✧✦oo5 : Scribbled

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✧✦oo5 : Scribbled


"MYUNGSOOOOOOO!!" Woohyun yelled across the lobby. People begun to stare at Woohyun in bewilderment. 

Aishh.. What does Woohyun think he's doing..? Myungsoo looked down and shook his head in embarrassment as Woohyun runs at high-speed to him.

"YAH! MYUNGSOOO, I'M TALKING TO YOU!!" Woohyun exclaimed, out of breath after catching up with the embarrassed Myungsoo who just wanted to flee as soon as possible.

"Woohyun.. Shhh..!" Myungsoo sternly put a finger to his lips for Woohyun to keep it down.

"Aigoo ~ Yah, I guess you don't want to hear about someone I just bumped into..!" Woohyun crossed his arms and pouted.

"Why would I care who you just talked to..! And you don't have to come in here, running..!" Myungsoo muttered.

"I guess you don't care about Son Naeun-ssi..!" Woohyun pouted once more and starts to walk off. Naeun..?

"Yah!! Wait..! WOOHYUN!!" Myungsoo called after him as he goes to the elevator.

Woohyun stops and turns around, revealing a wide grin, "Haah, I knew you liked her!!" Woohyun teased loudly.

Myungsoo stops in his tracks and looks down, a bit more embarrassed than last time. "Y-Yah.. Keep it down.." Myungsoo whimpered.

"Hahah, so now you care!! Well I just saw Naeun & Eunji-ah in the recording studio just a few moments ago," Woohyun grinned and nudged Myungsoo with his elbow.

"Really? Wait a.. Why was Naeun in the recording studio? She doesn't work here, does she?" Myungsoo asked, a bit curious why she was there.

"You didn't know? She's Son Dongwoon's younger sister! And Sunggyu-hyung scouted her for modeling!! Isn't that great?!" Woohyun exclaimed cheerfully.

Myungsoo didn't even mutter a word, you can automatically tell he's very glad with just one look. No way.. She's really working here..? Then I get to see her more often..! Wait, didn't Hyung scout her? But she's Dongwoon's sister.. I didn't even know that!! No wonder why she's beautiful.. Well anyway, for once I'm glad about Hyung's choice..!

"Oh, really?" Myungsoo clears his throat, being all cool again.

"Tch, yah!! Aren't you a bit happy? Show some happiness for your girl!!" Woohyun slightly nudged him again. For a moment Myungsoo turns a light shade of crimson.

"I am happy. I'm happy for her to find a job here with her brother and also getting scouted too. Especially from my brother, he's famous for scouting you and Eunji, right? " Myungsoo said, still trying to contain emotions of happiness in himself.

"And she's not 'my girl,'" Myungsoo added.

"Hah.. Since when were you so proud of your brother..?" Woohyun snided, astonished with Myungsoo's typical behavior of acting stoic and apathetic.

But then why did Hyung scout her..? Didn't he say all those things the other day..? Myungsoo was deep in thought.


[The Night of when Naeun got Scouted]

"What do you want?" Myungsoo asked in a monotone.

Sunggyu chuckled, "You're still going to treat me like this, after all I've done for you.."

"Just tell me why you called me here," Myungsoo said impatiently, not wanting to see his own older brother.

"Ahh, arraseo. You seem interested in Son Naeun, no?" Sunggyu went straight to the point, not bothering to argue with Myungsoo.

Myungsoo didn't respond, he just glared at Sunggyu.

"I'm just giving a warning about her. She's very sensitive and has already suffered from much. Just don't cause any trouble or pain for her;  So please treat her with a gentle and sympathetic manner." Sunggyu softly warned.

Myungsoo looked up to find Sunggyu staring into his eyes. He quickly looked away, a bit uncomfortable.

"Just do that one favor for me, hm? I don't want any more wounded hearts here in the world." Sunggyu sighed as turned his back to Myungsoo, admiring the orderly chaos set before him through the glass wall. I don't want you, especially, to get hurt. But Naeun deserves this bitter-sweet revenge. Just be careful, Myungsoo-ah.

Myungsoo scoffs and leaves the office, but in the inside is wondering what horrible things had happened to the girl.


"Omo!! It's Chorong-ah!!" Woohyun exclaimed, surprised in seeing the girl before him in what has been ages since she had stepped foot in the SKY HIGH Entertainment Lobby.

