I am always sure



Loneliness- Re upload

Yesung was currently sitting in the Super Junior 11th floor dorm staring blankly at the television in front of him playing some drama he had seen before.He really hated days like these.It was beyond uncomfortable,to transition from days where you did not have time to even breath much less think, to days where you would have hours free on end. He had limited schedules today, only a quick recording, then sometime at the company working out some technical issues for the Super Show next on the agenda. He was the lead vocalist after all, and as such rearrangements and odd changes generally had to be passed by him first. He doubted that they wanted his permission, more simply just to put him on notification. He was the one that was supposed to go out there and belt it as if he felt it in his very core, and sometimes he did.To cut a long story short, he had a peaceful day, which had led to his current tamed mood. It was not that he hated rest. During their strong promotion periods, he would be willing to give an arm and a leg to have the time to sit down and watch a drama in the afternoon.What was missing now, was people, or to be more accurate, one person. He supposed he would be overjoyed to have received the free time if they or just him, were around for him to spend it with.

Yesung had never been particularly fond of time by himself. He, like anyone else would not mind a bit of solitude in times of stress or confusion, but as a general rule, he did not like to be alone. He was prone to loneliness and boredom. Perhaps that was what he was experiencing now.When you lived in a dorm with ten other people on a regular basis, it was odd to actually be alone. In a way he supposed he was just so accustomed to the presence of people, not just people but brothers, that when they were not with him he couldn’t help but feel lonely. He wondered if that made him a clingy person.He supposed it did.Was it wrong to want to hold on to the people you loved though? Maybe it was, but in that case he did not mind. He wished to spend all the time he could with them all, with him. He knew his view whilst bright for obvious reasons, was also dark and scary.He would have to enlist soon. It couldn’t come at a worst time to be honest. Everything was falling into place; he had finally found thatit, which he supposed was missing his entire life.What was he going to do then? He had been keeping it out of his mind, but he supposed that was what solitude did to you. It allowed thoughts that you banish to sneak into the little gaps, to hold you and consume you. He was not afraid of the army; he was ready, really and truly. He was just afraid of leaving them, leaving him. Would he be able to survive it? He would have to, he forcefully told himself. It had to be done and would be done.Yet it would still be hard.

He knew it was Kyuhyun’s current,temporary absence that had allowed the thoughts to slip in. Kyuhyun had decided to go hiking with his friends and Yesung thought it was a good idea. Kyuhyun was not really the best at outdoor activity and Yesung thought it was a brilliant idea. Staying in his room all day killing aliens was not very healthy. He always got so sick, that the fresh air was exactly what he needed. Yesung had wholeheartedly encouraged the maknae to venture into the world of sunshine and cold mountain air. Yesung hoped he was having a good time and not complaining about the cold. Yesung chuckled. He really hoped Kyuhyun was not being his usual self. Whilst he was happy that Kyuhyun was being active, he sort of missed the kid. Yesung would have you know that, thankfully he was not that clingy…well not that clingy yet. He could survive the absence of the maknae for a couple days just fine, once he knew that Kyuhyun was safe, well and happy.

It had been 6 months since he and Kyuhyun accepted that they were hopelessly, irrevocably, embarrassingly in love with each other. He really had no other way to describe it. He honestly thought it was embarrassing how much he loved the snarky little demon. He always thought that a man had to have self respect, and the good sense to protect his heart.Yet he knew the only person that could protect his heart at this point was Kyuhyun. He wondered how he could love him that much, but could never really have an answer other that, Kyuhyun was special. Really and truly that was all he could think. He would probably never be able to truly describe it, other than special. Admittedly he and Kyuhyun did not have a particularly well defined relationship.It still felt odd at times.It was and still is difficult for them both to come to terms with their feelings and what it all really means.He was happy though,even if they could never give their relationship, for a lack of a better word, a name, the love they felt for each other was genuine and hopefully everlasting. He knew that at some point they would have to evaluate their position and make a positive decision about the direction in which they wanted to take this, whatever this was, in the future. They had not even had a first date. He supposed, that maybe they were afraid that if they started dating they would have to give it a name. He knew they still both felt awkward and couldn’t really understand their particular circumstances, but loved each other enough not to really care. He wished he could say he lamented their undefined status, be he couldn’t.

