
Who I Am - Part I

Monday arrived and Ahyoung was getting ready for school. She couldn’t stop smiling, the date she had with Jonghyun was just magical, she didn’t know she could love someone as much as she loved Jonghyun. At least for the time being, everything was going more than well between them, their love just grew with each passing day and their bond was getting stronger.

Ahyoung finished getting ready and took her backpack to go downstairs. She was surprised to see her father siting at the living room, so before she went out, she walked to him.

“Hi dad, what are you doing?” She asked once she was near him.

“Oh, good morning Ahyoung.” Leeteuk answered lifting his gaze from the coffee table to her.

Only then Ahyoung was able to see some papers that were over the coffee table, Leeteuk followed her gaze and spoke again.

“I just had some work to do, it’s a bit urgent so I woke up early to finish it.”

Ahyoung nodded to her father, she was curious about what those papers were but she had to go to school.

“I see, I hope you finish soon. I’m leaving to school, see you later.” She said with a smile.

Ahyoung was about to take a step towards the main entrance when her father’s voice stopped her.


The girl stopped and looked back at her father, he was looking at her with a more serious expression.

As I expected, you were waiting to talk to me. She thought with curiosity.

“What is it, dad?”

“I know you’re keeping things from us.” Leeteuk straightly said, Ahyoung tensed up but was trying hard not to make it too noticeable. “However, we decided to trust you, we trust that you’re able to manage whatever thing you’re going through. But always remember that we’re here for you, our main task is to keep you safe and protect you, we’ll always prioritize your safety no matter what.”

For some reason, her father seemed like a different person, she felt him far away from her. She didn’t like it.

“I know, I trust you two with my life. I promise you’ll be the first ones I’ll reach for help if I ever need it.”

Leeteuk smiled to her and nodded. Ahyoung still felt that distance between them, so she tried to close it by going towards him and giving him a hug. Leeteuk chuckled and also embraced his daughter.

“What is this for?” He asked her with a smile.

Ahyoung wasn’t smiling, even when she was that close to her father, the distance was still there. It was such an unpleasant feeling, she started to hate it.

“Nothing in special, just wanted to do it.” She lied to him.

After some seconds they broke the embrace and Ahyoung bid farewell from her father, then went out of the house.


Leeteuk sighed heavily after Ahyoung closed the main door and put his face in between his hands.

“You didn’t tell her what we agreed.”

Leeteuk looked up to see Seohyun standing at the entrance of the living room with crossed arms, leaning on the wall.

“I wasn’t able to.” He said with a sad smile.

“I can’t blame you, I also didn’t want to do it after all.”

Seohyun walked to her husband and stopped in front of him, she caressed his face.

“She’s so happy right now, how can we tell her that she has to end that relationship soon?” Leeteuk leant on Seohyun’s hand.

“I guess we can’t.” Seohyun answered with a light chuckle.

“I don’t want Ahyoung to repeat the same story. That wouldn’t be what they wanted for her.”

“We can’t know that, maybe they would’ve supported them with all their might.” Seohyun sighed. “Maybe all that’s left for us is watching Ahyoung walk towards her destiny, we can’t interfere with that.”

Leeteuk remained silent for some seconds, thinking about something; then took Seohyun’s hand and looked at her directly in the eyes with seriousness.

“What about we tell her the truth?”

Seohyun widened her eyes upon that suggestion.

“Have you lost your mind? We can’t do that!”

“She’ll eventually know it, we’ll be just letting her know it sooner.”

“Leeteuk, we swore to protect her, we agreed in not telling her about it, never.”

“But I know that you weren’t planning to stick to that agreement, because she has the right to know and decide over her own life. Am I right?”

Seohyun huffed and took her hand from her husband, crossing her arms.

“You thought the exact same thing.” She retorted and Leeteuk nodded with a smile. “But this isn’t something we can just decide that easily. We need to prepare to tell her such a thing.”

Leeteuk nodded with a thoughtful expression.

“You’re right with that, let’s plan it for some time until we think it’s the best moment to tell her.” Seohyun sighed and sat beside him, leaning her head on his shoulder, he patted her head. “Don’t worry too much, she’ll be okay, besides Jonghyun seems like a reliable boy.”

“I agree that he seems reliable, but I won’t leave to him Ahyoung’s protection. Even if he’s a nice boy, I won’t think twice in separating them in case their relationship puts Ahyoung in danger.”

