That Little Closer

After a Late Dinner


After a Late Dinner

Kyuhyun was currently sitting in a Korean style Barbecue restaurant with the rest of his brothers.It had been a long week for all of them and Leeteuk had suggested some late night dinner.They were all tired but readily agreed seeing the puppy dog eyes he was giving them.He was such a child sometimes, their fearless leader.Kyuhyun personally did not like late dinners,as he was definitely not going to be able to fall asleep,but he was not in a real position to decline.All the others,including Yesung had agreed.He was not bound to agree, just because Yesung was in attendance.He had retained some independence, thank you very much! He just felt that it would be rather anti social and mood killing, if he choose to stay at home,when they all planned  to go.It honestly had nothing to do with Siwon, throwing his arms over Yesung’s shoulder and smiling down at him. Absolutely nothing he swears, forcing his often unruly subconscious to snicker at his ridiculous denial.Kyuhyun wondered if that sight would ever not boil his blood silently.

He and Yesung were in a much better place now.It had been 5 months since he confessed and he was beyond happy.They were still adjusting to the feelings and learning to be comfortable within their own skins and with each other.The relationship, always for a lack of better word, was probably in a better place.They still had not exactly defined it.Yesung had never come to Kyuhyun and said be my boyfriend, nor had he ever initiated any romantic intimacy,but Kyuhyun did not really mind.They had all the time in the world.He knew Yesung loved him and that was all he cared about.Slowly, they were moving forward,finding their place in each others life.Kyuhyun, if he was to be honest, did not even see the need for any of that.He did not think calling Yesung his boyfriend would make his love for him any different.He just wanted Yesung to be his, always his. He thought that was the only title, either of them would ever need.He was grateful though, that their awkwardness with each other was decreasing.They were both significantly less shy and able to express their love much better.Mind you, they had a long way to go, before they would truly be comfortable with everything and even longer before they could do certain things, but Kyuhyun still found appreciation for the little things.

 The little things like what he was doing.He was sitting next to Yesung, rubbing his comparatively large fingers against Yesung’s own much smaller hand.Yesung for his part paid no attention to Kyuhyun’s activity and was instead laughing animately at something Eunhyuk had said, face contorted in pure mirth, laugh loud and melodious.He was basically ignoring Kyuhyun.Whilst Kyuhyun never took any pleasure being ignored by Yesung,he currently did not mind.He found joy in the fact that Yesung did not consider Kyuhyun commandeering his hands, in public at that, as a matter for consideration or attention.To Kyuhyun it was evidential of the progress of their relationship and comfort level.In a way,Kyuhyun playing with his fingers perhaps became second nature to Yesung, just part of life, something that happened.Kyuhyun relishes these little movements forward, the little increments of progress.Yesung and he had yet to properly establish the dating thing,despite him promising himself that they would work harder towards it.The problem was that they were by nature both very awkward and sort of  shy.Then this whole situation by its self was not the usual run of the mill activity.It had been difficult for them to properly understand the nature of their relationship and truthfully that was still an issue.Kyuhyun though, in his opinion on the matter,did not particularly mind.All he knew was that Yesung had sat beside him, let him hold his hand and would turn towards him ever so often to smile at him lovingly.To him life was perfect.He had Yesung by his side, hand held in his own.

At a point in their relationship, Kyuhyun and Yesung had approached the members and explained to them as best as they could what had happened between them.They were sure they weren't very clear and it was probably even more confusing than informative, but they made the effort.At the time, they weren't sure of a lot of things,but knew they loved each other and wished to be near each other forever.It was  difficult to determine the future and to know where their relationship would go to,but they loved each, and that was what they told the members, their brothers.Everyone basically stated that they obviously knew something was going on between them and they wished them well, what ever it was.They would all caution however, that there might be difficulties, but they would always be there to support them.Yesung was slightly worried about Siwon’s reaction, seeing as how he was in love with a man, not men necessarily, but Kyuhyun was still a man.Would that make Siwon uncomfortable? Would his favourite dongsaeng view him differently? His fears were rather baseless, as all Siwon would do, was  hold him in his arms securely and wish him happiness, and offer his never ending support, all whilst Kyuhyun glared slightly.

