Chapter 2 - Cubicle and Washbasin

Washroom Wonders

The Oriente shoot went well. Everything was going smoothly.

Everyone on the team was also doing their best. In short, a lovely mark for KimTae Studios’ journey.

After the shoot, the major KimTae team held a small party in the office. Taeyeon, Joohyun, Sooyoung, Seulgi, Yerim, and the rest of the staff from finance, accounting, to HR were celebrating their big break.

They still got to do the post-processing work, but some shots of alcohol for fun won't ruin anything as most of the team decided to tone down the alcohol intake so they could get home safely earlier.

However, that was not the case for Joohyun. She wanted to spend another night in the office. Too tired and lazy to be back home on her rented flat located on the northeast as Friday night commuting situations could give another headache.

After all, although it might look toxic, she loved spending the nights in the office. Not that she disliked her flat, she just loved the practicality of sleeping in the office and returning home during the morning. She even bought a comfy portable bed and put it inside her office room — complete with a set of pillow and blanket. Other than that, she could even save some bucks by having breakfast with the food supplies in the office. Win-win solution.

After around 11 PM, the staff were starting to go home. Leaving only her and Taeyeon in the latter’s office room.


“Are you sure you want to stay here for the night?” asked Taeyeon.




“Well not your first time either.”

Joohyun nodded, “I could be scared of ghosts but my sleepiness could beat that.”


Taeyeon laughed softly, “Sure. Once you put that sleepy head of yours, nothing — even the fire alarm — could wake you up.”

“Now that is scary.”

“Be sure to recheck everything and lock the office door, okay?”

“Noted, unnie.”

“And one more thing, Joohyun.”


“Thank you. Thank you for staying by my side. Staying by KimTae. I’m really grateful, y’know?”

Taeyeon opened her arms to hug Joohyun. The latter couldn’t help but to hug her back and get her eyes filled with shy tears.

“I don’t know what to say, unnie.”



The two laughed at their own selves together. After all the hardworks of looking, losing, and getting clients, they finally got the first shoot. One to many more.



The weather was perfect that morning. Perfect meant cool enough for Joohyun to not feel any cold. Probably, the happy-o-meter after wrapping the shooting that she got at that moment contributed to how she woke up that day. She felt liberated. Like having no burdens. A real Saturday… a real weekend at last. And she was glad.


Since she was never the type to spend her time with meaningless activities on the bed, she went to the pantry to heat an onigiri that was stocked in the office and made tea. Joohyun’s rule for a free weekend: no coffee. Afterwards she went to the toilet to clean her face, brush her teeth, and take a morning leak.


Once she got to the toilet, she went straight to the washbasin. Out of a sudden, she could hear a groan inside the cubicle. She was startled — she was afraid as she wasn't that sure whether she had heard a real human voice or rather the contrary. She shut off the tap to make sure. Another voice was heard, it was from the cubicle’s direction. She walked, checked, and saw a pair of feet. First and foremost, she was relieved that it was a real human. Second, she was worried as the sound was full of pain.


“Sorry, are you okay?” asked Joohyun.

“I’m… not.”


Familiar voice, thought Joohyun to herself. “Do you need any help?”

Um… I do, for sure but... ugh.”

“Yeah, you sure do need my help. Are you having a menstruation cramp?”

“How could you know?”

“Trust me. Been there, done that.”

A soft laughter could be heard from inside the cubicle. “I’m just going to change my pad then we’ll talk, okay?”

“Take your time.”



Joohyun waited. She was definitely the neighbor. Without a doubt. The voice remained in her memory—to be fair it hasn’t been 12 hours since their last conversation but the possibility of her having hallucination remained. The door was unlocked and opened.


“Oh...” said the woman from the cubicle. “It’s you.”

Joohyun was surprised to see the look of the woman. She was right. It was indeed the neighbor, but this time she looked so different—pale and definitely not fit.

