Unfortunate Me (Introduction)

Luck Of The Draw

Listen to: click hurr! }
"Time" — Woohyun ; solo.

★ Chapter One → Unfortunate Me (Introduction)


Somedays I wonder whether my birth was a mistake. Whether God was trying to create a beautiful angel by adding extra sugar to his recipe, but he accidentally grabbed the salt instead, creating a devil — a horrible, unlucky devil.

It all started when my parents abandoned me on the streets, several years back. If only I had known what caused them to become the most despicable people in the world that day. If I could, I swear, I would risk all I have right now to go back in time and fix that one moment in my past. But as I was saying, I was on the streets, all alone and cold. I even remember the mascara-stained cheeks I obtained due to my endless trail of tears. It was a horrendous sight, and I could only assume by the faces random passersby were giving me. That same night, I guess someone contacted the police department so the next thing I knew, the police came and "rescued" me by putting me into an Orphanage home. They thought they were saving a life and making another child happy, but the outcome was exactly the opposite. When to think Orphan Institutions are warm and welcoming, this one was definitely not. Everybody would torment me to no end, since the 'new kid' — meaning me — looked like an easy target. It was almost as if I was living in an afflicting nightmare that I didn't have the ability to wake up from.

It was only until several years later when I finally decided to grow some balls and escape the living hell. How did I leave without anyone noticing? Let's not get into that madness. But after leaving the Orphanage, my situation didn't become any better at all. I was basically back to square one, being all lonely and freezing out in the open streets. Reality is a harsh thing, isn't it?

Now, fast-forwarding to my current life. I stumbled upon a café, Hikaru Café. They were kind enough to give me little packages of gum and mini cans of soda I could sell weekly to produce the money I needed for my simple necessities. This is how I've been living my life for the past year or so, but when money became scarce, I had to do some dirty work. Let me tell you, going through trash cans to find scraps of food is truly one of the most vile things I've ever done, but hey — I didn't really have a choice. There was always that one in a million chance I'd hit a jackpot of something quite tasty, but with my luck, I found things such as socks, cigarette packs, used tissues, dead bugs, and a whole lot more. My sleeping locations weren't the best either. From dumpsters to subway stations, bus stop stations, alleyways, and park benches, it doesn't take me long to adapt to a certain sleeping area. Speaking of which, I think I'll be sleeping in another alleyway tonight.

I looked up at the gloomy sky that portrayed as if it was going to start crying any minute now. "Just like when mom and dad left," breathing out, I felt the rims of my eyes getting watery. If only I knew why. . .  I shook the bitter thought out of my head, once again.

 miki's corner;;

Heyyo readers~!
This is only an Introduction to sort of explain the main character's everyday life & her past.
. . . I hope it didn't . orz. English is so not my first language, so many apologies if I messed anything up. ; A ; 
I'll try to get the first official chapter up some time soon. And also, sorry this is so short. e~o"

P.S.- Happy April Fool's Day! Hope you played some hilarious pranks on your friends & family. c':

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now I can't wait for the next chap! keep it up :] fighting!
byunqrins_ #2
hurhur... the introduction was heartbreaking </3
omg. but it was good though! c: fufufu. i just want to reach into the story and give her loads of money and a bagful of happiness. T^T
byunqrins_ #3
nyahahaha, this sounds interesting! ^^ update soon, yaaa? :3
Ooh, I like the plot! Can't wait for your update! :)