He liked to think that whatever they had was just special. Just like how Kyuhyun was just special. It did not need a name and did not need anything to make it real. He knew though, that they both feared, even if Kyuhyun never said it. The more it progressed, the further away from normal it would be.They would have to face a difficult future, filled with darkness and uncertainty.The prospect of such a future,coupled with the awkwardness they still felt was not promising. He wondered why those thoughts never made him worried though.Rationally he should be very worried, yet he could never seem to care.Why worry about things like that when he could just feel Kyuhyun’s wrap around his fingers or see his warm eyes piercing into his, promising a life of happiness and love? Kyuhyun had asked him if love could be enough? He would have told him no. Love is never enough, unless its true love. He suspected strongly that was what he felt.That would explain why he could never worried about anything else,simply because he loved Kyuhyun and Kyuhyun loved him.Why exactly Kyuhyun loved him he was not sure, but he was just happy to have that sort of love. For that very reason he was content to just have Kyuhyun near him, by his side, hand suffocating his tiny little ones. He could wait till they were both comfortable, till the awkwardness passed, till they grew into the feelings, till the attraction blossomed. He could face a future that was uncertain and difficult; he could do it all once Kyuhyun was with him.

This was the very line of thinking,which had lead to the current mood he was in. He would reiterate once more that he could more than survive Kyuhyun’s absence for a couple days.Whilst he missed the maknae in a way, he was happy that he was doing something different. What had upset him was that the current absence had led him to think about the future absences that would definitely be longer than just a few days.What would happen when he left for the army or M went to China for a prolonged period? His mind begged him to not think about it and he was willing to do so,but just a brush examination of the idea left him a bit sad.To make things worst everyone was busy and Siwon was in Japan. If Siwon was there then he would not have had the time to even consider the prospect.He sighed. He hated when everyone was busy. He felt his loneliness increase. He needed to do something, he could not let it persist and make it ruin his time off. He had an idea. Really why did not think of this sooner? He could just go spend time with his family at the new shop. Sometimes he wonders if his love for turtles had eventually made him as slow as they were.Just the prospective of seeing his parents made him happier.Then he could even see ELFs. He should let them know he would be at the new shop. He excitedly stood up, grabbed his coat and headed for the door, all thoughts of lonely futures disappearing.

He returned hours later in much better mood. He actually felt happy to be honest. The time spent with his parents and ELFs were always the enough to make everything better. Now he felt embarrassed for wasting valuable time worrying over things he could not change. He was just going to let the future come as it would. Kyuhyun would be there as well, everything would be fine. Speaking of Kyuhyun, he did not think Kyuhyun was back yet. He hoped that Kyuhyun was not being too troublesome.His heart went out to those friends of his. He chuckled.It did not seem that anyone was around though. Maybe Eunhyuk was on the 12th floor with Donghae, but he knew that Sungmin had Sukira.He did not mind this time though.His heart felt much lighter than it did before.He could probably use the time to sleep.He liked that prospect.Sleep was always a good thing as far as he was concerned.

It was in that condition that Kyuhyun found him when he finally returned,curled up in his bed,satisfied smile,turtle plushie firmly in his grasp.Kyuhyun had spent the day mountain climbing with some of his friends.It was a very fun experience, but all he could think about by the time he entered the building was finding Yesung.He was happy he had a good day and was able to do something different even if he hated being away for his computer,but he by this time really needed to see the man that had wondered into his thoughts more than once during the day.He would  have all concerned know, that he was more than capable of being away from Yesung for a couple of days, but that did not mean he would delay, when the opportunity to see him presented itself. It was for that very reason that he headed straight to Yesung’s room, when he finally made it back to the dorms, only stopping to deposit his gear at the entrance of his room.He walked directly to the older man’s room; only to pause and smile like a fool at the cute sight before him. He swears he would never belief that Yesung was at least 4 years older than he was.He silently observed him for a few seconds before he had a brilliant idea. Well he thought it was brilliant anyway.

