Chapter 4: Sudden realization

Accidental attraction

Against no odd, Kyuhyun did get sick.

He's better now, long gone the coughing attacks and his sore throat, but he even got a light fever the day after the almost-hit-by-a-car incident. And although he wants to blame Kanghoon's luck for managing to get him a cold, Kyuhyun knows the main culprit is his not so strong immune system. Because yes, that's the thing that brings him most problems aside from his premonitions and Kanghoon's accidents. He can only blame nature for refusing to make him perfect and give him a stronger body.

And well, he has to admit it's all because of his carelessness that it got worse than needed.

When he returned home that day, he was so dizzy with all of the previous events that he stayed in wet clothes until his roommate, Lee Hyukjae, returned home and found him standing like a fool in the entrance. Kyuhyun reacted after hearing Hyukjae's complaints about wetting the floor and went to take a bath. He managed to empty his mind from all thoughts with the hot water and forget about everything that happened hours before. That tranquility followed him when he put his pajamas on and lied down in his bed. However, just before he could get lulled to sleep by the comfort of the mattress, his mind reactivated. The previous events replayed in his mind, but unlike what he expected, his brain didn't focus on the certainly traumatic experience, but in his interactions with Kanghoon after that. The memory of the intensity in those black eyes dominated his thoughts and when Kyuhyun tried to get rid of that image, the next embarrassing action from that day was replayed by his brain: Kyuhyun held Kanghoon's hand during their whole way to the bus stop.

In his defense, it was necessary, even a consequence from the fright of almost being hit by a car.

When Kyuhyun saw Kanghoon getting near the crossway, he instinctively stopped the older by taking his hand. As if he were teaching a child how to cross the street, Kyuhyun told Kanghoon to always double check both directions before walking, even if it was a one way street. The older told Kyuhyun he was exaggerating, but after coming across with a very negligent cyclist who wasn't respecting the driving rules, he seriously followed Kyuhyun's advice. Thus, they arrived to the bus stop with their fingers intertwined.

Kyuhyun just couldn't forget that tiny hand that fitted perfectly in his, embarrassing himself to the point of not being able to sleep. Trying to fix this, he took that topology book (do not confuse with topography) he couldn't completely understand yet, this with the intention of either occupying his mind or making him sleepy.

He ended up studying all night instead.

The next morning, Kyuhyun had dark circles under his eyes and looked paler than usual, contrasting the blush in his cheeks signaling a light fever. Furthermore, his mind felt squashy as he didn't sleep a wink until five in the morning. Tiny mugs transforming into donuts were dancing around in his dreams, leaving him with a weird feeling after waking up. He also had the notion he, in fact, got sick.

But that's all in the past now. Or that's how it should be.

You see, when people face constant danger, there are two usual reactions: a) to desensitize or b) to become paranoid. In Kyuhyun's case, option b has become true.

What does that mean? Well, that even now, two weeks and a half after the incident, he still walks to the bus stop holding hands with Kanghoon.

Yep, unexpected.

They don't see each other daily, but every Monday, Tuesday and Friday they walk to the bus stop together. And in every single one of those occasions, their hands don't release each other until they have to part ways. Kyuhyun is actually surprised by how natural searching for Kanghoon's hand has became. Normally, sharing this kind of skinship with someone outside his family (and even inside it) would make Kyuhyun feel uncomfortable. However, with Kanghoon the contact feels just right. And, telling by the way he returns his grip, it's the same for Kanghoon.

But that's not everything.

Although the handholding is the most evident change in their relationship to outsiders, there's a bigger development in their interactions. Ever since that common traumatic experience, some form of complicity has been born. That hug they shared, an unplanned moment of vulnerability, has somehow made them become closer. And thus, Kyuhyun is overly worried.

Why? Certainly, a very valid question. Why would Kyuhyun be worried about being close with someone he gets along with? That's the very same thing Kyuhyun is asking himself. And to be honest, he's quite lost.

