⬻Chapter XXVII: Restaurant⤖

My Mysterious Boss

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You jolted up, hitting your hand on the door. 
You felt no pain though, as you were in panic mode.
Hajoon startled by your movement, moving closer to his side of the door.
You held onto your chest, hoping it would calm you down.
"What's wrong?" Hajoon asked. 
Thank God, it was a dream! 
You felt relieved as you looked at your wrist. 
Your eyes slowly trailed over to his hand. 
Stop it!
You told yourself.

"Are you okay?" Hajoon asked again. 
You looked at him. 
"I'm...I'm good," you told him as you relaxed back in your seat.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
You looked out the window and came to realize that the moon was out.
The street  lights were on, luminating the street.
"How long have I slept?" you asked, as a sense of uneasiness came over.
Hajoon glanced over his shoulder and back at the side mirror. 
"Probably an hour or so," he replied. 
Okay, it wasn't long. 

You looked at the time that was projected on the wide, touch-screen stereo.
Omo, Eunwoo's probably still waiting for me. 
You panicked. 
You dug for your phone at the bottom of your bag and dialed Eunwoo's number.
His name caught Hajoon's attention.
Hajoon glanced over his shoulder, and then he focused back on the mirror, as you spoke on the phone with Eunwoo. 
"I'm so sorry. Are you still at the bus stop?" 
A second passed.
"I'm so sorry, Eunwoo-ah! Go home and don't wait for me. I'll have someone drop me off.
I totally forgot that I had extra paperwork to do at the company, so I'll be here for an hour or two," you lied. 
Another second or so passed. 
"I'm really sorry! I'll see you...soon for our ice cream deal," you laughed. 
"Good night to you too," you wished, "oh, get home safely too!" you smiled. 

You ended the call and sighed in relief that you made the call to Eunwoo. 
You looked over and saw Hajoon looking at you. 
"Oh, was I too loud?" you asked, partially whispering. 
"How close are you and Eunwoo, again?" 
You thought his question was a little odd. 
"Um, we're..." you thought for a second, "pretty closed. Why?" 
"How long has Eunwoo lived in your neighborhood?" 
"I can't tell you the exact years and months, but definitely a couple of years." 
"He moved in after you moved into the neighborhood or before?" 
Hajoon took a few seconds to himself.
Why though? It doesn't make sense.

"Is something wrong, Mr. Hajoon-shi?" 
You had on a concerned look.
Hajoon looked up at you and shook his head. 
Hajoon glanced at his watch.
At the same time, your stomach growled. 
You held onto your stomach and sunk your head low from embarrassment. 
Hajoon once again looked over at you. 
You embarrassingly looked over at him too and gave him a smile, hoping he could pretend that he didn't hear anything. 
"You haven't had dinner?" Hajoon asked. 
Hajoon caught himself saying that as soon as he finished asking you. 
What the heck?
Hajoon questioned. 
It wasn't his character to do so. 

"No, I haven't. It's okay though. This is more important. We have to keep watch," you told him. 
Hajoon thought for a second and looked at his side mirror, seeing no updates from the house. 
He pulled out his phone and made a quick text to his men. 

Hajoon: Keep watch at the Lee's residence and update me. 

He sent the text and looked back at you, who was holding onto your stomach, praying that it would stop growling. 
"Put your seat belt on," Hajoon instructed. 
You looked over to him. 
"Are we going somewhere?"
Hajoon pulled his seatbelt over. 
You looked at the residence. 
"But, we have to keep watch."
"Put your belt on," Hajoon instructed again. 
You pulled the belt over your shoulder and locked it in. 
Hajoon began the engine, and then he drove off. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
So, this is how it feels.
You thought. 
The last time you were in his car was when he took you and Mrs. Lee to the hospital. 
You scanned the front dash of his car and realized that it wasn't the same car. The windows had a dark tint to it too. 
"Wait, did you get a new car?" you asked him, looking at him. 
"I don't remember this car. The windows were less tinted. Your stereo didn't look like this as well," you observed. 
"Oh, I was just wondering if you got a new car, that's all," as you looked out the window again. 
Aish, he doesn't need to tell you everything, ------!
You scolded yourself.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Hajoon pulled up to a restaurant. You lowered your head to read the sign of the restaurant. 
Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul.
You read. 
Your eyes widened. 
This place was out of your budget. 
You looked over at Hajoon, but he had already walk out.
You quickly unbuckled yourself.
"Oh, Mr. Hajoon-shi, I can just eat at the street stands," you said as you got out of his car.
Hajoon turned back to look at you, only to ignore you. He walked into the building first. 
"Y-yah!" You slightly yelled, whispered. 
You knew you couldn't speak to him so informal, like how you did with Eunwoo and Haein. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

