
way back home (cause it's you)
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Sometimes, Minjeong can swear that Jimin has come out of a K-drama. 


This is one of those moments. 


A few hours ago, before her classes had started, she sent Jimin a picture of her head and shoulders speckled with small clumps of snow, her hair slightly damp and her skin flushed a light pink from the weather just outside. 


Soon after, she receives a message from her.


no umbrella?


i forgorrrr 😅

when class end?




see you in a bit 


Minjeong doesn’t get any more messages after that. Minjeong does her hardest to pay attention during the lecture and succeeds for the most part, only entering a few matches of competitive Pokemon (oops) during the really dry bits. Satisfied with her notes, Minjeong mentally pats herself on the back for her work today and gets ready to leave after saying goodbye to a few of her classmates.


The days are shorter during winter, and so it’s already dark outside. But that isn’t what surprises her. First of all, it’s cold as now that the sun isn’t out anymore, and second of all, it’s chucking it down at the moment. She’s surprised she didn’t hear the rain from inside the lecture hall. She takes refuge in the little undercovered area so she doesn’t get completely soaked.


Before Minjeong can contemplate a solution on how to get home, cue her umbrella-clad girlfriend walking towards her. Minjeong isn’t just down bad for Jimin, she’s down horrendous. The pouring rain and bustling wind gives Jimin’s entrance a cinematic feel (it absolutely does not, locks of hair are waving around her face, occasionally blocking her eyes but Minjeong simply does not acknowledge it). It doesn’t help that Jimin has the oversized black fleece on that makes all her perfect proportions even more unreal, as if she came right out of a manhwa. Not to mention she’s still in her office attire, and seeing Jimin in a blazer will always make Minjeong feel weak in the knees even if she manages to see it almost every day. 


Minjeong is too impatient to even wait for Jimin to walk all the way over, mindlessly jogging through the rain to close the small distance between the two of them in a tight hug, forgetting about the pelting rain. 


Jimin receives the hug with her free arm, parting her slightly damp locks to place a soft kiss on Minjeong’s forehead when she pulls away. 


“You came to pick me up?”


“I wasn’t going to let you get caught in the rain.”


Slipping her arm around Jimin’s just comes naturally to Minjeong, clinging on tight as they squish under the small collapsible umbrella. For the most part it's just a mix of giggles as they try to take small steps, avoiding puddles and pushing back against the wind, but Jimin stops dead in her tracks when she notices Minjeong shivering slightly. 


You’d think for someone who gets so sensitive to the cold, she’d dress more warmly. But no. Minjeong’s denim jacket is soaked and heavy despite the duo’s best efforts to stay dry, and definitely no match for the pouring rain and bristling wind.


“Hold,” is all Jimin says before passing her umbrella to the shorter girl and loosening herself from Minjeong’s arm. She takes off her jacket and drapes it over the young girl, who tries to protest. 


“You’re going to get cold.” Minjeong tries to squirm away, but being under a tiny umbrella, there really isn’t anywhere to go. Jimin takes off her scarf too and quickly wraps it around her neck. It feels warm and fuzzy against her cold skin and she has to hold back a sigh against the comfort that it brings. 


“Well, you are cold, silly.” She says before she takes back her umbrella. “Don’t you forget, you have the immune system of a small Victorian child.”


As much as Minjeong would hate to admit it, that is true. Between the two of them, Jimin almost never gets sick. Minjeong recons the last time she was when she was like twelve and an absolute brat. Her on the other hand? A completely different story. 


Minjeong rolls her eyes as Jimin readjusts her scarf. “I’m not a child.”


“Nope, you’re my baby,” Jimin says cheesily as she wiggles her eyebrows. 


Minjeong pretends to gag, all but failing to hide the blossoming blush on her face. 


The walk back home usually only takes about fifteen minutes, but the abysmal weather added another five. Still pleasant though, regardless of how cold and wet. 


“Oh .”


That is until a particularly strong gust of wind rips Jimin’s umbrella right from her tiny hand. A shriek follows as they watch the inverted umbrella fly away in the gust. 


The two turn to each other in shock and make a run back to their apartment.


It’s a kerfuffle as they make their way back into their home. Minjeong’s Converses are completely soaked, the rubber soles squeaking against the wooden floor as they shuffle into the house, teeth chattering as they remove their heavy outer layers of clothing. 


“Ah- My shoes are ruined!” Minjeong’s pout is evident, even if Jimin has her back turned as she hangs up the umbrella to dry, she can still see that adorable expression. Jimin knows you shouldn’t buy shoes for your partners (it’s a common saying that they’ll use them to walk away from you), but she knew Minjeong really wanted these specific hightops, so how could she say no? Besides, if Minjeong would walk in the rain just to hug her a bit faster, Jimin has a feeling she wouldn't be walking away any time soon. 


Converse are notoriously hard to take off, even when dry, Jimin is basically fighting for her life trying to get the damn thing off her girlfriend’s foot, both of them sitting down on the ground. Minjeong think’s she looks a little silly with her eyebrows furrowed, and even sillier when her eyebrows raise and opens with surprise as she proudly waves the shoe in the air after successfully taking it off, her eyes sparkling as she cheers.


Jimin is just very excitable, and that in itself is adorable. But despite her cuteness, her intelligence appears to be selective. She’s just a bit ing stupid as she waves the shoes by the laces as if lasoo-ing in celebration, accidentally getting rainwater on the both of them. 


“Ew! Jimin!”


She stops abruptly once she’s made her mistake “Oh SORRY!! sorrysorrysorrysorry-” 


“NASTY!” Minjeong throws her a dirty look as she wipes away the dirty water from her own cheek. 


Jimin scatters into the bathroom to draw a bath and to grab a towel to wrap around Minjeong, who is kind of giving drowned rat core, but like if a rat looked like a puppy and was extremely cute and-






Jimin’s train of thought is broken when Minjeong passes her a cup of warm citron tea before she brings her own cup to her lips. 


When she looks up from the mug after her sip, she finds her girlfriend with her l

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cross-posted on ao3
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281 streak #1
Chapter 4: so fluffy that made me smile so much after reading this 😭🥰
2183 streak #2
Chapter 4: They're so soft I almost want to cry😭
Gyeolui #3
Chapter 4: Cute story 🥰🥰🥰 Happy Valentine's day, authornim
1732 streak #4
Chapter 4: ahh thank you for this amazing update!! happy heart’s day!!
725 streak #5
happy valentine's! thank you for this adorable updateee
Chapter 4: saurrrr lovelyyyy
Chapter 3: very fluffy, it’s so cute !
Chapter 3: it's so sweet and adorable
Taitai84 1230 streak #10
Chapter 3: I love how jimin is all so sure that the two will be end game, that’s why she brings us marriage so casually.

And the psychological conditioning of hot chocolate = kisses is sooooo cute!