
the heart wants what it wants
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It's the first Monday of February and Seulgi's first day as an intern in a new school. She's been so nervous about it that she barely slept last night.

She tries to reason with herself that everything will be okay, that even though the school year has started a few months ago and she's the new teacher there, everything will be alright. The only real problem is, she's a bit shy at first, and she's more nervous about meeting her co-workers than dealing with the kids – because she knows no matter how shy she is, she's the most extrovert person ever when it comes to children.

Since she’s an intern and not a teacher yet, she works 30 hours per week; six hours a day. When she gets to the school, she's asked to go straight to the school office so they could tell her more about her class, the school and her co-worker.

Soon, she's told she's going to work with a woman named Seungwan and they’re both the same age. Seungwan is in charge of one of the full-time classes, with the children attending their school classes in the morning and in the afternoon they stay there doing other projects and activities.

Yoona, the secretary, then proceeds to explain to her a few more things about the routine in general and in the end, she gives her a paper with the school's rules, telling her if she gets confused about anything she can look for her.




"Do you know who Joohyun is?" Seungwan suddenly asks.

Seulgi frowns, tries to remember if she ever talked to one of their co-workers named Joohyun. "No, I don’t," she says in the end.

"Oh, she's wearing glasses today," Seungwan explains. "Her classroom is in front of the school office, can you please go there and tell her I'm asking for the drawings because we're going to do that activity now?"

"Yes, of course." She nods, heading straight to said direction.

When she gets there, the door is closed. She doesn’t know if she should open it or knock first, but she decides on the second option. Not long after, a woman opens the door – Joohyun, she presumes, considering she's wearing glasses. And Seulgi swears her breath got stuck on her lungs because she wasn’t expecting the woman to be that beautiful.

"Uhm, yes?" the woman says, looking at her intently.

"Oh, sorry. Joohyun, right? Seungwan is asking for the drawings, we're doing the lesson right now."

"Of course, just a second," she replies and then she's gone, going inside her classroom again then coming back in less than a minute. "Here."

Seulgi takes it from her hands, giving her a tiny smile. "Thank you."




It’s been almost two months since Seulgi has started working at the school. Through this whole period, she only got close to Seungwan, but just because she works directly with her. She also talked a few times with Joohyun, one of the teachers, because Seungwan at least once a week asks her to go to the woman’s classroom asking to borrow something from her.

(She doesn’t mind too much about not making a lot of friends there. Everyone already has their group of friends, and she, being the new hire, is common to get closer only to the one she’s working with everyday. Not that the other girls treat her badly or something, it’s just that maybe because she’s too shy and doesn’t really talk much when everyone is together in the Teacher’s Room that she still doesn’t have a lot of friends.)

Although it’s a considerably short period of time, she already got to learn a lot from Seungwan and the high-ups. At first, she was a little confused about the routine, since every school has its own way of working and rules, but as the time passed by, Seungwan told her she learned pretty fast about everything related to their routine and that she doesn’t even need the woman to tell her anymore what to do. And most importantly, the parents and the children really like her - something that makes her extremely happy, because it’s important to her that she’s accepted by them, since she got there in the middle of the school year it’s a little more difficult to earn their trust.




The children had been asking to go play outside on the swings for weeks and they finally got to attend to their wish.

They’ve been split into two groups; one playing on the swings and the other on the floor, with some toys like cars, dolls, play-doh and even drawing. That way, they can all wait until it’s their time to change places with one of their friends on the swings.

Seulgi and Seungwan also divided their attention; Seulgi being with the children playing on the floor and Seungwan with the ones on the swings.

“Now, jump!” Seulgi looks up, only to see Joohyun with her own class - with her children jumping as she asked, passing by them, probably going to her classroom after an outside activity.

She then turns her head in their direction, waving and smiling at the both of them. Seulgi doesn’t know if it’s really directed at her, but she waves and smiles back at the woman.




It's Friday and Seulgi's shift is about to end. It has been a stressful week with work and assignments from school and she wants nothing more than to go home and enjoy her weekend.

"Are you going out with us later?" she hears Seungwan ask her.

Seulgi frowns, doesn’t remember making any plans with her co-workers so she only gave the blonde a confused look. "It's Joohyun's birthday and she invited everyone to grab something to eat," she explains.

"Oh, I wasn't invited," she replies, shrugging.

"Come on, Seul. She invited everyone," Seungwan says, still trying to convince her.

"I wasn't invited, Wan. So I'm not going," she says, ending their conversation.

True to be told, Seulgi is still a bit shy around her other co-workers, she only got close to Seungwan because they work together everyday, so it was bound to happen. Sure, she talks to the other girls, but not to the point of going out with them after work.

A few minutes later they hear Joohyun's soft voice greet them, "Hi, girls." to which both women reply to. Joohyun then proceeds to talk to Seungwan about something Seulgi didn't care about so she pays no mind – besides it was impolite to overhear people talking.

They kept on talking for a few more minutes before Seulgi saw the brunette approaching her – and she knew what was going to happen already. But she pretends she didn't see the older woman and continues to draw with the kids.

"Hey, Seulgi. Let's go out with us later," Joohyun says with a cheerful voice.

