Chapter Two

The Devil's Wife
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Dohwan lived a pretty pathetic life; to fill the void inside him, he sought out drugs, alcohol, and women.

Nothing fulfilled him, however, and the darkness within him was overpowering him.

He didn't want to lose himself completely to it although now it looked like maybe that was all he had to live for.


That was the sentiment until he was introduced to businessman Kim Soohyun.


He had met the most charismatic man at a dinner party.

He spent hours talking about the business he ran, it was like an service but a well-organized one, if the women wanted they would offer more than companionship as advertised.

It seemed that his business was booming since he even showed off the luxuries he was indulging in daily based on the amount of money his company makes off this stuff.

Dohwan was intrigued by the idea that one could purchase such companionship services.


One night he pondered the idea of paying someone to be his girlfriend.


Things couldn't possibly get any worse for him, or so he hoped.


Dohwan went to work and as he went to and from boring board meetings he took out his phone and texted Soohyun


‘So what are the requirements to see about the women you have?’


‘I can send you a catalog and take your pick like that, or if you want something more personable then you can come to a dinner party where I have women mingle with potential clientele’ came the reply


Dohwan didn't want to pick a woman from a book, a dinner party seemed like a better fit for him


‘Where do I RSVP?’


Soohyun forwarded him RSVP details and he saw that the party was that night.


He straightened up in his seat and looked around the room, thankfully no one had noticed he was distracted and not paying attention at all.


He then called over his secretary Donghee “After this meeting, I am going home” he whispered

“You got it, boss,” the young man responded.


After that meeting was over he went straight out of the building and went home to get ready.

His secretary took care of everything in his absence, although he knew that his VP Hyoseop was probably fuming at him for playing hooky.


Dohwan would deal with that later for now he focused on getting to this get-together on time and seeing what the night had to bring.


Dohwan set up a meeting with his tailor. He was an old man he had helped many years ago.

The man was good at his job and kept him well dressed, he never asked for more money as Dohwan was used to the people around him which was a huge plus.


“Thank you for seeing me so last minute harabeoji” Dohwan thanked the old man that was currently taking measurements of his back

“Don't worry about it son, but what's the occasion? Another networking party?”

“No, I am going to go look for a wife” he joked and the old man chuckled

“It's about time, I hope you get the prettiest woman in the room” he teased back

“Of course, I will harabeoji” he smiled at the old man and let him get to work


His tailor said he was working on a pretty elegant piece and it didn't disappoint, after getting his hair done he finally made it to the venue.


He handed his keys to the valet driver and made his way, the hostess asked for his invite which he pulled up on his phone. Once she scanned the QR code she let him in, handing him a face mask which he put on as he made it through the doors.


There were a lot of men and women he noted, he grabbed a champagne flute from a masked waiter that walked by.

He looked around and realized that maybe he didn't want to be sociable today, he was approached however and the women had been nice to talk to but none stood out to him.


He was walking mindlessly when he bumped into someone

“Oh I'm sorry” he apologized

“The apologies are mine, sorry for being in the way” the woman bowed

Dohwan had knocked her mask off or maybe she was stepping in and she hadnt had the chance to put it on whatever the case may have been, he got to see her pretty face and he was enthralled

“Well you’re a pretty one, what’s your name?” he asked her trying to sound flirtatious although her face said otherwise he noted

“Hi, my name is Kim Seolhyun” she responded visibly trying to compose herself from that sudden bump

“Are you one of the shady businessman women?” he inquired as he sipped from his flute.

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740 streak #1
Chapter 2: 😍🌺😍🌺😍

And here we have the male in question and the lifestyle that he is leading. Does it surprise me? No, not one bit as pretty much all rich people do the same. Drugs. Alcohol. Women. What else is new, right? But surely, the decision he has made will not only change his life but hers as well and things are about to get interesting!

Thank you for this update I really enjoyed reading it!

740 streak #2
Chapter 1: 😍🌺😍🌺😍

Beginning: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Story: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Characters: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Quote: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I loved how you had started it off and how you described her life and what was going on. Surely, when illness strikes a family, it's never easy, and lives change as the routine changes. I feel sorry for her and her father, cancer is one of the worst enemies one can get and medical bills are surely expensive. I like the effort she made when it came to working and trying to provide for everything. 👍👌

And then she met the guy who offered a well-paid job. At least, she doesn't have to do anything she is not comfortable with so that is a positive thing. 👍👌 So far, her job doesn't seem as difficult and she doesn't seem to have any problems whatsoever, except for telling small white lies, but I think at times, we all do! *shrugs*

But something tells me, that things are about to get interesting!

Thank you for this lovely update! Merry Christmas!

740 streak #3

OMO! The devil's wife. It really sounds tempting!

Can't wait!