“Are you okay? Do you want me to lend you a hand?”

“Sorry to bother you, but yes please.”


Joohyun put the neighbor’s hand around her shoulders and supported the latter to walk.


“Is there someone in your office?” Joohyun asked.

“Just me.”

“Is it okay if I then bring you inside my office? I’ve got some pills and other menstrual relaxants.”

“That would be nice and helpful. Thank you and sorry…”

“Please stop saying sorry.”

“Can’t help it... Sorry,” said the tired-voiced neighbor cheekily.

Joohyun didn’t exactly know why, but she found it cute. She decided to play along.

“One more sorry and I’ll leave you here.”

“Fine... but no please, sorry.”

Joohyun rolled her eyes, but at the same time she couldn’t help but smile. She could see the neighbor smiled as well. The smile looked gentle despite being in visible pain—and once again our beloved vice-president did not exactly know why a thought like that passed through her head. As they walked, she could smell the neighbor's parfume—vanilla and amber. The scent was sweet but at the same time felt so strong. She enjoyed being figuratively wrapped with such combination. Another lovely start for the day.


They arrived inside Joohyun’s office room, she helped the neighbor seated on her chair.

“Thank you once again. This morning has been really stressful.”

“I’m all ears if you want to rant.” Joohyun looked for her menstrual pills and heat patch on the drawer.

“As much as I’d love to, I’m not sure you want to hear all this.”

“Try me,” Joohyun found the relievers and turned to the neighbor. “But drink this first and put the patch on your stomach.”

“Thanks,” the neighbor took both the pill and the patch. “Once again, sorry to bother your Saturday morning.”

“Please worry more about yourself for now. Kindly drink and put it on.”

The neighbor drank the pill and turned aside to put the patch on her stomach. “Phew... thanks to your patch, my stomach has now cooled itself.”

Joohyun nodded and asked, “Is it always this bad?”

“No, it isn’t. But the period came at the worst timing.”

“Sorry to hear about that.”

“Nah... it’s nothing actually. It’s just work and… some personal things. Not that heavy but kind of messes my mind. Especially with the red monster.”

Joohyun chuckled hearing the two words. “I understand. And all at the same time.”

“Exactly! Exactly! Gosh, sometimes I just wished for this uterus to vanish and we won’t have this kind of mortal kombat.”

“Gamer much? I thought lawyers won’t have the time to play games?”

“You could if you chose your way of life wisely. Like me for example: work and games to fill most of my 24 hours,” the neighbor paused for a bit, thinking about something. “Did I say I work as a lawyer, though?”

“That’s a good question,” Joohyun laughed. “No you haven’t. You might indeed work in the finance, HR, or any non-law department. But when I saw your outfit yesterday… You’re certainly a lawyer.”

Um… Yesterday?”

“You forgot?”

“Of course I don’t. How could I forget? I mean... It was how we first met.”


Joohyun smiled hearing that “first met”. She knew she should not have smiled. “Yeah. And you wore a sleek outfit like you’re meeting a bonafide client.”


The neighbor laughed, “To tell you the truth, I was meeting a bonafide prospect. Online since they were in the US.”

“I see… Did the meeting go well, if I may ask?”

“Well, 'good' might be an overstatement.”


“But overall, it’s still on track.”

“Good to hear,” said Joohyun. The neighbor just nodded. 


They didn’t continue conversing afterwards. Not that Joohyun wanted to stop, but she was actually amazed by the past two accidental encounters with the neighbor whose name she hadn’t even known yet. And, she loved how the presence of the new acquaintance did not even bother her once.

In a logical sense, being only with someone she barely knew in her private room should have creeped her out. However, she felt the contrary. She felt safe like meeting an old friend. 

Perhaps it was because she worked next door.


So..." The two women opened their mouths simultaneously.

“You first, please. I’m just your uninvited guest,” said the neighbor grinned.