Apparently it seems Eunhyuk who was sitting beside Kyuhyun had finally noticed that Kyuhyun was not just holding Yesung’s hand tenderly, but had all but imprisoned it.Eunhyuk decided that a tease was in order to the apparently clingy maknae.

“Are you ever going to let go of his hands?” Eunhyuk said teasingly, only loud enough for them at the table to hear,smirk forming on his face.All the present members in hearing range all turned their attention to to Kyuhhyun who looked a little put of and Yesung who was blushing a brilliant red, trying now to pry his hands out of Kyuhyun’s hold, which he kept tightening,refusing to let it escape.

“No” Kyuhyun replied forthright, looking completely unaffected, only looking at Eunhyuk as if he were a nuisance, contrasting with Yesung who looked embarrassed, still tugging at his apparently lost hands.

“You are so possessive these days” Donghae chimed in from across the table, smirking as well, with the other members teasingly throwing in their opinions of agreement, all chuckling at the undisturbed Kyuhyun and the blushing Yesung.

“Maybe I am” Kyuhyun challenged with a smirk.He definitely would not mind having this conversation.It would be entertaining  for him.He was actually looking forward to making Eunhyuk squirm,formulating interesting teases to make him blush brighter than those strawberries he like so much.

“Kyuhyun behave” It seemed  that Yesung knew what the maknae had in mind and desired to stop it before it began, swatting him lightly on the shoulder with his only free hand.Whilst Kyuhyun may have been feeling cool and possibly evil,Yesung was embarrassed by being called out.He was not embarrassed by letting Kyuhyun hold his hands, just that it was pointed out.He was too shy for that.

“But they started it”Kyuhyun turned to Yesung, with innocent eyes, tone soft and calm, no longer having that challenging edge, face now almost childlike, instead of the devious expression that was taking shape as he made plans in his mind.

“Oh how the mighty have fallen.You're a little cat now Kyuhyun” Sungmin added from the down the table,causing everyone to burst into laughter, even Yesung.It was true, there was no point denying it.Kyuhyun lost all steam when dealing with Yesung.He still teased and acted stubborn,but was a lot more agreeable when dealing with the older man, who had assisted the others greatly in avoiding the mischievous nature their maknae possessed.

“Whatever.You guys are luck he is here”Kyuhyun rolled his eyes as he dismissed his still laughing brothers,some who were wiping away tears.He looked at each of them threateningly, promising retribution, only for his gaze to soften when he happened upon Yesung, having the effect of diminishing the venom of his previous gaze.Those that saw the change, would only continue to laugh harder, making the other people in the establishment look at them worriedly.Yesung would only consoling rub his hand on Kyuhyun’s back and try to control his own laughter.Kyuhyun’s pride might be hurt a little, but Yesung was not  worried.He was sure one of his dongsaengs would soon come complaining to him after Kyuhyun had his revenge.

The evening continued in similar vain, teasing and laughter, though the others had made a point of avoiding any topic related to Kyuhyun or Yesung and hands attached.They all knew they got away before and for all they knew Kyuhyun was still plotting revenge.They were well aware that it was only due to Yesung’s presence that he had restrained his sharp tongue.He still looked at them threateningly from time to time, but would always just go back to looking at Yesung gently and trying to draw his attention to him.Yesung was no longer blushing as brightly, but would smile shyly at Kyuhyun ever so often, before returning to whatever animated conversation he was having before Kyuhyun drew his attention.On close inspection one would have noticed that Kyuhyun never did let go of Yesung’s hand.

Full and sated the boy band members returned to their dorms.Leeteuk ensured that everyone was back and ready for bed, before he dragged a protesting Donghae to the 12th floor.The residents of the 11th Floor watched then go with amusement, expect Eunhyuk who pouted, as his playmate was taken away from him.After their usual formalities and greetings of a good night,Kyuhyun finally released Yesung’s hand for an extended period.Even in the car ride home,he had his head placed gently on his shoulder and his hands clenched in his.Once more Yesung, did not even same to notice,continuing to tell Ryeowook some story about his turtles.With a warm smile,Yesung bid Kyuhyun a good night, and proceeded to his room,leaving Kyuhyun to return to his shared room with Sungmin.After a quick shower, he returned to his room to find Sungmin fast asleep,curled up in his blankets, snoring lightly.

