Chapter 4

Turn The Clock (Winrina)
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Chapter 4.


~~~   Minjeong resists the urge to roll her eyes when Jimin slams her hands on her table and asks, "Did you read the email I sent you?"    Jimin looks at the clutter of notepads, pens, and pencils on Minjeong's desk and cleans them up. She puts the pencils to the side and stacks the note-pads neatly on top of each other. Jimin's hyper energy brings a sudden pain to Minjeong's temple.   Minjeong glazes her eyes at Jimin as if the exhaustion look on her face didn't give her away already.    "Yes, miss Yoo. I had read your 247 pages google document."   It was the most painful night in her life. She remembers when Jimin sent the email to her, and for the first time she experienced it, Minjeong didn't care enough to open the email. This led to Jimin getting mad at her, they fought, and the teacher made them write a five-page essay on the meaning of friendship and forgiveness.   This time, Minjeong made sure to open the email and actually pulled the effort to read every single page. The document includes a detailed analysis of the past speech competition in Korea from 2007 to 2017. It also has Jimin's top graded English essays and 50 pages on speech topics and winning strategies.   The love she has for this girl to get over the whole document in one night.   It has been more than a week since Minjeong traveled back in time. Jimin's attitude toward the competition has changed, and all she cares about is winning.   "I spent a great deal of time on that document. You better memorize every. Single. words!"   Minjeong wishes she could say that she remembers everything about the competition, so there is no need for such an overwhelmed preparation. But as long as she stays on Jimin's good side, she is willing to do anything.   The other students scatter around their classroom. Boys are wrestling playfully while the girls hang together and talk. It would have been just another peaceful recess before Jimin approached her.   Minjeong shuts her eyes tight and is ready for a nap when Jimin grabs her wrist and pulls her up.    "We have 28 minutes until recess is over. Let's make use of our time!" Jimin pulls her away; her fingers tighten on her writs.   Minjeong bets that they are going to the student lounge since Jimin doesn't want to be bothered by Aeri or NingNing.   Minjeongs winches and whines at Jimin's tight grip. The girl seriously has no chill.   Across the hall was an office with its doors facing directly toward the student lounge. The room is occupied with senior boys playing at the foosball table. It is common knowledge in school that the student lounge belongs to the Seniors. One cold glare and Jimin were able to chase the boys away.    Jimin pushes Minjeong to a chair and takes out a stack of paper.    "In what way is education a competition in your country?" Jimin hits the timer and stares at Minjeong, expecting the perfect answer.   "Uh.... uhm..." Minjeong scratches her chin. "I think that..."   Jimin shakes her head disappointingly. She turns the page. "Should someone who is bullied make the name of the bully public – put it on the Internet?"   Minjeong sighs as she can't make out Jimin's quick question. "Can you repeat that, please?"   "Is it worse for children or adults to get bullied?" Jimin changed the question once again.   Minjeong drops her head on the table and makes a soft groan. "My head hurts."   "You are always complaining." Jimin pauses and frowns. "What are the most important features when determining someone’s beauty?"   "I'll catch up on our practice after school...." The smell of Jimin's floral perfume makes Minjeong close her eyes and is ready for the nap she has been waiting for. Being around Jimin feels too blissful and comfortable; she wants to cuddle and sleep together.   She hears Jimin mumbles something about her being the worst teammate ever. Jimin impatiently cracks her knuckles while staring at the ticking clock.   "Oh, sorry, I thought the room was empty!"    Minjeong hears someone says. She lifts her head and sees a flash of baby pink hair and the toothy grin of one of the prettiest girls she has ever seen.   The girl walks up to their table and leans on the wall. Her pink lips curve, and her rosy cheeks glow. She grins and nods her head as a greeting to Minjeong.   "Ryujin." Jimin scoffs and crosses her arms.   "Sunbaenim," Ryujin replies shortly.    Jimin cracks her knuckles louder and lowers her gaze to the stack of paper.   Ryujin is casually chewing on bubblegum.   Minjeong looks back and forth between them. She racks her brain to find any memory of Ryujin but fails to think of one. Based on the short and intense exchange between them, Ryujin must be one of Jimin's acquaintances. And if Minjeong doesn't know about her, then there is a high chance Jimin met this girl in her tutoring center.   "What are you guys doing?" Ryujin takes a seat next to Minjeong and looks at her with a friendly smile.    "Oh, we are just practicing for a speech competition." Minjeong returns the smile, showing her dimple.   "Until you show up," Jimin mumbles and leans back in her chair.   Minjeong tilts her head and examines Ryujin's short pink hair. This girl must be the only one who dares to pull up this hairstyle.   Ryujin's name tag says: Shin Ryujin   Holly crap. She belongs to the SHIN family. She is the principal's daughter. How could Minjeong not realize this sooner?   "Wait, I remember now. You are the Shin Ryujin." Minjeong gasps and smiles brightly. "You suggested building the student lounge!"   "Which is supposed to be only for the Seniors." Jimin scoffs again.   "The student lounge is for everyone. I want people to have a place to be themselves and hang around." Ryujin studies her nails and pulls a mischievous grin.   Jimin discreetly rolls her eyes.   Ryujin sits closer to Minjeong and grabs her writs gently. Her thumb over Minjeong's silver watch. "Cute watch."    With a cute grin, Minjeong tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks. I bought it... uh, last month, I think."   "Great taste. The silver truly brings out your eyes."   Minjeong blinks. The elegant tilts of Ryujin's head. The eyes, profound (and maybe flirtatious), staring right at her.   "So, what's it like being the principal's daughter?" Minjeong casually brings up a conversation with the pretty sophomore.    "Not that I get any special treatment." Ryujin shrugs. "What's it like being the smartest girl in your grade?"    Jimin doesn't try to hide a huff and squints her eyes at Ryujin. "Excuse me?"   "Yes, sunbaenim?" Ryujin turns to Jimin.   "Do you mind? We are trying to practice."    Somehow Jimin gets even more annoyed at Ryujin than when Minjeong took a nap and abandoned their study session.   "Oh, my bad." Ryujin stands up and gives a half- smirk. "I'll see you later." She nods to Jimin.   "And can I follow you on Instagram?" She asks Minjeong.   "Me? Sure."   But why, though? Minjeong wants to ask. Ryujin doesn't seem like a person who would hang out with a kpop nerd like Minjeong.    Ryujin types on her phone and hits the follow button on Minjeong's account. "This is amazing. I just made friends with the Kim Minjeong."   The pink hair girl covers her smile with her phone.   Minjeong chuckles. Jimin stretches her legs and accidentally kicks Minjeong with her sneakers. The older girl clears , and without saying anything, she goes back to her reading.    Ryujin's gaze lingers on Minjeong. She tilts her head and asks, "Do you play foosball?"   "I'm quite good at it, actually!"   Ryujin smiles smugly and goes to the foosball table. Minjeong joins her right away. Surely Jimin won't mind if she spends her recess hours playing around.   They play for a few matches. Ryujin beats Minjeong at every round. In the end, Minjeong makes the girl promise to teach her more about foosball.    "Okay, loser. Promise." Ryujin laughs and does a pinky swear with Minjeong.    "See you around." Ryujin waves her hand and walks away. She puts her ears phone on and skips out.   When Minjeong goes back to Jimin, there is a stern look on her face that tells her she is mad. Jimin begins collecting her paper works.   "Uhm... look, Jimin, I promise I'll do well in the competition!" Minjeong worriedly looks at Jimin, but the girl completely ignores her.   "Sure."    Jimin stands up, holding a stack of paper in her chest, and walks away. Minjeong chases after and casually clings to her arm.   "Are you mad at me, ba-" Minjeong pauses. "But why?"   Jimin froze up before she shook Minjeong off. "I get it. I shouldn't have to ask you to study in your free time."   "No, Jimin. I'd love to be with you." Minjeong gulps. She twits strands of dark hair around her finger. Her palms start to sweat. What is it about the 17-year-old Jimin that intimidates her so much?    Minjeong is the adult. She is supposed to be the one in charge.   Jimin stops mid-way and glances at Minjeong. That glance soon turns into a glare as she moves each step closer to her. Jimin backs her into a corner.   They are standing in an empty hallway, hiding behind a large tree pot. Jimin moves an inch closer, and the only thing between them is the thick stack
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elmonison #1
Chapter 9: I hope wonyoung finds his happiness. don't forget the story, it's very good!
Chapter 9: I loved this chapter😍 I can't wait for the next😘
Izmegloom #3
Chapter 9: I lovee this storyline ❤️ waiting for the update ^^
CrisID5 #4
Chapter 9: This story is so good keep updating please
oreocake #5
i dont really like time travel aus but this was so dam amazing
❤️ so good!
Chapter 9: Screqming crying shaking wailing sobbing
159 streak #8
Chapter 9: Omg after a year I had the opportunity to read it again
Chapter 9: I mean it's clear that Jimin likes Minjeong in this past timeline but is too stubborn to act on it, but I honestly think Wonyoung is right about their present relationship, Minjeong never entirely accepted Jimin at her lowest and always wanted her to change, but Jimin never did, which is kind of how we got here. Minjeong doesn't want their relationship to be built out of grief and heartache, so she went back in time to try and fix it and make it better, instead of trying to mend it in the present. And I guess, it's working? I mean, we still don't know how this is affecting the present, so maybe it's not, but I want to hope for the best.
Chapter 5: I can’t help but feel a little weird about Minjeong’s intentions and actions here. She knowingly and intentionally got Jimin, who is still 17 years old, drunk so she can take advantage and kiss her. It would be less weird if this is the doing of 16 year old Minjeong but this Minjeong has the mind of a 25 year old, and she’s supposed to be the grown up in their dynamic. I think Minjeong is just forcing herself too hard on Jimin. They’re both stubborn and I hope they can figure themselves out.