“So you missed me huh?” Kyuhyun teased, by the time he got to the bed,settling himself beside the sleeping man, throwing his hand over his stomach, back pressed against Yesung’s back, grip firm, body rocking slightly.Yesung for his part did not react right away, perhaps shocked. It was not every day, peaceful sleep was interrupted by a little devil clinging to him, teasing about being missed.

“Huh” Yesung groggily responded, trying to throw the sleep out his mind and shift his body to accommodate the weight the maknae had against him as well as to adjust the new cold sensation that Kyuhyun had introduced.

“You missed me” Kyuhyun almost purred in an arrogant self satisfied voice, smile cheeky and devious, as he looked at the sleep drunken man that was trying to get his bearings about him. Kyuhyun just allowed Yesung to shift his body so that he could see his face, yet not allowing him to completely be outside his grasp. His hand now holding the weight of his head, as Yesung shifted to be on flat on his back,  to look down at the newly awaken man.

“I did no such thing” Yesung finally responded with a bit of a teasing smile, when he finally found his bearings. He was shocked when he felt something press against him, but relaxed when he realized that it was Kyuhyun. No one else would really be that brave to just walk into his room and threw themselves against him, especially when they felt so cold. Whilst he would miss his sleep, he was happy the maknae had come to see him when he arrived. He should have known that Kyuhyun would only be interested in teasing though and was determined to do some teasing of his own.

“You did. I saw the tweet. I mean really how could you not miss me?” Kyuhyun teased, voice filled with mock wonder as he pretended to ponder the obviousness of the situation. He had pouted at first, and then remembered he had evidence. It was all so easy now.

“What do you mean?” Yesung questioned, genuinely inquisitive. He did not know what Kyuhyun was talking about, but it seemed to make the maknae rather happy, judging from the smirk that was playing on his face, his eyes bright and mischievous. Yesung was happy to have him near him once more, to see those smiling eyes, even if mischievous staring down at him.

“You said you were lonely. You missed me...awww” Kyuhyun sounded being satisfied now, face now coloured with absolute glee. Kyuhyun was sad when he saw the tweet. He did not want Yesung to be lonely, but then it occurred to him that it probably meant that Yesung was missing him. It was safe to say he was filled with absolute joy thereafter. He did not worry, as it seemed that Yesung would spend time with his family, which Kyuhyun knew would cheer him up immensely. Assured that Yesung was feeling better the only thing left to do was tease. Yesung was shy, so Kyuhyun knew he probably would not admit it, but teasing would be enough for him. Kyuhyun ignored the voice inside, telling him to be careful. ’It was not like you did not miss him either’ which Kyuhyun only assured that Yesung was unlikely to bring that up.

“Oh you mean that? That was because Siwon is in Japan” Yesung responded as nonchalant as possible, only a tiny teasing smile giving away his motive. He fully intended to tease the maknae as well. Kyuhyun was not the only one capable of teasing; Yesung would let you all know. Yesung though had yet to understand what it was about Siwon that seemed to rile the kid up, but he was ashamed to say that whilst he was not positive as to the reason, he was not above utilizing it. In a way though, he was also being truthful. He had missed Kyuhyun, but he was lonely really because everyone was busy, Siwon included. He suspected that, whilst he would have missed Kyuhyun a bit as to be expected, his loneliness would have been abated had the other members been around to soothe his mind and hold attention, as his family eventually did.

“That’s not even funny hyung” Kyuhyun objected. The reaction was instantaneous, teasing turned into reprimand, smirk into tight grimace, body bolting upright into a sitting position. All amusement vanishing, the maknae looking down at Yesung, with eyes now marked with exaggerated hurt, a disapproving stance now taking over his countenance. Yesung for his part, did not buy into the pain Kyuhyun was trying to express, instead found his reaction to be the embodiment of adorable. He would probably never understand why Kyuhyun always reacted that way, and whilst it was never his intention to upset his Kyuhyunnie, he would be willing to admit that it did give him a bit of joy to see the smirk fall so quickly, to be replaced with the near pouting child.

