So who's getting married now?

That's my wife, that is

A/N: Hi, thanks so much for the reviews for chapter 2. I am really very much enjoying this story, so it means a lot to me that overall it’s enjoyed by you all too. So here’s chapter three, I just really thought it would be cool to do a whole chapter dedicated to Joohyun’s point of view and her thoughts, but yeah back to regular time I guess and we can move right along. Thanks a bunch, please enjoy! 


Joohyun had to admit she hadn’t fully thought it out when she smacked Seulgi upside the head. It felt more so like something taking over her and she acted purely on instinct. Though, it was kind of funny to see the alpha with slightly puffed up cheeks that made her look like an angry lioness.


“What’s your problem coming to our house dressed like you fell out of your closet?” 


“, .” Seulgi’s mind rages. “Of course it’s because I didn’t come with an ironed shirt!” However, compared to both her mother’s. She did look like she hadn’t put any effort at all since they were dressed at least like they tried.


“You know…”


“Okay!” Misook spoke first with a laugh and wrapped her arms around Seulgi to try and calm her down. “First meetings can be awkward, maybe we just need to eat, and you two can try this again.”


Oh absolutely not, Seulgi thinks it’s time to get back home immediately. She doesn’t think she can sit through a whole meal with this weird omega. No matter how hungry she currently feels.


“Hyun.” Her father looked at her with a small frown, and it was that expression that made her feel slightly bad. “That wasn’t very nice, you should apologize to Seulgi.”


“I….” It’s not like she wasn’t going to properly apologize to Seulgi, perhaps later when they had a chance to talk one-on-one. Because truly, Joohyun wasn’t some rude person who didn’t know how to treat a guest who came over to dinner, oh no. She certainly didn’t want to give the Kang family that impression either, whether they were going to actually be her future-in-laws one day or not. Though truthfully that was the furthest thing from Joohyun’s thoughts at this point. She kind of felt she had much bigger things to concern herself with. 


“There will be time for proper apologies later.” Haeyeon interrupts softly. As she herself caught the look on Joohyun’s face after her daughter’s reaction, and if that wasn’t the signs of an omega trying to test an alpha then Haeyeon was out of touch longer than she realized. In a way, Haeyeon did understand. Joohyun might have been trying to see what Seulgi would do, or figure out what sort of alpha she might be. Maybe she’d explain to Seulgi later on. For now, they probably should at least have dinner since coming all this way. In most cases food solved most minor issues or misunderstandings.


“But, mom! We’re not going to seriously eat with this rude girl and her family.” Seulgi  stops when she realizes how that sounds and smiled apologetically towards Joohyun’s parents more so than the girl herself. Because she doesn’t feel as if she owes Joohyun any apology. “Sorry.”


“No apologies necessary, Seulgi.” Hyunsook assured her. “Hyun gets cranky when she’s hungry so I’m sure that’s why she reacted oddly. She’ll make it up to you later.”


“Oh the hell…” But Joohyun’s dad carefully covered from saying anything else. Seulgi personally wasn’t sold on going in for dinner. She had to admit this was the strangest meeting she had with an omega in all of her twenty-two years of life. Just what the heck was that even all about? Either way, Seulgi didn’t have time to really think about it further. Not when her sire was hugging her in a way that was probably meant to calm her down, but then Seulgi realized quickly she was being guided into the house.


“Betrayed by my own sire.”


She’d talk to her mother about that later, since now she had to put on her polite face and be extra nice. No matter how weird this Joohyun girl is, Seulgi wasn’t going to be rude to anyone’s parents. Besides, she knew how to behave in someone else’s house. 


“We made extra dishes just in case, so we’d have options for everyone.” Seulgi looked up when she heard Mrs. Bae voice from the dining area. Even if she wanted a few moments to look around the huge living room area and admire the paintings on the wall, there was no time for any of that. 


“Hey, mom.” Seulgi whispers softly to Misook before she could get too far away. 


“Yes, sweetie?”


“Are they rich?” She hopes she whispers that part so as to not possibly offend anyone, people like weird omega girls who might try and smack her upside the head again. Misook smiles softly and pats her face in that loving mom way.


“No, they’re not rich.”


“So what do you call this big house and fancy paintings?”


Someone clears their throat suddenly. “Mrs. Kang. Mom wants to know if you want red or white wine?” Joohyun comes over to ask, though Seulgi gets the feeling that Joohyun’s mother didn’t even actually send her out here to ask.


