Sixth Meeting

The One Who Drank From The Fountain of Youth





Out of all the seasons, Kyuhyun hated winter the most.


Most immortals were surprised when he said that, even children of the sun, because even though they didn’t like the temperatures, the scenery to them was just beautiful, entire landscapes covered by glistening white; winter was the season that could change a landscape the most, and on that, Kyuhyun actually agreed with most immortals, it was beautiful.


But the truth is, in the countries where winter was actually a thing, winter was ugly; winter wasn’t white; it was gray.


Snow didn’t fall from the sky every winter, and some parts of the world didn’t even have snow during winter. But still, the temperatures were bad, and the sky was full of gray clouds with rain falling down from them, leaving poodles of rain in the cities, making them look gloomy and somber. And with the absence of the sun, the people looked unhappy in general, making them even more irritable and detestable. 


Even when it snowed, the reality wasn’t as beautiful as the dream it could show you. Once the snow leaves, only frozen water is left, and that is not beautiful to look at, without mentioning the number of accidents happening during the season. 


Nothing truly was beautiful about winter; it was just all fake, just something people made up in their heads to at least anticipate something positive out of this forsaken season because everything else was either dead or just plain ugly, and Kyuhyun was convinced of that. 


Kyuhyun hated winter.


So it said a lot about him when, even though he thought all of that, he still headed towards winter when he finally heard about Yesung being in a country where the white death was.


Kyuhyun couldn’t help but smile while thinking about him. The last time he saw Yesung was magical to him, a precious memory he would never forget.


They kept holding hands until they reached the town, and the meal had been…well, okay at best, honestly, but Yesung’s reaction to each bite was the cutest thing he had seen in his whole life, the way he carefully put it in his mouth and chewed carefully analyzing each taste, and frowning while doing so was just too much for his poor little heart, he had to try really hard not to touch those cheeks while they ate. 


They didn’t talk much during the meal, except when Yesung asked questions about what they were eating, but he didn’t mind; it was already a good step in the right direction: they spent more than 5 minutes together, and it went exceptionally well, meaning that, hopefully, Yesung would not be against the idea the next time he’ll ask. Hopefully.


Kyuhyun wasn’t sure if he was going to ask this time, though, because Kyuhyun really didn’t want to spend too much time here. 


Kyuhyun cursed internally at the sound of the crunch noises his boots made against the thick snow lying under him; it made him shiver even more than the cold.  He could feel his father laughing at him through the clouds, which made him curse even more; if his father could walk and come onto the earth, he’ll also understand his misery! Winter truly should be appreciated only in paintings. 


But he missed Yesung. It had been two years again since he last saw him, and even though he still heard of him and knew where he usually was, those days, he traveled to winter countries, where the snow was thick, and the cold was burning. And he couldn’t wait for him to move somewhere else or stay still anymore.


And how happy he was, after traveling through a mountain for hours, he finally saw him, sitting on a rock near a frozen pound, staring at the sky with his dull eyes.


Yesung truly was something to see amongst the snow, at least.  


He was so beautiful. 


His white hair could blend into the landscape with how white it was, the ladybug still sitting proudly in his hair, being the only thing you could distinguish clearly; his pale skin contrasted nicely with the pink on his cheeks because of the cold. He looked like a winter spirit.


“Good Evening, Yesung.”


Yesung snapped out of his reverie, his eyes finally lightening up as if he was actually coming alive after a long time at Kyuhyun’s voice, and smiled.


“Good Evening Kyuhyun.” 


Kyuhyun smiled and approached him on the rock, sitting in front of him this time, and, after a few seconds of uncertainty, grabbed Yesung's hand into his own, intertwining their fingers on the same occasion. Kyuhyun marveled once again at how their hands seemed to fit together perfectly and how it looked like they were meant to stay just like that. Yesung just kept smiling at his antics. 


“What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun complained, “You’ve been traveling in winter for so long now; did you miss the snow so much?” Yesung chuckled at the pout on his face.