Kyuhyun however was not that fortunate.Sleep evading him.This time fortunately, it was not due to mental warfare and battling his snarky demonic subconscious,who has recently been an exemplar of calm and peacefulness,but out of simple discomfort.Kyuhyun had never been able to sleep well after eating,especially after a large late night meal.He knew eating at that hour would rob him precious sleep,but he reckoned that the time spent with his brothers and Yesung was worth it.He knew that the opportunities for all of them to eat together were rarer than one would think,so he considered it a necessary sacrifice.He could probably just wait it out, until his stomach felt less full and his body willing to sleep.He could probably spend the time levelling up.It was a great idea actually.Recently he had not had enough time to play much,spending so much time with Yesung.He would never regret spending time with Yesung, but he knew his Starcraft was suffering.Once more,he thought it a willingly necessary sacrifice.He started up his game, diving right it.He did not worry about waking Sungmin.After that meal Sungmin would be out like a log.

Kyuhyun was in the midst of a fierce battle,when he heard a light knock on the door.Without even thinking twice, eyes never even leaving the computer screen, Kyuhyun called a welcoming greeting.He did not notice anything else till he felt a weight on his shoulder and looked up to see almond shaped dark eyes staring back at him.Kyuhyun immediately paused his game.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay hyung?” Kyuhyun questioned quickly glanced over Yesung.Kyuhyun’s immediate concern was Yesung’s well being.He was perhaps overreacting,but he was just a little startled by the man's presence.Yesung would visit him during the day,but with his and Sungmin’s relationship being slightly awkward he always hesitated to visit him in the night,weary of waking or disturbing Sungmin.

“I’m fine.Couldn't sleep,so I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me?” Yesung explained,now sitting on the bed, looking at Kyuhyun expectantly.Before Kyuhyun could respond though,Sungmin groaned a little and shifted in his sleep,drawing the attention of both men.They looked at his form, until he settled back into a comfortable position and was once more at peace.Kyuhyun made to respond, but Yesung shook his head, indicating that he wait, took hold of his wrist and led him to the living room.Once there Kyuhyun took up residence on the couch and waited for Yesung to join him, both dressed in sweats, their preferred sleeping attire.

“If you say star gazing,I am going to pretend I don't know you .That would be too cheesy,even for you” Kyuhyun teased with a smirk,eyes dancing with amusement,once Yesung had taken a position on the same couch.Kyuhyun really wished it was not star gazing.He hoped that Yesung would not suggest something that cliché, but knew full well that he would go along with whatever the other man suggested, though he would tease mercilessly.

“Yah! I am not cheesy and its not star gazing” Yesung protested, smacking Kyuhyun on the chest for his tease and implication of him being wrath with cliché and general lack of suave.Kyuhyun though was unaffected by the smack, as he continued to chuckle heartily.

“What do you call the sunrise thing then? That was being cheesy, hyung” Kyuhyun snickered, enjoying Yesung’s adorably cute face scrunched up in denial.Honestly the sunrise thing may have been cheesy, but Kyuhyun remembered it fondly. Nothing is ever bad ,if he could do it with Yesung.His no longer kind subconscious, mocked him once again.’You are teasing him about cheesy, but you are probably worse' He could not disagree really, only to point out that atleast he was smart enough to never say it verbally,which his mind had no choice but to accept.

“You liked the sunrise thing anyway,so I guess you aren't much better” Yesung countered,a knowing smile gracing his features.Kyuhyun knew he could not really dispute that fact,so chose to smartly change the topic.

“What did you want to do then?Since thankfully, its not star gazing” Kyuhyun questioned Yesung,now truly curious.Kyuhyun knew Yesung had trouble sleeping generally, which was probably made worse by the dinner.Kyuhyun remembered that Yesung also had problems sleeping after a meal.He suspected Yesung had also remembered that he had a similar problem and that was why he came to him.Generally Yesung would insist that Kyuhyun sleep, even if he, Yesung, could not.Kyuhyun always had to obey, as it would make Yesung unhappy if he did not.It annoyed him sometimes but he knew Yesung just wanted him to rest.The things he did for love.