In one hand, he really enjoys passing time with Kanghoon. Kyuhyun has developed a strange fondness towards the man, going to the point of looking forward to see him. He yearns for continuing their talks about banal, unusual topics, such as what would the best LEGO set to live in or what would those potions in videogames taste like. Even Kanghoon's passionate chatter about all the living and extinct 360 species of turtles, their habitats and their characteristics becomes entertaining for Kyuhyun, a very rare thing as he's a selfish brat who doesn't indulge in anything outside his interests. And showing a very welcomed reciprocity, Kanghoon carefully listens to Kyuhyun's rants about the so obvious plot-holes in the videogames or historical dramas he likes, not getting bored at the long descriptions or badly resumed storylines Kyuhyun gives. Heck, even some of the freaks who're most obsessed with those topics would get fed up listening to either of them, but by an unknown reason, Kim Kanghoon and Cho Kyuhyun just seem to click perfectly.

And probably there's where the issue lies.

Because, on the other hand, Kyuhyun is just way too taken aback by how much he's begun to anticipate his encounters with that odd hyung. It's beyond his rationality how much Kanghoon intrudes in his thoughts and the way he automatically comes to his mind when seeing a random post about cute pets, or when he hears some rock songs while shopping at the supermarket. Any moment he's not busy writing the long answers of his homework problems, studying at the library or cursing at the gacha element in some of his games, his brain gets flooded with Kim Kanghoon; his dark eyes, his miniature-sized hands, his lovely smile, his y neck and collarbone... Kyuhyun has begun to think he's going crazy. Has his powers activated so much because of Mr Careless that now Kyuhyun thoughts focus in him by default? Is it some sort of anticipation for whatever accident may happen to him? Kyuhyun is clueless what would be the answer.

Well, there's, in fact, another possibility Kyuhyun has think of, but he discarded that one immediately. It just wouldn't make sense. Wasting time thinking that maybe, just maybe, he has some insignificant crush on an odd one like Kanghoon is ridiculous. He won't do that. Instead, he'll keep worrying for not knowing what the hell is wrong with him.

And so, here he is. Confused, worried and starting to get impatient while he waits for his most frequent source of problems. Why does he have to lose a precious Saturday before midterms, miraculously free of homework to do, in waiting for Kanghoon? He could be completing that stupid mission in his game, watching the rerun of that one drama he likes, or simply doing anything. Even studying would be more entertaining! But no, he has to wait for Kim ‘I get lost easily’ Kanghoon. Why is he even going with him to get Ryeowook's repayment (food) for lending his umbrella? Right, he was invited as the two of them became best friends after ten minutes of chatting. Really, he's not exaggerating. Kyuhyun witnessed it.

And no, Kyuhyun isn't one bit jealous of their closeness. Ryeowook has a girlfriend (something that should not be relevant in the matter) and Kyuhyun's already close enough with Kanghoon, thank you very much.

What bugs him, though, is Ryeowook insistence in acting as a matchmaker. When the hell is he going to understand Kanghoon and him are just— wait, what are they? Acquaintances is no longer suitable. Trouble-magnet and person-who-worries-enough-to-help-the-trouble-magnet?

As Kyuhyun makes up ridiculous terms to describe their relationship (because saying friends is too boring and doesn't fit perfectly), the person in question comes to sight. It doesn't takes long for Kyuhyun to notice, but some minutes pass before he gives any kind of reaction. He's shocked.

How the hell does that weird hyung manage to look so ing stunning while riding a motorcycle!? It's actually a scooter, but he still looks way too cool. Damn him.

Kanghoon parks before taking his helmet off. If it were a corny teenager movie, he would fashionably shake his head and let his hair run with the wind. Fortunately for Kyuhyun's heart, no type of special effect happens. The man doesn't lose style, though.

"Kyuhyun-ah, sorry for being late. One of our staff members got sick, so I had to look after the cafe until the person from the next shift arrived." He talks as he gets down from the two wheels vehicle, not realizing Kyuhyun isn't hearing anything he's saying. It's only after he stands in front of Kyuhyun that Kanghoon notices the stare directed at his motorbike. "Kyu-ah?"

"You own a motorcycle?"

"Yeah, a scooter to be more specific." Of course Kyuhyun knows that. "It's easier to find places were to park it, so I thought we can ride it and go to where we're meeting with Ryeowook."

"Mmm." Kyuhyun's curt answer causes a frown to form in Kanghoon's face.