“Oh, white is fine, Joohyun. Thank you.”


Her gaze lingers over Seulgi for a moment in a way that makes the other girl really feel like she should have probably ironed her shirt. Either that, or Joohyun most likely heard her talking about her maybe being rich. Somehow, Seulgi feels like she is going to be the one apologizing after all, and that doesn’t feel right either.


“Come on, let’s go eat. You’ll feel better after dinner. And honey,” Misook speaks gently, “try and give Joohyun a chance. She’s really a nice girl.”


“Give her a chance?”


When her parents told her they were going to have dinner with some old friends of theirs. She believed them, and judging by the way her parents reacted to Joohyun’s parents they did seem to be old friends. Seulgi already had the feeling there was much more going on here than some simple dinner. If it weren’t obvious from all the effort the Bae’s seemed to have gone through, from the amount of dishes on the table alone. Seulgi knows that her parents tend to treat guests well too when they do have people over, but this is much more than anything they have done. Her eyes scan the dinner table quickly, not just for the amount of dishes, side dishes, wine and sparkling water options. 


Seulgi was looking at how the seating options were arranged. The Bae’s were sitting together, pretty much as to be expected. Seulgi also expected for her own parents to be sitting besides one another too. That left only two empty seats at the dining table for herself and the Bae’s daughter, of course. Because why would it be any other way? Seulgi just didn’t think she wanted to be sitting in a chair where she had to look directly at the girl, no matter how pretty (She wasn’t that pretty! Though she was very pretty) the girl is.


“Of ing course!” Getting the feeling everyone probably was staring at her. Seulgi decided to just get it over with and sit down, but one thing the alpha wasn’t was an idiot. She knew what this whole thing had to be about. This couldn’t be some dinner just catching up with old friends after all. If so, why would her mother tell her to give Joohyun a chance?


This must be her parents' weird way of trying to set her up with their friend’s daughter? She had no time to think about that, not now. She’d bring it up later when they returned home. The sooner they ate the faster they could get out of here. Speaking of, the food did look really good, and Seulgi was practically starving. Before she could even reach for one of the chopsticks. A small pale hand grabbed onto one of her larger tanned ones.


“What in the …”


Joohyun grabbed her hand immediately without thinking. She isn’t even the sort of person that touches people first without a thought. Joohyun is a big believer in personal space and yet, here she is touching this alpha she is known for all of two seconds twice already.


“We say grace first before we eat, if that’s alright with you.”


“You know…” Seulgi doesn’t get to finish her sentence as Haeyeon agrees readily that they will say grace before eating. This isn’t going well at all and they have barely sat down together. Misook and Hyunsook had not too long ago said they believed their daughters were going to really like one another, and yet that doesn’t seem to be the case. However, it’s still early, and things can change. Joohyun and Seulgi didn’t get off on the best foot after all. And perhaps when they have a chance to chat alone they can have a do-over. At least, with the four older adults supervising it couldn’t possibly get worse, that was the hope anyways. 


Joohyun’s father led the prayer and the moment it was done. Seulgi remembered being thankful she could simply eat. That, and she mostly hoped this Joohyun girl would not talk to her. Maybe she’d be so hungry too she’d not think about talking at all.


“I want to talk to you.”


Of course, Seulgi couldn’t be that lucky. She barely had a single bite of the delicious looking beef stew before Joohyun did speak to her.




All eyes were on them again. Mr. Bae would have spilled the entire bottle of wine he happened to be pouring if not for Misook’s quick reflexes and grabbing her glass from him. Not that he could be blamed. They were all worried about how their kids might still react to each other.


“Before you leave if that’s alright. It’s important we talk.” Joohyun didn’t wait for a response. Instead, she asked her mother to pass down one of the side dishes and said nothing else after. Seulgi told herself that this was one weird omega and she stood by that earlier observation. 


“So, Seulgi.” Mrs. Bae jumps in. She might as well try and make conversation, if for no reason but help her daughter out. Because she knows how Joohyun can be sometimes. Just because she isn’t talking actively in a conversation, doesn’t mean she isn’t paying attention and taking mental note of everything being said. “Misook told me you’re a bit of a photographer?” She mentions anything from one of their last chats.


“Oh, I…” She takes her eyes off of Joohyun who is slicing into her steak, and no longer acting interested in anything going on around her. “I’m not really. I guess you could call it a hobby.” 


