Part Eight

What if?
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Part Eight




The opening of Earlaine J had been a success and the show that was held a few days later was no different. The venue was buzzing and crowded with big names. Minho was excited to cover it not only because it was such a large-scale event but because it was Joseph’s event. His friend had come far–all his friends had come far. Seonho was a part of this show too, probably her last project in the country for a while. She had been roped in by an international luxury brand as their main face and would leave for New York in a few days. As for Jieun, she was the one who had managed and promoted this event, and Minho couldn’t deny that she had worked hard. Everything was well-organized and looked stunning. Especially in his pictures.


He had taken pictures outside the venue, pictures of the pathway leading up to the entrance, and of the guests walking in. He finally took a break in the lobby when his phone buzzed in his pocket and he smiled, seeing Taemin’s message. Minho had invited him to watch the show, but he had an exam today so he couldn’t make it, but he said he would try. Minho had also talked about the fact that Jieun was the one heading this event and that he would run into her and Taemin didn’t seem affected by that—he said that he appreciated he told him that and just wished him luck on the job before promising to meet up with him as soon as he can.


Running into Jieun–it happened as soon as Minho arrived here. She oversaw that all the external staff working on the event had no entry issues with the temp cards they had given out. All they had done was greet each other before both of them got on with their work. It was awkward and nothing more. Although he had been prepared for this, it still felt like a burden had slid off him. That hint of doubt that he would waver again at her sight had weighed on him more than he thought, and now that he had confirmed it, he felt liberated. He had already been at peace with everything, and it didn’t make sense to say it, but he felt more at peace now.


Chief Do passed him by then and ushered him to help him backstage because he’d already assigned someone else in Minho’s place to cover the arriving guests. So Minho had followed him in and had even taken a few good pictures of the seating area and the empty ramp before he entered the dressing room with permission, where models got their outfits prepped and makeup done before the show. And the moment he had stepped in, he heard Joseph shout his name.


Minho turned, startled at the call, and spotted Seonho and Jieun around Joseph too. He headed to them right away, noticing that they seemed worried about something.


“Is everything fine?”


“I was going to open the show but I need to–” Joseph began frantically but stopped and took a deep breath, “Not important. You’re opening the show for me." He roamed his eyes to find Esther and called out to her, "Esther! Put Minho in one of my designer suits! Hurry!”





Joseph needed him and Minho had agreed without thinking twice but now that he was standing dressed in designer clothes, holding the boombox, ready to walk the ramp—to open the show–he was freaking out. Of course, no one could tell from the outside, but his heart was hammering away, and he felt like he was getting sweaty despite the air-conditioned venue. He hoped that the light makeup Esther had gotten done for him wouldn’t melt away.


The staff was counting down to his entry–Jieun was standing right there, looking as nervous as he was feeling at the moment and Minho closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He’d seen models do this before. He had photographed many models doing this too. Seonho and Taemin by far had been the only two who impressed him with their aura and he remembered it. Not the pictures but the way they carried themselves when the camera was on them. When someone’s eyes were on them. He was in a similar situation now.


He looked at his side, Seonho was smiling at him, impressed and conveying from her smug gaze that he would do well. She had been right many times about many things about him. So Minho let out a breath and decided to just roll with it. He did that a lot anyway, but never in such a situation–he had never been in such a situation. But how different could it be? He would just have to find out.


On cue, he walked onto the ramp, and he tried not to look at the crowd, it only quickened his heartbeat, making him more and more aware of every step he took–but right then, to his surprise, he saw Taemin enter and take a seat. When he saw Taemin notice him on the ramp and let out a smile, that hard, anxious knot inside him fizzled out suddenly. Minho couldn’t help a small smile himself too and before he knew it, he was at the pedestal, where he had to put the boombox and switch it on.


“What’s your dream?”


Joseph’s voice resounded in the venue and Minho realized soon that this was the time capsule they had recorded for fun back in college.


Soon it was his own voice that filled the air. It was his answer to Joseph’s question, and he ended up smiling because if asked now, his answer would be the same.


“My dreams will change. And when they do, I will find new ones.”


He hadn’t thought much when he had answered with these words, but now, they resonated in him deeply. Because truly, he was the kind to do what worked for him, to find passion–stumble upon it–going with the flow. But Jieun had always been an exception to that. And now, she no longer was.


“I guess that’s just how dreams are.”


Not only dreams. That’s just how life was… for him.