Joohyun—she couldn’t even believe herself—smiled seeing the grin. It was a smile she could not contain. Damn. Another unprovoked smile... Why?

“I just wanted to know you properly, I mean we don’t even know each others’ names. Thank you for helping me yesterday. I’m Joohyun,” she extended her hand for a handshake. She might say it without any hassle but in truth, her heart pounded. She was well aware that her heart movements were unusual.

Was it because she hadn’t really made a lot of new friends in recent years? Was it because she was with someone she hadn’t known well yet in her private place? Was it because of the charming look that the neighbor showed? So many questions and contradictory statements popped in Joohyun’s mind but she tried to keep it cool so she wouldn’t weird the prospective friend out.


The neighbor returned Joohyun’s handshake, “Nice to meet you, Joohyun. Thank you for helping me today. I’m Seungwan. Since you already know that I work as a lawyer, may I know your role here?”

“I’m working as the VP for creative and also the co-founder.”

“VP as Vice-President? Really? That’s very cool. Guess that’s the reason why you had a bed inside your room.”

“Can’t help it. Sleepless nights are part of the parcel with this role.” Joohyun giggled. “Speaking of roles, may I know yours as well?”

“Oh… I’m the Managing Partner.”

“What?” Joohyun was surprised as the MP role meant that Seungwan had a very big responsibility and thus worked practically for 24 x 7. Also, she was sure that Seungwan is around her age—even younger. So this lad next door right here might be some kind of overachiever.

“Unbelievable, I know. Some clients mistook me as associates,” said Seungwan with a light laugh.

“No way, but that’s amazing really!”

“Thank you, Joohyun.”

“That explains all the stresses then.”

Seungwan smiled, “Partly yes, maybe. But that’s how I love my job. I love all the challenges and even the sleepless nights, like you.”

“That also explains how you filled your 24 hours then: work, work, work, and gaming.”

“You’re indeed attentive aren’t you? As expected from our VP.”

Joohyun rolled her eyes and shook her head. Just as she wanted to continue talking, Seungwan’s phone rang. It was her prospective US client.

Shoot. I gotta take this, I forgot that LA is still up. See you later, Joohyun?”

“See you, Seungwan!”

“Thank you!” Seungwan took the call and gestured a wave goodbye as she was going out. Joohyun waved as well—and smiled. She lost count of how many smiles she formed only for that morning.


Seungwan, eh? Seungwan... Sounds very masculine. She hummed to herself and finally ate the onigiri from the convenience store downstairs that tasted surprisingly juicy and pleasant to her taste buds. 


En route to the second bite, she felt a slight pang of regret. She just realized that she hadn’t got any of Seungwan’s contacts! Why should I worry though? She’s just another fellow worker next-door. We could cross other paths quite easily, Joohyun thought to herself.

Just after she finished eating the onigiri and cleaned her hands with sanitizer, she took her phone. She was curious about the neighbor. So she opened the browser and typed, son law seungwan managing partner. She hit enter and the first result was the SON LAW’s official website, with the main title “SON LAW | SON SEUNGWAN AND PARTNERS”.

She scrolled down to look and all she could find was entries like “LAW ASIA | SOUTH KOREA A-LIST”, “TOP 50 ASIA’S FASTEST GROWING FIRMS”. 


This woman is indeed a real deal, Joohyun gulped. There was also Seungwan’s Linkedin page and she opened it as quick as how Usain Bolt started the Olympic race.


Seungwan’s profile picture had long hair. Joohyun thought Seungwan looked more mature there—and more charismatic. She opened the image in a new tab to further zoom in the photo.


Why would she cut her hair? Not that she looked less attractive in short, but…


Joohyun snapped out of her thoughts and couldn’t believe herself. Calm down, J. Calm down. Let’s just think that you just met someone as attractive as Rachel McAdams and nothing more. Just a mere adoration. Nothing more.