You quickly ran to the front door as the doors propped open for you.
You bowed to the man.
Your eyes widened taking in the elegance of the place.
It was really out of your range. 
You looked at your outfit and it was no match for the place.
You felt self-conscious.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

You looked around and saw no other customers except you and Hajoon. 
Hajoon was already seated, looking at his phone.
You held onto your bag in front of you, slowly taking in the atmosphere of the restaurant. 
You sat across from Hajoon and continued to scan around the room. 
You looked at Hajoon who was looking at the screen of his phone.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hajoon-shi," you whispered. 
Hajoon was too deep in his thoughts. 
You cleared your throat and spoke a little louder. You couldn't have Hajoon shushed you again for being too loud. 
"Mr. Hajoon-shi?" you called him a little louder this time. 
Hajoon looked up at you. 
"Is the restaurant closed?" You asked. 
Hajoon gave you no answer. 
Aish, he is such a complicated man. 
You thought. 
"There's no one here, except us," you stated the obvious. 
"Maybe we can go somewhere else. My stomach is good on a cup of coffee," you told him. 
Out of nowhere, the servers came into the room and sat the plates of food in front of you two. 
You were totally confused. 
When did he order? 
You thought. 

"Eat," Hajoon instructed. 
"Mr. Hajoon-shi..." his gesture was really too kind for you; it left you speechless and awed. 
"Thank you," you thanked him. 
Hajoon didn't reply; he looked back down at his phone, as if he was waiting for something.
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

As a few minutes passed, Hajoon looked up from his phone to see you, who was munching on the food he ordered. 
Hajoon took his chopsticks and took a bite from his side. 
"I thought you said you were good on a cup of coffee?" Hajoon sarcastically asked.
You stopped and looked at him, grabbing a napkin on the side to wipe your mouth. 
"Well, who's going to eat all of this food if not me?" 
"You could have just left it there."
You and your smart answers. 
You thought. 
"Well, you told me to eat, so I'm going to eat," you told him as you couldn't come up with a better response for him. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

"Mr. Hajoon-shi, is this your favorite restaurant?" you asked. 
Hajoon looked up from his plate. 
"This restaurant. Do you like coming here?" 
"It's okay, why?" 
"I must be special then," you said, surprising Hajoon. 
"If I think about it," you began, setting your chopsticks down and scanning the room, "I think you reserved this restaurant for me, right?" 
Hajoon almost coughed out his food from your funny assumption. 
"Excuse me?" 
Hajoon was bemused. He grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth.
You crossed your arms, placing them on the table as you leaned in towards the table. 
"No man would reserve a whole restaurant for a girl. Alone. At this time," you stated. 
Hajoon furrowed his brows in confusion. 
"Park ------shi." 
"Yeah?" you smiled. 
Hajoon crossed his arms, and leaned in towards the table as you did. 
Your smiled slowly faded as you felt the tingles again. 
Not right now.
You begged. 

You composed yourself and kept your eyes locked on his, expressing your playful smile.
The longer you looked, the more the tingles intensified. 
"This restaurant belongs to my grandfather," Hajoon said.
Your playful smile turned into a confused gaze.
"I can come here anytime I want with anyone,"Hajoon said, as he leaned back. 
Aish, you dummy! 
You wanted to slap your mouth for saying such false and assumption. 
"Haha, I was just teasing you," you embarrassingly chuckled.
I need to start thinking first. Less talking and more brains.
You scolded yourself for being too quick on making assumptions and bad jokes. 
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"Are you finished?" Hajoon asked, as he picked up his phone, sliding it into his pocket. 
"Ah, yes," you replied.
Hajoon stood up, walking out. You quickly followed him.
You bowed to the host and waiters for their service as you trailed behind Hajoon.
At the same time, they had their head down, showing respect to Hajoon. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Hajoon walked to his car, and you walked to the passenger's side, waiting for him to unlock the door. 
"What are you doing?" Hajoon asked. 
"What?" You asked, tipy-toeing to see him over the hood of the car. 
"Why are you over here?"
You were confused with his question.
"What...What do you mean? You're dropping me off home, right?" 
"No, you didn't want me to drop you off earlier, so why do you want me to drop you off now?" Hajoon asked. 
This guy, really?! He's going to leave me here, so far away from my place. 
You thought as you were in disbelief. 
"Before was before."
"Take the bus," Hajoon suggested, opening his side. 
"Wait!" You stopped him from entering his car. 
"You're really going to leave me here?" you asked, looking around and then back at him, "All by myself?" 
Hajoon thought for a second. 