But Joohyun is listening. She is paying attention to the conversation and picking up on the hesitation in Seulgi’s voice. There’s more there alright, and maybe it’s her journalist instinct yelling at her to uncover some truth. Or perhaps it’s not just that at all.


“Don’t be modest, Seul.” Haeyeon speaks like a proud sire. “You’re damn good with that camera of yours. Practically everyone in the neighborhood comes to you when they want photos taken.”


“Really.” Mr. Bae hears that. “You must be very good then, Seulgi. Have you ever thought of getting a portfolio together? If so, you should bring it by and let me see your work.”


Seulgi didn’t even know what to say to that? Was this a potential set up with their daughter or a job interview? Either way, Seulgi felt a loss for words and overwhelmed and used the chance to drink the longest sip of sparkling lime water.


“Thanks, daddy!” Joohyun speaks for her, though no one asked her to. “I’m sure Seulgi appreciates your kind offer.”


Seulgi can’t even say anything back because Misook speaks too. “Yes, thank you Minjoon, that is very kind.”


“They’re both against me!”


It takes no time for Seulgi to see how comfortable Joohyun seems to be with her mother though. Joohyun is polite to Haeyeon too, of course. Just as Seulgi isn’t rude to either Joohyun’s mom or dad. There’s just a certain comfortability between them that can only be explained by having met someone prior. Perhaps Joohyun wasn’t wrong when she said they did need to talk after all.


For the most part, dinner is uneventful afterwards. The adults have conversations with the two of them and amongst themselves, and just as they are about to finish up. Seulgi offers to help clear the dishes, something Mrs. Bae really approves of.


“Oh, how lovely of you, Seulgi.”


Joohyun has to stop herself from rolling her eyes too much. “Trying to get points with my mother isn’t going to make me like you.”


Still, she has to admit seeing the way Seulgi kindly helps her mother out by taking all the used dishes, utensils, and glasses up is kind of nice. It’s especially nice because it’s not as if her mother asked for help either. Seulgi volunteered to help and she also looked to be enjoying talking to her mother as well.


“R-Really?” Hyunsook laughed at the younger alpha. “You are kidding, Seulgi?”


“No, it’s a true story. You can ask my sire, she’ll tell you. Or maybe not, depending on what my mom has to say about it.”


Misook comes over to Joohyun and notices how the younger omega had been looking at the scene in the kitchen. That and she could use the break from her wife and Minjoon talking about some football game or whatever it was that she had absolutely no interest in hearing about. Not when it was much more interesting to see what, if anything might be going on with her daughter and Joohyun.


“See, I told you that my Seul was a gentlewoman. She’s very charming.”


“Who's not going to like someone who volunteers to wash the dishes. It’s the worst chore.” 


Misook doesn’t disagree but she has to admit that Seulgi is already making a good impression on Joohyun’s mother. That isn’t surprising. She has taught her daughter well and she has great manners. It’s only a matter of time before Joohyun sees what a wonderful, kind, and great person her Seulgi is. Likewise, Seulgi will see how Joohyun is going to be a great match for her too. Someone who will challenge her, keep her on her toes, sweet but direct in the way she needs. It didn’t matter if their first meeting hadn’t gone well. That’s why they had more chances to get to know one another. A sentiment her friend must have shared as the next thing either of them knew Seulgi was heading over to them. 


“Um, your mom said she’d finish cleaning up. So if you want to still talk, I guess we should.” 


It’s not as if Seulgi wanted to come over here. She would have been completely fine helping Mrs. Bae with the cleanup process, but when Joohyun’s mother nicely told her she’d be alright, and to go talk to Joohyun. Seulgi truly didn’t think she had much choice, and her own mother didn’t help matters either when she agreed immediately.


“I think that’s a lovely idea. You and Joohyun should have some time to talk.”


“Take your time, I think your dad will be talking to Seulgi’s mom a while about sports or whatever it is they are talking about.” Hyunsook tells Joohyun since she could hear the conversation from all the way in the kitchen with how excited her husband and Haeyeon were talking. Neither Joohyun nor Seulgi looked thrilled at the moment, as both their moms were being more than just a little obvious.


They might as well get someone to marry her to Seulgi right now, only not really.


“Why don’t I take Seulgi up to my bedroom right now, would you like that too?”


Seulgi chokes on air and thinks this girl is probably losing it or something. Thankfully, neither her mother or Mrs. Bae seems to take anything she says seriously, and laughs the younger omega off.


