The Fairy Godmother

Cinderella's Sister

After the water-splashing incident that day, no one bullied him again.



Jongwoon suspected that Hyukjae and Kyuhyun had something to do with it but he didn't care enough to ask. After all, he finally got his peaceful life back. Although the rumors about him mistreating his step-brother still ran wild, at least no one bothered him again. He also hung out more with the two juniors after finding out that the annoying chatter quieted down a lot when he was with Hyukjae and Kyuhyun. As he thought, those cowardly students were only brave enough to talk behind their backs. Although he never really got annoyed with the bull, his younger brother still thought that it was his fault. So, Hyukjae dragged him out to a department store under their family's group on one Saturday to make up for him.


"Hyung, I found out from Auntie that you love fashion and even apply for the Designer School in college. So, buy whatever clothes and accessories you want today!"

"But I don't have that much money..."


Hyukjae looked at him in disbelief.


"Hyung, we're family now so what money? What belongs to our group also belongs to you!"

"...Can I really do that?"

"Absolutely! Buy everything to your heart's content. After all, soon you won't be spending our family's fortune but your husband's. Just, don't make me wear what you wear! No offense hyung but I don't get your fashion sense."

"No wonder you keep wearing only rags. And what are you mumbling about?"

"Hey! Don't insult my rags! They're comfortable!"


Hyukjae protested and pouted, causing Jongwoon to chortle. He playfully slapped the younger boy's back and shoved him into the nearest boutique. In the end, they spent the entire afternoon at the mall and he bought enough clothes to wear different styles each day for a year. Before moving into the Lee residence, he knew well about his family's financial situation and never splurged. Now, however, he got to buy and mix and match all styles as he wished. He even had an obedient step-brother to help carry shopping bags for him! Jongwoon beamed, finally seeing some light after so many bull events.



Little did he know, their brothers' shopping trip would soon become a detonator to more bull to come.




A few days after the shopping trip, Jongwoon came to school and noticed that the classmates looked at him with more apparent disgust in their eyes. So, he directly confronted them.


"What the are you looking at? If you got any problem with me, step forward!"


He shouted and glared around the classroom. Most students avoided his eyes cowardly but a young girl bravely (or stupidly) faced him head-on.


"Have you no shame, Kim Jongwoon? Hyukjae is a good guy who treats you with respect but you abuse his kindness and order him around like a slave! Disgusting!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you sure that you speak human language?"

"Shameless! Ungrateful son of a mistress! The entire school already knew about how you spent your step-brother's money and made him carry your stuff!"


"Hyukjae only got to wear a rag while you bought a lot of expensive brand-name clothes. You really are so full of yourself."


The female student sneered and threw the school newspaper on his desk. Jongwoon skimmed through it and found out that someone had photographed him and Hyukjae during the last shopping trip. However, they purposefully chose the shot when he slapped Hyukjae's back and another when the boy followed him with numerous shopping bags in his hands, making it look like he forced Hyukjae to come with him.


"What a stupid article! Shut up if you don't know the truth! Hyukjae was the one who dragged me to shopping and those rags on him were his choice—"


Jongwoon stopped when he realized that no one believed him. Most people looked at him with contempt while the few hesitant ones didn't want to get involved. He snorted, feeling his head throbbing. Ha. So much for a peaceful life.


"What? Too scared to speak now that you're presented with the evidence? Kim Jongwoon, how come you don't feel the slightest ashamed of your actions? Or is that to be expected of a golddigger—"




"... You're really lucky that you're a girl."


Jongwoon sneered after knocking the desk over with his foot, before stomping out of the classroom. He intentionally bumped into everyone on his way to the old gym. He already had many bad names. Why not one more? Jongwoon chuckled darkly to himself as he harshly kicked the gym door open. He strode into the deserted building and lay down on the old stand with his hands covering his face. Why? He just wanted a peaceful life. Is that too much to ask? Since when did his life go wrong? After his mother got married again? After he met Hyukjae his step-brother? Or...