She decided to close the page as she felt she was invading Seungwan’s privacy although she knew very well that Linkedin was a public page. Anyone could access and see. She just didn’t want to go through. She got confused. She got curious as well. She put her phone down. I need a man to distract all this, can’t keep on being like this.



Joohyun thought that she would cross paths again—either in the toilet or the hallway. Turns out the expectations failed her. It had been more than a week since they last met and Joohyun didn’t meet Seungwan at all. She even tried to go to the toilet much more than usual—even for no reason. She knew she was being silly as she acted like she hasn't got anything to do at work. But at least, it made her body move after sitting for hours. Nothing to lose indeed.


That same week, mostly in Joohyun’s office room, both she and Sooyoung were cooperating a lot for the next video shooting plan for a music album. It was going to be hectic as it was planned to be outdoors. It was nearing 11 PM on a Tuesday night.


“Unnie, we can’t afford to lose a day especially with heavy rains that might come around next month,” said Sooyoung. “We gotta prepare for any cost-cutting solution. How about shooting everything in the studio?”


“It would lose its authenticity. We need to have the natural vibe, Sooyoung.”


Sooyoung sighed, “I understand, unnie. But it’s not that practical. Also, I’ve done my research and most of the videos shot outdoors, despite being beautiful and authentic, didn’t profit much. And, as much as I hate being the bad cop, we need to profit. A lot. ”


Sooyoung was right, but at the same time Joohyun wanted a full-force genuineness of nature as the overall album concept was about “love in the rain”.

She held her head and closed her eyes. “Could we stop a bit? I need to think.” Usually, the discussion on pre-production would keep her brain active and she would give her opinions here and there without minding the hours. However, at that very moment, she just wanted to take a break—more like a break free for at least the night.


“Do you want me to leave you alone?”

“No, if you don’t mind.”

“Of course, I don’t mind. Are you okay?”

“I’m… I might be fine”

“Might be. So there’s also a possibility that you might not be fine.”

“Do you want to have a drink?”


“No. At the bar downstairs.”


Sooyoung was surprised as Joohyun was never the type to initiate drinking outside her office room, “What’s wrong with you?”


“I just need some fresh air.”

“Nonsense. As much as I’d like to vibe downstairs, you, especially you, hate bars and its smoke. Also, a gentle reminder… it’s still Tuesday.”

“Fine, I just wanted to have a different ambience.”

“That’s very unusual of you.”

“Just accompany me and I’ll try to tell you something after two or three shots. We’re going to make it quick and get back as soon as possible.”

Sooyoung slammed the table enthusiastically, “Deal.”




Joohyun herself didn’t know why she would like to escape to a bar. But, one thing for sure, she needed some booze. Two shots of vodka would do just fine. 


When they arrived, not many people were there. Around ten people including them—and surprisingly, all women. Five as one group and the other three were alone. No sights of men except for the bartenders.


“Are they having some kind of ladies’ night promo or something?” asked Sooyoung.


“Quite a rare view, but I like it. Feels safer, don’t you think?”

“Can’t say no,” Joohyun agreed that the place felt much more comfier than the last time she visited. It was Friday night, so all kinds of people and groups were here—loud, heavy smokers and drinkers, not to add the over-flirtatious younglings. In other words, the bar could be annoying as heck.


They went to the bar to order.


“Don’t tell me you just want to order the usual?”

“Why not?”

“Gee… no more plain shots. This time, since it’s kind of a special occasion a.k.a you’re here and you're the one who initiated to go here so I’m gonna choose for you.”

Joohyun let out a sigh, “Okay whatever.” After all, she just wanted to have any kind of alcohol in her body to drown her mind.

“Gotcha!” Sooyoung smirked and she reached the bartender. “Hello… can I order, please?”


Just as Sooyoung talked to the bartender, Joohyun walked to a mini table for two and slightly scanned the room. All the customers were definitely some kind of office workers—they dressed kind of sleek. Especially the ones within the group. Either bankers or… lawyers, Joohyun hated herself for getting reminded of Seungwan once again.