Leeteuk chuckled and kept on her hair.

“We’re in the same boat.”

Seohyun smiled and cuddled even more with her husband, who also smiled and brought Seohyun closer to him.


Ahyoung closed the main door and started to go downstairs with a thoughtful expression.

“If you keep frowning like that you’ll have a huge wrinkle on your forehead.”

Ahyoung lifted her gaze to see Sanghyuk leaning on the car with a smirk, she chuckled and relaxed her expression a bit.

“I guess you’re right.”

She must have sounded bad, since Sanghyuk’s smile faded and he approached her.

“Is everything alright?” He asked now a bit concerned.

“Actually yes, all is more than good. It’s just something weird that happened just now with my father.” She grew silent, that unpleasant feeling invading her again. “Don’t know, maybe it has to do with age.”

Sanghyuk snorted and lifted his eyebrow, crossing his arms.

“Come on now, the age? How old are you?”

Ahyoung knew he was just trying to lift up the mood but unlike other days, it didn’t work in that moment. She couldn’t get rid of those strange feelings. She thought about it only in that moment, but those feelings were very resembling to the ones she felt the day she had that discussion with her parents when she entered high school.

“Maybe a century.” She answered with a smile, trying to hide her uneasiness. “Don’t worry about it, let’s go or we’ll be late.”

“Let’s go then.” The boy answered with a smile.

One thing Ahyoung was really grateful for with Sanghyuk was that the boy never forced her to tell him what was on her mind, he respected her space and her silence, even when he clearly knew there was something else behind those two things. He just made sure to check on her in case she needed something.

The assassins went inside the car and started with the ride, Ahyoung started to look through the window, watching the trees and the nature always managed to calm her down, so she little by little started to stop overthinking the previous situation. Just when they were about to reach the end of the assassin realm, they encountered something unexpected.

“Isn’t that Jonghyun’s car?” Ahyoung asked unsure.

“It is.” Sanghyuk answered with a confused frown.

Sanghyuk parked the car in front of the other and they went out of it, Jonghyun and Hyeri were also already outside of their car.

“What are you doing here?” Ahyoung asked with a smile, trying to hide her uneasiness, she wasn’t in the mood for another unpleasant surprise or event.

“I came here to pick you up.” Jonghyun said with a smile.

“Huh?” Ahyoung and Sanghyuk said at the same time.

“Let’s go to school together.” The demon further explained.

“I swear that you have pretty random ideas.” Ahyoung said with a chuckle.

“I didn’t hear a ‘no’.” Jonghyun answered with a lifted eyebrow.

“Because I wasn’t intending to reject the proposal.” Ahyoung smiled to him.

“For some reason I expected it to be harder.” Jonghyun chuckled and then turned to see Hyeri. “Go with Sanghyuk.”

“How exciting, another ride with mister silence.” Hyeri rolled her eyes.

“You can always walk if you prefer it.” Sanghyuk retorted with sarcasm.

“How funny.” Hyeri answered with a forced smile.

Ahyoung and Hyeri exchanged places and Jonghyun opened the passenger door for her.

“Just please don’t kill each other during the ride.” Jonghyun told Sanghyuk and Hyeri.

“I won’t if he behaves.” Hyeri answered.

“You just took the words out of my mouth.” Sanghyuk said with a false smile.

Jonghyun decided it’d be better if he just shut up so he didn’t say anything else. Ahyoung entered the car and Jonghyun closed her door, then the demon also went inside.

“How are you, beautiful?” Jonghyun asked her while turning on the engine.

“I’m fine now that I’ve seen you.” She sincerely said.

“I noticed you were worried about something, can I help you?” He asked starting to drive.

Ahyoung smiled, she really liked the noble and gentle side of Jonghyun.

“It’s just some family matters, nothing serious, don’t worry.”

“I see.” Jonghyun answered with a nod. “Well, you know I’m here for whatever you need, alright?”

“Thank you.” Ahyoung answered with a smile.

Actually spending time with Jonghyun managed to relax her, she still remembered the weird events from just moments ago but somehow they didn’t bother her that much anymore. Even when they were silent most of the journey, Ahyoung didn’t feel uncomfortable at all, just happy and calm.

She started to recognize her surroundings, they were already at a place near the school, she was sure Jonghyun wouldn’t be that reckless to actually enter school together. However, she decided it wouldn’t be any harm to ask him. But before she could say a word, Jonghyun stopped the car and looked at her.