"Yea," Hajoon replied, as he halfway got into his car. 
"Mr. Hajoon-shi!" You yelled out his name, startling him. Hajoon got out and looked back at you. 
"You're going to leave me here by myself, for real?" You repeated your question.
"You...You wouldn't want me to tell the people at work that you did this to me, right?" you threatened him. 
Hajoon furrowed his brows, stunned by your threat. 
He actually thought you were pretty funny.
"And?" Hajoon asked, closing his door, walking over to you. 
Y-yah, I shouldn't be feeling anything right now. 
You thought as your heart raced faster each step Hajoon took closer to you. 

"What did I do to you?" Hajoon asked, as he stood a few steps away from you. 
You were paralyzed on the spot. 
Words wanted to come out, but nothing came out. 
"What did I do to you?" Hajoon asked again. 
"Th-That you left me here, stranded," you managed to say.
You tried breaking eye contact with him, but it was so hard to. 
"I'm not so sure on the stranded part," Hajoon said. 
You couldn't find the words to continue to conversation with him. 
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"Now, if you will, please step aside as I have other important things to do," Hajoon said, walking back to his side. 
"Mr, Hajoon-shi!" You called his name again. 
"Can you at least drop me by the main roads so I can catch a cab?" You pled. 
Hajoon thought for a second. 
"Fine, just to the main roads though."
You smiled and nodded. 
Hajoon unlocked the door, and you quickly sat in, locking in your seatbelt.
Hajoon looked over to you.
You gave him a smile.
I'm just going to close my eyes for a second.
You told yourself. 
You placed your head on the belt as a support and slowly dozed off to sleep. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Hajoon glanced over and saw you silently sleeping. 
He didn't think much about you falling asleep. Instead, he thought about Eunwoo and his plans. 
He couldn't quite connect it though. The fact that you two were best friends and he was looking into you behind your back.
Should I warn her? 
Hajoon thought.
No, I shouldn't. It would only complicate the situation. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
Hajoon pulled his car up in front of your house. 
He looked at your house and then back at you, who was still sound asleep. 
I can't figure you out, Park -------. 
Hajoon thought. 
He pulled out his phone and saw no updates at the Lee's residence. 
Hajoon looked out and scanned down the street ahead of him. 
Does the woman you spoke to live down there? 
Hajoon suspected. 
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

Hajoon looked over to the side and saw Eunwoo walking towards your house.
He glanced at you before getting out of the car. 
Hajoon closed the door and walked towards Eunwoo. 

"What are you doing here?" Eunwoo asked, as he stopped in front of Hajoon. 
"Just dropping your friend home," Hajoon replied. 
Eunwoo looked behind Hajoon to see Hajoon's car parked in front of your house with no evidence of your presence.
"She's sleeping in my car," Hajoon said, as he caught onto Eunwoo's expression of worriedness.
Without wasting any time with Hajoon, Eunwoo walked past him.




"Why are you looking into -------?" Hajoon asked.

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♡Send love and support to our Wi Ha Joon♡

[Notes]: The Worst of Evil is now streaming on Disney Plus.♡

(10.10) Shoutout to a lovely commenter @DolphinWorld & my @silent readers!

♡Much love♡

This story will be avaliable on Wattpad! You can search up the title of the story "My Mysterious Boss", or you can search up my username @alwaysterius.