Woohyun points to a girl entering through the doors of the lobby, dressed elegantly in nothing but designer clothing. Her warm brown hair bounces with her every step in her Jimmy Choo's with all eyes on her.

Behind those famous brand sunglasses, she notices a big crowd huddled around a poster. With curiousity, she walks over. To her dismay, the crowd disperses as she appears..and reveals a huge poster scribbled on hardcore. Wow.. They really messed up this girl good..! But she looks worser without all the meaningless drawings..! the girl stiffled a laugh.

"Chorong-ah!!" Woohyun comes over and hugs Chorong as Myungsoo dreadfully follows behind.

"Wha.. What have they done..?" Woohyun says noticing the horribly scribbled poster before their eyes. Myungsoo follows his gaze and is striked with ultimate shock. What in the world..?  

"Yah, get your hands off me..!" Chorong tries to pry off Woohyun's arms wrapped around her.

"Who do such a thing..?" said a voice, quite astonished. Everyone turns to the source of the voice, which turns out to belong to none other than the ever-famous idol, Ahn Jaehyo.

"Tch. What are you doing here, Jaehyo?" Woohyun snided, obviously not pleased by his presence.

"Why would I be in my agency's main building, you ask? I don't know, figure it out yourself," Jaehyo answered calmly.

"Oh my, both of you stop. Woohyun don't even start a fight. God knows what happened last time.." Chorong grabs Woohyun away before they start a brawl.

"I don't even know why you guys are always bickering with each other.." Chorong muttered to herself, tired from Woohyun's & Jaehyo's constant battling.

As Chorong scolds Woohyun, Jaehyo and Myungsoo take a closer look at the disaster poster.

Why does the girl in the poster look familiar..? Myungsoo tilted his head, trying to pinpoint a matching face to the disaster poster girl.

Jaehyo looks over the poster one more time, also having a gut feeling about the familiarity of the disaster poster girl. Then something catches his eye.

Fastly scribbled in small girly yet sloppy cursive was the surname and initial of ParkJ. embraced by a cute drawing of a devil.

"Woohyun, doesn't that girl look familiar to you?" Myungsoo asks, pointing up at the scribbled poster girl. Chorong lets go of Woohyun's arm and examines the poster.

Woohyun laughed, "I can't believe you can't recognize your own girl scribbled about on a poster right up in your face!!"

"I don't have a girlfrie-wait!! NAEUN? THAT'S NAEUN?!" Myungsoo pointed up at her face in ultimate shock.

Jaehyo's head shiftly turns his direction, "Did you just say that that girl is Naeun? Son Naeun?" She's working here, too..?

"Wow, you guys are slow..!" Woohyun wipes a tear. Chorong can't help but to feel a bit left out, no wait, very left out. She doesn't have a clue to who they were talking about or who the girl is other than that she's the girl in the disaster poster and that she can possibly be Myungsoo's 'girlfriend'.

"Wait, how you do you know Son Naeun? You don't even go to our school!!" Woohyun gave Jaehyo a suspicious glance.

"None of your business. When did she start working here?" Jaehyo asked desperately.

"I think she got scouted by my hyung. I don't know, Woohyun saw her earlier," Myungsoo shrugged.

Chorong still stood there, feeling like a sore thumb, just listening to their discussion about a girl named Son Naeun. She stole a glance at Jaehyo, who seemed happy to hear the news about the girl working in this place but now, with shoulders deflated, sad and longing to see the girl once more.

Chorong found this sight rather astonishing and oddly cute, since she's never seen him in this state after traveling together all over the world for such shoots and appearances with him. Wait, this girl has the same surname as Son Dongwoon. Possibly, she could be

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♥| been thinking of editing this story but like I haven't even given it an ending soo.....


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Where is son naeun story. Most of the Supporting characters played....
ploykz-sunny #2
Chapter 17: update soon
Chapter 15: I am glad I found it fic ♥
There's yeoljoo and myungeun and tiny bit of hawoon omg
Like my ships in this stories.
And lastly I love this fic, update soon ♥
I also hope it gets translated to more languages too \\\O///
Chapter 15: MyungEun? Where are you? @.@
Chapter 13: Update soon, your story is amazing!! And we're working on the poster.!! Myungeun fighting!!
Chapter 13: i hope you can update a lot, i side with hayoung: the story is not stupid.

just at least try, love.
i know it takes a lot of time to update but just do your best for our precious myungeun, dear