The Poisonous Betrothal
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With half columns in stucco, the walls are decorated with geometrical panels, golden ornamentations in slight relief and twelve-coloured jewels, representative of the nation’s twelve districts. Lavish neo-Baroque hangings were added on the oval-shaped glass vaults.

“My lord, your highness awaits.” 

The gilded doors swung open and within the bows of the guards, he stepped into the chamber.

“Your highness.” The Marquis bowed.

“Taemin.” The Crown Prince welcomed him with a smile as he gestured him over for a seat. It was the Marquis’s idea to let the Prince call him by his name. It was this first step of friendly gesture that gained the Prince trust. Clearly, he is as gullible as the people say, because the Prince had already placed absolute trust in the Marquis.

The Marquis didn’t really have any expectations for this young Prince. His father’s kingdom was already a house built on sand. Besides from his brother Kim Myungsoo’s plans, the country was already filled with sparks of uprisings across the districts. The Marquis was sure, even if the Prince had the throne, he couldn’t have it for long.

After all, everything is in Taemin’s hands.


And the young Prince is just a chess in his game.


“My father placed me in charge for the uprisings in district six and nine.” The Prince pursed his lips. “What should I do?” He turned his pleading eyes to the Marquis.

Taemin had always found the Prince funny. Kai was supposed to be the heir to the throne, the one who was god’s chosen, the one who held the wisdoms of the stars and the twelve districts.

Yet this Prince had no idea how to deal with his country’s mess.

Taemin pretended to scrunch his brows together. “Any words from his majesty?”

The Prince sighed. “My father preferred to take tough measures - perhaps taking military action after pressurising the two leaders of the respective districts.”

Taemin nodded. As expected from that brutal bastard. He glanced at Prince Kai’s hesitant gaze. “And what are you thoughts, your highness?”

Prince Kai forced a smile. He had always thought he would match well with the Marquis - not only as superior-and-subordinate, but also as companions and maybe… friends. Frankly, he had Sehun as his childhood best friend, but Sehun never got the chance to understand his sufferings and his burden as the Crown Prince. Only the Marquis did. Only the Marquis would encourage him, would always inspire him to take new approaches and think outside of the box.

Yet the Marquis had never called him his name - no matter how many times Kai had insisted. He wondered what made the Marquis drew his line - isn’t it great to have a Prince as your friend? But then again, Taemin probably wanted to maintain their relationship professional.

After all, King’s are supposed to be solitude. They are supposed to be emotionless, merciless leaders who guarded their thrones upon all obstruction.

Just like his father.

Kai suppressed the bitterness in his heart and forced himself back on track.

“I was wondering… if there’s any other way…” He trailed off, unsure if he should follow his father’s steps. He had a feeling that strong measures wouldn’t work, but he didn’t know what to do instead.

Taemin nodded. “Your highness, before you take any measures, have you thought of gaining a better understanding of the uprisings?”

Prince Kai frowned. “What do you mean?”


“Have you thought of why the citizens decided to rebel?”


The Prince kept his questioned gaze on him.


“Your highness, all this time, we have only gathered information from the eyes of the lords - yet no one has wondered why the citizens decided to rebel.”

“Sometimes, changing our perspectives might help.”


From what Taemin believed - district six and nine had one of the worst treatments from their own lords. Some districts had clever leaders - those who reached the expectations of the capitol and ensured their civilians are well-fed. For example, House Natura. District 4 was one of more harmonious districts, thanks to Lord Son excelling in his job. However, this wasn’t the case with other lords. In order to reach the standards of the capitol, House Metallic and House Heracles had always implemented strict measures on their citizens - forcing their citizens to overwork for more than decades, going as far as controlling how long their workers sleep.

If Taemin was in such a state, of course he would rebel against his barbaric leaders.

Of course, the core problem still lies in the all-export rule from the capitol. If the houses didn’t need to fulfil such harsh standards from the capitol, they wouldn’t have suppressed their citizens.

But obviously, the King wouldn’t want to change that yet.

So if he was in Prince Kai’s position, he would’ve at least got the lords to fix their mess first. Instead of sending sentinels to smash the districts (just like what the King did to district 12), the Prince could use diplomatic measures to intervene. He could at least get the two lords to stop their strict measures.

If Taemin was in charge, he would’ve cooled down the citizens’ flaming rage.

Instead of the King - who fanned the flames.


Prince Kai narrowed his eyes and placed his hand on his chin. It was indeed a good approach.

“Threats may only fuel the anger of the citizens and worsen the lord-citizen relationship.” Prince Kai analysed.

Taemin raised his brows, but suppressed within a split second. The Prince was smarter than he expected.

Kai took a side-glance around the empty room. “If… the capitol could do more… ” He bit his lip. “Perhaps if we could be more lenient about the exports…”

Taemin was indeed amazed. The Prince seemed to realise the root problem - yes, his father’s savage policies - yet he remained silent.