“Yeah, sure, Hyun. Leave your bedroom door open though. You know how your dad can be.”


“And you.” Misook pats Seulgi’s face. “I raised you well, so no funny business.”


“You’ve got to be fu….” Once again, whatever Seulgi wants to say she doesn’t get to say as Joohyun grabs a hold of her hand and leads away from the kitchen. The last thing Joohyun wants to do is go toward the front yard where they’d run into her father and Seulgi’s sire, not now. The best place they can probably talk alone is the backyard. She leads the alpha out the door, away from the patio where Seulgi notices they could have sat down to talk quite easily with all the outside furniture.


“Um, quick question. Why are we going away from the patio furniture and nice seats?”


“You’re an idiot if you think our mothers aren’t going to be standing in the window watching us talk. The further away we are the better.”


Seulgi sighs. “Yep, you really are the rudest omega I’ve ever met.”


“Hang out with many omegas, huh.” Joohyun stops and eyes Seulgi over with a suspicious gaze.


“N-Not that it’s any of your business or anything.”


“Anyways.” She finally lets go of Seulgi’s hand when they reach a variety of fruit trees that are a good ways from the house. Not that it matters, honestly in Seulgi’s opinion since no one can hear them talk. In all fairness, Joohyun’s house seemed to be the only house around. 


“Are you guys allergic to neighbors or something?”


“What?” The frown on the omega’s face shouldn’t have made her look as adorable as it did. Especially as Seulgi does stand by her original impression of how odd and rude Joohyun is. She doesn’t see how that can change, at least not for the time being.


“It’s just, there doesn’t seem to be another house around for miles.”


“I hate to break it to you, Seulgi. But there are other towns and cities outside of where you live. Even further away, did you know that?” 


The sarcasm is heavy in Joohyun’s voice, so much so that she’s clearly making fun or teasing. Seulgi laughs dryly. “Hahaha, very funny. I know that, you’d probably starve if you had to get your groceries from just our town.”


“Yes, we probably would.” There’s a soft tone in the omega’s voice for a second, only for a second. Seulgi might have missed it had she not been paying close attention to Joohyun. “We don’t go often.”


“Explains why I’ve never seen you before.”


“Well, here you are now, and we should talk. I think you know somewhat why your parents brought you here today. I have the feeling you don’t know everything.”


This is why Seulgi ultimately agreed to talking to Joohyun. Sure, she originally wanted to eat dinner and get the heck out of the Bae’s house. However, she felt that she couldn’t simply do that. Something was going on and if Joohyun would be the one to fill in the blanks for her, then so be it.


“I figure my mothers thought it would be lovely to set me up with their friend’s daughter? Am I close?”


There’s a small smile on the brunette’s face, very small. So small in fact, that if Seulgi blinked she might have missed it. “Yes, you’re smarter than I thought.”


“Alright, alright. I’m not an idiot just because I didn’t dress up nicely for dinner, you shouldn’t be quick to judge me when you barely know me.”


“You’re right, and you shouldn’t be quick to judge me either, or do you always go to someone’s house to make comments about if they’re rich or not?”


“.” , of course that would come back up. Seulgi did admit she felt badly about judging or prejudging when she didn’t even know the Bae’s, who honestly were nice people. She wasn’t ever one to ignore her instincts and she wasn’t getting any bad vibes from either of Joohyun’s parents. Now, as far as Joohyun herself. The jury was out on that one. 


“Fair enough. That was wrong too, I apologize, Joohyun. I don’t know you and I am sorry if I offended you in some way.”


From what she remembered about Seulgi based solely on that chat with Misook. Her mother spoke very highly of her, as why would she not? She is a mother who would speak highly of her daughter. Joohyun wanted to make up her own mind and that’s exactly what she planned to do. With that being said, she had to admit the way Seulgi apologized to her in this manner is a character trait that is admirable. One that reminds the omega of something else important.


“Thank you, and I owe you an apology as well. My behavior earlier was uncalled for and you didn’t deserve that. Especially when I also didn’t know you. I’m not saying you have to forgive me or anything right now, but that’s why there’s such a thing as do-overs, no?”


Seulgi nods. She doesn’t think Joohyun is being insincere. After all, why would she go through the trouble with a fake apology when it’s only the two of them here? That would have made more sense if it were for show in front of both of their parents. Also, Seulgi isn’t the type to hold a grudge, and she also doubts she’ll even see this girl again. Might as well bury the hatchet now.