“I guess our happy time is over for now.” He said with a little smile. “It’ll be better if they don’t see us arriving together, that’d be a really bad idea.”

Ahyoung chuckled and nodded to him.

“You’re right, well then, I’ll go back to my car.”

Jonghyun nodded to her. Ahyoung approached him and gave him a peck on the lips, however, the demon caught her before she could retreat and gave her a deeper kiss. Ahyoung smiled and returned the kiss. After some seconds, she managed to pull apart.

“Enough, we’ll be late if we continue.” She giggled.

“I wouldn’t mind being late.” Jonghyun smirked.

Ahyoung put a hand on his face and looked away.

“I’ll see you later.” She opened the door to get out of the car.

“That’s for sure.”

Ahyoung closed the door still chuckling, she was feeling really better now. Hyeri also got out of the other car and they crossed paths, Ahyoung could see her grumpy face and couldn’t help to lift an eyebrow.

“How was your ride?” Ahyoung asked her.

“Don’t even mention it.” The demon angrily answered, not giving any more details.

Ahyoung followed her with the eyes and then turned to see Sanghyuk inside the car, the boy wasn’t looking at her, she snorted, wondering what could have happened for them to be that angry. She walked to the car and went inside, Sanghyuk didn’t even bother to talk so she took the initiative.

“What in the world happened between Hyeri and you?” She asked with a smile.

“Don’t even mention it.” The boy grumpily answered.

Ahyoung had to force herself to not laugh in front of him, so she just nodded and patted his shoulder two times. Sanghyuk sighed heavily and started the car again, going inside the school, unaware of the pair of silver eyes that followed the car and saw the whole scene.


Hongbin parked the car and went out of it, he slammed the door and sighed furiously. He really couldn’t stand the sight of Ahyoung and Jonghyun together, no matter how hard he tried to remain calm, it was something stronger than him. He decided to go to the place where Tiffany and the others usually hung out.

Even when he hoped for the place to be empty, luck wasn’t on his side since the whole gang was there.

“Yo Hongbin.” Wonshik greeted him lifting a hand.

Hongbin only glared at him and didn’t answer, the demon walked to one of the empty seats and sat there in silence. Wonshik chuckled.

“Someone’s in a bad mood today.” The vampire said with a grin.

“I bet it has to do with our two lovebirds.” Sunny mocked.

“Just shut up.” Hongbin angrily answered.

“What is it this time, Hongbin?” Tiffany asked him.

Hongbin looked at the other demon, Tiffany was calmly looking at him. Hongbin remained silent for some seconds and then huffed, narrowing his eyes to Tiffany.

“What about we expose Jonghyun and Ahyoung’s relationship?”

“What?” Sunny asked in disbelief.

“Oh? Why the sudden interest in doing it? Not that I’m against it though.” Wonshik said a bit more excited than he should be.

“Forget it.” Tiffany firmly stated. “Are you trying to ruin me?”

“Not you but them.” Hongbin answered as if it was obvious.

“I didn’t expect you to be too smart but you’re more stupid than what I thought.” Tiffany made a pause and stood from her place to approach Hongbin. “My reputation would be ruined if it’s known that Ahyoung and Jonghyun are a couple.”

“Of course I considered it but think about it for a moment, if we expose them the last thing everyone would think about would be you losing to Ahyoung.”

Tiffany frowned and tilted her head a bit.


“Come on, we’re talking about a relationship between an assassin and a demon, the heirs nonetheless, of course everyone will be against them, maybe you can even win more sympathizers from this.”

Tiffany remained silent, thinking about what Hongbin said.

“He’s got a point.” Hakyeon agreed and everyone looked at him. “Despite the fact that the new orders wants to abolish the difference between races, there’s no way they’d accept this relationship; not to say that Tiffany would be seen as a victim rather than the bad one here, maybe you’ll have to bear some pity from some people but it will be worthy.”

“Even when you both are right, if we start this then we’ll have to take that chance to start our plan, it’s the best distraction we have.” Tiffany answered.

“And what’s the problem?” Wonshik asked her.

“It’s too soon, we’ll need to check everything again before making that move.” The demon explained.

“Again?” Sunny asked visibly irritated. “Come on Tiffany, all the preparations are done, we’re only waiting for the right timing and, to be honest, we’ve waited for far too long already.”

Tiffany sighed heavily and remained silent, closing her eyes. Everyone was looking at her in silence, expectant to what the girl will decide. The demon finally opened her eyes with determination.