“I thought we could watch a movie on my laptop,but if you want to play your games till you can sleep that is fine as well" Yesung informed, smile hiding a tinge of disappointment.Kyuhyun could see it clearly, no matter how well he hid it.He guessed Yesung wanted the company and he was not going to refuse him.Do you ever refuse him? That internal voice once again teased.He chose not to respond, simply because he could only agree.

“No, we can watch the movie together hyung” Kyuhyun agreed,smiling at Yesung, who now looked exceptionally pleased, smiling at him cutely.Kyuhyun did wish to play his games, but of it was for that very expression he was willing to give it up.Honestly, he would probably do anything for Yesung to look at him like that.Which he realized was in a way kind of sad, but couldn't seem to care.

“Really? Are you sure?” Yesung questioned looking at Kyuhyun, with soft eyes.Kyuhyun thought it was supremely unfair that Yesung at his age could look so adorable,warming his heart.All Kyuhyun did was nod with a smile, causing Yesung to grab his hand a bit excitedly and pull him along with him,to his room.Kyuhyun followed along eagerly, the thoughts of continuing his game disappearing to be replaced with the feeling of tiny warm fingers around his wrist.He had held Yesung’s hands a million times by now, but still could never get that warm feeling to pass.

Upon entering the room, Kyuhyun made his way to what he has termed his spot on Yesung’s bed.They often spent a lot of time together in his room.It was not that they were unimaginative, it was just what the circumstances allowed.They rarely had a lot of free time and the stress of disguises and alway being concerned about people seeing them was just a little too much for either of them.They really did not need questions to be asked about the nature of their relationship at this point.One day he was sure they would have to face all of that, but for now it was just easier to enjoy each others company in private.Yesung’s room had thus became in a way their multi purposed venue,since he shared with Sungmin and they did not wish to disturb everyone by using the living room.Kyuhyun therefore had a well used spot in the centre of the bed where he could lean his back against the wall and spread his long legs comfortably forward, now grabbing Yesung’s turtle plushie in his arms.He had refused to get one for himself, insisting that it was too childish,but that was just because he would always much rather hold ontoYesung’s well used one.It gave him much more comfort than a new one ever would.

Yesung was currently gathering his laptop and his movie of choice.He was really happy that Kyuhyun had decided to watch the movie with him.He had been laying on his bed, staring at his ceiling.He knew he would not be able to sleep for a while after he had that meal, and was just rather bored.He then thought of Kyuhyun.Normally he would not disturb Kyuhyun when he could not sleep,because his Kyuhyunnie needed rest.Kyuhyun was always sick and it always made Yesung worried,so he would always make Kyuhyun sleep.At the time however,he knew Kyuhyun was probably awake as well.It was another of their odd similarities.Neither could ever sleep very well after meals, especially late night,large dinners.

Yesung then thought it was a perfect opportunity to spend some time with Kyuhyun.It was not like they did not spend time together,but maybe he just couldn't get enough.No matter how much time they spent together,Yesung always thought they could spend more.He was a little disappointed when he entered to find Kyuhyun playing his games.It would be difficult to pull him away and in a way he did not want too.He wanted Kyuhyun to be with him, but he also wanted Kyuhyun to do the things that made him happy.He was aware that Kyuhyun really enjoyed playing his games,so was hesitant to ask him to stop.He was really happy when Kyuhyun readily agreed to watch the movie, instead of playing his games.

“What are we going to watch?” Kyuhyun questioned curiously, as Yesung had made his way back on to his bed, taking up his also now favoured spot, next to Kyuhyun, back against the wall, shoulder to shoulder.

“A Bug’s Life” Yesung responded , not looking at Kyuhyun instead busy starting up the electronic device that was placed on his lap.He did however hear Kyuhyun chuckle, then laugh.He wondered why Kyuhyun was laughing but at the time was busy entering passwords and all the like.

“Wait.. you're serious?”Kyuhyun questioned disbelievingly, having stopped laughing when he realized that Yesung was not kidding.Why on earth would Yesung want to watch a Bug’s Life out of all things.It was not as if his video library was lacking in any way.He knew the man was practically a movie encyclopaedia,with a very thorough range of possible choices.Kyuhyun decided that whilst he may know him best, he would never stop being surprised by the odd man.In a way he liked the prospect.