“Kyuhyun ah is so cute” Yesung cooed at the now pouting maknae, chuckling lightly, lifting himself upwards to be on the same, well not the same as Kyuhyun was still larger than he was, sitting position as him. He leaned forward and gently pinched the now pushed out cheeks. The cuteness was too much for him to be bear and to be content with just pinching his cheeks, leading him to swiftly draw the younger into a one armed hug. He chuckled wholeheartedly, when he felt Kyuhyun resist a little but eventually settle into his arms. He forgot he was teasing then, when the warmth spread through his body and he would feel Kyuhyun’s breath on his shoulder.

Kyuhyun was rather offended. How he dare to say it was because of Siwon? He knew that Yesung was probably teasing and was willing to admit that he had started it first. He knew Yesung would be too shy to say outright that he missed him, and was sure the older did miss him in his own way, but a man had to have limits.Did he not know the pain he caused? Well technically he wouldn’t know, since Kyuhyun had the sense to be embarrassed about his irrational feelings towards Siwon.He already felt it and did not need for it to be broadcasted. ’Atleast you know it’s nonsensical’ his snarky subconscious chimed in, only to be scoffed at by Kyuhyun.He was not really upset at the man, more at himself and as always Siwon. It was always his fault, he ascertained to have his mind break into a fit of giggles and a teasing ‘Yeah right!’.  He did not want to be treated as a child, but all thoughts of resistance, Siwon and unruly subconscious, well to be more accurate all thoughts not related to warmth, so close, coffee and cinnamon, and happiness, vanished from existence when he felt that arm surround him, bringing his chin to rest on the shoulder of the smaller. Kyuhyun knew he should be worried that all his distaste and offence disappeared when he smelt that sweet coffee cinnamon blend that much closer, he smelt it as he entered the room, but closer  it was so much sweeter, or feel that warmth that made his body feel inflamed, but as usual did not seem to care.Yesung was hugging him and those warm hands were on his back, which was all he ever needed to know.

“Go bathe...you smell” Yesung gently instructed when he pulled himself away from the maknae, pushing him away tenderly with his small hands, crinkling his nose in Kyuhyun’s direction, eyes warm and affectionate. Kyuhyun was confused at first then looked down to realize that he still had on his climbing clothes. He was so anxious to see Yesung that he had not even changed or showered. He chuckled lightly, embarrassed, looking up at Yesung with a shy smile and a muttered “I don’t smell”, even though he knew he probably did. Yesung for his part seemed amused at the whole thing, as he just continued pushing him ever so lightly away and smiling at him adoringly. Kyuhyun supposed he could tease and torture a bit, but now that it had been pointed out to him,his clothes felt heavy and dirty and he now longed for a warm bath. Insisting he would be right back, he quickly descended from the bed and headed to his room, intending to take a quick shower.

Yesung watched his go with a small chuckle and a warm smile. He really did miss the snarky little demon, he realized. He was also rather pleased that the maknae seemed to miss him as well, judging by the fact that he came straight to him and had not even bothered to shower first. He supposed that he should have mercilessly as the maknae was attempting to do to him, but thought better of it. He was sure the Siwon thing was more than he could bear judging by his reaction and saw no need to add his Kyuhyunnie’s suffering. He could not help but smile foolishly as he thought about how childish Kyuhyun really was. Whilst he was not going to admit it point blank to Kyuhyun’s face, he realized that he had missed him even more than he would have originally thought. He felt great joy when he became aware that it was Kyuhyun’s hand on his stomach. He couldn’t help but think about the much longer separations that were in their future. He had promised himself not to think about it, but moments like those always do. When it did come he would have to go months without having Kyuhyun try to make him blush or or hold him or make him forget what he was thinking before warmth overtook him. Could he really survive without all of that? He wished he was strong enough to do it, but he knew deep down he would be weak without Kyuhyun. It was just a couple days separation and he felt so happy to have the evil maknae , to just . He was well aware, that it did not speak well for his independence or will power, but he would freely admit he had limited will power where Kyuhyun was concerned, hence this pseudo relationship thingy. It was not to say he did not worry about the army thing before he realized that he loved Kyuhyun. He did worry about it all the time before, but now it is just that much worse. So many things can change. He sighed.