Here comes one of the sources of his many misfortunes. Jongwoon scoffed and refused to look at the newcomer. He felt the junior stepping onto the stand and walking to where he was. Then, the junior gently lifted his head and put it on his lap instead. He finally had to look up and glare at the Prince Charming who had the nerve to smile dazzlingly at him.


"What are you doing here?"

"I saw the stupid article and got worried about you. By the way, Hyukjae is currently fighting with the newspaper club that spread false news."

"Ha, that brat is really... How many times have I told you guys that it won't work?"

"Senior Jongwoon... I'm sorry..."

"What are you being sorry for?"


Jongwoon frowned to hide his erratic heartbeat at his crush's tender touch. Smiling apologetically, Kyuhyun pinched his cheek and continued.


"My engagement with Hyukjae—"

"Stop. I don't want to hear about that now. Or about anything else right now."

"...Yes, Senior."


The School Prince went quiet and just patted his head. Normally, he wouldn't allow anyone to touch his head but he quite liked the way Kyuhyun threaded his long fingers into his hair and combed it gently. It melted his anger and frustration and he even started to feel sleepy.



"Yes, Senior?"

"... Should I give away the clothes I bought? Donate them?"

"Why would you do that? Uncle Lee is your step-father so his money is your money. Plus, I want to see Senior Jongwoon wear those stylish clothes~"

"...Hm, you're right. It'd be a waste of money if I don't wear them!"



Yes. He just didn't want to waste Uncle Lee's money and disregard Hyukjae's good wishes, not that he wanted Kyuhyun to praise his looks or what! Jongwoon nodded to himself and soon dozed off on his crush's lap. While his consciousness was drifting away, he felt a soft touch on his cheek but it was probably Kyuhyun pinching him again...



"I'll hurry up and make you mine so that no one can mistreat you again." 



Hm, what a weird dream he had.




A few days later...



Their school had a "freestyle uniform" policy that allowed students to wear casual outfits on every Friday. Normally, Jongwoon still wore the same old uniform just adding some accessories. However, he decided to go all out today because he didn't want to waste the clothes they bought (absolutely not because of Kyuhyun). He chose a mesh inner shirt topped with a short-sleeved white shirt. The top three buttons were taken off to show the mesh shirt inside. The top was matched with high-waist, fitting black jeans that perfectly showed his slender lower body. He even applied light makeup— drawing his eyes in a sharp black line and coloring his lips with a light-pink lip gloss. Last but not least, he put on a blazing red coat and a pair of dangle earrings. He looked at himself in the mirror and beamed proudly, wondering what his crush would say after seeing him. That was when his younger brother barged into his room without knocking as usual.


"Holy strawberry milk! Jongwoon hyung, are you going to school or Milan fashion week show?"

"Shut up. At least I'm not walking around in rags like you."

"But my rags are super comfy!"


Hyukjae protested for his rags, a very simple and worn-out blue wool sweater paired with grey sweatpants. If he didn't know better, he might have thought that his step-brother just woke up. After bantering casually, they went to school together but Jongwoon couldn't see the School Prince who was busy with his student council work. Being in a different year, he could only wait until the lunch period to meet the two juniors.


"Hyukjae! Kyuhyun!"


Ignoring people's judgmental gaze, Jongwoon beamed and ran to the younger boys' table as soon as he spotted them. His step-brother waved at him cheerfully and pointed at an empty seat opposite the School Prince. Instead of sitting down, Jongwoon smirked and playfully spun around in place to show off his excellent sense of fashion to the brown-haired boy whose eyes almost popped out staring at him.


"So? Kyuhyun, how do I look?"


"What? Am I that gorgeous that you forgot how to speak?"


