5 Years Old Or 5 Persons

Daily KyuSung Fics As Promised

5 Years Old Or 5 Persons KyuSung Scenario





5 Years Old Kyuhyun



Yesung had a mini heart attack after he woke up to see a little boy sleeping beside him instead of his husband. He almost thought that he had committed a crime and kidnapped someone's kid while he was tipsy last night. However, his heart calmed down once he took a better look at the little boy— short messy brown hair, a round and full face, a little nose, a bow-shaped mouth, and a small mole under the right eye. Although he had lost a lot of height and muscle, this little boy was definitely Cho Kyuhyun, Super Junior's talented maknae and his husband, well, future husband, to be precise. Yesung decided to wait for the little Kyuhyun to wake up first and asked him what happened later. He watched the boy sleeping peacefully while battling with his inner voice to touch the boy's philtrum. No. He shouldn't startle Kyuhyun. ...He said that but in the end, he couldn't stop himself. He very carefully placed his finger on the boy's philtrum and cooed. With the older Kyuhyun, his fingers were very small compared to Kyuhyun's philtrum. Now, however, he could cover the little boy's philtrum with just the tip of his finger! He accidentally let out a light giggle and quickly covered his mouth, but it was too late. The little Kyuhyun stirred in his sleep and drowsily opened his eyes.



"Um, hi, I'm Yesung, nice to meet you."


Worried, Yesung scooted back to give the little boy a space while introducing himself. The little boy sat up and looked at him with a tilted head, before beaming.


"Hello, Yesung hyung. My name is Cho Kyuhyun. I'm five years old. Where is eomma?"

"Um, she told me to look after you for a while?"

"I see. Please take care of Kyuhyun!"


The little boy bowed and Yesung's heart was stabbed by a cupid arrow. So cute! He had seen it from a photo album while visiting his husband's home just how cute the little Kyuhyun was. He didn't expect Kyuhyun to be so innocent and polite when he was young! Yesung patted the soft brown hair and cooed again when the boy obediently lowered his head for him. The older one would have rolled his eyes or moved away by now. They might be in a relationship for many years but the maknae still didn't like being treated like a kid. Yesung decided to take care of the little Kyuhyun first and worried later about the situation.

He ordered takeout and they ate a late breakfast together. After that, he let the little Kyuhyun choose cartoons and watched them together. They spent their leisure time like that until the evening. Throughout the day, the little boy was nothing but a cute sweet angel. The little Kyuhyun was innocent, honest, and polite, unlike his erted teasing husband. He had only known the little boy for a few hours but he was already very fond of him. For their dinner, he also ordered takeout because he didn't want to scare the poor boy with his cooking skill. He left his computer open for the little Kyuhyun to watch YouTube while he picked up the order. When he came back, he saw the little boy stare fixedly at the screen and got curious about what he was watching. However, the boy immediately blocked himself from seeing the screen as soon as he approached.


"Kyuhyun-ah? Are you okay?"

"I am! Hyung, let's eat. I'm hungry!"


The little boy tried to drag him away but failed. He finally saw that the little Kyuhyun was watching some of their old mv. Yesung stood still as he read the texts on the screen...



'Art of voice? Is this a joke?'

'XXX is better! He doesn't deserve to be called main vocal!'

'Very ugly' 



Before he got to read the hateful comments more, the little Kyuhyun threw himself at the screen and hugged it, using his body to hide it. Yesung smiled and patted the boy's head fondly.


"No! Hyung! Don't read!"

"I'm okay, Kyuhyun-ah, look at hyung."


He coaxed softly and the little boy slowly let go of the screen. The little Kyuhyun then cried after turning around to see his smile. Yesung kneeled down to the boy's level and hugged him.


"Waaaaaaah! H-Hyung, Yesung hyung!!"

"Hush, I'm okay. Why are you crying? Kyuhyun-ah?"

"Hic, K-Kyuhyun is sad... Hyung, hic, who are they? W-Why are they so mean to hyung...?"

"I don't know who they are so their words can't hurt me. Kyuhyun-ah, don't cry. If you cry... I'll cry too..."


Yesung pretended to sniffle and hid his face in his palms. His plan worked and the little boy quickly stopped crying, though he still hiccuped. He wiped the little Kyuhyun's face and let him blow his nose. After the boy calmed down, he carried him to the kitchen and they ate dinner together. As soon as he was put on a chair, the little Kyuhyun put everything on the table in his mouth and almost choked on the food.


"Slow down, Kyuhyun-ah, I can order more if you're still hungry."

"Kyuhyun will eat a lot and grow big quickly! So Kyuhyun can save Yesung hyung from those meanie!"