“No. I just wanted to see if you lied last time.” He replied and smirked at Kyuhyun’s confused face, “You said you’ll follow me and find me even if the weather was bad; I wanted to know if it was true.” Yesung actually laughed at Kyuhyun’s disbelief showing on his face.


“Really???” He whined, “then, at least you could have stayed in the village down the mountain, where there’s fire and good food! It’s so cold up there.” Yesung stopped laughing and looked at him worryingly at that.


“Are you okay? I know it’s cold, but it doesn’t really bother me anymore, and I didn’t think it would affect you.” 


“It’s okay,” he said while waving his worries away, “I can survive this, besides….” he said while pointing at their fingers, “I’m already feeling better with this! They say body heat is the best solution against the cold.” Yesung scoffed.


“You’re being stupid,” He answered, but with no animosity apparent in his voice.


Kyuhyun just smiled instead of replying. 


They didn’t say anything for a few minutes, just enjoying each other’s presence, until Kyuhyun’s eyes traveled to his hair and to the ladybug.


‘I’m glad you like it.”




“The hair comb, I’m glad you’re wearing it; it looks great on you.”


Yesung didn’t answer for a few minutes, touching the ladybug softly in his hair and looking straight into an invisible point, but he didn’t look mad, so Kyuhyun didn’t worry too much.


“My mother liked them.”  Kyuhyun stopped breathing. Yesung looked at him.


“She used to say they were lucky.” He paused again.


“I grew up on a farm a long time ago. Ladybugs eat a lot of plant-eating insects. My mother used to tell me to always look out for ladybugs, for they were a good sign.” 


Kyuhyun wasn’t sure what to say to that, and he wasn’t even sure there was anything to say, so instead, he squeezed Yesung’s hand a little bit more, comforting him as much as he could.


Kyuhyun didn’t, and couldn’t understand, what it felt like to lose a family member; people like him couldn’t die. They could be killed in theory, but even if they did, they’d come back to earth eventually after being taken care of by their father. Until the end of times, until the sun dies out, he will live as his entire family will. He couldn’t understand losing someone, but he could try, at least, to make things better for the ones who went through those things. 


For Yesung. 




Kyuhyun jumped a little bit at his name being pronounced like that, but when he looked back at Yesung, he was looking straight into his eyes with a resolve he didn’t understand at first. 


But then, Yesung talked again.


“I have a story to tell you.”

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Chapter 10: So beautiful! It really captures your attention 🥹. Thank you for the wonderful story!
405 streak #2
Chapter 10: Gyaaaaaaa~ (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

It's too cute! I can't!!!! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Chapter 10: Kyu being a cheeky brat but got teased by his shy love instead hahaha
Can we get kiss(es) in the next extras, Author-nim, please?
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 10: Yes, finally!! A flustered and speechless Kyuhyun is just adorable, now waiting for the next meeting and the greeting ;)
sernflows #5
Chapter 10: Yesung pulled 'uno reverse card' to Kyuhyun 😂😂
such a cute kitten, Yesung was so shy to kiss Kyu but then said Kyu is all he need for the next centuries!!! ugh my poor heart is weak 🫠
and reading your end notes, I expect there'll be more extras yep? but I'm hoping that they don't go separate way again and end up living and have journeys together 🥹
405 streak #6
Chapter 9: Finally! An update! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

I can't wait for the extra ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)
Chapter 9: This conclusion somehow reminds me of them in real life. They are so different, opposite of each other even, but satisfyingly complete each other.
Ah, my delulu heart hahaha
Anyway, can't wait for the extras. It must be awesome, as all your fics are, Author-nim
405 streak #8
Chapter 8: Beib, you are still here, right?
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 8: I was wondering at some point if Yesung also has some sort of powers.. it must be a burden, but in situations like this merciful.
It's so lovely to see Kyuhyun trying his best to get Yesung to see also the good things. And it seems like he's starting to succeed :)
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 7: This is so sad... I think he was scared and also desperate not to suffer the same fate as his family. But just focusing on that one goal left him unable to really think ahead, what happens after he's immortal. Hopefully with Kyuhyun's help Yesung can finally put that all behind him and look forward to the future.