Episode 39 - Drive

Rollin' in the Deep

     “Jinyoung, are you okay?” Sandeul asked, still being held by the running vampire. Gongchan, who was significantly far behind the whole time, was now catching up and racing beside them. 

     “I’m fine,” Jinyoung hissed. But the truth was, Jinyoung was starving. It was a long time since he snacked on blood, and now he was paying for it with his lack of stamina. It was when he felt dizzy that he came to a stop. Gongchan stopped to catch his breath, too—although he wasn’t as tired as Jinyoung. 

     Sandeul was accidentally dropped, but he was quick enough to catch himself on his crutches before falling on his behind. He watched Jinyoung pant, sitting on a rotted tree stump. “You’re definitely not okay. You’re not sick, are you? Or are you just reeeeeaally hungry? You’re not going to our blood, right?”

     “Stop with all the questions!” Jinyoung groaned into his shaky hands. “Yes, I’m hungry. But I have no desire to drink zombie blood or wolf blood.” His heightened sense of smell picked up their scent, which made him gag. 

     Gongchan had already recovered enough to run the rest of the way to the concert hall, but Jinyoung looked worse by the minute, turning pale as snow. Between the trees, Gongchan saw the sky turning red, orange, and pink. The full moon could show up any minute now, but he couldn’t think about that now. They had to think of getting to the concert. 

     Jinyoung sniffed the air and Gongchan’s ears perked up when they smelled and heard someone approaching. They kept silent, looking in the same direction. 

     “Mweo!” Sandeul squeaked. “You two are acting strange–”

     “Shhh!” Jinyoung hushed him, standing and ready to attack if he needed to. 

     The sound of a motor drew nearer, and eventually the three could see the headlight of a moped, which made them sigh in relief. 

     “See? I knew they’d be all right,” Baro said, then spotted the sick-looking Jinyoung. “Well, at least they’re not killing each other.”

     Shinwoo hopped off the moped, taking off his helmet and putting it on Sandeul’s head. “Just because no one died doesn’t make your plan a good one. Sandeul, you’re riding with Baro. I’ll go with Mister Hairy and Mister– Ya! Jinyoung! Snap out of it!”

     Luckily Shinwoo spotted Jinyoung reaching for Baro, whose type B blood smelled tastier than the rest. Jinyoung blinked hard as soon as he realized he could’ve bitten into his friend. “Sorry,” he apologized to the terrified rapper. 

     “I-I should get going,” Baro stuttered as he started up the moped again. “Get on, Sandeul. We’ll meet you guys there.”

     “What about my crutches?” After getting seated, Sandeul couldn’t find a decent place to put them. 

     Baro took one last glance at Jinyoung who was already in another hunger trance and decided to speed away at once, making Sandeul drop his crutches.

     Shinwoo heard the snap and went to pick up the broken crutches, seeing that they were now useless. He sighed, “At least Sandeul can sit through the entire performance… If we get there on time.” He turned to Jinyoung who was trying to get back to reality, rubbing his eyes. “And if we’re able to perform.”

     “I said it before: I’m fine, and I meant it,” Jinyoung mumbled. “Now, let’s get going so Baro and Sandeul aren’t waiting.”

     Shinwoo hopped on Gongchan’s back who seemed stronger than ever before, maybe even taller too. Jinyoung tried his best to keep up with Gongchan’s quick pace, but was beginning to fail as they emerged from the forest. 

     Jinyoung came to a halt to catch his breath. “I can’t go any farther… You’re going to have to perform without me.”


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2027 streak #1
Chapter 50: Oh, the story has ended? Wasn't expecting that. But also glad that they all got that happy ending they deserved. Anyway, I had fun reading this and maybe some day see me again in any of your other stories. Good luck for your future endeavours. Take care!

PS you didn't Mark this story as completed. Just letting you know ^^
2027 streak #2
Chapter 49: Ooh, you got me there!! For a moment I thought Sandeul is turning into a zombie again. Also, I'm glad they are having a good time with gigs and all. And if that's Jinyoung at the end, then I'm curious of why he's back. I mean if he's back for good? Anyway, will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2027 streak #3
Chapter 48: Sandeul is permanently cured? He really won't turn into a zombie again? Wonder how they managed to do that. Also, how did Sandeul know where Jinyoung and Baro was or up to? Wasn't he a zombie already when those decided to do what they did? Anyway, Gongchan and Shinwoo having fun at the grocery store was cute. But them spilling out the entire orange bin, did they face any repercussions? I'm curious of that. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2027 streak #4
Chapter 47: Oh no no... What's wrong? That cliffhanger is illegal. Anyway, I'm kinda glad that Shinwoo and Gongchan had each other in times like these. Can't wait to see how things would go further. And now that I've caught up with all the chapters, I'll be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2027 streak #5
Chapter 46: Aww poor Shinwoo! But at least Gongchan is with him. I mean they are there for each other. Anyway, can't wait to see how this develops further. Will be back later to do so ^^
2027 streak #6
Chapter 45: That was the hospital where he's getting treatment? And I wonder what Baro did this time. Also, where's Gongchan and what he's up to? Can't wait to see how this develops further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #7
Chapter 44: Sandeul chewing on things, I mean other people's arms/shoulders and even his own hands is kinda funny. And I get where Jinyoung is coming from. Just hope there might be another way to handle this situation. Anyway, can't wait to see how things would develop herein. But will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #8
Chapter 43: Oops, it did turn out like that in the end? At least the organiser took it as a special event and it's ready to do any future recommendations. That's a good thing right? Also I'm curious, was Sandeul biting on Shinwoo all the while they were talking to that manager? If so, what did she think about that? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2027 streak #9
Chapter 42: Ah, I thought I had caught up with all the chapters and was waiting for an update. My bad! Anyway, I'm glad that their planned performance went without any hitch and the crowd seemed to be enjoying their music as well. But they are gonna extend their performance now? I mean the members are all not in their best condition. So it's kinda making me anxious. Hope, that would go smoothly as well. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2027 streak #10
Chapter 41: It was nice to see what each of them felt while waiting for their performance to begin. But since it is just starting, my anxiety is still over the roof, wondering about everything that could go wrong. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^