The little Kyuhyun bravely proclaimed and coughed, so Yesung hurriedly had the boy drink water and patted his back. At the same time, he couldn't stop grinning at the boy's promise.



"I don't care about words of people who don't know me."

"I know. But my shoulder is always ready for you to lean on, Yesung hyung." 



He thought that the kid Kyuhyun and the adult Kyuhyun were very different in terms of personality. However, he knew now that they were still the same sweet and kind-hearted person who easily won his heart. Yesung smiled while wiping the little Kyuhyun's mouth. They finished dinner and kept watching the movies. When the little boy fell asleep, he carried him to the bed and lay down together. He watched the boy snoring and suddenly missed his husband...



"Hurry up and come back to me, brat."




Kyuhyun woke up because he couldn't breathe properly. He looked around drowsily and realized that his most precious hyung was sleeping on top of him with curled fists like a kitten's paw. Although he didn't know why Yesung hyung was very clingy tonight, he didn't mind it. He maneuvered the older man to lie beside him instead. Then, he snorted when the sleeping beauty immediately scooted into his arms. He hugged his wife and kissed his forehead. He couldn't go back to sleep now but he would love to watch his hyung do so.



Weirdly enough, he felt like he had made a very important promise with someone very precious in his dream, but he couldn't recall it.




5 Years Old Yesung



"Ye— Jongwoon-ah, be careful!"


"Hy— Jongwoon-ah, don't climb the shelf!"

"Hyung! Look! I can fly!!"


The mini Yesung hyung squealed and jumped down from a shelf. Kyuhyun lunged toward the falling boy without thinking and caught him just in time, but he crashed against the floor himself. While he was lying in place recovering his stamina, the hyper boy had already crawled out of his arms and jumped onto the couch next, playing "the floor is lava" by himself. He watched the young boy leaping from one couch to another with a conflicted feeling. This morning, he woke up and found out that his wife had disappeared. In the older man's place, a cute little boy with bright, innocent big eyes was staring at him while his thumb. Obviously, Kyuhyun had seen a photo of his beloved hyung when he was young so he immediately recognized the boy. Although he had no idea where Yesung hyung disappeared to, he didn't mind taking care of a younger version of his wife.


He didn't expect the little Yesung hyung to be very hyper.


Ever since waking up, Kyuhyun did nothing but running after the little boy to make sure that he wouldn't get in trouble. The little Yesung hyung was very fond of climbing and jumping from every furniture in the dorm, ranking from a couch to a shelf. He knew that his hyung was an outgoing person when he was young, but not to this extent! He adored the boy but at this rate... The thought just disappeared from his mind but the boy did it again. The little Yesung hyung climbed up to stand on the top of the couch's backrest. The boy swayed dangerously and lost his balance. Kyuhyun got up from the floor and lunged forward in a split second. Then, he yelped loudly when the little boy tackled down on his tummy. Bleh. He felt like vomiting... While he was lying in misery, the little Yesung hyung giggled happily and beamed.


"Hyung, Jongwoon like you a lot!"


Okay, maybe a few bruises and cracked bones aren't that bad... Kyuhyun smiled back and petted the boy's silky dark hair. He is willing to do anything for Yesung hyung's smiles. The little boy snuggled into his arms and pouted.


"Hyung, hungry..."

"Alright, time to eat! What does Jongwoon-ah want?"

"Tteokbokki! Ramyeon! Crunchy pork! Kimchi soup! Rice! Egg rolls! Fried chicken! And cola! And ice cream!"

"You want all of that...?"

"I can't...?"

"Of course, you can! I'll make it for you!"


Kyuhyun carried the boy to the kitchen and started cooking. He had no problem making all of the requested dishes but it surprised him. Yesung hyung would never eat this much, not to say that every menu is full of flour that his hyung usually avoided at all cost. Well, children do have better metabolism and his beloved hyung probably ate a lot when he was young. The older man did look chubby (very cute) in a photo album that auntie gave him. Kyuhyun finished the dishes in no time and watched the little boy dig in with a grin on his face. He really loved seeing Yesung hyung eat...


"Eat a lot, Jongwoon-ah. Chubby boy~ So cute~"


As soon as those words left his mouth, the little Yesung hyung stopped eating and put down the chopsticks. His smile also disappeared and he started to sniffle instead. Big tears that fell from the round eyes were like acid rain eroding his heart. Kyuhyun immediately carried the boy up and hugged him while comforting him.


"There, there, who makes our Jongwoon-ah sad? Tell me and hyung will take care of it!"

"Hic, h-hyung, is Jongwoon ugly...?"

"No! Jongwoon-ah is the cutest and coolest boy in the world!"

"But Moonji said that Jongwoon is fat and ugly..."

"Who is Moonji?"