When the audio had ended, he exited the ramp. The show had begun and Joseph gave him an impressed smirk and a finger heart that he returned before he went to grab a seat beside Taemin. But before that–he had spotted Jieun–she had approached him and Minho immediately felt the air around them become all tense and awkward. After hearing everyone’s voices in the time capsule, Minho was stuck in that place, at that moment, in that feeling. Hearing everyone’s voices and aspirations had brought back many more cherished memories and much more–some of which he now could appreciate in a different way with his changed emotional stance. And he didn’t want them—Jieun and he—and everyone else to always be walking on eggshells whenever they met because of the awkward tension he shared with Jieun. Jieun had tried multiple times and extended an olive branch through Seonho. Minho was the one who hadn’t taken it. He hadn’t been ready then. Perhaps, he finally was now. So he decided to put a stop to the tension between them once and for all.


“You did amazing.” Jieun complimented him with a smile.


“Thanks.” Minho returned a smile. She was about to say something but Minho continued, interrupting her, “Jieun. You asked me then if I could try being friends. My answer has changed. I can try now. But…”


Jieun’s smile had faded a bit, “But?”


“When we were friends–when we were supposed to be friends–I didn’t treat you as such. I always treated you as more, so now when I treat you as a friend… it won’t be the same. I just… I don't want you to have the same expectations from me as you did back then. I might not have been able to fulfill them before, but this time I definitely won’t.”


“Okay.” Jieun let out a sigh before she smiled a bit again. “Noted.”


“Did I hear that right?” Joseph had caught on, “You guys are friends again?!”


Minho just smiled and left towards the seating area, ignoring Joseph’s call to return the suit first. He could always do that later anyway. Besides, he’d rather look his best when meeting his boyfriend.


The said boyfriend turned towards him when Minho dropped into the seat beside him. “Hi.”


Taemin smiled. He had worn fashion glasses–probably just a safety measure to not get recognized as an ex-celebrity. His eyes dropped low slowly, checking out his fit before he met his eyes again.


“Guess it was worth it, rushing here after the exam.”


“Did you enjoy seeing me in a suit that much?”


“Yes. You look good in it.”


Minho shifted closer and held his hand before he whispered into his ear, “How about out of it?”


“We are in public. Don’t make me think dirty.” Taemin murmured back and Minho noticed the slight flush in his cheeks as he focused on the show, his lips pulling into a little pout.


A minute later, Taemin started in a hushed voice. “You seemed a bit overwhelmed back when the audio was playing. Was that part of the show?”


“No.” Minho admitted in a whisper, “It brought back a lot and a realization too.”


Taemin turned to him slightly then.

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Chapter 8: I've READ it again Y_Y
this is really good. feels like watching the drama.
Thanks ^_^
2MinloveF #2
Chapter 8: Love this so much!!! 🔥❤️🥰
Chapter 8: Bacm here again because I miss you, I miss your story
ChoiSarisi #4
Chapter 8: Girl really said: im gonna make her regret and be denied for making ma baby suffer
And im supportig 😐❤
Chapter 8: This is a matured version of Woomin and I like it more 🩵 oh and can I flick Taemin's forehead for him? He can be not-so-nice toward him but he choose to be a spoiled brat instead 😭
Chapter 8: This is the Woomin character arc we deserved to see💙
2027 streak #7
Chapter 8: Although I feel like I want more of this story, I gotta say that it was a great way to end the story. You did an amazing job *does a standing ovation* the two were really sweet and I cracked up hard when Taemin said he had modelling as a backup plan in case he fails as a travel journalist but he also doesn't plan on failing. Also, excuse my language but I wanna say screw Jieun. I mean her realising she still had feelings left for Minho was way too late. But at least she realised that and kept her distance in the end instead of causing unnecessary drama in 2min's life. Enjoyed reading the story ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 7: Awwww!!! This chapter was so cute on so many levels. Anyway, I'm glad that two are dating now. Really enjoyed their siblings chemistry. And talking about the siblings, I recognise 3 of his sisters as SNSD members but is Miyoung an idol too or just an OC? Can't believe there's only one chapter left. Will be back later to read more ^^
Shinee2020 #9
Chapter 8: No matter how many times I read it, it is just a wonderful story! :)
2027 streak #10
Chapter 6: Can't believe I haven't finished reading this yet anyway, done with the sixth chapter and I gotta say I'm glad that Minho has finally gotten over his fear of letting go. And like he said/felt in the chapter, sometimes it's okay to take your own time instead of giving yourself that unnecessary push. I kinda missed Taemin in the chapter. LoL... Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^