It was getting illogical. At least for her.


“Here’s the special cocktail for you, unnie.” Sooyoung put the glass in front of her. “The name’s Sacred Flower. Quite a name don’t you think? It’s a mix of Rye and Peaty Whiskey with sugar so it would make a lovely bittersweet taste.”


“Huh? Are you mocking me, Park?”


“Gee… Just drink it, unnie. It tastes good. Trust me.”


“Very well then,” Joohyun took the glass and without many thoughts, sipped it. Sooyoung was right. It’s lovely and felt sacred as every sip would give her some kind of kick in the head. Might be bad, but she believed she could handle herself. “What’s in your glass?”


“Me? You don’t wanna know,” Sooyoung giggled and sipped her drink.


“Is that…” Joohyun tried to guess. It was already quite hard for her to concentrate and see inside the glass as the Flower had kind of eaten her senses. “Lychee tea?”


Sooyoung laughed, “Bro… How did you find out?”


“Sooyoungie…” Joohyun continued drinking her glass and felt her body becoming less and less controllable. “you cheat.”


“Gotta keep my intake low to keep some ‘drunken unnie’ safe and sound.”


Ugh…” Joohyun’s head became a bit heavy but she loved the sensation of being drunk. It has been a while for her. As she wanted to finish her first glass, the bar door was opened and she saw a familiar face that had bugged her.


Son Seungwan.


Seungwan didn’t see her and just went straight to the table where the ladies group was seated.


“SURPRISE! Happy birthday, Wannie!”


The ladies group opened up the confetti and let out the cake—both Joohyun and Sooyoung were amazed as the group didn’t show any signs that they were preparing for a birthday surprise. They sang the “Happy Birthday” song, all the customers including Joohyun and Sooyoung with the bartenders also clapped. Once the song ended, Seungwan blew the candles.


“Thank you girls,” Seungwan’s voice was loud enough for both Joohyun and Sooyoung to hear—especially after having quite a serene ambience at first. “You gentle ladies are even willing to take the hassle of coming all the way here. Gosh... Don’t you have work to do?”


“Fuckin' hell, just loosen up, Seungwannie!” said one of the ladies group members who gave Seungwan a glass shot.


Seungwan laughed. She continued taking photos and all that jazz with her friends. Afterwards, she went to the bartender and and talked with him.


“They’re kinda fun, aren’t they?” remarked Sooyoung as sipping her glass of banal lychee tea.

“Yeah…” said Joohyun, her eyes were on Seungwan.


“All drinks are on me! Free flow for everyone here!!!” Seungwan shouted excitedly as she took a shot. Her group of friends cheered her up and the rest of the customers toasted for her as well. She continued smiling and looked around to check the other customers other than her group. And with no time, her eyes—without her expecting—landed on Joohyun. 


The two exchanged glances. Seungwan walked toward her. 


Joohyun was thrilled with the coincidence. As she was already in a borderline drunken state—which made her bolder, she initiated the conversation.


“Seungwan! Where have you been? Happy birthday, MP!”


Joohyun opened her arms to hug and Seungwan gladly hugged her back.


“Joohyun from KimTae! Been awhile no? And thanks!!!” Seungwan responded and looked toward Sooyoung. “Who’s this pretty companion with you?”


“Ah please…” Sooyoung got shy. “But thanks, I’m Park Sooyoung, her co-worker. How did you two meet if I know? FYI you look familiar as well.”


Seungwan responded. “You know what? She helped me at my lowest point—literally.”


Sooyoung couldn’t contain her grin. “Oh wow. Joohyun unnie never told me that. And?”


“And… I also happened to work beside your office.”


“Wait…” Sooyoung closed her eyes to think. “You’re from SON LAW?! Are you the Asia's rising star lawyer Son Seungwan? That’s why you look familiar!”