Jongwoon couldn't help teasing his crush after seeing the tip of the younger boy's ears redden, although it was just a mask to hide his crazy heartbeat. Did he imagine it or did Kyuhyun seem flustered? Shy, even? Could it be that his crush finally noticed his charm? He his lips nervously and the Prince Charming snapped out of his reverie. Kyuhyun frowned and looked around their table with a deathly glare instead of at him. Jongwoon followed the younger boy's gaze and realized that everyone was looking in their direction, no surprise considering that this table had the two most popular students. He also noticed a few male students staring at him but quickly looking away when he glared back. What the hell did they want!? He was about to go to their table but Kyuhyun's voice stopped him.


"I don't like it."

"Eh...? Kyuhyun, did you just say that you don't like my outfit...?"

"Yes, Senior," Kyuhyun frowned at him. "Hyukjae's clothes are way better— Ouch! Why are you hitting me!?"

"Because you're an idiot!! Why did you say that to my hyung!!?"


Jongwoon ignored the two fighting juniors. He looked down at his own outfit, a combination of stylish clothes that he took time to choose and match. They were of high quality and brand name. He also woke up earlier than usual to dress up but for what? Kyuhyun still said he preferred Hyukjae's homey and simple style more. So, it didn't matter what he wore. He would never become that precious person in his crush's eyes.


"... I'm not hungry anymore."

"Wait, hyung! You're misunderstanding this fool!"

"Leave me alone!"



When Hyukjae stood up and tried to hold his arm, Jongwoon accidentally snatched his arm back too hard so his step-brother fell off the chair. Kyuhyun was by the other boy's side instantly to help him up. He was about to give a hand too but—


"Look. He pushed his step-brother off the chair."

"He seduced Kyuhyun who's his brother's fiance."

"I bet he dressed like that to grab attention."

"How come our school still keeps someone like him around?"

"I heard that he did well in music and literature. What if he actually cheated?"


Jongwoon's hand fell back to his side. Right. An evil step-sister of Cinderella will always be an evil step-sister. And Prince Charming will always choose the heroine not her. Although those people only whispered among themselves, his exceptional hearing still picked up everything and realized that he would always be a bad guy in their eyes. Biting his lip hard, Jongwoon turned around and leave, for once and for all.


"Senior Jongwoon!! When I said that I prefer Hyukjae's clothes, I meant that you're too good—"



Jongwoon ran away without glancing back.




Two weeks later...



Jongwoon had been avoiding both his step-brother and his crush after that day. Staying with them only brought him trouble so why not walk away? He is better off being alone anyway. Although he still chatted with Hyukjae normally at home, he pretended as if they were strangers at school. Kyuhyun, on the other hand, he completely ignored the School Prince and even blocked his phone number when the junior kept trying to contact him. However, Kyuhyun didn't give up and came to their house to see him. He always locked himself in his room so Kyuhyun could only stay outside, looking up at his window and leaving after a while. Watching through the curtain gap, Jongwoon almost lost to Prince Charming's kicked puppy looks many times but he held back. Getting involved with Kyuhyun only made people hate him more. So, if he left the junior alone, he should finally get to live peacefully. But he was wrong. Bad rumors about him were still there even after he avoided the duo...


Damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Luckily, the approaching college entrance exam gave him a perfect excuse to be alone. So, Jongwoon spent most of his time hiding. He didn't go out again until Hyukjae suddenly came banging on his bedroom door. The brat wouldn't stop making noise so he had no choice but to let him in. The younger boy immediately showed his signature gummy smile.


"Jongwoon hyung~ Can you help me choose my outfit for Kyuhyun's birthday party?"

"Since when did you care about fashion?"

"Since it's my best friend's birthday and I gotta meet a lot of people! Pretty please, hyung!"


Despite his complaint, Jongwoon still went to his step-brother's room and carefully chose the best outfit. After taking almost an hour (and Hyukjae had dozed off), he finally found the perfect outfit that matched his brother's style and wasn't too flashy. He woke the brat up and showed him the chosen clothes. Hyukjae whistled and looked at the outfit in approval.


