
Everything about her
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Nun got home and had a weird feeling when she found the lights on, but the place was dead silent.

__ Fiiin! Are you home? Fiiin?__ The older woman called in her calm tone of voice.

Placing her bag on the coffee table, Freen’s mother turned to go get some water and froze for a second.

Her precious daughter was on the floor next to the kitchen counter.

The apartment had those American kitchens. So she could have a full view of the living room.

Finally, the lady snapped out of her panic and bent to check the actress’ pulse.

Nun grabbed a little bottle of homemade herbal medicine she carried in her bag and put it under the brunette’s nose.

Coughing, Freen opened her eyes and looked at her mother with a confused expression.

__ Sweetie, can you stand? I’m taking you to the hospital.

The actress remembered what happened and sat down immediately.

__ No, mom. It’s not necessary. I just didn’t feed properly. You know...Too much work.

Concerned, the mother caressed her daughter’s face and said:

__ I’m glad you keep honoring life by working hard. Your family is proud of you. But you are always sick, child. You must take care of yourself better.

__ You’re right, mom. I’ll try my best. It’s just...some things are out of my hands. Like allergies and viruses...__ The 24-year-old forced a smile.

The middle-aged female helped her daughter to get on her feet and hugged her.

__ I’ll pray for you. But it might have a better effect if you went to the temple with me.

Sighing, Freen caressed her mother’s back.

__ I’m sorry I don’t follow the lifestyle you probably expected me to, Mom. But I’ll try to find some time to go to the temple.

Nun shook her head and declared:

__ I only expect my kid to grow healthy and happy. No expectations about your choices.

Relieved, the artist kissed the most important person in her life.

__ It feels really reassuring to hear that. I love you, mom.

Getting emotional, the older lady exhaled and exclaimed:

__ Me too. But let me prepare something to eat. It’s about time.

Widening her eyes, the actress checked her watch and sighed with relief.

__ Actually, you don’t have to worry. I ordered our dinner. The delivery boy must arrive soon.

__ Oh, really? That is a good surprise. Thank you for planning it in advance. So I’ll have a shower.__ The black-haired woman smiled and went to her room to get some clean clothes.

“What do I do? I must protect Becky...” ___ Freen could only think of the threats.

__ x __

Becky knew Freen like the palm of her hand and the 20-year-old suspected that something was wrong.

Lately, the older one was acting different from usual and she couldn’t really think of a reason.

Whenever the middle-length-haired girl asked if her partner was fine, the Thai actress would say she was.

The duo was working harder by the day and Becky saw Freen losing so much weight that those cute cheeks vanished suddenly.

They flew to The Philippines with Heng and Nam and Becky insisted she wanted to share a room with her co-star.

Finding the scene adorable, Freen cupped the Thai-British girl’s face in her hands and murmured:

__ We can’t act suspicious, Bec. Let’s share the bed with Nam. It’s a huge one.

Pouting, the shorter one replied:

__ Only if I can hug you all night.

Freen shook her head while her entire face melted into a soft smile.

“Why do I like you that much? Life would be easier if I didn’t...” __ The actress kept her thoughts to herself.

Things ended the way the younger one wanted, as usual, and Nam felt like the third wheel she was used to be.

When the older actress fell asleep, Becky sniffed Freen’s neck to test if she was sleeping too and the handsome girl trembled with that closeness.

__ Beeec... What are you doing? We have company.__ The 24-year-old whispered in panic.

__ Let’s go to the other room. I gotta talk to you.__ The blonde girl murmured.

“Say you are sleepy. Say something...” __ Freen’s mind was struggling to choose between her practical and emotional sides.

__ P’ Fiiiin! Come on...__ Becky begged and it was over for her.

They sneaked out of that king-sized bed and entered the other room, where there was a single bed.

The 20-year-old giggled and pushed her partner against the mattress.

__ Bec... P’Fiiin is sick. You gotta keep some distance.__ The long-haired female affirmed with little conviction.

__ Then... Nong Beck is gonna heal you.__ The younger one lay on top of the Thai girl and kissed her.

It was impossible for Freen not to correspond when her whole body and soul were longing for the cute actress.

They made out with a bit of passion and a lot of tenderness.

Although she was burning with desire, the 24-year-old respected Nam and she would not cross the lines while their friend was in the other room.

Besides, Freen had a fever, and she was breathing with some difficulty, and Becky understood they needed to take it easy.

The couple slept for a few hours and got back to the king-size bed before sunrise.

They had the fan meeting and went back to Thailand.

A few days later, Becky got sick and Freen’s heart sank.

She was feeling guilty for not taking care of the youn

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Once again, this is fictional and I'm not respecting timeline. I also changed my plans about some events.
Ps: IF you hate Freen or don't like Freenbecky's bond, go find another author and stop reading me. Thanks.


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story19 #1
Chapter 27: After yulsic, i found freenbecky. The great chemistry of freenbecky. Great story there. Beautifully written. Keep writing. It is been really a while since I login to this account. I just want to read, but this story deserve a comment. Kudos to you author-nim.
Chapter 27: Wooohoooo!! Im very happy with how the finale turned out! Touching, fluffy and lovely ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💚💚💚💛💛💛 Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to new FreenBecky fics in future from you 🙏 take care and stay safe as always 😊
Chapter 27: Well i am with both of their moms 🤣🤣🤣
1190 streak #4
Chapter 27: I can imagine the side eye their moms gave them LOL
Chapter 27: I do feel complete after reading now 😊 knowing they will have a mini Freen as well is so Awwwwwwww! Thank you for sharing ❤️
JuReen_Sloth #6
Chapter 26: They announce they are together is 1 heck of a news but TRIPPLET?? that is totally gonna break the so meds for monthssssss... Untill the babies is out.
1190 streak #7
Chapter 26: TRIPLETS!? Oh good lord bless there souls 😭🤣
Chapter 26: Wow!! Triplets is definitely a very fortunate and lucky instance for them. Can wait for the 2nd special chapter now... Sadly this story is ending 😢 thank you fir the update, take care and stay safe
Chapter 26: Oh myyyy...triplets on the way...CS family
Chapter 25: We need this in real life too. Thank you for the update