"A girl in my class... Jongwoon likes Moonji and wants to be Moonji's friend but Moonji said that Jongwoon is fat, sniffle... Jongwoon won't eat... Hic..."


Kyuhyun was about to wage a war with a kindergarten kid.


"Shh, don't say that. Jongwoon-ah is okay the way you are! You can eat as much as you want!"

"R-Really...? But Moonji..."

"Jongwoon-ah, a good friend won't say mean things to you. Even if Moonji doesn't like Jongwoon-ah, hyung still likes you! A lot!"

"Hyung likes Jongwoon...?"


Kyuhyun nodded and smiled. Then, his smile froze when the boy suddenly pecked his cheek. The little Yesung hyung wiped tears away and beamed.


"Jongwoon likes Kyuhyun hyung a lot too!"


Kyuhyun was knocked out by cuteness overload.




Yesung frowned. Something was wrong with his husband. Ever since he woke up from a nap, Kyuhyun had been clinging to him all the time. The maknae also kept telling him that "I love you just the way you are" while feeding him food. Even after the meal when they cuddled on the couch, Kyuhyun still kept whispering in his ear that "You're perfect for me". Curious, he turned around and straddled the younger man's lap. The maknae put his arms behind him to prevent a fall and pecked his lips. Yesung purred and rubbed their noses together.


"Kyu, is something on your mind?"



A short answer but its power was immense. Yesung blushed and bashfully hit his corny husband.


"Yah! You tease me again!"

"I'm not. You're really on my mind, hyung, always."


"Yesung hyung, I love you just the way you are, I really mean it. There's no need to diet too harshly."


"If anyone dares to bully you, tell me and I'll teach them a lesson! Even if they're a kid, I won't go easy on them!"

"Pfft, drama queen, eh? But..."


Yesung kissed the maknae.


"Thank you... I love you too, Kyuhyun."




5 Yesung(s)



"Kyu, I want to drink coffee."

"Kyu, I want to watch a movie."

"Kyu, I want to go to a cafe."

"Kyu, I want to eat your homemade spaghetti."

"Kyu, hug me?"

"Right away, honey!"


Kyuhyun squeezed Yesung hyung no.5 in his arms and kissed him, before dashing to the kitchen to boil water. Next, he whipped up two cups of Americano and brought them to Yesung hyung no.1 and no.3. He apologized to the number 3 for being unable to take him to the cafe and made up with a kiss. He didn't forget to turn on TV for Yesung hyung no.2 and kissed him. He ran back to the kitchen to quickly boil spaghetti and cut tomatoes. During that, he headed out to fetch the empty coffee cups and kissed Yesung hyung no.1. While making meatballs, he spared time to make another 3 cups of Americano for Yesung hyung no.2, no.4, and no.5. Finally, he finished the meatballs spaghetti with tomato sauce and divided it into five servings. He set the table and called his wives.


"Yesung hyung, dinner time!"


All five Yesung hyungs turned to look at him and Kyuhyun beamed.


"Yes, I mean all of you, hyungs~"


Kyuhyun grinned and happily watched five Yesung hyungs enjoying the meal. For some supernatural reason, he came back to the dorm today to five of his beloved hyung. All five of the older men looked and behaved the same, a perfect carbon copy. Although he couldn't even begin to imagine what the hell happened, he was more than willing to take care of the additional Yesung hyungs. He let the five men order him around and diligently fulfilled their needs. Even up until now, he still paced around the dining table taking care of his wives instead of eating his own dinner. Anything for his Yesung hyung!


"Kyu, I want you to feed me."

"Here, say ah!"

"Kyu, I'm thirsty..."

"I'll make a watermelon juice for everyone!"

"Kyu, I want to continue watching the movie."

"Let's watch together after the dinner!"

"Kyu, but I want to watch the NBA match..."

"You can borrow my laptop and share the earphones!"

"Kyu, carry me."

"There! I promise I won't let you go."






"Yes! Of course! Right away! I'm here! I'll do—"



Kyuhyun fainted.




Kyuhyun woke up to his beloved hyung clinging to him like a baby koala. Just one Yesung hyung. He looked around the bedroom but couldn't find the other four. The older man soon woke up too and immediately inquired about his condition. After he reassured that he was fine, Yesung hyung sighed in relief and apologized to him.


"I'm sorry, Kyu, even though I knew that you were tired after work, I still forced you to indulge my childish whims..."

"I'm okay, hyung. There are suddenly five of you but only one of me. You all were worried that I wouldn't be able to take care of you and you didn't want to be left alone, right? That's why all of you were trying to get my attention?"

"...You really know me, Kyu."

Kyuhyun puffed up his chest proudly, "Of course! After all, I'm your number one fan and husband!"


Kyuhyun held his beloved hyung's hand.