“I am.You don't want to?” Yesung finally looked at Kyuhyun, his voice soft with a hidden pleading tone, eyes wide and innocent, smile warm and inviting.Kyuhyun could not believe how manipulative Yesung was.He knew full well Kyuhyun did not have the strength to say no to that face.He really wanted to smack him, but knew even if he lifted his hands, they would probably just pinch his cheeks.Kyuhyun decided that it was infinitely unfair for Yesung to have this much control over him, and never have to actually show that he was wielding it.He did everything with such an innocent face, Kyuhyun just chuckled.

“No no.Its fine.We can watch that” Kyuhyun smiled at Yesung, internally lamenting the fact that he was so weak when it came to Yesung,yet feeling warmth and happiness spread through his entire being when Yesung flashed him a blinding smile,then happily returned to his set up procedure.His snarky little subconscious mocked ‘whipped’.He just advised his subconscious to face one of Yesung’s shy smiles and see if it could do any better.He sincerely doubted it could.

“Why did you choose this anyway hyung?” Kyuhyun asked Yesung as the movie started, looking down at the older but smaller man,who was now nestled in his arms.Kyuhyun had spread his hand around the singers back drawing him into his side,with Yeusng naturally leaning his head against the arm and at the top of Kyuhyun’s shoulder.Kyuhyun did not really care any more what they watched.He was just happy to have Yesung that close, warm body pressed against his side, his own arms resting on Yesung’s shoulder.He was sure if it meant he could be in this position, he would watch paint dry. He was so sappy.It was not funny anymore.What had love done to him?

“I don’t know really.I just like bugs” Yesung shrugged his response, still paying attention to the movie.Kyuhyun supposed it was a typical Yesung answer.Kyuhyun did not really know what he was expecting.Yesung was still odd, even now.He loved the weird man, but that did not make him any less odd.Kyuhyun chuckled lightly at how interested Yesung was in the movie.Kyuhyun himself choose to focus more on the man himself.

Kyuhyun had no real interest in talking bugs, and if he had a backbone when it came to Yesung would have suggested something with explosions and car chases.Before he could even think of declining,Yesung had that sweet smile on his face,then he smelt coffee and cinnamon,and felt warm and well that was the end for him.The worst part he supposed was the fact that Yesung was innocent through it all.It was just his own weakness really.He supposed though that he really did not mind being weak, if he could to see such brilliant smiles from the man he loved.It was a fair trade in his mind.Maybe it was a good thing he had no interest in the movie.He could spend the time observing the smaller man, and relish the scent of coffee and cinnamon. He could take pleasure in seeing Yesung’s eye narrow when he was concentrating or how his lips twitched a little when he thought something was funny but not laugh worthy or when he was impressed with a scene.To Kyuhyun this was better than any movie he could watch.This one came with built in warmth and always smelt heavenly.

“Are you even watching?If you want we could watch something else” Yesung apparently had finally realized that Kyuhyun was not interested in the movie.Kyuhyun saw his look at him earnestly.He knew that Yesung wanted to watch this movie but would be willing to change if it made Kyuhyun happy.He supposed they both were always just that cliché.Always wanting the other to be happy.Kyuhyun laughed wholeheartedly,causing Yesung to look at him oddly.

“Are you alright?” Yesung asked concerned, bringing his hands to rest on Kyuhyun’d forehead, whilst the maknae continued laughing for apparently no reason at all.Yesung wondered what made him react that way.

“I’m perfectly fine.Everything is perfect”Kyuhyun finally responded, after his unexpected laughing fit had ended well enough for him to respond in a manner Yesung could understand.He took the hand on his forehead into his hands once more, threading his fingers through them, stretched is only free palm upwards to smooth the forever styled messy ebony locks, smiling brilliantly at Yesung, who was now looking adorably confused.Kyuhyun just continued to smile at him with Yesung looks at him with confused eyes.

“Lets just watch the movie okay” Kyuhyun suggested,the smile never leaving his face,grip tightening on Yesung,as he pointed his head in the direction of the laptop screen.Yesung looked at him one last time before he turned his attention back to the movie, that atleast he was interested in.Kyuhyun just felt happy.He had in a split second realized that they both were always in the same place, wanted the other to be happy.In their true nature,everything just came off awkward and unsure.Kyuhyun had wondered how they even got this far with their awkwardness, which had lead to his laughing fit.Kyuhyun was happy that no matter how awkward they sometimes were,they could just be by each others side.