“What’s wrong hyung?” a gentle voiced questioned. Yesung was so caught up in his thoughts that he had not heard when Kyuhyun had entered. Kyuhyun, who was now showered and dressed in his sweats and a Tee, had returned, taking his spot on the bed, next to Yesung, back against the wall. He continued to look at Yesung with questioning eyes, gentle concerned smile in place.

“Nothing Kyu ah” Yesung reassured, smiling at Kyuhyun, hoping to convince him at all was well. Yesung was surprised when he came in. Even though he has sensitive hearing, he was probably just so caught up in his thoughts to notice. Yesung really hoped that Kyuhyun would let it go.

“We both know that it’s easier to just tell me what’s wrong than pretend something is not wrong” Kyuhyun informed, voice strict but gentle, face serious yet a welcoming smile set in place. Kyuhyun did not believe Yesung for a second. At this point in their relationship? whatever they had, he could read the man rather easily. He knew the sigh meant something serious was on his mind. He was a little disappointed that Yesung just did not tell him what was wrong, but consoled himself with the thought that maybe he did not want to trouble Kyuhyun. They were ridiculous like that rather often. Either way Kyuhyun was not going to let it go. He needed to make sure Yesung felt better.

“Do you ever think about what will happen when M goes to China or when I go to the army? What will happen to us then?” Yesung asked softly, voice filled with resignation and sadness as he looked down at his hands. He did not want to look at Kyuhyun. He did want to share his treacherous saddening thoughts with the maknae. It would be best if Kyuhyun never thought about it, that he never had to worry, never had to fear. Yesung wished to protect him from the fear, even if he couldn’t protect him from the reality.

“It’ll be different but we’ll be fine” Kyuhyun reassured, voice firm and confident, eyes gentle and reassuring, as he stretched his hand to pull Yesung into his embrace, tight against his side, using his only other free hand to unclasp Yesung’s hands from each other and take one into his one hand, weaving their fingers together.

“How can you be so sure?”  Yesung questioned, voice piqued with interest, his eyes filled with doubt and uncertainty as he tilted his head in Kyuhyun’s direction. He truly wondered what made Kyuhyun that certain. He knew that whilst Kyuhyun was awkward and sometimes shy, he never truly lacked confidence. Even so this was so much bigger, so much more troublesome.

“I just am. I am always sure when it comes to us” Kyuhyun explained, voice strong and confident, eyes staring into Yesung’s begging him to understand, to see what he saw, to feel what he feels. Kyuhyun hoped that Yesung would see it from his perspective. See that Kyuhyun never worried because he loved Yesung and was that would just be enough, always be enough. No matter what happened, Kyuhyun would be by his side, even if he can’t be physically, he would always be in his heart. It was beyond sappy, but entirely true. Kyuhyun did not fear because even though it would be hard, it would never be too hard, for them, as a whole, together. Kyuhyun lamented the fact that he could never really say it with words but he hoped Yesung could understand him, like he usually did.To help him though he released his hand, to reach upwards and take his cheek in his hand pulling him near him, to look deep into his eyes, to convince him, that the words he couldn’t say were enough.

“I should be as well. I am sorry” Yesung said after some time, shaking his head at his own doubt, smiling at Kyuhyun, letting him know that he understood, that he felt the same way, even if he couldn’t say it as well.

“You should be” Kyuhyun mock chastised, eyes not so serious anymore, voice slightly playful as he released Yesung’s cheeks, to return to his favourite past time, his fingers. Kyuhyun was happy that he could ease Yesung’s mind. It was not as if Kyuhyun never thought about it or wondered how he would survive in the absence. He was not so sentimental to think it would be easy. He would probably miss the older man till it physically hurt, but he did not worry. He knew that in his case absence only made his love that much stronger. During that time he would only smell coffee and cinnamon and see almond shaped eyes. Then it wouldn’t be torture but comfort. It would be painstakingly hard, living without warm fingers clasp firmly in his hands, but he would do it, because to him it would only be a short while compared to the lifetime they had together, well the lifetime he hoped they would have together. He was going to make sure that once he lived he would be by Yesung’s side, he would hold his hands, chase away his loneliness and help him banish those stray evil thoughts that made him frown. He was more interested in keeping his promise than he was about worrying about a little troublesome interval.