“Alright, let’s start this.”

“Yes! Finally!” Wonshik stood from his seat excitedly.

“When do you want to expose them?” Sunny asked with malice.

“Today.” Tiffany firmly answered.

“And how will we make it?” Hakyeon asked.

“Rumors.” Hongbin answered and all the attention was centered on him. “Let people be curious about them because of rumors until the point Jonghyun and Ahyoung are trapped and they can’t do other thing than exposing themselves.”

“Tch, you’ve become quite good at making plans, if you were our enemy, you’d be scary.” Sunny told him.

“Well then, why are you all still here?” Tiffany said.


Ahyoung was assigned to a task before the break, she couldn’t believe her bad luck since that day she was going to spend the break with Jonghyun and now she’d have less time to be with him. Despite her angriness, she completed the task as fast as she could and then she quickly directed to the garden where Jonghyun and her usually met, she was going alone since Sanghyuk had to go first as they weren’t assigned to the task together.

She should’ve known that something was wrong since there weren’t that much people at her surroundings despite being the break, even so, she was way too excited to see Jonghyun to stop to think much about it.

When she was near the garden, she started to see a lot of people gathered there.

Great, we won’t be able to stay here. It was the first thought Ahyoung had.

The more she approached the place, she realized that the whole commotion was actually in the garden, since everyone was looking towards one direction in front of them; something inside her was screaming at her not to approach more, so she stopped. For some reason her heartbeat was faster and she started to feel nervous, she took some steps behind and then one of the girls turned around and saw her.

“There she is!” She screamed.

Everyone else turned around and Ahyoung froze, she didn’t know why but for some reason everyone was looking at her with mistrust and confusion. Suddenly a lot of people walked to her and a lot of question were directed to her.

“Is it true?”

“But how can you two be together?”

“It’s just a stupid rumor, right?”

“Are you two crazy?”

Ahyoung just looked at her surroundings that were now filled with a lot of pairs of eyes she couldn’t clearly recognize, she started to feel suffocated and scared, she didn’t even know what they were talking about so she wasn’t able to answer any questions. Just when she was reaching her limit, a voice silenced the rest.


Ahyoung recognized that voice and suddenly Jonghyun appeared in front of her after he made way in between the rest of the students. He focused only on her.

“Are you alright?” He asked with worry.

Ahyoung just nodded to him.

“What’s going on?” She asked in a low voice.

“The secret is out.” Jonghyun said with a frown.

Before Ahyoung could answer, another question interrupted them.

“Are the rumors true? Are you two dating?”

The commotion started again and Jonghyun sighed angrily; being another moment of his life he would’ve just cursed them all and made them retreat, however, Ahyoung was also involved in the matter so it wasn’t that easy.

Suddenly, Hyeri and Sanghyuk appeared in front of them.

“What the hell are you all doing?!” Hyeri screamed at them.

She managed to make everyone go silent for some seconds, but they were only four against a whole crowd after all, so another voice fired up the crowd again.

“Just clear up the dating rumors and we’ll leave!”

“Who the hell started that rumor?” Sanghyuk asked with an annoyed voice.

“Does it matter? What we all want to know is if it’s true.” A girl answered.

“They don’t have to clarify anything to you.” Hyeri hissed, starting to take out a dagger.

Jonghyun noticed that action and realized that things were about to get even more complicated but before he could say a thing, Ahyoung stepped into the conversation.

“Hyeri, don’t.” Hyeri looked at her, as well as the rest. “We don’t want anyone to get hurt because of this so let’s all first calm down.”

Somehow, with just those few words, Ahyoung managed to calm everyone down, it was as if her words were commands that everyone attended without discussion. Ahyoung then looked at Jonghyun and the demon also did, after some seconds they nodded at each other and looked back at the crowd.

“There’s no use to deny something that’s true, we don’t want to disrupt the atmosphere of the school further.” Ahyoung started to explain.

“The rumors are true, we’re dating.” Jonghyun firmly stated.

The guardians of both heirs looked at them in disbelief but they weren’t the only ones, everyone else couldn’t believe their ears and the silence just confirmed that. Despite that, Jonghyun and Ahyoung were calm, looking at everyone with a serene expression while firmly holding hands. The sight was a very peculiar one, somehow they looked above everyone else; they already looked kind of mighty on their own, since they were the heirs; but together and in the position they were, that vision only became stronger.