"You don't like the idea? Don't worry, it's not dangerous. As long as we follow driving rules—"

"I know that! Heck, where did you get this? How many CC's is it? HP? Maximum speed? Fuel efficiency?" Kyuhyun starts asking all kind of questions regarding the technical aspects, maintenance and everything about the model. Kanghoon answers after a short moment of surprise, answers that turn into a conversation about the motorized bikes.

"You have to let me drive it one of these days." Kanghoon laughs at Kyuhyun's words, gaining him a bad look from the younger. "What?"

The older shakes his head and raises his hands in an appeasing way. "It's just I didn't know you were so interested in motorcycles."

"Well, there's many things you don't know about me. I'm quite mysterious."

"Oh, really?"

"Yep. But I may make an exception and tell you a little bit about my secrets." Just because, Kyuhyun thinks it's the best moment to wink, so he does with a smirk on his face. Kanghoon's sightly surprised eyes and light blush tells Kyuhyun he was successful. In what? Who knows. But it's too fun for him to worry about it.

After a couple of seconds, Kanghoon recomposes. "Then I'll look forward to it." And there is that stupidly cute smile of his.

Before getting lost in staring again (but now at Kanghoon's face), Kyuhyun suggest to get on the road to not make Ryeowook wait. Kanghoon agrees and, after putting on the helmets, they ride the motorcycle. It's a good thing the scooter has some handlers to hold on, so no need for those awkward waist hugs. Though, at some point, Kyuhyun would like to ask if he can drive it. And who knows, maybe Kanghoon would hold onto his waist.










"Kyunnie, stop grumbling." Ryeowook's voice sounds tired, something to be expected considering Kyuhyun has been complaining ever since they arrived at the place.

"I'm not grumbling. I'm peacefully showing my disagreement. But you can ignore me, just like you ignored my opinion when choosing where to have lunch." Kyuhyun side eyes Ryeowook aggressively. He can accept the change from dinner to lunch, he can deal with Kanghoon being dragged, but a coffee shop? Ryeowook must be crazy if he thinks he's not going to complain.

"You wanted to eat tteokbokki. Again."

"And? It's my favorite food, it should be obvious I'd choose it."

"Well, yeah, but we already ate it four times this week!" Ryeowook has had enough of it for the month.

"Why do you complain so much? It's not like we eat it three times per day." Tteokbokki is very tasty. Why would Ryeowook get sick of it?

"Thankfully, we're not. Why do you like it so much, anyways? You can't even eat spicy food."

Kyuhyun shrugs. "It's tasty."

"There's tons of tastier food that you don't have as favorite food."

"I just like it, okay? I bet you can't say why you like giraffes."

"They're tall and can look down on people the same way I'd like to do." Kyuhyun arches an eyebrow after hearing that. No one should be deceived by Ryeowook's innocent looks.

"I'm not even going to dwell on what does that means." Kyuhyun leans on his chair back, taking a look at the place they're in. Continuing with his whining, the younger turns to look at Ryeowook with a frown. "Why did you think coming to a cafe was a good idea? I don't like coffee and hyung owns one. Drinking more caffeinated drinks will only worsen his insomnia. And you were supposed to pay me with food, not pastries."

A pout forms in the older's lips. "It's a nice place and they have a varied menu. Look, they even serve hamburgers! And we can order tea without caffeine for Kanghoon hyung." Ryeowook shows the menu to Kyuhyun, but the latter just continues with his grumbling. Giving up on his task of appeasing the younger, Ryeowook puts the menu back in the table. He's pensive as he looks at the other before talking again. "You know, there's something I've been curious about for some time now. Why do you call Kanghoon hyung ‘honey’?"

"It's a pun. Kanghoon ➝ Hoonnie ➝ Hunny ➝ Honey."

"Isn't that too elaborated? Why not just use hunny?"

Kyuhyun looks as if he smelled something awful after hearing Ryeowook's question. "We're not dating, calling him hunny would be weird."

Ryeowook scoffs. "And calling him honey isn't."

"It's just playful flirting, the verbal equivalent of skinship. And since I don't like all that touching you hyungs love to do, it works just fine, especially with how Kanghoon hyung reacts." He laughs to himself remembering Kanghoon's blushed face and nervousness after Kyuhyun says something flirtatious. It's just so entertaining seeing him.