Instead, his eyes drifted toward the beautifully carved folding screen to his left.

“Your highness, as much as you will become the owner of the crown,” he said in a harsh whisper. “The palace walls still remain as ears of your father’s.” The last was said in a barely audible tone.

The Prince snapped his mouth close.

Although the Prince is more soft-hearted than his father, he is far more careless. This explains why the King never abdicated in his son’s favour yet. Taemin shook his head inwardly. Just one second ago, he was amazed at the Prince’s intelligence. Now, he’s more amazed for something else.

With such clumsiness, that it’s surprising that the Prince is still alive in this swirl of darkness.

“Your highness,” Taemin regained his composure and drifted away from this topic. Hopefully, the Prince would know what he should do now.

“His majesty has requested me to find a suitable wife for you.” Taemin raised a curl on his lips and tweaked his voice to turn lighter.

“Do you have anyone in mind?”

The Prince flinched. He knew his father would give the job to the Marquis. After all, the lord has never failed his father.

Unlike himself.

He forced out a chuckle. “I don’t mind, Taemin. You can find the best lady that suits father’s expectations.”

“You can be honest with me, your highness.” His eyes curled upwards. “I’ll try to see if I could do anything about it.” He joked.

The Prince laughed along, knowing that it would be impossible that he could marry the woman he loved. Taemin would always do what his father pleased. He was on his father’s side, not his.

Yet somehow, he did want to tell someone about his unreachable crush.

It’s been years, and he had kept it in for so long.

Too long, in fact, that it’s getting itchy up his throat.

The Prince raised a smile and his eyes turned as soft as it has ever been.

He stared at the sheet of white that blanketed on the wet grass. He imagined what it would be like, if she were to laugh, to shoot out glaciers and sculpt ice castles in his courtyard.

He found himself imagining a life that he would never have.

A wife that he would never have.

“It’s just… a small… attraction.” He said, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Lady…” He held his breath and suppressed the shudder in his heart. Her name alone already sent blasts of flames in his heart. It took him decades for the words to reach the tips of his tongue.

“Miss Krystal Jung.”


The gilded doors snapped shut.

Taemin continued his path through the glorious tapestries and past the carved stone walls. Gold-plated hinges and round handles glistened in the late-afternoon sun. Its warmth seeped through the cold marble tiles, yet there was no single second where Taemin would leave his guard down.

He was in the enemy’s home and headquarters. He was threading on thin rope every single day, and if he misplaces one single step, his chessboard would be flipped over.

And he would not leave this place alive.

His cautiousness proved to be worth it, because a figure blocked his path.

“Marquis.” The previous Prince had tanned skin and gleaming eyes, but this figure was pale as a vampire, his sharp, predatory eyes glowed like a wolf’s.

“Your highness.” Taemin bowed.

“You haven’t given me your answer, my lord.” Prince Myungsoo raised a curl on his lips, yet his eyes were sharp and steeled.

Taemin knew exactly what the Prince was talking about. A few weeks ago, the Prince had proposed a plan to the Marquis, persuading him to support him, instead of his brother for the inheritance to the Crown.

The Prince wanted to revolt against his own brother and father.

Taemin did spend some time thinking things through - he wondered who would be more gullible - the elder Prince, or the Crown Prince. He wondered who would be more favourable to his plans.

Who would be the easier target.

In a way, the elder Prince is more calculating than the crown Prince, yet he was also reckless, impulsive and unpredictable. From what Taemin knew, the Prince had already massacred a dozen of his own guards last month.

If Taemin was smart enough, he would definitely not allow such an uncontrollable player as part of his game.

Of course, if he sided with the Crown Prince, that would mean that he’s playing the enemy of Prince Myungsoo.

But that didn’t matter.

The whole capitol was already his enemy.

There’s no harm in adding another one.

Besides, Prince Myungsoo was just a pig disguised as a wolf.

“I’m sorry your highness.” Taemin took a step backwards and bowed.

“I am unable to fulfil your request, your highness.” Taemin paid particular attention to the Prince’s twitching fingers. He knew what the Prince could do with just a flick of his hands.

He could clench his throat and kill him in an instant.

And Taemin was highly prepared to catch the Prince’s eyes before that happens.

Thankfully, Taemin seemed to have gotten the good-sides of Prince Myungsoo’s tantrums today. Instead of flicking his fingers, the Prince raised his brows. “I’m offering you a great opportunity, Marquis Lee. It’s a shame that you missed out.”

He chuckled, but in a split second, that chuckle turned into a malicious sneer on his lips. “Tell me - what’s pulling you back from agreeing to my deal?”

“Were my conditions not appealing enough?” The Prince challenged.

Cleverly, Taemin kept his mouth shut.

“Unless the Crown Prince had offered you more, is that it?”

Taemin kept his lips sealed and the Prince took his silence as an answer.