Neither of the heirs expected the next reaction of the crowd, they expected to be attacked and questioned, but what happened next was that everyone looked at them with curiosity and little by little they started to walk away with a thoughtful expression, a few showed them a little smile before going and some few others showed them support.

“What in the world just happened?” Ahyoung asked Jonghyun not looking at him.

“Seems like we don’t have to hide anymore in here.” Jonghyun answered with a little smile.

When the whole crowd went away, Hyeri and Sanghyuk walked to them.

“What were you thinking?!” Hyeri angrily asked them.

“We didn’t have another choice.” Jonghyun answered her.

“Don’t give me that bull!”

“He’s right.” Ahyoung said. “Even if we denied the rumor, they wouldn’t believe us, that would only lead to more problems and misunderstandings, it was the best choice.”

“Even if that’s right, we can’t control what all of them will do with that information.” Sanghyuk said with a serious voice. “Maybe we should go now.”

“No.” Jonghyun quickly answered. “If we go now we can’t see how things will evolve, let’s stay here.”

“It’s way too risky.” Hyeri pointed out.

“Even if it is, that’s what we decided.” Ahyoung firmly stated.

Hyeri sighed heavily and Sanghyuk scratched his head in frustration.

“Damn this job is hard.” Hyeri complained.

“I agree with you in this.” Sanghyuk answered.

“Don’t worry, I trust everything will be alright.” Ahyoung told them.

Sanghyuk just looked at her but didn’t answer. Ahyoung knew it, that what she said was most likely not to happen and Sanghyuk’s silence just confirmed it.

The bell announcing the end of the break was like the prelude to a storm, even when Ahyoung and Jonghyun were a bit nervous to go back to their classrooms, they were also firm in their decision to make their relationship known, there was no way back anymore and they were now going to face the consequences of their decisions.

They were faced with another surprise when they weren’t further questioned by their classmates, aside from Minah with Ahyoung and an already expected scold from Sojin towards Jonghyun. The rest of the day was calm and it ended without further commotion.

During the next days, everything was almost like a dream. Jonghyun and Ahyoung as well as their guardians were surprised by the calm and natural acceptance of their relationship. Once the initial commotion passed, everyone took the notice as natural as breathing, actually a lot of their classmates supported them and some others even started idolizing them. The teachers were a different thing though, by what they could assume, they already also knew, they’d be blind if they didn’t after the scandal, however they seemed at a loss in how to approach them or how to handle the matter. Actually the most difficult part would be the parents of everyone, but it seemed as if everyone made a silent pact to keep their relationship a secret from the parents since there hadn’t been any further problem.

Even with that good turn of the events, they didn’t let their guard down, though they were glad that at least their classmates accepted them that easily.


A month passed by and seeing Ahyoung and Jonghyun together was a normal sight. Ahyoung was really happy by how things worked out for them as well as Jonghyun. The school then announced they’d be having an event due to the end of the semester, the winter was about to arrive and the classes were almost done. Everyone was excited for that event.

Ahyoung woke up early the day of the event, she made sure to look prettier than usual since she wanted to surprise Jonghyun and have a good time with all her friends, she finished some minutes before Sanghyuk came to pick her up but she decided to wait for him downstairs. She was surprised to see her parents waiting for her at the end of the stairs.

“Good morning.” She greeted them with an awkward smile.

“Hello sweetie, you look excited.” Seohyun said.

“Kind of, it’s a free day at school and we’ll have kind of an event, I’m really expecting it.”

“That’s great, have fun.” Her father answered.

Ahyoung still smiled at them but she was able to notice that they still wanted to say something to her.

“Alright this is strange, why were you waiting for me? Is something the matter?”

Leeteuk chuckled and looked away for a moment to then look back at his daughter.

“Actually yes, but it’s something we’ll talk about later, we don’t want to ruin your day.”

“Am I in trouble?” The girl asked with a glimpse of nervousness.

“Of course not.” Seohyun answered her with a smile. “It’s just that we have a lot of things to talk about, as a family.”

Ahyoung felt her heart race. Could it be possible? Her parents were going to finally tell her the secret that they’ve been keeping for so long? She tried to remain calm and thought about not going to school, even when she was excited to spend a good time with everyone, missing the chance to finally hear what she had been longing to hear for so long, would be a mistake. However, her mother seemed to know what she was thinking.

“And don’t even think about skipping school, I promise we’ll talk about it later. Now go to school and have a good time.”

