🌷: Twin Flames

Blank Space






Friday Night

It was a very tiring day. The long haired blonde girl lie down on her couch feeling exhausted. School activities and homework is killing her physically and mentally.. But she chose it, being busy and spending most of her time in her studies.  As she stared at her ceiling she suddenly thought of Freen. She remembered that she invited her to visit her condo this coming weekend to make her a portrait. Few days ago she bump into her but the next days after that, she didn't see her again around the campus. Is she busy? Why isn't she sending me any message? I already gave her my number. The girl rub her head, this is the first time that someone took a long time before responding to her. Why? was she too forward to suddenly invite her even if they don't really know each other personally. She might be intimidated by her.





"Arf! arf! arf!" 


A noise suddenly echoed inside the room. A small black french bulldog bark loudly.


"Bonbon stop barking!"


The small dog obeyed and jump to his owner. 


"Bonbon baby.. Did you miss mami?" 


While the young girl is playing with her dog. Her phone kept on vibrating.





📱: 3 Text messages



🐰: Sawadee Ka! Good evening Becky, this is Freen. I hope you didn't forget what you said the other day. You gave me your number and told me to visit you in your condo this weekend. By the way, can you send me the address? 



🐰: Are you sleeping already?



🐰: Becky???




The young girl  jump in excitement.


She doesn't know why this sudden weird feeling is like butterflies inside her stomach.



🐱: Hello Freen! The address is  Dior Street, 20th Floor, Unit 2021, FB Building. I think you already know this building since this is just 15 mins away from our School. 


🐰:  I see.... So you are staying at FB building. I heard most of the students in our University lives there. Well anyway, see you tomorrow Becky 😊.







"What?! No no no.... I still want to talk to you..." Rebecca said talking to herself and felt like it was just a short conversation between them. She wanted to make it longer and decided to call Freen.





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"Kyahhh!!!!! Finally! she texted me back! " 


The girl dances cheerfully inside her room. She hugged her pillow smiling crazily. It was really hard for her not to text back when Rebecca gave her number the last time she saw her. She said to herself that it is too soon. This past few days around the campus, she always hide everytime she hears students calling Rebecca's name. Freen doesn't want anyone to know that she and Rebecca already met, she wants to be lowkey in everything. She wanted to build a friendship with someone she doesn't know yet and maybe this is the right timing to get to know her.



While the girl was busy imagining things. Her phone suddenly rang. She quickly reaches for her phone and was surpised to see the name of the caller.





📱: >>Rebecca Patricia Armstrong is calling.....<<





"What?! She's calling?!!!"


Her eyes widen...


Her hand shakes...


She calm herself and slowly tap her phone to answer the call.



🐰: Uhm... Hello?

🐱: Hello Freen...are you busy?

🐰: N..no.. why?

🐱: Have you had your dinner?

🐰: Not yet...my mom is still cooking . How about you Becky? Did you eat your dinner?

🐱: Uhm...no... I was just wondering if we could have dinner together here in my condo. But since your Mom is cooking I guess i'll see you tomorrow.

🐰: W..wait...uhm... maybe I can go to your place tonight? I will just tell my mom that I will be staying with a friend's house...I will also bring my painting materials so we can start tonight with your portrait. Is that okay?

🐱: Oh! that's a good idea...uhm ....Freen?

🐰: Yes, Becky?

🐱: Thank you... I don't know why I feel comfortable talking to you even if we don't really know each other.

🐰: I guess we both feel the same. How about we talk later and wait for me okay?

🐱: Hehehe yes. See you later Freen.




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As soon as she turn off her phone. Rebecca can't help but smile. Her heart is beating like a drum. She looks around her apartment and notice that it was a bit messy. She realized that she must clean her place first before her visitor comes over.




-  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -





"Freen!!!! Get down now we are eating dinner."



The girl was busy changing her clothes and preparing all the things she needed before she go. When she heard her mom calling... She then quickly run downstairs. 



"Ah Mom? I'm going out for a sleep over"


"What? where ? It's already  dinner time. And what are those? Is that your things for painting?"


"Well... a friend of mine at the University ask me to make her a portrait..."


"A friend? Is it Nam?"