"Ah, right." The smile in the shorter man may look sweet, but it has an eerie feeling only Kyuhyun can see. "Our Kyuhyunnie dislikes hugs, but I guess it's different with handholding."

All the blood drains from his face. Is Ryeowook saying what he thinks he's saying? "...What are you talking about?"

"I saw you, yesterday. You two seemed very comfortable walking home with your fingers intertwined. It looked very natural."


They were seen.


They. Were. ing. Seen.






Of course, Kyuhyun's immediate response is to clarify the situation. "It's not what you think!"

"Oh, it isn't? Then what is it?"

"I told you we were almost hit by a car, right? I just took his hand by reflex."

"Ah, sure. The adrenaline of the moment. But that was two weeks ago."

"It somehow became an habit... Hyung gets himself in too much dangerous situations, so I just make sure he doesn't end up in an unsafe place. It's like when parents take their toddler home, they have to make sure the kid doesn't go stray and the easier way is to hold hands."

"You don't intertwine fingers with a toddler."

Well, that's true, so Kyuhyun panics. However, he quickly comes up with a justification for that detail in particular. "That way it's more difficult for the hold to break, so it's more helpful in case of emergency."

"I see, so it's only that." Ryeowook's neutral face and even voice don't help Kyuhyun to know if the other believes him or not. He hopes it's the first case, but the latter is more likely.

"Yeah, that's all."

Ryeowook nods as he assimilates Kyuhyun's explanation. "So yesterday, when you stopped hyung to hold both of his hands, it was for double protection?"

The blush that forms in Kyuhyun's face is so red it reaches his neck. How much did Ryeowook see!? Not that something happened, but it's still embarrassing.

"I didn't do that! Well, I did, but it's different- we were comparing hands size!"

"Comparing hand size? In the middle of the street?"

"We weren't in the middle of the street." After what they went through, that's the last place they would remain in. "I just mentioned his hands are miniature size and that they would look even tinier compared to mine..." Kyuhyun blushes even more as he feels like he's digging his own grave, but what can he say to mend the situation? Ryeowook already has a weird idea of his relationship with his hyung.

"Mine are smaller than yours and you pretty much ignore them."

"There's nothing outstanding in yours. Your hands are proportional to your halfling height— Ouch!" He's saying the truth, Ryeowook doesn't have to kick him for that.

Ryeowook gives him a lethal look, but sighs after some while, knowing Kyuhyun is in an state of emotional constipation. The younger always tries to rationalize everything, to the point he gets confused with his own feelings. Because of that, he ends up ignoring them until realization hits him in the face. And even if someone tells him the answer, Kyuhyun will stubbornly refuse to acknowledge it until he himself can't deny it any longer.

That, however, doesn't mean Ryeowook can't fasten the process.

A devilish smile that somehow looks angelical appears in Ryeowook's face. He looks from Kyuhyun, who's dramatically leaning in the table while looking after his poor injured leg, to Kanghoon, who already ended the call that made him go out the store. His smile widens.

"In short, there's nothing going between you two, right?" Ryeowook says as Kyuhyun looks at him with bug eyes.

"That's what I've been saying the whole time."

"I just wanted to make sure." He shrugs. "But since there's absolutely nothing going on with you two, we must help Kanghoon hyung."

Kyuhyun incorporates, puzzled at Ryeowook's words. "What do you mean?"

Holding back a laugh, Ryeowook discreetly points behind Kyuhyun with his head. "Look." The younger turns to the direction Ryeowook's gaze is directed to and his eyes widen.

There's a cute girl, probably in her early twenties, talking with Kanghoon. That would be nothing extraordinary if the girl weren't evidently (but quite shyly) flirting with him. What isn't unusual is that Kanghoon seems oblivious to her attempts at advances, despite her efforts to make it as obvious as possible.

It's a pitiable sight, one could even feel sorry for her as her hard work doesn't give her any results. Sadly for her, that big head of Kanghoon's is too dense to catch on it. However, Kyuhyun is far from empathizing with her situation. He's annoyed by the spectacle, mad for some unknown reason, though he's sure she shouldn't be talking with his hyung. And what is Kanghoon doing talking with her when he should be right here, having a teasing contest with him (and maybe Ryeowook since he's here) while they discuss about the most ridiculous topics?