“Whoa whoa whoa…” Seungwan gestured a shush. “You watch the show?”


“Of course I do! Reality shows are my jam. Love the drama. I’m indeed a reality show girl that I even knew you were the second contestant that got eliminated."


Seungwan laughed. “Can’t help it. Gotta strategize so I could do the real deal. But anyway, thanks Sooyoung! I thought no one would watch that web show."


“Come on. Don’t belittle yourself. Although I expected more from our country’s representative.”


The two of them laughed and Joohyun just tried to form a polite smile hearing the two conversed.


Although the conversation was not a big deal and harmless, Joohyun somehow felt defeated as Sooyoung had known the neighbor much earlier.


“Shouldn’t you be joining your friends, Seungwan?” Joohyun blurted out.


“Ah yes! You’re right? Catch with you later after this? My friends won’t be long.”


“Sure! Why not?” Sooyoung smiled. The heck, why did Sooyoung reply first?


Joohyun went to the bartender and ordered another glass of Sacred Flower. However, this time when she sipped a bit as walking back to her table, it tasted bitter. Guess the bartender forgot to add some sugar or it was just her tastebuds messing with her.


“So… unnie? Mind to tell me what’s wrong?” Sooyoung brought up the previous conversation.


Ugh… nothing really.”


“And…” Sooyoung half-whispered. “What does Seungwan mean by ‘you helping her at her lowest point’?”


“Not a big deal. Really,” answered Joohyun, sipping her glass and her eyes darted at Seungwan. And Sooyoung, as she was not a child, realized that there was something at least from Joohyun’s side about Seungwan.


“Fine. But always remember that I’m all ears okay? How are you feeling though?”


“What do you mean?”


“Stop being drunk-defensive, please. I’ll take that as an answer then.”


“Whatever,” Joohyun continued to sip. She could feel her head spinning but she didn’t want to stop so she continued drinking her glass up until its last drop.


“Whoa whoa, unnie. Slow down. That’s the last. No more.”


Joohyun could feel some kind of liquid traveling from her stomach. Her gastric system reacted to her unusual drinking behavior. The liquid went up and up and she could feel it coming nearing her esophagus. Shit—not literally this time, but enough for her reflexive system to ask her hands close her mouth and let her feet to stand up and run to the sink. 


She opened the tap quickly and released every single liquid and food residues that accumulated inside her mouth.




Sooyoung followed hurriedly and asked, “Unnie, are you okay?”


Joohyun could feel her hair was being held gently so it wouldn't touch the sink and another hand was on her shoulder. She couldn’t see who helped but she was thankful for that. Most probably Sooyoung but she could see Sooyoung was standing beside the sink. So it was not her. Before she could think further, she uncontrollably threw up once again.


“There… there…” It was Seungwan’s voice, she was the one who held her. Joohyun felt delighted but at the same time wanted to curse as she always met Seungwan in her lowest points—up until to that moment, all encounters were related to bodily excretions, definitely not pleasant for first impressions. 


As much as Joohyun would like to think more, her mind and body were not able to. She just wanted to sit.


“Are you done?” Seungwan asked.

Joohyun nodded slowly. She wanted to cry and she thought to herself, not at Seungwan’s birthday you fool.


“Let me walk you to your seat.” Seungwan put Joohyun’s right hand around her shoulder and supported her walk.


Not long after, they arrived at the seat. Joohyun could only hold her head.


Sooyoung helped Joohyun to sit and patted her unnie's hand to sooth her. “Thank you so much for helping unnie, Seungwan.”

“No worries. But I gotta get back to my friends for now, okay?”


Sooyoung nodded. Joohyun couldn’t respond as she was on the verge of crying. She didn’t mean to take Seungwan’s spotlight on the latter's special day. She hated herself.


As Seungwan got back to her group, her friends, trying to be polite by lowering their voice although still audible to Joohyun, bombarded her with questions.


“Is she okay?”