Even when Ahyoung was a bit reluctant, truth was that she really wanted to go and now that her mother promised that they wouldn’t change their minds and would have a talk later, she felt more relived to go. She bid farewell to both of them and went out of the house.

Sanghyuk was parking the car when she was closing the main door, she quickly went to the car and went inside.

“You do are eager to go to school today.” Sanghyuk remarked with a light chuckle.

“You think so?” Ahyoung asked with a smile.

“Come on, you even are earlier than usual, not to mention you put more effort to your image today.” He answered while starting to drive away.

“Well, what do you think? Do I look pretty?” She smiled at him.

“I guess so.” Sanghyuk answered without looking at her.

“Tch, if you say it so half-hearted I can’t believe you.” She made a pout.

“I can’t help it, you’re not my type, heiress.” Sanghyuk said with a smirk.

Ahyoung slapped the back of his head and Sanghyuk laughed, Ahyoung just huffed with a smile and looked through the window. She had the feeling it would be a good day.

Since they arrived, it was obvious that it was a different day, everyone was in a good mood and happily talking with each other. Sanghyuk and Ahyoung quickly went to look for Jonghyun, they arrived at his classroom and he was already there, having a chat with Taekwoon.

The moment Jonghyun saw Ahyoung, he stood from his seat and quickly went towards her. He embraced her and turned with the girl in his arms, Ahyoung giggled and then he put her down.

“Enough you two, since the day you didn’t need to keep your relationship a secret you’ve become quite clingy to each other.” Hyeri rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Just go to Jaehwan, I’m not in the mood for your remarks today.” Jonghyun said with a smile.

“Thank you.” The demon answered and went away.

“She really knows how to skip job.” Sanghyuk said with his hands in the pockets.

“You can also go if you want, maybe you also have someone special I don’t know about?” Ahyoung turned to see her guardian.

“Hmpf, not interested in those things.” Sanghyuk looked away with a serious expression.

“If you say so.”

The school organized different events for the students to enjoy, Ahyoung and her friends were having a great time. At some point they went outside to a music event so almost all the school was gathered there, it was pretty crowded so they decided to remain near each other.

“It’ almost suffocating how many people is gathered here.” Sojin pointed out a bit annoyed.

“We can go somewhere else if you want.” Taekwoon suggested with a calm voice.

“Of course not, I also want to see the music event.”

“There’s nothing we can do then.”

Taekwoon took her hand and Sojin just sighed in defeat. Ahyoung smiled upon that interaction and also took Jonghyun’s hand, the demon directed her a smile.

“I’d pay to see Tiffany’s expression right now.” Sojin said with a malicious smirk.

“Speaking of her, I haven’t seen her today, neither her companions.” Taekwoon said, looking at his surroundings.

“Now that you mention it, that’s true.” Sanghyuk agreed, frowning.

“She must be way too angry because her plan didn’t work out the way she wanted.” Sojin mocked the demon.

“Maybe you’re right.” Ahyoung nodded.

They all came to the conclusion that the rumor incident was Tiffany’s doing since there wasn’t anyone else who knew about Jonghyun and Ahyoung’s relationship and also because she’d be the only one who’d win something with that kind of commotion.


Far from them but near enough to see them was Tiffany’s gang, watching with angriness how everyone enjoyed the event.

“I’m sick of this, how come things worked out so well for them?!” Tiffany said with hate.

“Well, none of us expected people to take it that well, seems like we need to think about another way to proceed.” Sunny answered her with a serious voice.

“But we need to get something bigger than the fact they’re dating because that notice only seemed to help them gain sympathizers.” Tiffany pointed out.

Hongbin was listening to the conversation but most of his attention was over Ahyoung and how she smiled towards Jonghyun who also seemed to be having a great time. The anger took over him and he clenched his fists.

“You really want to make everything fall apart once and for all?” He asked the girl without looking away from the couple.

“Yes.” The demon firmly answered.

“No matter what?” He asked her again.

“I said yes.” Tiffany angrily replied.


Hongbin didn’t give further explanation and walked towards the stage, the band was about to start the show but the demon went straight to the microphone, not caring about the complains of the vocalist.

“Seems like we all are having a great time!” Hongbin said with false happiness.

His voice resounded in the entire place so all the attention was on him. Ahyoung frowned upon that scene.

Hongbin? She thought with confusion.