And to add fuel to the fire, Ryeowook keeps talking. "We should help Kanghoon hyung. At this rate he'll lose the opportunity to get that girl's number. Don't you think they look cute together?" Ryeowook barely holds back his snicker after seeing the displeasure in Kyuhyun's frown.

The younger would glare at Ryeowook if he weren't so busy trying to burn holes in Kanghoon's head. If he success maybe that stupid hyung would finally remember he didn't came alone. He shouldn't be smiling stupidly at whatever thing that girl is telling him, who cares about politeness.

Irrationality tells him to act rashly, but his mind reminds Kyuhyun there's no need to rush and protect Kanghoon as there's no actual danger in that interaction (unless the girls turns out to be a serial killer). He doesn't have any valid reason to get up and interrupt. Even if he ignores that and acts all possessive with Kanghoon, he'll only make an scene and embarrass himself. Doing nothing isn't an option either, but all the ideas he gets are either too radical or too useless.

The answer comes seconds later, though, when the waiter arrives with their orders. Now having a valid excuse, Kyuhyun takes out his phone and calls Kanghoon.

"What are you doing?" Ryeowook asks as he sees Kyuhyun's actions. "You shouldn't interrupt them."

"Shh, I'm calling." He ignores Ryeowook and waits for the call to connect.

— Hello? Kyu-ah? — Kanghoon's confused voice asks as Kyuhyun side glances at him to see his reactions.

"Hyung, the food is here. If you don't arrive in thirty seconds, I'll eat yours."

— Hey! Don't you dare touch it. — There's a soft rustle, probably caused by the movement of the phone. The next words sound muffled, so Kyuhyun squeezes his phone against his ear. — Sorry, my friends are complaining since I've abandoned them. It was nice talking with you. — There's some unintelligible mumbling Kyuhyun can't make any sense of, probably the girl's answer telling by the pitch. Then there's rustling once again before Kanghoon says something else to Kyuhyun. — You better haven't touched my food.

Kyuhyun's rolls his eyes at the mock threatening voice. "I haven't, but I can't promise anything if you don't hurry."

— I'm watching you.

"Really? Then you're probably seeing how close my hand is getting to your plate." Kyuhyun lifts his hand and slowly moves it closer and closer to Kanghoon's order, debating on going for the fruit cocktail or the whole wheat sandwich. He opts for the first as in an easier target. This petty act is clearly visible to the owner telling by the angry sounds coming from the phone. At this point, Ryeowook just laughs at the show.

— Kyuhyun, stop moving your hand.

"Why should I? Wouldn't it be a waste if the food gets cold while you keep that turtle pace?"

— It doesn't matter if it gets cold, it's a sandwich! And the fruit cocktail is supposed to be cold.

Kyuhyun continues with his teasing as he hears Ryeowook laugh at him, something that should be foretelling but is ignored. His hand is now ten centimeters away from his goal and he itches to see Kanghoon's reaction. He turns tqo look at where he supposes the man should be, but he doesn't see him. He's sightly confused, a feeling that is replaced by surprise after a small hand holds his wrist just before he could steal the food. When did Kanghoon get behind him?

"You shouldn't ignore your hyung's words." That husky voice reaches Kyuhyun's ears from different mediums as he's still in the call. The younger hides his surprise with an angry glare in Kanghoon's direction.

"You shouldn't abandon your dongsaengs." He twists his wrist to pull his hand away from the hold. He then cuts the call and puts his phone back in his pocket.

"I didn't abandon you. I didn't even leave the place." Kanghoon sits down as he talks.

"Wouldn't that mean you were ignoring us?" Kyuhyun shakes his head in disapproval. Kanghoon pouts with a frown in his face, so Kyuhyun directs his gaze to the still intact food in front of the oldest of the three. "I'm really going to steal that."

Kanghoon moves his food out of Kyuhyun's reach and starts eating. Still, Kyuhyun manages to steal a strawberry with his fingers before eating it in front of Kanghoon. "Yah!"