Sometime later Kyuhyun realized that Yesung had stopped reacting as strongly to the movie, which he was now paying attention too.Kyuhyun had realized that the characters were interesting enough to have some of his attention.It was perhaps for his reason he did not notice Yesung’s eyes fluttering close ever so often,only to be forced open, under his fringe.Kyuhyun chuckled softly at the adorable sight.He would never ever truly believe that Yesung was four years older than he was.The man was cuter than a child, especially now that he was fighting his sleep like a five year old.

Kyuhyun reached forward and closed the movie still playing, shut the laptop of and pushed it the side.He gently took the head resting in his shoulder and began to lead it to the pillows resting forward adjacent to the headboard.At this time Yesung protested lightly about watching the movie,but Kyuhyun would only instruct him to be silent.He carefully placed Yesung’s body flat on the bed and moved away slightly,reaching downwards to grab the laptop and place it on the cabinet nearby.Yesung whose eyes were now closed, head resting on the pillow, would reach his hand out to Kyuhyun, reaching for him.To Kyuhyun the invitation was clear.In all honesty he had no intention of returning to his own bed, even if the invitation was not extended.There was no way he would have been able to convince his body to abandon the warmth they were spoilt with for so long, or his nostrils to forsake the scent of coffee and cinnamon.

Kyuhyun finally finishing his task took up his position next to Yesung, who was no longer fighting his drowsiness but looked peaceful and serene,eyes closed. As Kyuhyun settled himself, Yesung turned slightly in his direction,perhaps just moving to the new source of warmth.Kyuhyun however saw it more as an opportunity to draw Yesung into his arms.He gently shifted them both until Yesung’s head rested on his chest and his hand on the smaller’s back.Yesung for his part, did not resist and instead nestled himself against Kyuhyun comfortably.Kyuhyun chuckled lightly when he heard Yesung mumble something in his sleep.He always knew Yesung talked in his sleep, it just rarely happened in his presence.Then he heard it.

“I love you Kyu ah” Yesung had mumbled groggily in his sleep, his arms gripping tightly onto Kyuhyun’s T-shirt near his heart/rib area.Kyuhyun looked down in  shock.It was not news to him that Yesung loved him, of that he was quite certain.It was just that since their extremely awkward confession, they had never repeated the words verbally.It was beyond awkward the first time and both were  too shy and too awkward as people to ever really say it again.Kyuhyun doubted that Yesung meant to say it, yet was happy that Yesung thought of him even in his dreams, that in every aspect Yesung loved him.Kyuhyun reached up with his free hand to loosen the vice grip on his clothes, replacing his own fingers into the grip instead.

Kyuhyun then bent his head to press soft, tender kisses against Yesung’s forehead, as Yesung relaxed once more against him.He did not know what Yesung was dreaming about ,but the grip on him worried him a little.He hoped his kisses would soothe all bad thoughts away.It was sort of bold on his part.For the most part,their intimacy was limited, but he was sure both of them would feel comfortable with such an action.He felt comfortable pressing his lips against the others soft, now relaxed forehead,pushing the fringe upwards with his chin. Kyuhyun was not sure what prompted him to do it, as generally despite his brash nature, he often felt very shy when it came to things like that with Yesung. He was happy Yesung did not seem to mind.He knew the man was a light sleeper,so would have felt it.Yesung instead just snuggled closer into Kyuhyun,bringing his head to fit delicately into the crook of his neck, lips ghosting light breathes against Kyuhyun's throat.Kyuhyun's breath stilled as he felt the initial exhales,tingling his now hyper sensitive skin.Yesung, he realized had return to deeper sleep,but Kyuhyun was now wide awake,his heart rate increasing rapidly.It was nothing especially intimate or on towards but it felt special and foreign to him.He took deep breathes and tried to settle his heart that had increased rapidly,when he fist felt the little tingles of air against his skin. He wondered for a split second what his lips would feel like, blushed a flaming red and quickly put the thought out of his mind.