He shook his head. “That half-brother of mine is just stupid.”

Taemin waited for the ill-tempered Prince to finish his tantrum.

“If he’s that stupid, might as well give the throne to you.” The Prince made a scornful laugh. “You’re making all the decisions he needs to make if he goes onto the throne.”

“But if he’s that stupid, he won’t even have a chance on the throne.” He rambled on. "Not even you, if you side with him.”

“Stupid people can’t reach the top.” He smirked.

“This is your last chance, Marquis. Will you side with victory, or stupidity?”

Taemin’s mouth twitched. “Your highness, are you sure it’s not the other way round?”

Taemin felt a spark of heat flaring from the elder Prince. He took another step back and bowed deeply.

“Thank you for the proposal, your highness. I’m afraid that I cannot do as you may told.”

“His majesty has appointed me to be the advisor for the crown.”

He lifted his head to face the Prince’s raging eyes.

“I am only loyal to the Crown and its rightful owner.”

The Prince gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, while Taemin exited with another respectful bow.


“The princess selection for Crown Prince Kim Jongin has begun. His majesty is inviting ladies of all twelve districts to join the selection. Ladies must be daughters of high lords in their respective districts, ranging from age 21-24, and they must not be betrothed. His majesty looks forward to your fellow participation.” The Chamberlain recited the imperial decree. 

In the afternoon after the announcement, ladies of twelve districts entered the palace. 

But it was for something else. 

“Ladies, please present your invitations.” 

“Only those with her highness’s cards will be able to enter.” 

The party was held in the drawing room. It was a massive room of two-storeys high, consisted of panelled walls painted with a multitude of lively birds of all sizes and colours, but swans mostly. The decor was mixed in pink and white - improper for a high-ranked royal, but perfectly made for a Princess born to her wealth. White sofas stood against a royal pink backdrop and the golden ornaments as the cream-coloured curtains ruffled.

“I wonder who would become His highness’s wife!” 

“Lady Bae, I guess I’ll have to call you Princess consort very soon!” Lady Kwon Nara of District 8, the niece of Concubine Kwon cooed. 

“House Aqua is one of the most powerful houses, and they have also produced Queen’s in the past. Surely, Suzy would be the best choice for a future Queen.” Duchess Yeji raised a smile. 

Lady Bae tried to conceal the smugness on her face. She faked a shy smile. “Of course not. I’m sure the Naturas and Ventus would make good Queen’s too.” 

“Suzy, you’ve forgotten! Lady Son is already betrothed to the Marquis, so the Naturas are out of the question.” Yeji reminded her with a scornful curl on her lips, while Suzy suppressed the pang of jealousy in her chest. 

“It’s surprising that the Marquis would be interested in Lady Son - let alone marrying her. Kwon Nara smirked. “I wonder how she managed to seduce the high lord.” She lowered her voice to a mutter that only the Duchess and Lady Bae could hear. 

A flicker of sneer zoomed past Suzy’s face. She was about to speak before a series of footsteps interrupted them. 

The lady appeared in a coatdress in fine rib wool. The dusty pink dress was cut with vertical and horizontal slices through the length and width, joined by a sensual thread of pearls intricately sewn by hand.

Thanks to the Princess’s dress code, the ladies have gained a rare sight of the frosty lady in a dress of brighter shade, yet her face does not turn any brighter. She entered with a st

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HELLOOOO!!! NEW CHAP IS UP!!! Sorry for making everyone wait so long and I just realised it's been almost A YEAR? 😭 I'm extremely sorry -- hope this new chap will make up for it and I promise I won't make you guys wait too long next time!!!


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changjo95 0 points #1
Chapter 25: This is so good please update soon ( don’t keep us waiting for so long ) thank you for your hard work 😊
6v6_francella #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Oh, and god, did this Taemin make me blush and giggle! <3
6v6_francella #3
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Wah...Chapter 25 on May 25th! Lol, jokes aside, I LOVE how this chapter ties so many loose ends and creates such a strong foundation for the . I have fallen in love with both your writing and how Naeun seems so oblivious to how much she adores him. You've written the female protagonist so well tho - she's so strong and smart, and uh! perfect....💖
Chapter 25: Thank you author nim, love your update <3 hope taemin and naeun can make up soon :"(
samz02 #5
Chapter 25: authornim welcome baaaaack 😭🥹 planning to re-read the story because I have a goldfish memory and forget easily lol, thank you for updating and looking forward to what’s to come!
Chapter 25: FINNALLY 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 25: OMG FINALLY AN UPDATE😭😭😭😭😭
Thankyou so much authornim, anyway Happy SHINee Day✨💎
Pingkans15 #8
Chapter 25: Thank you for updating🥰
Happy SHINee Day
changjo95 #9
Chapter 24: This story is so good please update it soon
Pingkans15 #10
Chapter 7: love the story, hope for the new chapter.