Before using scissors to cut them into a rag and ran away to tell their parents.


"Appa! Eomma! Jongwoon hyung ruined my clothes for Kyuhyun's birthday party!"

"What the!? Yah, you brat! You're the one who cut them and wasted my time—"

"Senior Jongwoon!"


Jongwoon came to a complete stop when he saw the School Prince having tea with his parents. He immediately knew that his step-brother planned everything and made to go back to his room. However, his step-father and his mother stopped him.


"Jongwoon, it doesn't matter who did it but Hyukjae-ah now doesn't have something to wear to the party. Can you take your brother and choose a new outfit for him?"

"That's right, dear. Kyuhyun-ah told Eomma that there's a new boutique open at the Cho Group department store. Why don't you check it out?"

"If you said so..."


As a filial son, Jongwoon never turned down his parents so he reluctantly went to shopping with his step-brother and his crush. The brat said that he didn't have anything to wear to the party but as soon as they arrived at the boutique, Hyukjae ditched them and ran off to play by himself, leaving only him and Kyuhyun.


"Sigh, I'm going to buy something for Hyukjae and leave."

"Senior, what about you? Won't you come to my birthday party?"

"I have nothing to wear."


It was a lame excuse, yes, but he couldn't bother to come up with a better one. He just wanted to go home.


"Then, how about I buy it for you? Hyung, promise me that you'll wear it to my party!"

"Why would I—"


Kyuhyun had already started to look around the store before he got to turn down the offer. Then, Jongwoon couldn't bring himself to say no when the School Prince handed various clothes to him with shining eyes. In the end, he accepted a gift from the Prince Charming— a light-blue fitting suit with a questionable low-cut collar. When putting it on, he noticed Kyuhyun's eyes staring at his exposed cleavage and blushed slightly. Before he got to change out of it, however, Kyuhyun suddenly tied a black silk ribbon around his neck. The School Prince then hugged him and whispered almost inaudible.


"Senior Jongwoon... You must wear this outfit to my birthday party, okay?"

"... Alright."


Jongwoon promised half-heartedly because he wanted the younger boy to let him go before noticing his heartbeat. Kyuhyun's dazzling smile after that was so bright that it made his whole body feel warm. As he thought, he still couldn't get over his crush on his step-brother's fiance. That's why he didn't hesitate at all to "forget" the gift at the boutique after telling Kyuhyun to leave first...



Cinderella's evil step-sister didn't deserve to go to the ball and meet Prince Charming.




"Hyung! It's almost time for the party to start so why aren't you changing into the suit Kyuhyun bought for you yet?"

"I lost it so I didn't dare to face him."

"What!? How did you lose it..."


The sharp younger brother immediately realized that he purposefully lost it. Hyukjae then tried to convince him to wear something else but he resolutely ignored the boy. Even his parents also tried to coax him out of the room but he refused and lied that he didn't feel good. In the end, his family reluctantly left him at home alone to attend the Young Master Cho's seventeenth birthday party. He watched the luxurious car leave the mansion from the window and sighed. Yes, this is for the best...




One hour before midnight...



"Excuse meeeeeeee!! Did you forget your gift at the Ever Lasting Friend Boutique today?"


What? Jongwoon peeked from behind the curtain and saw a man jumping and waving something in his hand in front of the gate. The sapphire blue-colored bag looked utterly familiar that his heart flipped. No. It couldn't be... Jongwoon ran to the front gate and let the stranger in. He was a very handsome and muscular young man who had an innocent aura. With his good memory, he instantly recalled the other man as the employee who worked at the boutique he went to with Kyuhyun during the day. He read the name tag with an incredulous feeling— Lee Donghae.


"You're that cashier guy at the boutique! What are you doing here!!?"

