The Audition..


~~In The Morning~~

'Nae neoreul gipi gipi gipido love
Neo hanae nan michi michi michige love'

Your phone was ringing and you picked it up still sleepy and wondering who would call you at...ummm..8:00 in the MORNING!!

"Hello...who is 'yawn' this?" 

"Yah! Your still asleep?!"

"Yah! Micha! Why did you call me at this time!!"

"O.k now..calm down and let's try to stop yelling at each other."

"O.k...'breathes in and out', now what do you want?"


"YAH, you said stop screaming!!"

"'s just that I'm so happy!'

"Happy about what?"

"About this." she said as you hears some clicking noises and then a beep.

'Huh?' you thought, then suddenly you got a message, you opened it and it was showing a picture at first it was blur, but when you zoomed it your eyes widened and it was about to come out if you widened it more. You screamed. It was a picture of a StarShip Ent. and it showed on top in big letters 'AUDITION', then you looked down at the pictures on the Audiotion poster, there was a picture of K.Will ajusshi, Sistar and your most favrite band Boyfriend. You didn't like Boyfriend just because there was your brother, but there was him...Youngmin..your first love, you just loved him so much! You were happy that they were holding an Audition, but you didn't why they needed more people, they already had the most talented singers you know..especially Youngmin. Then you started daydreaming about him.

A few minutes later...

You decided to stop daydreaming about Youngmin and browse the web about the Audition they were holding. But before that you needed to wash up. 

20 minutes later...

You were done with your bath and you were drying your hair while surfing the web.

"Hmmmmm..oh there it is..StarShip Ent. Audition." you clicked the link and there were many things to be, but what caught your eyes were the words..'Sistar will not be alone anymore.'

"What in the world does that mean?" you asked curiosly and then you decided that if you wanted answers you need to read what was on the computer, so you started reading and this is what it said.

'StarShip News! StarShip News! We the producers of StarShip Ent. have decided to find a new group with more talent that can bring them to the top, Boyfriend and Sistar have helped us very well but we still need more efort..we need a new group..a girl group..we decided to name that group after Boyfriend..Grifriend, it's a cute but a nice name for the group and we hope to find girls with outstanding talents and dreams of becoming a singer..we hope everyone who has read this will supprt us and come to our Audition..for more info about the audition is in the next paragraph below.'

"Wow..a girl group huh..I better read more to know about the Audition and when is it going to be held." you said as you scrolled down to reaveal more things to be read.

'The Auditon is going to be held next Saturday. We are gonna accept 6 talented girls and they will be then called 'Girlfriend'. For those who want to audition please come to the StarShip building on saturday and sign up..we hope you good luck. Ppyong from StarShip Ent.'

You laughed at the last 4 words.

"Really..'Ppyong from StarShip Ent.'..that really cracks me up." you said as you chuckled a little. You looked at the time and noticed that it was 8:45, "Well that was fast..maybe I should call micha and ask her if she's going to audition...I know it's her dream to be a singer and also meet Kwangmin and even work at the same place with him..even for me it's my be a singer and meet Youngmin." you grabbed your phone and text messaged Micha to meet you at the park at 9:05, then you stuffed your phone in your pocket and went downstairs after you turned off your laptop.

Time: 9:00...

You walked to the park after telling your parents, when you reached the park you saw Micha already sitting on the bench waiting for you, 'She's early?' you thought curiosly because she's usally late, due to her overprotective parents.

"Hey Micha!" you said as you ran to her.

"Oh! YoonMI..what did you want to talk about?"

"Well..ummm..I'm wondering if you were gonna audition for you know what." at first she was confused but then she remembered.

"Of course yeah! Why wouldn't I? I want to make my dreams come true." she said as she looked up at the blue sky, "What about you?"

" Well I don't know..I don't know if I have good talent at all." you said while pouting a little, then you felt a hand slap the back of your head and you looked up to reveal Micha slapping your head, "Yah..what was that for?" you said while rubbing the back of your head.

" have talent..I've heard you sing..and you sing more better than me..silly pabo." she said while smiling.

" think so?"

"No..I know so." she said while smiling, you smiled back and the two of you did your hand shake and said, "FIGHTING!" in unision.

So how was my first chappie..
I know i know..i haven't updated for a long time..
Mianhae 'bows 5 times'

Just stay tuned for the next chappie and subscirbe!!




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