"Take this one, hyung." Ryeowook gives one of his to Kanghoon as a mean to stop the quarreling. The peace offer is gladly accepted. "By the way, hyung. Did you get that girl's number?" Kyuhyun snorts after hearing Ryeowook.

Kanghoon is confused with the question, but more so by Kyuhyun's reaction. He looks at Ryeowook with his head tilted. "Why would I need it?"

"To ask her to go on a date with you, of course. She looked very interested in you." Ryeowook nods when he sees the surprise in the other eyes. Kanghoon turns to look at Kyuhyun, but the latter just rests his head in his hand while absentmindedly looking the other way.

"It wasn't like that." Although he's answering Ryeowook, it seems as if he's talking to someone else.

Ryeowook has to do his best to not laugh at them. "Hyung, you don't need to hide it from us. We understand. The chemistry between you was—"

Kyuhyun suddenly gets up, receiving the attention of the other two. "I'm going to wash my hands." And with these words, he leaves.

He enters the bathroom, takes some soap and rubs his hands until foam appears. He cleans his fingers diligently while he analyzes his plan and then rinses off the soap. He avoids the unhygienic hand dryer and uses a paper tissue instead, the same one he uses to avoid direct contact with the door while he opens it. He uses his feet to keep it open as he tosses the tissue in the trash can and exits the bathroom.

It's time.

He walks leisurely, but paying extra attention to the actions of a certain waitress. She carries various drinks and some dishes in a tray, professionally balancing everything with one hand. Unfortunately, she trips as a customer accidentally bumps into her back. The perfect balance is lost and everybody who's seeing can already picture the mess of the drinks and broken glass scattered on the floor. However, with a premeditated timing, Kyuhyun stops her fall by holding the tray with one hand and her shoulder with the other. He still fails to balance everything and some juice spills onto him. However, that's way better than the just boiled coffee falling on people and the waitress hitting her head with the table like it happened in his vision.

"Thank you." The girl says after regaining her balance. She tries to clean the stain with a tissue, but it doesn't fade. "I'll pay for the laundry."

The closeness is uncomfortable, so Kyuhyun stops her movements and steps back. "It's okay." Well, it's not okay since it's one of his favorites shirts, but given the fact he's doesn't send his clothes to the laundry (he's allergic to the detergent they use), asking her to pay for it doesn't make sense. However, the girl keeps insisting with an annoying smile so Kyuhyun gives up in changing her mind. It's not like he's ever going to call her, so he just accepts with an awkward smile. Or maybe he can charge her the price of a bottle of the detergent his family uses.

When he returns to his seat, Kyuhyun finds a frowning and displeased Kanghoon and Ryeowook barely containing that loud laughter of his. Did something happen?

"I guess that's karma..." Kanghoon's mumbling only manages to confuse Kyuhyun even more.

He sits down as he looks from one hyung to another with arched eyebrows. They've always been weird, but he guesses that wasn't enough oddness for them. His thoughts are interrupted by Ryeowook's voice. "Kyunnie, what did that girl tell you?"

"She said she wanted to pay for the laundry, so she harassed me until I accepted her number."

"Are you going to call her?"

"Why would I? I don't need anything from her."

"I guess so." Ryeowook says before looking at the waitress direction. "Our Kyuhyunnie has really good reflexes. You always end up in similar situations."

"Unlike certain people, I'm always looking at my surroundings, so noticing the danger is easier."

"There are very oblivious people." Both Ryeowook and Kyuhyun turn to look at Kanghoon at his words. "What?"

"Nothing, hyung. Just that there are insanely oblivious people." The youngers laugh at Kanghoon's expense, who doesn't understand what's so funny. The previous tension vanishes and they start some silly chattering.

And, finally, they continue eating.














It's until the sky is dark when Kyuhyun decides to go home. He has been hanging out with Kanghoon alone as Ryeowook abandoned them after lunch to go on a date with his girlfriend. If Kyuhyun thinks about it, it's the first time he has ever met Kanghoon outside the store or their way to the bus stop. And surprisingly, it was very fun.