“Thanks, I accept your apology. Now that we’ve gotten this out the way. We should probably go back and tell them thanks but no thanks. I don’t know about you but I don’t think it’ll work out.” Seulgi smiles with eyes forming crescent shapes. “So let’s just…” The way Seulgi starts to walk away only to be stopped in her tracks because of Joohyun calling out to her.


Joohyun isn’t the type to burst any bubbles or anything, really she’s not. Seeing as how Seulgi doesn’t know the full story. She does feel as if she should give her a heads up and fill her in. 


“Wait just a minute there.” Joohyun smiles too, and it’s not in a way that makes Seulgi feel good. No, it’s more like the sort of smile before hits the fan. “I don’t know, it might work out. Your parents and my parents are trying to get us married, after all.”


And at that moment, Seulgi did wonder if she should have probably eaten dinner and gotten the heck out of this house a lot sooner.


Because what did Joohyun just say?


Did she just say their parents are trying to marry them off to one another? Surely Joohyun must be kidding?


Oh someone please say the weird omega girl is messing with her?





Meanwhile, the four older adults were sitting in the kitchen waiting for their daughters to return. Minjoon’s first thought after how good it was for Joohyun to have another chance to make a better impression with Seulgi, was a slight panic that his daughter’s nerves would get the best of her, and she’d have Seulgi running out the door.


“She takes after me, I’m afraid. I was awkward expressing my feelings with you too, sweetheart.” He tells his wife, who nods. She remembers that time fondly and it’s true their daughter does take more after her father in that regard.


“Hyun means well. She’s a loving person, but does have a hard time expressing herself. I could tell just from talking to Seulgi that she’s a patient type though.”


“Yes, very much so. She’s not usually flustered easily, Joohyun must be special to get under her skin.” Misook’s small joke makes the four of them chuckle.


“I think they’ll be fine. I had a feeling Joohyun was probably just teasing Seul. Of course, I’ll explain that to her later. There is one other problem though.”


“What sort of problem?” Hyunsook wondered what Haeyeon could be referring to, at least what could be more pressing than the fact their daughters weren’t exactly getting along all that well?


Sharing a nod of confirmation with her wife. Haeyeon goes into detail about how they hadn’t exactly told Seulgi everything. All she knew was that they were coming to have dinner, and nothing more. Minjoon and Hyunsook thought for sure by now they'd told Seulgi more details. Considering how Joohyun knew too, or rather they couldn’t keep it from her any longer.


“You didn’t tell Seulgi? I thought you were going to tell her since we did speak with Joohyun?”


“We wanted to. It just didn’t seem like the right time, and then we weren’t sure if this dinner was going to actually happen, not at first. I didn’t want to possibly alarm Seul if we didn’t need to, I know it’s no excuse.” 


“We will talk to her.” Misook assured their friends and held her mate’s hand. “Honestly, it’s still early and wishful thinking. We don’t even know if Seulgi and Joohyun will like one another.”


“I think you two didn’t count on something.” Hyunsook smiles uneasily. “My Hyun is a sweet girl and she does mean well. There’s no guarantee she’s not out there filling Seulgi in on all the details you decided not to.”


Oh, oh well !


Joohyun wouldn’t really do that? Would she?


“She’d do that when she doesn’t even know Seul?”


Minjoon smiled awkwardly and poured himself another mug of coffee from the kettle left sitting on the table. He had a feeling he might need a stronger drink. Perhaps they’d all need something a little stronger soon if Joohyun was out there telling Seulgi everything.


“On the bright side, if Hyun is telling Seulgi at least she will know, and you two won’t have to awkwardly explain that part to her?”


Both Misook and Haeyeon looked over to Minjoon like he has to be kidding? Either way this might be a disaster, since they should have just told Seulgi. Even if they wanted to wait until they were back home after this dinner, it didn’t matter, the words should come from the two of them.


“That doesn’t help, Minjoon.”


“Yeah, sorry. I’m going to get another bottle of wine. I think we’re going to need it.”


“This is all just speculation. We don’t know what they’re talking about out there. I mainly hope Joohyun is apologizing to Seulgi. Perhaps they’ll meet again on better terms?” Hyunsook has that optimism still, and Misook does end up agreeing with her friend. Mostly because she herself is sticking to her own good feelings about their daughters eventually working this out.


“You’re right. I’m sure it’s going completely fine out there, but if they're not back in the next ten minutes. I think we’re going to have to go after our kids.”