“You’re right” Yesung conceded happily. Why was he in doubt? It was just going to be for a little while. It would be hard but Kyuhyun would be by his side, it would always be alright. Now he just felt embarrassed for not trusting himself and his love more. Realistically it was going to hurt like hell to not have his hands held prisoner or see those warm smiles, but they would be stronger for it. He smiled at Kyuhyun genuinely, feeling all thoughts of separation and loneliness wash away.

“Aren’t I always? You did not even praise my awesomeness. I made it all the way up the mountain. I am like a bona fide mountain climber now” Kyuhyun boasted, smiling devilishly, happy in his heart that all thoughts of separation had been evicted.

“Shut up and sleep” Yesung instructed, chuckling at the boastful maknae, as he smacked him on the chest playfully. Kyuhyun always knew him best and always made him feel better, today being another one of those days.

Kyuhyun instead of responding, decided to take the instruction as an invitation to sleep beside the man. His subconscious teasing playfully ‘don’t you take everything as an invitation?’, which he did not bother to deny, positive that all the evidence would be stacked against him. He just nodded his head, and pulled Yesung with him into a laying position, positioning himself comfortably to rest his head on Yesung’s chest, as his arm surrounded the singers stomach, grabbing his other arm. Yesung did not seem to mind that Kyuhyun had decided to stay with him. He often enjoyed the warmth the younger man provided and was happy to have him in his arms. At first it was awkward, but now he was grateful as it seems that they were a lot more comfortable with each other. He supposed they had come to enjoy sleeping in each other’s arms. He suspected that they may both wish for it to be a constant thing, but neither was brave enough to suggest it. He wished to claim that he was, but knew he would blush burgundy before he even got the words out. Maybe it was best they just let it progress naturally as it had been going. Even without ever saying it, they still often found themselves in their current position. He had come to think that the weight of Kyuhyun’s head on his chest was the embodiment of comforting and was always thanking God that it was something he experienced, much less something he could feel regularly.

Yesung settled himself comfortably as well, laying flat on his back, Kyuhyun’s head resting on his chest, bring his arms to rest on the younger’s shoulder, to draw soft soothing through his hair. Both were just content to enjoy the moment, to let the warmth weave itself between them, around them. Kyuhyun himself was mainly concerned with relishing the smell of coffee and cinnamon, feeling that much warmth spread through his body, feeling the rise of Yesung’s chest under his cheeks, tiny fingers through his hair. He had no idea what heaven was like, but he suspected it resembled the position he was presently occupying .He smiled foolishly, with his mind busy mocking ‘can you get anymore cheesy?’, only for him to inform it that he was floating on a cloud and he couldn’t care less about what it had to say.

Kyuhun stayed like that for a while, allowing the happiness to wash over him, to feel as if he owned the world, that he would always he safe, tucked away in Yesung’s arms.He whispered a it’s really going to be alright”.With sleep on the horizon, he lifted his head slowly, ever so slowly, leaned upwards and placed a gentle kiss on Yesung’s lips. It was not even a proper peck. It finished before it had started, yet he swiftly returned to his original position, eyes shut and buried into the folds of the chest as much as possible hoping to hide his bright red face, willing his heart rate to return to normal and scolding his mind for getting carried away.Physical intimacy was a bit of a touchy issue for both of them and things like that were still a little bit weird for them. He didn’t know what he was thinking.Even though it was just a brush to be honest, he had to fight his hands to keep them from reaching up and touching his lips. He had read that lips are three times more sensitive than the finger tips but had never been s grateful for that biological fact as he was now. Just a brush was able to send electricity shooting through his entire body. He supposed it was not just the sensitivity of his lips that made him feel that way, rather that it was Yesung, someone he loved that much.