Like the broke young adults they are, they couldn't go to anywhere expensive, but they still managed to have fun. They somehow ended up in a free entry gallery, something that could have been very boring had Kanghoon not expressed his interpretations. They had quiet debates about the meaning of the paintings that turned into a competition of who would come up with the most eccentric one. Following that, they went to an arcade and played as much games as they could with the limited budget each one had. When they got hungry they had some street food (because of Kyuhyun's insistence) and then went to a park around there. They spent the afternoon talking there until the sky changed colors, moment Kanghoon received a call from his family asking him to return home and help with something. It wasn't anything urgent, but they decide to go home.

Since now they go to different directions, Kyuhyun declined Kanghoon's offer to give him a ride. He's just going to take the subway, so they're walking in the most convenient station direction, which happens to be near the place Kanghoon's scooter is parked at.

They walk in a comfortable silence, looking at their surroundings as people pass next to them. There isn't as much people as one would expect, but there are still lots of them. However, before the entrance to the subway station, there's an empty spot hidden by a booth that can offer some privacy.

When they reach it, Kanghoon stops Kyuhyun by holding his hand. It's so natural Kyuhyun doesn't think it's anything odd and just looks at the older quizzically. Kanghoon looks to their surroundings, making sure there's no one seeing them, before leaning forward and kissing Kyuhyun.

His lips are soft, just like the touch that Kyuhyun instinctively reciprocates as he closes his eyes. It's sweet and, unfortunately, short. Since they're in a public space, Kanghoon pulls back rather quickly. He smiles with flushed cheeks and gives Kyuhyun's hand a squeeze before releasing it. "See you."

He leaves while turning to look at Kyuhyun from time to time, who only waves at him with a goofy smile everytime he sees him looking back. The younger snorts after Kanghoon isn't visible anymore and enters the subway station. And it's only until he's waiting for the wagon that the events dawn on him.


Kanghoon kissed him.


And he kissed Kanghoon back.









What the... !!??





Realization hits him in the face.













Author's notes: Hi! Did you miss me?

(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) ...

( • ᴗ⁠ • ;) ......

(⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠) ........

(⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠) ...........




Ok. Time for excuses. I hurt my left wrist and some of my fingers (it's alright now)... which means typing with only one hand which in turn means I'm five times slower. And well, my speaking is too horrible for the voice typing to work correctly... Sorry!


On a completely different note, to make a certain detail make sense, here is a clarification: Apparently, among mathematicians, there's a joke about topologists not being able to differentiate a cup from a donut since you can transform one to another without cutting or glueing. Here is the graphic demonstration:

Is this relevant to the story? No. I just wanted to make someone have the same shock I experienced after coming across with this.


I don't know anything about motorcycles nor Korean recreational spaces, but I tried to investigate a bit. If there's something off, that's why.


Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. I wish you have a good day, see you 💙






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Sorry for the inconveniences, I'm not going to abandone this.
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395 streak #1
Chapter 5: Oh gosh! This chapter just sooooo entertaining and interesting! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) LOVE IT TO THE MOON AND BACK!
Rinirin07 #2
Chapter 5: So fluffy 🥰🥰🥰
Kyu denial really amusing yet annoying to read 🤭
But glad they reach an understanding 🥰🥰🥰
I love the progress
HelenDamnation #3
Chapter 5: I'm laughing pretty hard at Kanghoon finding out he has only seen the mild, unconscious version so far...
idiyanalexx #4
Chapter 5: I usually hate in denial characters, but I like Kyu here! He's confused, but he wholeheartedly acknowledge his feelings
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: Yay, a kiss!
Lucky Ryeowook having front row seats to the Kyusung romcom, he really seems to enjoy it :D
Liza-Nan #6
Chapter 4: The first sweet.... :) <3
HelenDamnation #7
Chapter 4: OMG, I love this. I just bingeread the first four chapters.
395 streak #8
Chapter 4: Wuaaaah, Wookie said what he said about giraffe, awesome ♪⁠~⁠(⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

And finally! First kisu ever (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Eniwei, I don't understand about topo.. topo what? I'm too dumb. When I was in school, what I did just make friends and find a cute boy. It's really a miracle that I survived until now LOL but well, thank you for the graphic demonstration!
idiyanalexx #9
Chapter 4: I love this update! Kyu's so oblivious about his feelings
395 streak #10
Chapter 3: Yeay an update!

I'm really enjoying this story! Don't you dare leave us hanging, this is a warning! XD