Extra 1: After the Meetings

The One Who Drank From The Fountain of Youth



“Wow, Yesung, would you look at that, the umbrella didn’t move at all during all those years! I must really be lucky”


Kyuhyun couldn’t help but look smugly at Yesung, who looked back at him in disbelief, clearly unsatisfied by this turn of events.


“...You cheated.” Kyuhyun gasped, in mock shock.


“Me? Cheating? How dare you, I’ll never!” he peaked at Yesung through his eyelids, and yes, he was having none of it “Besides,” Kyuhyun smirked, “How could I have cheated if we never had any rules for our bet in the first place?” 


Kyuhyun looked with glee at Yesung’s eyes widening more and more, with this scandalized expression on his face, it made him want to laugh and cheer. 


“So, Yesung.” Kyuhyun kept going, impatience all over his face, “Do you remember? What I asked for if you were the one losing.” 


Kyuhyun’s heart started to beat a little faster when Yesung’s face showed realization, and a soft blush adored his beautiful pale cheeks. 


“...I remember.” He whispered. 


“You’re not one to break your promise, right? Yesung? You’re going to give me a kiss?” He knew he was playing on dangerous territory, he wasn’t free of Yesung at any moment now throwing something at his face and not seeing him for the next five months, but he knew Yesung by now, and he knew his ladybug was a man of his word.


A frown, a lip bitten, eyes looking vaguely at a nonexistent point, and then a sigh.




Kyuhyun's lips stretched so far it was starting to hurt.


Finally, after all those years, he’ll be able to kiss the man he loved. He waited patiently, he wanted this kiss, this first kiss to be special, unique, and memorable. It would be. 


Yesung piercing eyes fell on him, and he shivered from head to toe, it never failed to do so, when Yesung put his entire attention on him, his gaze was heavier than lead.

“Close your eyes Kyuhyun.”


He didn’t protest for once and did as he was told, his heart beating fast, his father shining hotter than before on his skin.


He felt Yesung approaching him, slowly, carefully, then stopping in front of him.


Then, he felt his breath against his skin, brushing against his pores, making his brain tingle. 


Kyuhyun stopped breathing, he wet his lips once last time, waiting for Yesung’s pretty small lips to fall on his own, he waited for the right moment to grab his nape and deepen the kiss. 


But nothing of that happened.


Instead, he felt wet lips against his right cheek. 


Kyuhyun opened his eyes instantly in shock, trying to grab Yesung on the same occasion, but it was too late, his beautiful ladybug already went far away from him.


“What…” He said, touching his cheek, eyes big, stupor all over his face.


Yesung laughed.


“You asked for a kiss, right? You never precisely said what kind of kiss you wanted.” He smirked. “After all, we never had any rules for our bet, right?” 




Kyuhyun was speechless.


He didn’t think any of this would go on, it wasn’t part of the plan! By now, he should have already kissed Yesung, they should already be kissing again, for a second time!


Kyuhyun couldn’t help but pout a little bit.


He knew he deserved this, somehow, maybe, deep inside his heart, but still, their first kiss was long overdue! 


Maybe Yesung didn’t want to kiss him? He didn’t really like that thought. 


If Kyuhyun had been less lost in thought, he might have seen Yesung’s expression change a little bit while looking at him silently, turning his smirk into a frown and then a sigh, as if he could read his mind.




Said Kyuhyun hadn’t time to react, when he felt little hands on both of his cheeks, pushing his face towards another face.


And then finally, two pair of lips met. 


It was brief, just lips brushing against another pair of lips, and then disappearing as soon as it happened, Kyuhyun once again too shocked to do anything except stay still like an idiot. 




He jumped out of his stupor, looking at Yesung, who was already a few steps away from him, ready to go away, once again and make his heart long for him. 


He hesitated for a few seconds, his eyes wavering, and his cheeks still adoring a soft pink.


“I…” He stopped.


“Kyuhyun.” He said again. And paused.


“You don’t need to trick me to kiss me.” He started with, “When we see each other next time… You can do it, kiss me.”


Kyuhyun was stunned.


Was it really easy all this time?


Yesung chuckled a little bit at his face.


“Sometimes you don’t need to make things big, you know” He smiled, genuinely “You don’t need to entertain me, I just…” He paused again, “Kyuhyun, I just need you, okay? Nothing else, just you for the next centuries” 


“Yesung…I-” But Yesung didn’t let him finish and kept smiling at him, with this pure smile he never saw before.


“See yo
u next time, Kyuhyun,” He said, “I will not be too long.” 


And then he left.


Kyuhyun thought he finally would have time to process everything he just heard, but Yesung didn’t let him, because while he was walking away, he stopped, looked back, smirked one final time, and said:


“Next time we meet, please greet me with a kiss”

I hope you enjoyed the first extra :)!!

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Chapter 10: So beautiful! It really captures your attention 🥹. Thank you for the wonderful story!
407 streak #2
Chapter 10: Gyaaaaaaa~ (⁠〃゚⁠3゚⁠〃⁠)

It's too cute! I can't!!!! (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~
Chapter 10: Kyu being a cheeky brat but got teased by his shy love instead hahaha
Can we get kiss(es) in the next extras, Author-nim, please?
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 10: Yes, finally!! A flustered and speechless Kyuhyun is just adorable, now waiting for the next meeting and the greeting ;)
sernflows #5
Chapter 10: Yesung pulled 'uno reverse card' to Kyuhyun 😂😂
such a cute kitten, Yesung was so shy to kiss Kyu but then said Kyu is all he need for the next centuries!!! ugh my poor heart is weak 🫠
and reading your end notes, I expect there'll be more extras yep? but I'm hoping that they don't go separate way again and end up living and have journeys together 🥹
407 streak #6
Chapter 9: Finally! An update! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

I can't wait for the extra ♪⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠\⁠ ⁠)
Chapter 9: This conclusion somehow reminds me of them in real life. They are so different, opposite of each other even, but satisfyingly complete each other.
Ah, my delulu heart hahaha
Anyway, can't wait for the extras. It must be awesome, as all your fics are, Author-nim
407 streak #8
Chapter 8: Beib, you are still here, right?
_MyName_ #9
Chapter 8: I was wondering at some point if Yesung also has some sort of powers.. it must be a burden, but in situations like this merciful.
It's so lovely to see Kyuhyun trying his best to get Yesung to see also the good things. And it seems like he's starting to succeed :)
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 7: This is so sad... I think he was scared and also desperate not to suffer the same fate as his family. But just focusing on that one goal left him unable to really think ahead, what happens after he's immortal. Hopefully with Kyuhyun's help Yesung can finally put that all behind him and look forward to the future.