Yesung for his part was shocked at first. He thought he imagined it, how quickly it happened. He knew realistically it was nothing to write home about, yet it was so special. It showed that their relationship was moving forward. He was not going to lie, it felt weird and awkward, but the warmth spread quickly through out his body, his face heating up to a flaming red, heart rate increase significantly. He was sure Kyuhyun could feel the thumps from where he was hiding. He chuckled mildly, happy to know he was not the only one feeling shy and slightly embarrassed. He hoped that one day, it would be natural, but for now he was happy just to let the sensations from a brush of their lips spread through his body. He leaned down and placed a few soft kisses to Kyuhyun hair to assure the maknae that everything was alright and to fulfil his need to be closer to the younger, if that was possible. He whispered “I know” smiling down at Kyuhyun, before resuming his , closing his eyes, waiting for dreams to claim him, as he savoured the feeling of absolute happiness. His last thought being that he should never be lonely again. Even when he did not have Kyuhyun with him, he would always memories of nights like this.

A ringing sound awoke Kyuhyun from his slumber, opening his eyes, to see a blurry Yesung bring the phone to his ears, and thankfully ceasing the annoying sound.Kyuhyun was getting ready to return to his comfortable position, when Yesung pulled his body upwards to lean against the headboard, displacing Kyuhyun, who had fallen to the side of the man currently speaking on the phone.Eventually Kyuhyun was alert enough to make out the words Yesung was uttering, catching the end of the conversation.

“I miss you too Siwon ah. I will see you when you get back” Yesung was talking happily to Siwon, much to Kyuhyun’s displeasure. Did Siwon have nothing to do? He was in Japan and still annoying Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun knew he was being irrational about his distaste for the man. He was well aware that Siwon was a dongsaeng of Yesung and they were close .He was also aware that Siwon was a kind person that did not mean him any harm at all. He was also aware that it was just a friendship that existed yet irrationality did not understand any of that. Even if everything had a sensible explanation, that did not mean he had to like it. He blamed it on Siwon or the irrationality, but mainly Siwon. ‘You would’ his mind chuckled at his expense.

 “Bye Siwon ah .Be safe” Yesung ended smiling at the phone, nodding his head. Kyuhyun found it rather stupid. Did he not know that Siwon would not see him? Why did he tell Siwon he missed him? He did not even tell him that. He had to remedy this injustice right away.

“You tell him you miss him, but refused to say it to me. That’s not fair!” Kyuhyun whined looking at Yesung, face washed with sleep, only a pout coming across, rather than the indignation he felt.

“You are such a child sometimes Kyu ah” Yesung teased, as he chuckled at Kyuhyun’s pouting face. Kyuhyun was beyond adorable he decided.He pulled himself forward, descended the bed, stopped to lean down and pressed a feather light kiss at the corner of Kyuhyun’s mouth, patted his hair lightly,before leaving the room.

“I’m not!” Kyuhyun would finally yell down the corridor five minutes later ,when he had finally recovered from the barely there brush of lips, all thoughts of Siwon, being unfair and he needed to get a backbone disappearing to be replaced with that warmth. He cursed at that warmth for making him a love sick fool, before reaching up to touch his lips and smile like some deranged psychopath.

A/N: It's the fluff after Confessions. Personally I find it a little dry and extremely cheesy, but since I finished it I thought I would share. I messed with the timeline a bit, but it’s not really a major problem.It came from Yesung tweeting saying he was lonely, coincidentally on the same day Kyuhyun was out mountain climbing and Siwon was in Japan. Probably a coincidence, but never a coincidence for a shipper..lol..Up next is probably Acceptance.

Comments are Required so I know if I am doing this right. Comment and make me happy :)


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394 streak #1
Chapter 1: Omg, the kiss! It's so sweeeet ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 1: And I'm always sure that is had to be Kyusung. XD The kiss though, I found was so sweet and gentle it just made be feel all happy inside, I'm such a er for these two, honestly. I'm really glad Kyuhyun is able to be that pillar for Yesung when he's feeling insecure. I feel like Kyuhyun's confidence is what really keeps things going, and I hope Yesung will just give in to Kyu and be loved like he should.
Chapter 1: awwww. that kiss thought aaahhhhh!!!! i agree with Inspirit-ELF i wish they werent so shy either!!!
Chapter 1: This was quite precious~ I only wish the boys wouldn't be so shy with showing their love for each other physically! :P
lahdeedah000 #5
I know I'm late cuz I just found this story, but I want to let you know that you are NOT a fail at fluff! This was so cute! >_< I'm currently on a reading marathon with all your stories, so onwards to next one! ;D