"Ah, I finally found you! I'm here to return the present that you forgot at our store~"


Jongwoon accepted the bag with the suit from Lee Donghae, not knowing what to say.


"How did you even find me...?"

"Well, I saw the bag and ran after you but you already got on the bus. My shift didn't end yet so I couldn't follow you. So, after the store was closed, I got on the same bus and dropped by every stop to knock on every door looking for you!"

"Are you crazy!? That must take hours and not to say the bus fare too! ...Why are you going this far for a stranger?"

"Well," Lee Donghae grinned sheepishly, "your boyfriend looked really happy when he chose the suit for you and saw you wear it, so I thought I must absolutely return it!"

"Wait, did you just say my boyfriend?"

"Yep! It's pretty obvious, isn't it? He looked at you like you're the most precious treasure in this world~ I even got a bit jealous seeing you two hug and flirt. Ah, I hope I found my soulmate soon too."

"N-No, you're misunderstanding," Jongwoon denied despite his reddened cheeks. "That guy isn't my boyfriend but... He's my step-brother's fiance..."

"Oh. Um, I'm not good with complicated stuff and my friends always joke that I'm an idiot, but, wouldn't it be better if you just tell him how you feel? Whether you also love him or want him to stop pursuing you? At least you'll get to speak the things in your heart before it's too late!"



Jongwoon clutched the bag close to his chest. Of course, he loves Kyuhyun. But what would telling your brother's fiance that you loved them do? It would only bring more bad rumors to him. But Lee Donghae-ssi is correct. He should make it clear before leaving to go to college. Neither the rumors nor Kyuhyun could chase him there anyway. Plus, meeting this bright and honest man made him want to be honest with his feelings too. So, he should confess and leave without any regrets!


"...I must go to the party. Now!"

"Awesome! Here, let me help you! I can drive you there while you change into that suit at the back!"

"Thank you! But, Donghae-ssi, you're not under any obligation to help me so... Why...?"


Donghae winked and shot his finger gun at him.


"You can think of me as your fairy godmother!"




Author's note:

Anyone wanna bonk Kyu? Raise your hand and I'll collect a list giving to Hyukjae  xD

Fairy godmother Hae to the rescue! Kyu and Hyuk are full of plans and schemes but in the end it's Hae's honesty that got through JW  :)  Will the evil(?) step-sister of Cinderella make it to the ball? Look forward to the end next week!

PS. The outfit Yeye wore in the story are SS7 Super Duper and When We Were Us!


Take care and love you  <3

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Read again and Falling in love again! I love your story ~
_MyName_ #2
Chapter 3: Aahh, these two, so frustrating!! I was expecting Jongwoon to disappear for a longer time, but then again I don't think Kyuhyun would allow it xD or atleast poor Eunhyuk would suffer greatly trying to hold Jongwoon's location a secret :D
And as for your question, no I'm not ready cry but I will read the story anyway :')
Jongwoon finally get his happily ever after <3
Nice plot twist, and nothing beats slightly steamy encounter in the end
Elf_cloud24 #4
Chapter 3: 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 3: so instead of a glass slipper he left a bite mark? JONGWOON YOU FOX!!! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

but let us also thank fairy godmother Hae for his determination and Hyuk's wittiness to trick Yeye (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
402 streak #6
Chapter 3: Hae with 'hi hi! That'd be me!' >>> CUTE!!! I really like kyusung's fairy godmother!!!

Eniwei, thank you for this fluffy and fantastic story! I can't wait to cry(?) for your next story hihihi...
Honeymoon89 #7
Chapter 3: Yeah for this beautiful ending....i want more🤭🤭 good job authornim👏👏👍👍💙💙
Rinirin07 #8
Chapter 3: 🥰🥰🥰
Fouffy story is the best 💙💙💙
Chapter 2: Cute fluffy ☺️ awesome story as always
Thanks 😌
Elf_cloud24 #10
Chapter 2: Cinderella yesung 🥰