Carrie's Solo Interview

Dating App Match
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Heath's POV:

It was the last few days of October and already, I can feel how busy she's gotten. From messaging each other whenever we were free, now it has come to just a 'Good Morning, eat and rest when you can and I love you' messages once after we woke up and then again before we go to sleep. I was similarly busy because of her upcoming Solo. P!nk Magazine was supposed to shoot a cover for her. It was our time of course to spend with each other then a behind the scene content was also supposed to happen. Ask (Star's Name) or the P!nk Magazine Q&A portion where we were supposed to ask her Fan Questions. Questions were already pre-selected by Kwon and knowing Kwon's playfulness was enough to give me an anxiety attack as I prepared for the whole day shoot. Everyone was busy, some running back and forth to Studio 10. I like Studio 10 due to its wide and spacious area. Lighting was also great at Studio 10 due to its full body windows that surrounded the area. I was tweaking some settings when everyone seemingly stopped moving and the feeling of someone staring from behind me was felt. I looked back to find Carrie making an entrance with bags of goodies in her arms. She bows to everyone and approached each one of my staff with a smile and handed them a bag of pastry from her Father's bakery. She was never empty handed when it came to P!nk Magazine Staffs, she always brought us pastries and other goodies we could munch on. She smiles at everyone and I was left smiling to myself and feeling proud that my girl could command everyone's attention, stopping what they're doing and paying her all their attention. Carrie made her way until she reached me and handed me a similar paperbag of baked goods from her Father.

"Please take care of me on set, Sajang-nim." She told me playfully.

"I will, take care of you Madame." I replied to her with a playful tone.

"Thank you for these baked goodies." I followed up and bowed to her.

"Welcome, Sajang-nim." She replied giggling at the scenario.

When everyone continued to move and work, I whispered to her.

"I miss you so much, Yeobo." I whispered to her.

"Nado, I miss you too Yeobo. I'm sorry, I was busy. I was looking forward for this shoot to spend time with you." She replied to me.

I smiled at her, because I perfectly understand that she was busy promoting her drama and her upcoming solo album. I was in a healthy and secured relationship. Everything she did was explained to me including the kissing scenes at her drama. It was needed for her storyline. So, there was no need to be threatened.

"I understand Yeobo. I support you and come the last week of December we'll travel to Italy and Europe. So let's work hard for the upcoming December." I replied to her merrily.

She smiled at me and told me.

"I'm lucky to be yours. I'll get ready and finish the shoot early so we can spend some quality time together." She replied and excused herself to the dressing room.

I let her get ready for the day ahead as I finished some test shots and adjusting the lighting. I was truly the lucky one to have her in my life. I went ahead and looked at the bag of baked goods, there was five of each pastry for me and another ten of the pastry we both liked. Her Father's Chocolate Custard Pastry was the best, I loved this as much as she loves her chocolates. Then a note was inserted at the top of everything and that note read.


Thank you for supporting me through out my busy schedule, not a day goes by that I don't think about you, not a second passes by that I don't miss you. A little more and I'll get to be with you soon. Looking forward to resting and being with you. For now, let's fighting for this shoot. Do your best and I will always be proud to be yours. As a peace offering, I got you several of your favorite pastries from Appa's bakery, enjoy! ๐Ÿค๐Ÿ˜˜

- Carrie ๐Ÿค

It melted me to know about her thoughts and how she thought of me each time. We were the same, I always thought of her and I always found myself with thoughts of her smile. We've since shot several magazine covers for her team and each time her team goes here, they similarly brought me baked goods from Appa Taehyung's Bakery. Like I said, she wasn't one to be caught empty handed, even other magazines she would bring them her Father's Baked Goods. Appa Taehyung's shop was beginning to be known for his Custard Filled Bread, since last year when Carrie always bought from his bakery and gave them away to Magazine Staffs and Photographers. My Industry Colleagues envied me for being her girlfriend who must be receiving lots of these baked goodies. They were wrong, because I always bought from Appa Taehyung's Bakery, whenever I came to visit him and her Family. I refused hand outs from Appa for the reason that his bakery was struggling for profit, so I always bought from his bakery. I even got Eomma to tie up with him and become a reseller of his baked goods which Eomma accepted. She frequently orders by the bulk from Appa Taehyung every other week. Appa was excited to have his bakery flourish into success within the span of a year. It was best effort from Carrie and I. It would be a shame if we kept her Father's little bakery to ourselves, so we spoke about it to friends and her fans discovered the bakery eventually and they would frequent the bakery whenever they are near the area. We also shot some Instagram Ads one weekend with her team. I took those photos and had everyone pose with their favorite pastry from the bakery. It was fun to have Taehyung Appa discover the wonders of Marketing his bakery online. Kyeongie and I were collaborating for a gift for Appa Taehyung's bakery. Kyeongie offered to design the website later this year it would be up and running. Leaving the online orders to Carrie's eldest brother. He already graduated May of this year. So, he was already helping his Father in the bakery.

After thirty minutes of getting ready and another thirty minutes of her makeup being done. Carrie emerged from the dressing room dressed in a white maxi dress. The slit was scandalously high, that I just wanted to send her back to the dressing room and change to a more tamed outfit. My brows were furrowed at the sight of her left leg, peeking out and inviting me to do things about this whole situation. Who ever thought to dress her like this would get a beating from me. Then Yasmine came beside me and whispered in my ear.

"She picked that out herself, don't blame Harper or me." She told me.ย 

"Why is that dress one of her choices?!" I exclaimed without looking at her.ย 

"Okay, you got me, she actually brought that dress over herself. Sorry Hyung, she looks lovely though." She replied to me and patted my back.

My eyes never left her, brows still furrowed as she approached me.

"Sajang-nim. I'm ready to shoot." She told me.ย 

Her lips were red and her makeup doesn't look like her usual style. A changed person, upclose.ย 

"Jinjja, Yas told me you brought along this dress? We have a whole rack prepared for you and you go for this? Your own dress and to make things worst, a scandalous dress?" I replied to her.ย 

I breathed at her.ย 

"Yeobo, calm down. I just wanted to try out a new style. You're the one who's shooting me, so I trust you won't highlight how scandalous this dress is." She replied to me and smiled.ย 

Yes, I was a weak

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