Remembering Those Days in Middle School

If I Die Before I See You...


2 years ago

"Anyeong!" I say shyly to the boy of my dreams. 

He smiles at me. "Anyeong, Krystal-shii. How are you?" 

I feel my cheeks heating up at those big eyes and warm personality. He's been a very, very good friend to me ever since we crashed into each other getting ice cream from the café. I had a strawberry, and he had a chocolate. I’m surprised I even remembered.  “I’m fine. How about you?”

“It’s all good. You know…” he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. Then I notice he’s not carrying the red basketball he has all the time. One hand is rubbing the back of his neck and the other is behind his back. Instantly, I’m curious. What is he hiding?

“So, Krystal,” he says casually. “I- uh- remember that time we crashed into each other getting ice cream?”

“Oh- yeah. That was a long time ago, huh?” In my head, I squeal. He remembered!

“Yeah, well, I noticed you got a strawberry ice cream, and since today is hot…” he held out a wrapped ice cream cone with the label ‘strawberry’ on it. His face is flushed and he can’t quite meet my eyes. I’m touched.

“Minho…” I say as I reach for the ice cream. “… thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” he grins at me, a bright, big puppy look filling his eyes. I roll mine.

“Okay, what do you want?” I mumble. I should have known. Whenever he gives me that look, he wants something.

“You know me so well, Krystal! Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. Not like that other time with the water fountain…”

“Oh, please don’t remind me,” I say, mouth full of sweet ice cream. “Want some?”

“Uh, sure thanks,” he takes a bite. “Anyway, I have these extra tickets to the new amusement park that just opened? You know, the one in Busan?”

“Oh, yeah. My mom told me about it. What’s up?”

“I was kinda wondering- you know, since I have an extra ticket- you wanna go with me to it? I’ll drive us up there.” He says in a rush. I couldn’t help but be surprised and amazingly happy. It was the beginning of a new relationship, a new love. I remember when days like that were my normal and-


“Krystal! It’s time to go to school! Didn’t you hear me calling you?” Jessica, my pretty big sister, walks in. “You’re in your own world aren’t you? Get ready! Hurry Hurry! Mr. Won is going to kill me!”

I get out of bed slowly. This is my normal now. Luckily, I had two years to forget Minho. Not that it helps, being at the same high school with him and anything…

My first chapter! What do you think, guys? :D Comment and Subscribe!

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Hello! You have a great talent for writing stories! it's going to be a great story, I can tell! Keep on writing!