“Deal! It’s hard enough not being too nosy now.”


The jokes are lighthearted and it does help the overall mood. Seulgi’s parents still know they’ll have to explain either way. No matter what Joohyun says or doesn’t say to their daughter. Seulgi is owed an explanation from the two of them.


Thankfully, they had a kind and level headed daughter who didn’t typically overreact.




At that moment, Minjoon headed back towards the kitchen with another bottle of wine, when he stopped dead in his tracks. Was that a scream or a shout? 


“Excuse me, what did you just say!”


“No, no I must be imagining things?”


That shout did sound an awful lot like Seulgi though? But surely he’s overthinking? On second thought no one needs any extra wine. They all needed to be in their right minds. 


“This is going to be one long evening.”


A/N: Did we really think she wasn’t going to be the one to tell Seulgi? No of course not lol, but really of course Seulgi should know what’s going on too. There was no actual good reason why I didn’t have her parents tell her, they were actually going to after they got back home. But hey, things happen. I hope you guys liked this chapter and I wish you all happy new years soon! Can you believe it will soon be 2023? It seems insane to think about but here's to a good year, good health for everyone :) Thank you so very much everyone!


Sponsor Mentions: Sincere Thank you to everyone :) tay_84, YANGx_, AliyaViktoria, Taeyang729, DTHDHR, Pinkbubl, zombiejuhyun, User_name1200, pinkpinkypin, Androsssss, Mmm2392, sleepyhead, Informedpuppy, LOCOppl, dmac20, j33200, Supergirl03, Redpaint, ainijt, jjlevi93, bbongdrr, Zesev7, Xoxosonegg, okay54321, seulseulseul, Mustafina, Rated_pg, dianafeng, Jiminiepabo707, macegraco, Taitai84, km3bty, isisswain56, itheartisti, baetokki9, Ginestroza2000, born10966, raej02, km62201n, KasierKawaii, mari102002, ultchae, omadiver, jinja_ninja, conysilvaa, ir3nes, 2ce985f2b6709de35b9, zeyzul, SuperLin, MsVSR69, seulich, wittyadie95, jasonds, falsuki, Fantasiii, Eris78, captainsnsd, theRequiem78, royalshipper2122, iamforeverlame, aya_aha98, s1786343, noob101, Lpoppp, Maria2308, ErisKeeyan, Icantstandtofly, 


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68 streak #1
Chapter 4: I miss this😭😭😭😭😭
2074 streak #2
Chapter 1: Lol why did she hit Seulgi like that
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 4: Joohyun might probably not really notice or even accept that in fact she has interest in Seulgi with the way she's acting. let's see how the next chapter unfolds.

I can already see Seulgi being drop dead gorgeous on their next meeting, picturing how Joohyun would then be mesmerized and would be out of her words.
Yoonchoding07 #4
Chapter 3: had a couple of laughs for this chapter. I don't know if I should pity Seulgi or actually just laugh how nothing's going her way.

really looking forward how their relationship will develop.
Yoonchoding07 #5
Chapter 2: will Joohyun regret how she greeted Seulgi for their first meeting?
Yoonchoding07 #6
Chapter 1: just picturing how Joohyun's feelings towards Seulgi would transform after leaving that very strong negative impression on her on their very first meeting... I also wonder what her parent told her to greet Seulgi with a smack on the head.

we know how Joohyun is not immune to our Seulbears charms. hahaha!
AmyMej #7
Chapter 4: Contina con tus historias, eres genial, gracias por tantos fanfics :)
Chapter 4: Reading this after Crossing Boundaries is fun. You really can balance every mood of your stories with all these well-written plots. This is totally the contrast of Crossing Boundaries. Chill, cute, and comedic lmao. (Both stories are very much liked by me btw.) I love how Joohyun is actually trying to make things work. She might not directly say it as what her parents described her that she's not good with words, but her efforts speak louder. Afterall, they won't be on a bad note if she didn't smack Seulgi's head 😭 Just hope everything will go well in their first date and that Seulgi will eventually be less colder. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 3: I love how chill their parents are 😂 At least they apologized to each other now but I fear for Seulgi's future socialization with other omegas, Joohyun obviously doesn't like that at all lmao.

And every update just keeps getting better. Thank you so much for writing another masterpiece.
Chapter 4: A redo at first impressions.
This should be good, both let the prejudgment out and try to know the other person for who they are