he knew it was impossible anymore.

“Could you help me with a second box?” Donghae asked Yumi before finally leaving, as she’s been sulking in the corner this whole time and tried to pretend him leaving didn’t affect her a bit.

Still, she nodded and agreed to help him, picking a small box the guy could carry himself, but they needed an excuse to talk in private.

One of his colleagues hummed once those two left and asked, “Don’t you think these two might be?..”

“Oh, I’m sure they are!” the other one said. “I’m sure we’ve just witnessed an office romance blooming right in front of us!”

They had literally no idea how right and wrong they were at the same time about the office romance blooming. Just not between those two.


“Say it. I know you want to,” Donghae uttered once they were outside and he pulled his phone out to order a taxi and go home just to pack even more of his belongings, wait for Hyukjae and go home with him.

Home. Was it too early and too hopeful to consider the place they’re going to stay at together their home, just like the man called it earlier?

“There’s no point in saying anything if I can’t change the fact you’re leaving,” she spoke in a pout and Donghae gave her a concerned look because not commenting was not like her at all, but then Yumi became Yumi and burst. “But what the hell! Why do you have to leave? Because of an of a person who’s too old to think properly! And again, you? You, you, and you! It’s always you! I can’t believe I told him where you were yesterday, if only I knew what’s going to happen I’d never!”

Donghae smiled. That was his Yumi.

“You’d have me ugly sobbing on your shoulder today if you didn’t.”

“I don’t know which one’s worse,” she sighed, lowering her voice. There were no people outside, at least not close enough to hear them, but yeah, better be careful all the time. “I mean, you’d b

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1578 streak #1
Chapter 6: "But damn, he was so in love that he loved even those traits of that man which irritated him." Haha, that's right.

As bittersweet as the situation with Hyukjae's father became, it's true that it was one of the better outcomes possible. Short of acceptance and a complete personality reprogram where he would start appreciating and respecting his son, cold indifference and disownment was the best case scenerio, sadly.

The adorable puppy and their adorable domestic bickering. Hyuk' adorable semi-proposal about staying with him as long as they're alive. Agreeing to go to Greece. My heart. What a lovely ending, thank you for writing! ♡♡♡
1578 streak #2
Chapter 5: Closing an old chapter to open a new one, hopefully one significant enough that it will lead to a happy ending, really is a big change for Donghae. He has two people on his side now, who both love and want the best for him, and that is a lot compared to before. He shouldn't be lonely again.

Their domestic life together is adorable. Hyukjae made a big decision too, and hopefully it will pay off for their future. Regardless, they have the comfort of each other. ♡
Chapter 6: Oh this is such all right ending for this story. I like the whole story a lot. Thank you and Congratulations!
Chapter 6: CRYING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 They finally have their happy ending😭😭😭😭😭😭 i'm drowning in feels right now.. thank you so much for writing and sharing this to us!!💜
Chapter 6: God, I'm so damn happy that you are back and because they are finally happy together!!! 😭😭😭

And now they has their own home with princess and I wish we could have some more of their wedding but I'm happy that they had each other that it doesn't matter if we don't have that part.

Thanks a lot for finishing this story!
ldh2013 #6
Chapter 6: Thank you for finishing the story. Glad there wasn't too much drama after the public face-off with Hyukjae's father. Their actions were very rational and effective, freeing Hyukjae from his father's control and influence. Hyukjae chose love but it's not like he lost everything else because of it.
962 streak #7
Chapter 6: Thank you so much for completing this fic.
They both had to do their share of sacrifice, Hyukjae exposing his uality and Donghae giving up working in the company. But then, everything is turning out well.
It takes time to build a company and it takes time to develop a long lasting relationship.
LeeLenaMx #8
Chapter 4: I need to know what happened with Hyuk’s dad!
Chapter 1: Btw the story of their jealousy is adorkable 😂😂 these two lovebirds 🤪🤪
Chapter 1: Please don't tell donghae on his birthday 😭😭 don't make him remember the worst on his day 🥺🥺🥺