“It’s the start of a season which is great to spend in a relationship, we have quite a lot of couples right now but there’s one which has now the entire attention of everyone and that’s the one between our demon heir Jonghyun and our assassin heiress Ahyoung.”

Even when people started to cheer and laugh, Jonghyun and Ahyoung started to feel uncomfortable by Hongbin’s words, they also felt nervous about what Hongbin was planning with that, since it couldn’t be something good.

“Talking about Ahyoung, there’s something that you all don’t know about her, she has a secret surrounding her, do you want to know it?” The demon said with malice in his eyes and words.

Everyone started whispering and wondering what that secret could be. Ahyoung’s heart started to race but she tried to remain calm. There was no way Hongbin knew what her secret was, no one seemed to know it aside from her parents and Sojin, besides, she never told Hongbin about her doubts. But why was he saying something like that?

“Enough, I’m going to stop him.” Jonghyun angrily said, taking a step towards the stage.

“Jonghyun-“Ahyoung called him, trying to reach his hand again but before she could continue, Hongbin’s voice spoke again.

“It shouldn’t surprise us that Ahyoung decided to start a relationship with Jonghyun, since she’s the result of a taboo relationship as well.” Ahyoung froze and Jonghyun stopped, everyone else kept their attention in Hongbin, waiting for him to finish. “I formally introduce you to the secret daughter of Donghae, former leader of the vampires, and Taeyeon, former leader of the demons.”

Everyone fell into a deadly silence.


A/N: Ahyoung's secret is finally out, though there are still a lot of things unknown. Next chapter is the grand finale of this first part, please expect it!

As always, thank you so so much for reading, and your patience, comments are appreciated ^^ stay safe and have a beautiful day <3

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2028 streak #1
Chapter 30: Wait what???? Definitely didn't expect that twist at the end. And how did him of all people know of it? That's the million dollar question now.... guess the happiness that the other students didn't really care about their relationship was short lived... Anyway, wonder how things would develop further. Can't wait to read more. But now that I have caught up with all the chapters soo far, I hope to see an update soon ^^
2028 streak #2
Chapter 29: This chapter was fluffy indeed! Yay!! I definitely enjoyed reading them and I'm glad that her parents are supportive of them. Can't wait to see how things would develop herein. But will be back later to read more ^^
2028 streak #3
Chapter 28: I'm more excited after reading your a/n. I mean you said more fluffs to come and who wouldn't be excited at that? Anyway, coming back to the chapter, I guess I'm kinda glad that they had this meeting of sorts to discuss the matter? Also, I hope Jaehwan continues to be a nice guy and eventually gains Jonghyun's trust. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2028 streak #4
Chapter 27: Oh my my!!! Why Hakyeon, why??? I was kinda hoping him to not jump ships. Although, Ahyoung and Sanghyuk's interactions were cute and so, I still miss Jonghyun's presence here. Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2028 streak #5
Chapter 26: I'm glad Ahyoung was smart enough to see through Hongbin. And wonder how Sanghyuk didn't notice Wonshik there. Or did he realise that but still kept eyes on Hongbin since he was nearer than the other? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2028 streak #6
Chapter 25: I'm really curious of what Sunny and Tiffany were talking about that Hongbin eavesdropped on. Although I have got a theory about it. And can't wait to see how Ahyoung will react when she finds out this secret. I mean with the way they all were reacting, including her parents, I can assume it's really big. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2028 streak #7
Chapter 24: Oh my my! The revelation is approaching? I'm pretty excited to know about it. But it's a tragedy. So kinda wary as well. Also, Jonghyun's parents are finally revealed. Definitely wasn't expecting him to be his father. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2028 streak #8
Chapter 23: Yay! They are finally dating!!! And they kissed!! And wonder what Tiffany is upto without reacting much upon hearing their dating news. It's a lot concerning. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2028 streak #9
Chapter 22: For a moment when she found the diary like that, I thought maybe ghosts were part of this trope too. You know the story already has demons and vampires, so why not ghost as well right? LoL... But after Seohyun and Leeteuk talking at the end, I assume it's a human. And I wonder what's the secret they're trying so hard to hide. Also wonder what Ahyoung is gonna do with her mother's love advice. And how Seohyun would react when she finds out who that person is. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2028 streak #10
Chapter 21: I'm glad that Jonghyun took the first step and confessed. Now I just hope that she doesn't refuse to acknowledge her own feelings. And it's kinda sad that Jessica left like that. Poor fellas! Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^