"No, Mom.... I just met her few days ago, she's the vice president of our  student council"


"But it's already evening...why not visit her tomorrow?"


"Mom...please? I promise i'll be home tomorrow after lunch."


"Okay...fine but i'll go get a container and take this food I already cook, so that you and your friend can eat ."


"Really?! Thank you Mom!!!!"



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8:30 PM


At FB Building


 Freen entered the building. She look around the lounge area and saw students from the same University are there who are busy chatting still wearing their uniforms, while some are glued to their phone. Thank goodness she wears a cap, she looked down so that no one from her school would notice her...But as if someone would really know her... She walked as fast as she can to get straight to the lift. She remove her cap and fix her hair. It took her two minutes and the elevator door opened at 20th floor. As soon as she step out someone was already there waiting for her ....




"Freeeeennnn" Rebecca greeted and hug the girl.


"B..Becky?...you surprised me!"


"Well i've been waiting here for half an hour. I'm really glad you came."


"If I said i'm going...i'm really going...Oh by the way, we have food for dinner. My Mom made it, she said I should bring these food for us..." 


"Wow! your Mom is so sweet...."


"Yeah..she is.."


"Uhm come...let's go to my unit. "


The two girls walked along the corridor.

They didn't feel that awkwardness to each other. 



The young girl slowly opened her door. 


"Welcome to my place Fr--" The girl was disrupted by a loud noise.


"Arf! Arf! Arf!" The small dog went to Freen and kept on jumping.


"Wahhh!!!! so cuteeeee!!!" The girl carefully pick up the dog.



The other girl was amaze to see her dog and Freen like they've known each other before. Bonbon usually doesn't like other people, only the Armstrong family can touch him, but now...how come Freen easily scoop her dog and give her kisses.



"eyyy Bonbon...stop Freen she's not an ice cream"



"Bonbon ? hahaha what a cute name.." Freen said and looked around the girl's place.



Everything is pink.

There is a big family portait hanging in the living room area.

The couch is pink with care bears throwpillows.

She has a piano.

She has a heart-shaped pink carpet in the middle.



The girl watches Freen enjoying the view of her home. "So again...Welcome Freen to my world."


"Wow....you have a very beautiful place. It feels warm in here."


"Really? Do you like it?"


"I do...well how about we eat dinner now?"


"Oh yeah right."



The two girls prepared their meals. Freen was kind of nervous what if Becca doesn't like the food she brought. It was then she found out that the other girl doesn't eat spicy food. Freen then told her that she doesn't eat tuna because it taste weird for her. They enjoyed their meals while talking about their likes and dislikes. This is the first stage of knowing someone. The connection between them is unexpectedly intense.



Like twin flames with deep connection. . . .




After eating their dinner the two decided to rest first and Becky invited Freen to get inside her room.





"Oh! so this is your room...it is very colorful. You really love care bears?"


"Yeah i'm a big fan..."


"You also have vinyl records of Taylor Swift?!"


"Hahaha yeah...you like Taylor Swift too?"


"Well I do like her too...but i'm a fan of indie music like something mellow and helps you feel like you are at the beach watching sunset."


"Ooohhh... I like that too."



The two girls lie down on the bed.

They stared at the ceiling looking at the rainbow wallpaper that Rebecca glued few weeks ago.



"So.. what time do you want me to paint you?"


"Later.. I just want to lie down first....how about we listen to a song?"


"Sure...." Freen agreed. She lie down and close her eyes for a bit.



Becca randomly played a music from her phone. She also lie down beside Freen. She secretly stares at the other girl who was pretending sleeping. 




🎧:  Enchanted by T.Swift

There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you ~~





Every lyrics from the song currently playing is like a secret journal expressing their thoughts that they can't say to each other.

But Why?

Why does it feel that they can relate?


After a moment of silence from the two girls. Freen checked her phone and suddenly stood up. 





"You ready Becca?"


"Ohh...I...I need to change clothes first..."


"Alright, i'm just going to set up my painting materials at the living room and just go out if you are ready.."


"Yes, Freen" The girl answered and smile.



While  Freen is busy setting up... she can't help but think how fast these things are happening. Why does it feel like she met the girl before... not that moment where she met her at their flower shop. Maybe somewhere else..she can't remember but there was a familiar feeling.