Kyuhyun forced himself to relax.The sensation against his neck still made him a little unsettled but he forced his heart rate back down.Was he some hyper sensitive fangirl? He could stop being so sensitive and allow it to happen.He felt consumed though.The warmth around him, the breathe against his neck, the small hands still in his, the soft skin under his lips.It was hard to ask his heart to relax, but he did.He still control over some things, he celebrated.Putting the sensations aside,he chose to focus on the happiness bubbling within his very soul.He wished he could be like that for the rest of his life.He always wanted to be the one Yesung nestled his body against and found comfort with.He knew that they were going to have to deal with troubling situations in the future,things would not be simple or easy, but he was more than willing.He stored this memory into the treasure pots of his soul.This would be what he thought about any time something got to difficult or too hard.He would remember this feeling of unadulterated happiness and contentment that could last forever.This would be the future he would always aim towards.With those thoughts soothing his mind, he took one last loving look at the man in his arms and closed his eyes.

Yesung awoke to the sound of a clicking.He wanted to ignore it but the sound continued.He was a sensitive person whilst asleep.The sound though honestly mild, too his extra sensitive ears was much more amplified.It forced his eyes open,to see Eunhyuk, busy taking pictures of him? No not him, them.He realized that he was still in Kyuhyun’s arms.He blushed a bright red and hid his face deeper into Kyu’s neck, not wanting to face Eunhyuk and Sungmin, who he noticed walking towards them.

Kyuhyun felt Yesung shift against him but thought nothing about it, instead just tightening his hold.Then he felt it, the sprinkles of water against his face.He opened his eyes immediately, to see Sungmin spraying water over his face and Eunhyuk busy taking pictures.It seems that Eunhyuk had seen his eyes open.

“I wonder what our dear ELFs would think, if they ever saw these pictures? Their Evil maknae is now a tamed little kitten” Eunhyuk teased, his gummy grin could not be wider, as he continued to take pictures, laughing when he heard Kyuhyun groan.

“Why are you spraying me with the water?” Kyuhyun questioned Sungmin harshly as he tried to block the waters path and wondered why Yesung was not helping him.He was sure the man was up.

“I didn’t want to touch you guys.That much sweetness would have probably given me a tooth ache” Sungmin teased as well, chuckling slightly.He had woken up to and empty room.He suspected that Kyuhyun spent the night with Yesung and thought nothing of it.He went about his business,then realized that it was a bit late and Yesung was not up yet.Leeteuk had called to inform that their was a change in scheduling and they needed to perform somewhere.At that point Sungmin decided to wake them up.He did not expect to find them in such a wrapped position.He did the only think a person in his position would do, call his friend to take blackmail pictures.He really did not want to touch them though.That much sweetness would really too much for him to bear.

“You guys know I am going to kill you right? The second I get off this bed you guys are dead” Kyuhyun threatened fiercely, glaring at both Eunhyuk and Sungmin as he wiped the droplets of water from his face and the stray droplets that had made it to Yesung’s hair.

“I have blackmail material” Eunhyuk gloated waving his camera around, Sungmin standing by his side, both hoping that was enough to ensure their protection.It was never a good idea to mess with the maknae.The child took demented pleasure in revenge.

“And I'm Kyuhyun” was all Kyuhyun would say, voice low and frightening, looking at them both dead in the eyes.His glare promising them they would wish they had never entered the room or better yet, never have met him.

“We aren't scared of you” Eunhyuk gulped, his voice betraying his words.It only took a glare from Kyuhyun for him to grab Sungmin’s hand and hastily retreat.Kyuhyun watched them go, an evil smirk forming on his lips.The next couple days were definitely going to be interesting.He was going to torture Eunhyuk and Sungmin so bad.He was probably Yesung’s kitten, but he most definitely was not theirs.It seems they needed a reminder, that none of them was Yesung.

“ You can come out now ”Kyuhyun gently instructed,smiling down at Yesung who was cautiously lifting his head from its hiding space, face a burning red,eyes darting around the room, looking for any sign of the intruders, lips drawn in a thin line.He was beyond adorable, Kyuhyun thought, as he watched him.

“Thanks.Are you really going to kill them?” Yesung inquired, when he was finally satisfied that they had left. He had heard the entire exchange and Kyuhyun sounded rather fierce.He was slightly worried about his dongsaengs but grateful that Kyuhyun had made them leave.He did not mind the position they spent the night.In fact he was happy and content.It was another step forward in the future he could share with Kyuhyun,but it was definitely embarrassing to be found in such a position.

