
you're my heartshaker

Jihyo: So in this box, we will put the most important things in our lives, okay? Any questions?
Nayeon: [raises hand]
Jihyo: No, we cannot put Mina in the box.
Nayeon: [lowers hand]





“I’m bored. Can we play something?”

No heads turn in Nayeon’s direction but being commonly ignored by her members is nothing new to her, so Nayeon simply continues, “Or I don’t know, bury a time capsule or get a friendship tattoo.”

“You don’t get a tattoo just because you’re bored, unnie,” Jihyo comments without looking up from the mobile game she and Mina are playing.

While Jihyo and Mina are immersed in their little game, the rest of their group is either lounging around the living room scrolling through their phone, or catching up on their latest TV show while munching on snacks.

It’s a normal routine for them whenever they don’t have a schedule.

That doesn’t mean, however, that Nayeon is content to simply waste her day doing nothing.

Don’t get her wrong, she craves for peace and quiet and sleep whenever their months are filled to the brim with stages, recordings, and practices, but she also needs to do something or she’ll go insane.

That or she’ll never stop thinking about how cute Mina looks with the tip of her tongue poking out as she pays full attention to her game.

So cute.

“Oh, I wanna bury a time capsule!” Sana suddenly exclaims, startling her human pillow who gives her a huff and a glare. “Sorry, Tzuyu-yah,” she murmurs before looking at Nayeon. “Let’s do that, unnie!”

Leave it to Sana to always humor Nayeon. That’s why she ranks high in Nayeon’s list of favorite people. “Yes! Let’s! C’mon, guys!”

Nobody moves.


Jeongyeon pauses her K-drama to finally pay attention to Nayeon. “Where are we even going to get time capsules?”

“We have boxes?” Nayeon says as if the answer is simply common sense.

Jeongyeon rolls her eyes. “Pabo. Boxes can get soaked and it’ll ruin whatever’s inside it.”

“We have metal boxes in the storage room.” The comment is offhanded but Nayeon still grins and stares at Jihyo until their leader can probably feel the eyes burning holes in the side of her head.

The moment she looks up and at Nayeon, Jihyo immediately shakes her head and returns to her game. “Yeah, no, unnie. Get it yourself.”

Nayeon whines, “Jihyo-yah.”

Jihyo is still vehemently shaking her head even as she moves to stand up to avoid Nayeon’s grabby hands as they come for her.

“I’m in a game, unnie. Get it yourself.”

Nayeon continues whining.

Until Tzuyu finally speaks up, “Jihyo-unnie, can you please get the damn boxes and shut Nayeon-unnie up?”

Jihyo’s only answer is a groan, and Nayeon knows she’s won.





As their leader, Jihyo is automatically assigned to… well, lead.

Even if it’s stupid ‘game’ that Nayeon herself wanted to do.

Now that the nine of them are all seated in a circle around the living room (after much nagging from Nayeon and groans from her other members except Sana), it’s time for them to start preparing for their TWICE time capsule.

“So in this box,” Jihyo begins, “we will put the most important things in our lives, okay? It can be anything you want. That’s fine. Any questions?”

Huh. Most important. Nayeon doesn’t think the box can accommodate what she has in mind, though, so she quickly raises her hand.

The look Jihyo gives her would’ve probably made others cower in fear, but not Nayeon. Nope. She’s received that too many times to count she’s practically immune to it. She can probably emulate it even.

With the glare and a sigh, Jihyo answers, “No, we cannot put Mina in the box.”

Bummed, Nayeon lowers her hand and whistles. “Wow, how’d you even know my question?”

Across from her, Mina is blushing to the tips of her ears. That is until a look of confusion crosses her features. “Wait,” she says, garnering everyone’s attention, “Are you saying you want to bury me alive, unnie?”

Nayeon flinches. That is not what she has in mind. Why would she bury her crush alive? Especially when she hasn’t even gotten to kiss her? That’s counterproductive!

After the initial shock wears off, Nayeon finally gathers her wits to exclaim, “What? No! Why would I do that? I mean, are you sure you’re even the Mina that Jihyo is talking about? And besides, you’re not a thing. You’re a human. A person. A human person. I can’t just bury you! That’s murder! I’m not a murderer. I can’t go to prison. I’m too pretty to go to one!”

There is a collective groan.

And then Jeongyeon comments, “You’re hopeless, Nabong. Hopeless.”

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Myoui_Arukhan #1
Chapter 7: im waiting for a new chapter pleaseeeee
aglaonema #2
Chapter 7: 🤣🤣
1521 streak #3
Chapter 7: "you're not a thing. You're a human." Goddamn she's a mess lmao
Taitai84 1230 streak #4
Chapter 7: Yep she’s hopeless… that’s why it’s fun for us
1521 streak #5
Chapter 6: Yeah, I'd roll my eyes too.
aglaonema #6
Chapter 6: Omg 🤣🤣🤣
Taitai84 1230 streak #7
Chapter 6: Whut… the snakes also don’t have legs…
aglaonema #8
Chapter 5: Lol
1521 streak #9
Chapter 5: Giiirl! I'm gonna cheer for anyone during that choking scene lmao
Taitai84 1230 streak #10
Chapter 5: Hahah referring to herself as a snack too