While the girl is busy thinking. Rebecca was already finished.

She stood there wearing a very stunning dress. Freen can't keep her eyes off the girl. 











"Somebody better call God..." Freen said looking at the girl with innocent eyes.



"Huh? Why?" Rebecca asked in confusion.









"Cause heaven's missing an Angel....."



Her cheeks turned red . She smiled shyly. Rebecca Patricia....you've never felt this before. You never had feelings for anyone. No one made you feel this way....Is Freen the one who will break your Great Wall of Feelings?  But whatever it is. She's really happy.




"Ahh... didn't know you brought cheesy lines for me.." 



"Ehh?? uhm... hahaha. Well let's start?"






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It is so hard to focus. 


Her eyes.


Her nose.


Her lips...


Every part of her is so majestic that makes Freen nervous not to make any mistake.





While Freen is busy painting...Becca can't help but wonder why this girl in front of her is  so clueless of how beautiful she is...Recently she heard some students mentioning Freen as one of the most attractive freshman student in their University. It's kind of funny because some of them think that Freen is not that friendly. They thought she has a cold personality, but in reality it is the other way around. 



It took them two hours to finish the portrait.


Freen made sure to polish her painting and when she's done, she told the other girl to see her final product.




"Oh my God!" Rebecca shouted in a joyous tone.



"So? How's my painting?"



"Freen.....this is so beautiful...did you know this is my first time to have a self portrait?!"  The girl said and without any hesitation she immediately hugged the other girl so tight. Freen also hug her back and it feels like both of them doesn't want to let go. Not until Bonbon bark loudly that made them let go each other's arms. 




"Hahaha! Bonbon!" Freen lift him up and dance.









"Such a lucky dog...." Rebecca whispered.







It was already midnight. The girls decided to sleep already and set their alarm since Freen should be home after lunch the next day. But both of them can't sleep. They are sharing the same bed and it's hard for them to concentrate on sleeping.






"Freen? Are you already sleeping?" Rebecca asked.




The two girls then faced each other. Staring at each other’s eyes.



"Not yet...I can't sleep"


"Me too...Uhm...Thank you for today, P'Freen..."


"Heh? why are you calling me P'Freen now??"


"Coz I know you are older than me..."


"What? How did you..know???"


"You think I don't observe? I saw your application as a First year representative. I saw your birth date. You are already twenty..Hahaha!"


"And now you are laughing...Haha! I just tried to send my application but now I think.... I don't want to join anymore..."


"What ? but why???"


"Well I think it will be hard for me to balance my studies....can you pull out my application?"


"But...you fit for the position..even P'Saint likes your credentials from your previous school."



"Please?Nong Becky?" 



She can't resist when the girl in front of her shows her puppy eyes pleading like a cute dog.



"Aghh...fine... I'll fix it next week"



"Wahhh!!! Thank you Nong..."



"Eyy just call me Becky.... Okay?" Rebecca said and notice that the other girl is already yawning.





"Becky...i'm really sleepy now...."



"Okay let's sleep P'Freen"



"Wait...can I hold your hand?"



"EHH? Why?"



"My favorite blanket isn't with me...I want to hold on to something warm...."



"I see...."



The two girls then hold hands while sleeping.


The warmth of their emotions is overflowing with trust and calmness.








Hoping that in this fleeting moment.........










they will still continue to be with each other.....








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story19 #1
Chapter 6: Omg, i hope authornim did not abandon this story i just read the last chpater 1st to see if it is completef, shoot, i was too hook and bam, end of chapter. Last update was oct 27. Geez.
Chapter 6: Update please ..that Nathan need to be slap triple hard to realize who the hell he is
JuReen_Sloth #3
Chapter 6: This Nathan needs a strong slap for doing this. Wtf!
Chapter 6: Sorry it took me a few months to update a new chapter. So yeah...getting busy lately.
Chapter 5: 💖💖💖💖💖 MORE, PLEASE 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Love the story.. update please
Alyazm #7
Chapter 5: 😭😭😭😍😍😍😍
Will update soon guys kinda busy I’m just currently overseas (Philippines)
1192 streak #9
Chapter 5: Get your head out of your Freen 🤣
Alyazm #10
Chapter 5: Omg this is good, please continuation