“Killing them would be too easy.Gonna torture them instead” Kyuhyun informed,face forming a smirk,eyes filled with mischief, as he considered all the evil things he could do to them.

“Don’t treat them too harshly okay” Yesung pleaded as he pulled himself out of Kyuhyun’s arms into a sitting position, having used Kyuhyun distraction to get himself free. He looked at Kyuhyun fondly, who was still in revenge mode, chuckled at the smirk overtaking his features.Yesung knew they probably had a reason for waking them,so decided to go find them.He was embarrassed but he knew with Kyuhyun’s threat hanging over their heads, they would not dare to tease.He pulled himself off the bed,stretching his body, before leaning forward to press his lips against Kyuhyun’s forehead, before leaving the room,a blush taking form as he left.

Kyuhyun was distracted with his plans of revenge,but all such thoughts vanished when he felt Yesung’s ever so soft lips touch his forehead.Honestly it was not that prominent, just a light barely there brush of his lips.His face heated up instantly, his hands dumbly moving on their own accord to touch the spot, smiling like a fool.Rationally he knew it was not much, but to him it spoke of a future of change and progress, of happiness together. Kyuhyun felt as if he was floating.He decided that he and Yesung should have a late dinner often, if it always lend to the night they just had.He willed the blush from his face, wiped the smile of his face, pulled himself off the bed and headed to the kitchen, fully intent on scaring Eunhyuk witless.Today was going to be a good day he decided.

A/N: I felt drained after Avoidance and felt for a bit of fluff.This is set after To See a Sunrise,so the relationship is a little more advanced.It came off awkward but since it is finished I thought I would share.It was inspired by DJ MinWook saying that Kyu and Ye have trouble sleeping after they eat...this is what my mind came up with after I read that.Confession should be up next.

I require comments to know If I should continue this oneshot series.I need to know if you guys want to read them.So Comments are necessary now. :)

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Chapter 1: 🥰
392 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyuhyun = truly whipped

(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
fatimakys #3
Chapter 1: soooooooo sweet
Chapter 1: Ughhhhhhhhh super cute! Holding hands.. Kissing of foreheads! (Both of them to each other, waaa) and adorable supportive but teasing friends LOL.. This is my third time reading this but it still gives me all the rights feels ^^
LazyLlama #5
Chapter 1: I've started reading all your stories again (though I had to make a new AFF account to make sure I could read many of them offline for the time I'm in my hotel room and don't have WiFi) and realised how much I missed your stories and how glorious they are. Even though I'm reading them for (at least) the 5th time, they are still as fantastic as the first time I read them.
Chapter 1: Hahaha, possessive Kyu NEVER gets old ^_^, is it weird to say I like him best like that? XD. Gosh Kyu, you and your crazy antics. And I love how Yesung is just the soothing voice that calms the crazy down. Great fic, I will always come back to this <3.
Chapter 1: awww this was just awwww. Probably one of my favourite stories so far!!!
ice420 #8
Chapter 1: Awwww.. this is one of my most read chapters ^^ I just adore this one. Dunno why. I just do. Soo sweet and real. I think it's the members' presence that makes it that way, and the teasing and the jokes. So nice. I love it. I do wish you'd write something like this again. KyuSung being sweet with playful teasing members. Somewhere not inside the bedroom but then of course ending with them cuddling ^^ Darn.. wishful thinking? I miss KyuSung!!!
middle11992 #9
i live on your posts btw... :) THEY ARE MY CAFFEINE FIX! TTATT I WISH U THE BEST DEAR AUTHOR! sgfalrgfulgre kyusung has never been so cute or real!!! waaaaaah! ultra happy rt now! btw your style of writing is great! i love your descriptive touch! Fighting! ^^
ice420 #10
OMG... This is like my fave installment so far. Kyu is soooo sweet that he gives me toothache just by reading :D I.AM.LOVIN.IT!! Please oh please do continue. And oh, I wonder what kind of torture he's gonna inflict on EunMin *lol* But the sleeping scene was really.. LOVIN IT!!!!