"Hyung, I have no problem taking care of you, be it only one of you, five of you, or even fifty! Well, fifty may be a bit difficult but I know that I can do it! Therefore, don't be anxious, hyung, you always have my full attention."

"Kyu... Thank you... Is there anything I can do for you?"

"How about a cute I love you and cuddle?"

"Of course!" Yesung giggled and lay down beside Kyuhyun, "Kyu, I love you, I really do."


Kyuhyun tugged the older man closer and grinned.


"That's the best gift I could ever ask for!"




5 Kyuhyun(s)



Yesung was [REDACTED] [REDACTED][REDACTED] five Kyuhyuns. He [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] completely [REDACTED] to the brim and [REDACTED][REDACTED] full of [REDACTED]. Two [REDACTED][REDACTED] [REDACTED] inside and [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] until he [REDACTED][REDACTED]. Yesung felt [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] in his mouth causing him [REDACTED][REDACTED] while the two [REDACTED] still [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] his deepest [REDACTED], taking turns [REDACTED][REDACTED]. His moan was blocked [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] and he choked [REDACTED]. Another two [REDACTED] in each of his hand [REDACTED][REDACTED] excitedly. He felt [REDACTED] bigger in his hand and [REDACTED] and  [REDACTED] him. Yesung was drunk in the five Kyuhyuns [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] and felt completely loved and treasured. After [REDACTED] once, the five Kyuhyuns let him take a break before taking turns [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] and [REDACTED] inside him. None of his [REDACTED] was neglected as five pairs of hands [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] body. By the time [REDACTED] done, Yesung was bathed in [REDACTED][REDACTED] and [REDACTED] down along his thighs and dirtied the bedsheet. He was tired but also satisfied and contented. He felt full from the five Kyuhyuns' love and affection and also their [REDACTED] that he drank so much, plus their [REDACTED] that was deposited [REDACTED][REDACTED]. Although he didn't know how it happened, he didn't mind indulging his husband(s). They only did it moderately, after all.


Or so he thought...


The five Kyuhyuns seemed to have another idea while Yesung took a short nap cluelessly. In the end, he was [REDACTED][REDACTED][REDACTED] and [REDACTED] and [REDACTED][REDACTED] by the five leopards of a husband of his. And they [REDACTED] him until daybreak...




Kyuhyun wasn't allowed to touch Yesung until further notice and he was kicked out to sleep in the living room for a month.




Author's note:

Inspired by the question: "Who would you choose between five-year-old version of xxx or five of xxx?" but I wanna do kyusung parody ver of it  xD

Yep, the five Kyuhyuns scenario is exactly what you think if you know then you know *wink wink nudge nudge*   ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The story will be more ty starting from here. End of fluff road!

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391 streak #1
Chapter 7: don't - I REPEAT - do not ask why I am here again, rereading this master piece LOL
Chapter 6: Dense Kyu.. Luckily his hyung has so much patience and love for him, or else. And sweet Ryeowook who bring them together
Poor Hyukjae though hahaha
Chapter 5: I felt hot already hahahahaha 🤣
Chapter 3: Kyu's love to Yeye increase to ∞ as well as my delulu level. This story is so cute and so... real 🥹
Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1515287/3'>Heartbeat</a></span>
Awwwww, I just finished reading 'Heartbeat' and I. Love. It. So cute and fluffy, and the hearts reactions! It was soooo good, really, really loved it. Thank you~~~!
Ok, I just finished all, and it's a little hot in here. I really liked all the story's and I hope you'll continue writing kyusung, because you're awesome and your storys well writes and entertaining. Thank you so much for the fic~~~! Have a great week!
Kyusungftw #6
Chapter 7: Awww caring kyuhyun is so sweet. This story sooooo y yet fluffy 💕

Wow 7 days of kyusung fics. What can be better!!! Love it so so so so so much. Thank you for making me happy 😘
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 6: Pabo kyuhyun! I so love it when ryeowook or heechul come to the rescue. Uri sassy saviours
Lion_5678 #8
Chapter 7: This is my best 7 days ever. You might feel like you wrote a sloppy M, but worry not! Because it is the bomb!
Chapter 7: I was on vacay so I didn’t get to read this when it was uploaded, but what a nice ending to this 7 day fic festival lol! It really quenched my thirst for sum 👁👅👁 (sorry for the weird emoji) Loved the aftercare, so cute! I’m imagining what the reaction of Kyus fans when they found Jongwoon is his bf, and Jongwoon being possessive saying “he’s mine!”
_MyName_ #10
Chapter 7: This is amazing, yes to consent and communication!! Although now I wonder if Kyuhyun got the part time job to prepare for his future with Jongwoon, since he clearly doesn't need the money...? :D that wouldn't really surprise me :D