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2038 streak #1
Chapter 41: Hey, good to know you haven't abandoned this story. I haven't used Wattpad. I think I did create an account long ago but somehow the layout and navigation wasn't familiar. So didn't use the site I think. But I'm not sure. Anyway, wish you luck there. I'm not sure if you'll see me there any time soon. I would love it if you can upload it here as well but I don't want to trouble you just for me. So take care!! ^^
2038 streak #2
Chapter 40: Ah, so that's how those two take care of that ending from the previous chapter? But what did she mean by she didn't want him to blurt it out like that to Eunwoo? I couldn't recall which incident she was referring to. Other than that, Ha Joon getting jealous of her having lunch with Soo Hyuk and then taking up on his offer to drive her home and also, when he thought she was dating Eunwoo. But did he offer to take her home and she rejected him? He was kinda salty when he said something along the line of 'you take up his offer but reject mine?'. And once again what's with this chapter's ending as well? It's illegal to leave us on a note like that. Now what's that bracelet and how does he recognise it? And what did Ha Joon do this time? Surely she can't be his ex and all, unless she was abroad as well. Nonetheless, I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2038 streak #3
Chapter 39: Ooh... You didn't bring the twist I was expecting from the ending of the previous chapter. And talking about endings, what is even Ha Joon thinking confronting Eunwoo like that here? How is he gonna justify his reason for knowing that? Regardless, I had fun reading this chapter. Those two showing attitude to each other, then caring about each other secretly... I can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2038 streak #4
Chapter 38: I'm not gonna get fooled by your ending. I'm sure he's gonna something along the line, who will spy for him and he's in need of a trustworthy partner or so. LoL... But that's a pretty good ending for the chapter. I'll give you that. You almost got me. Anyway, those two were really good this whole chapter. Like her, I'm gonna miss those two being on holiday. Since they can't be this free back home with their job hierarchy. Also, I cracked up hard when she retorted 'In this hotel room?' to his ' I'm your boss' comment XD can't wait to read more. Will be waiting for the next update ^^
2038 streak #5
Chapter 37: Their vacation is getting over? So soon? Noooooo... I mean it was fun seeing them flirt and spend time together without their status or something holding them back. It was sweet and a bit funny how they ordered food for each other and then acted like they can eat all that by themselves. And will they be having a double date somewhere later in the story with Minhyuk and his girlfriend? Also, that ending though! How are they both gonna escape the guys who have come in search of him? Can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2038 streak #6
Chapter 36: So Eunwoo hasn't found the box yet, right? I mean since he got interrupted by Haein while searching for it. Also, wonder why Ha Joon is keeping an eye on her as well... And definitely enjoyed reading those two's interaction in the island. I laughed out loud when she asked him if older women was his type and was going to introduce her friend to him. Oh, I totally forgot about her admitting her feelings for him, even though it was just to herself. Now when's Ha Joon gonna realise his own? Also, she gotta stop following people blindly especially when it involves secluded place and warehouses. When is she gonna learn her lesson? Anyway, thanks for the longer update. can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^

PS New Year wishes to you as well. Wish you the best!
2038 streak #7
Chapter 35: That ending though! I mean will Ha Joon recognise whose voice it is? And does she have notes on Eunwoo too on that board? I don't seem to remember... Regardless, this chapter was a fun read, especially the interactions between her and Ha Joon. And I'm still wondering about this Minhyuk guy. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2038 streak #8
Chapter 34: LoL... You definitely got us in the last chapter! I still can't believe it wasn't the same black box that he was looking for. Wah, you fooled me completely! Anyway, coming to the chapter, I didn't know such a hotel existed in Jeju. Not that I know of all the hotels there. Nonetheless, I wasn't expecting a hotel with the name 'Ramada' in Korea but now I know, thanks to you and Google. LoL.. also, can't believe Ha Joon really killed someone in this chapter. Not sure why that came as a shock to me though. Also, that nice guy named Minhyuk, is he one of your OCs or is he one of those idols with the real name Minhyuk? I'm really curious. Also, his mother doesn't know about his girlfriend yet or is she not accepting that girlfriend for her son? And what was Ha Joon doing in Jeju though? I'm curious of that too. And the guy at the end, is it Minhyuk again? Or is he someone's else entirely? Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2038 streak #9
Chapter 33: So Eunwoo now thinks she likes him? Also, Ha Joon and her had an indirect date? Those two were too cute, especially trying to deny their feelings. And she gave him the black box? That came as a surprise. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^