Sooner or later, karma hits the target

Everything about her
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The two girls worked insanely for the entire month of January.

They took turns shooting the series and the movie, apart from doing a lot of solo campaigns for powerful brands.

Freen changed her mindset at the end of the year. So she was more self-confident and daring toward the haters.

However, Becky was still holding the horses to protect the love of her life. 

Uranus scenes were wrapped up in early February and the duo continued working on the loyal Pin while taking part in photoshoots and other projects together and individually. 

They paused the shooting for 3 days to attend the fashion week in London and Milan, which caught the attention of European brands, stylists, and big names in the industry.

The loyal pin was concluded in March. But the girls had no vacation at all.

While waiting for the upcoming promotion of Uranus, both Becky and Freen signed millionaire contracts with Italian and French brands and did solo and couple shoots for 3 famous European magazines.

In May, they were on the cover of Elle Paris wearing Dior wedding dresses, which melted not only the fans but also brought new admirers.

Uranus was released in Thailand, the USA, Japan, Korea, England, the Philipines, and Brazil at first.

The movie topped the national charts and broke records in their country from day one.

The results were progressively amazing in the other countries and the girls took part in the premiere in Paris, Milan, and Madrid. Just like they did in London, Seoul, New York and São Paulo.

The Thai Department of Culture sent the two actresses a public letter thanking them for their hard work and inviting them to take part in a government ceremony.

Even though Becky needed to postpone her studies once again, the Thai-British was excited about all the new world of opportunities opening for them.

The 21-year-old was also feeling calmer because her partner hadn’t had any panic attacks or anxiety crises that year.

Idol Factory surprised the fans and did the premiere of Loyal Pin on June 22nd.

The series broke the company record, and they had the most watched first episode of all their productions.

Channel 3 executives were also impressed by the rates of the Loayl Pin on its release.

After a month, the Queens of Thai GL had become the sweethearts of fans from other fandoms.

Since Freen’s and Becky’s popularity had skyrocketed, their enemies tried another wave of attacks through cyberbullying.

However, both were too busy with their projects to pay attention.

Little did the haters know that someone of a high rank was giving them proper attention, though.

On July 29th, the Thai minister of justice had a press conference.

The Chinese minister of justice was sitting on his right and there were several members of the police department, specialists in cybercrime, and lawyers sitting nearby.

The man told the reporters he would expose the situation and only at the end, they could ask questions.

Clearing his throat, the minister spoke firmly:

__ For a year and a half, our country has worked in collaboration with China, Philipines, and the USA. And later, we received help from other places like Japan and Brazil, for example. Among the crimes that were investigated, we could find proof of money laundering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, and several cyber crimes. Today, I’m here to publicly beg for forgiveness for two of our innocent civilians. The actresses Freen Sarocha and Becky Armstrong agreed to remain silent for a long time while being massacred on social media through fake news and daily waves of hate crimes. Despite being the victims of death threats and risking their reputations and careers, these two angels behaved like heroes. At this very moment, 246 people are being arrested in Thailand, the Philippines, China, and Brazil. Our investigation obtained all the material to keep these criminals in prison for life. Or until they are too old to harm more innocent ones. China and Thailand signed a deal to combat cyberbullying severely. The use of artificial intelligence to harm any of our people will be punished as a heinous crime and it will be non-bailable. The act to instigate or that leads to suicide is on top of our attention. Freen Sarocha was treated as a villain and constantly harassed for the past year because of a fake video. Before that, someone shot actual images of this woman in her private moments, like showering and changing clothes. They invaded her house, threatened her, and made her live in fear. As a society, we all failed at this young artist. She flirted with despair and a lack of hope. Her colleague Becky was under similar circumstances. Two talented female actresses who never stopped working despite having their mental health in shambles. This can’t and won’t happen again. If you are watching this and believe you’ll go unpunished, open your eyes. Soon, justice will be done.

As soon as the man stopped talking, the crowd exploded like a flock of birds.

Around 100 reporters wanted the Minister’s attention, and the place became a war zone. 

Suddenly, one reporter got a call from his boss and almost choked.

The female waved at the Minister until she was noticed.

__ Good afternoon, Sir. Is it true that the actor Wichai has been arrested?

The Minister of Justice and his colleague from China made a disgusted face.

__ Yes. We gathered conclusive evidence. this person was involved with a group of criminals to destroy his former partner Saint and to eliminate the biggest competition against the male love teams not only in China but worldwide. In this case, this man planted his seeds months before the fake video. When things didn’t go according to the plan, he suggested that filthy strategy. 

Another person shouted:

__ Sir! Why aren’t the actresses here?

__ Because they don’t deserve another freaky show. Their lives were too affected. Now bear in mind this case has hundreds of victims. Not just our precious Freenbecky. Give the kids some time to breathe and focus on the seriousness of the matter.__ The minister declared coldly before accepting the next question.

__ x __ 

Rawee was watching TV while her daughter was reading a new script.

Becky stood up to grab a glass of juice and she dropped the jar on the kitchen floor the moment she heard the news.

__ Becca...

__ I gotta go see her, mom. __ The 21-year-old ran to her apartment on the next floor.

The light-brown-haired female put on something casual and called a cab through an app.

Forty minutes later, she was typing the security code at her fiancee’ door.

Fluffy waved its tail and barked cutely the moment the younger one entered the apartment.

She briefly kneeled to pat its head and received some . 

Nun welcomed Becky with a smile and whispered:

__She hasn’t said a word for the last hour. I don’t know what to do.

__ Don’t worry, mom. I’ll handle this. __ The Thai-British murmured affectionately.

Freen, who had been standing in front of the TV, looked at the cute girl and let the tears roll down her cheeks.

__ We are free, babe. I can be myself again. No more fear. No forced silence.

Becky pulled her l

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Once again, this is fictional and I'm not respecting timeline. I also changed my plans about some events.
Ps: IF you hate Freen or don't like Freenbecky's bond, go find another author and stop reading me. Thanks.


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story19 #1
Chapter 27: After yulsic, i found freenbecky. The great chemistry of freenbecky. Great story there. Beautifully written. Keep writing. It is been really a while since I login to this account. I just want to read, but this story deserve a comment. Kudos to you author-nim.
Chapter 27: Wooohoooo!! Im very happy with how the finale turned out! Touching, fluffy and lovely ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💚💚💚💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to new FreenBecky fics in future from you 🙏 take care and stay safe as always 😊
Chapter 27: Well i am with both of their moms 🤣🤣🤣
1190 streak #4
Chapter 27: I can imagine the side eye their moms gave them LOL
Chapter 27: I do feel complete after reading now 😊 knowing they will have a mini Freen as well is so Awwwwwwww! Thank you for sharing ❤️
JuReen_Sloth #6
Chapter 26: They announce they are together is 1 heck of a news but TRIPPLET?? that is totally gonna break the so meds for monthssssss... Untill the babies is out.
1190 streak #7
Chapter 26: TRIPLETS!? Oh good lord bless there souls 😭🤣
Chapter 26: Wow!! Triplets is definitely a very fortunate and lucky instance for them. Can wait for the 2nd special chapter now... Sadly this story is ending 😢 thank you fir the update, take care and stay safe
Chapter 26: Oh myyyy...triplets on the way...CS family
Chapter 25: We need this in real life too. Thank you for the update