“Do you know her?”

“Are you fine? Is that a vomit on your shirt?”


Seungwan replied to all of them with a much lowered volume that Joohyun couldn’t hear any of them.


Sooyoung then brought a fresh glass of water to Joohyun. The latter nodded and drank it slowly to regain her senses. She turned to Sooyoung, putting her head on the latter’s shoulder, and cried slowly.


“Sorry you have to see me like this, Sooyoung. I’m a mess.”

“Ssh… don’t say that unnie. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have offered you those bloody drinks.”

“No, it’s me who can’t control myself. But thank you for being there.”


Sooyoung hugged Joohyun gently, “Anytime unnie, anytime.”


The ladies group of Seungwan have all returned—some to their home, some to their office. Seungwan was the only one who left. She then reached out to Joohyun and Sooyoung’s table. She took a seat beside Joohyun.


“Much better now?” Seungwan tucked Joohyun’s hair behind the latter’s ear.


Joohyun looked at Seungwan with a weak nod.


“I think we should get you home,” said Seungwan. “Do you bring a car, Sooyoung?”


Sooyoung shook her head.


“Then I could take you back home.”

Joohyun asked with all her might, “Don’t you have… work… to do?”

“Nah, quite light on my birthday.” 


Sooyoung offered to go upstairs to see whether there were things that Joohyun needed to bring before being back home.


While waiting for Sooyoung, both Joohyun and Seungwan waited still.


“Where were you, Seungwan?” Joohyun asked out of nowhere, she literally didn’t give any damn anymore. “Haven’t seen you lately.”


“Oh. Do you still remember the LA prospective client? They got interested in our propositions, so I went to LA for around a week to seal the deal. I actually got back earlier today so I could spend my birthday here.”


“Congratulations, Seungwan.”


“Thanks, Joohyun. Quite a birthday present, eh?” Seungwan smiled.


“And here I am ruining your birthday…” Joohyun, who had no shame anymore—at least at that condition, buried her face in the crook of Seungwan’s neck.


“Don’t say that, Joohyun. Please. In fact, I’m happy to see you.”


“I know you’re being nice, but please calm that sweet tongue of yours down.”


Seungwan shook her head and smiled, “Gee… This woman. Of course I didn’t lie. I wanted to bring you something from LA, but I remembered that I haven’t got your number yet.”


“Ah yeah… we haven’t exchanged any contacts.”


Seungwan picked her phone, “Give me your number or work e-mail.” Joohyun then mentioned them. 


“Thanks Joohyun, I’ll ring you as soon as possible.”


Joohyun just nodded. At this rate, she just wanted to sleep.


She couldn’t exactly explain how her day went that day. But, at the very least, she got to meet Seungwan. What a mess indeed. A beautiful mess.

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Chapter 5: Bae Joohyun apologizing to Seungwan so fast. My goodness 🤭🤭
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 5: I'm curious as to why Seungwan acts like she knows Joo-Hyun... 🤔 And that part where Seungwan said something like, you probably know her or something... that to me is sus lol
Riscark #3
Chapter 5: Oh how I love their dynamic at that phonecall, like they're not together right, I mean they're barely friends, but how Seungwan manage to set a tone and how the workaholic Joohyun immediately succumbed to Seungwan's cold response. And let's not forget how smooth Seungwan was with that lunch date 😏
Chapter 5: omg joohyun hahaha you are sooo cute
len_rinto #5
Chapter 5: Their convo is so cutee
Chapter 5: Glad I'm found this story!! Like it so much
Maj227 #7
Chapter 5: Great story, author-nim 🥰
ahahaha but "floating defecations" omg 💀
WenRene_77 #8
Chapter 5: Whipped joohyun🤭💙💝
1692 streak #9
Chapter 5: Total rest Hyun~~~ or Seungwan may scold you for that
baejoonism #10
Chapter 5: I like the progress of their relationship. Joohyun's so cutee