Seulgi looks up from where she is sitting on the floor, ready to decline the offer because she was indeed tired and wanted to go home, but when she saw the tiny smile on the older woman's face she couldn’t say no to her and instead found herself nodding and muttering a small, "Sure.".

Joohyun's previous tiny smile got bigger hearing her answer and Seulgi could swear her heart skipped a beat in that moment. The older woman then bid both girls goodbye to let them work, but not before saying "Seul, you can wait with me in my classroom until Wan's shift is done."




An hour later, they found themselves at a place near the school. Even though it's Friday night, the place itself wasn't crowded and they could enjoy it.

They also had a very good menu, with a lot of tasty foods, deserts and even some alcoholic drinks in case anyone decides to get one or two. It was a very cozy and comfortable place to hang out after a stressful week of work.

Seulgi's sitting beside Seungwan and even though they're close, she still feels out of place since she isn’t too close with the other girls and already regrets saying yes to Joohyun's invitation.

She stays quiet most of the time, using the excuse she's enjoying her food while she listens to her co-workers chatting with each other.

"I heard some high-ups saying Seulgi is a really good intern," Joohyun says suddenly, making Seulgi turn her head to look at the woman.

She doesn't even get to reply because Seungwan beats her to it and says, "She really is. I like working with her."

Seulgi then smiles, both at Seungwan and Joohyun, not really knowing what to say instead of a "Thank you."

After that, she continues to stay quiet. The girls doesn't seem to mind, probably thinking she's still a little bit shy around them. And indeed, she is. It takes a while for her to open up to other people and she knows Seungwan knows it, always trying to bring her to the conversation, asking questions or wanting her opinion on something they're talking about.




It's late into the night, probably almost midnight but Seulgi's wide awake in her room finishing some assignments from school. The due date is not until two weeks later, but she doesn't like to wait until the last minute so she decides to get started with it.

It's quiet outside, the traffic at night is calm, only a few cars can be heard passing by the street.

With almost no sound to be heard, she doesn't miss her phone buzzing on her bed. Getting up from her desk, she heads in the direction of where her phone is, noticing it's a notification from Instagram.

@joohyun_bae, who you might know is on Instagram.

Without thinking, she presses the button that leads her to Joohyun's profile. She doesn’t pretend to follow her, it would be creepy, they aren't even close to begin with.

She starts scrolling down the pictures and videos, smiling a few times seeing a new side of the woman. One video in particular got her attention - of Joohyun at an Ice Skate Rink, skating holding onto a little penguin as if her life depended on it. Cute. She thinks as she watches the video. Then, she stops at a picture of the older woman and her sister, she presumes, from the caption, and she can’t help but get amazed at how they look so much alike (but Joohyun being the prettiest between them both.)

She keeps on scrolling until she reaches the end of her profile.

(It’s not like she has a lot of posts, but Seulgi really enjoyed seeing pictures and videos of the woman with her relatives and friends, on a few trips and enjoying herself.)

In the end, she closes the app, without following her, but keeping her username on her mind just in case she might want to see it again.




"See you tomorrow," Seulgi says on her way out to one of her co-workers who is near the school's entrance.

"Hey, Seulgi. Wait for me," she hears Joohyun, who is talking to a parent, saying. She nods, not wanting to interrupt.

Seulgi doesn’t know what to do, so she grabs her phone and starts scrolling down on it. Not even five minutes later she sees Joohyun walking in her direction.

"Hi. Thank you for waiting," she says, trying to start a conversation.

"It's okay, no problem. Got stuck today?" She asks, knowing her shift has ended about half an hour before.

"Yes, I had to talk to some parents," she replies. "How was your day?"

"Oh, chaotic as usual. What about yours?"

"Same. I'm so tired I could sleep as soon as I get home and only wake up tomorrow." The older woman jokes and she laughs in reply.

While walking to the bus stop, they keep on talking, mostly about their respective classes and Seulgi finds herself surprised to find out how easy it is to talk to Joohyun, the conversation flowing smoothly between them. And when they get on the bus stop, Seulgi pretends she didn't see her bus coming, only to be able to talk to the older woman a little more.

Then, a car stops in front of them. She frowns, but Joohyun tells her it's her uber because she's late for whatever she has to do. They both bid goodbye to each other, and even though she can’t even see the car anymore, she can't help but smile remembering how good she felt talking to the woman.




"Seul, let's hang out later. It's Friday, let's get some drinks and chat," Seungwan says, sounding excited at the idea of the weekend just around the corner.

“Yes! I would love that, this week was hectic," she replies, sounding excited as well. "But just the two of us? Are you inviting the other girls too?"

Seungwan shakes her head, "No, I was thinking about inviting Joohyun too. She's one of my closest friends here,” she explains.

Seulgi nods, she doesn't think she needed Seungwan to tell her this because by the way she saw both women interacting a few times she could guess it right away. "Okay, no problem. It will be fun."

Later, when they finally manage to see Joohyun, Seungwan doesn't think twice in calling the older woman and asking her to come to where they are for a few seconds.

"Let's get some drinks tonight. You, me and Seulgi," she says.

"Are you inviting me or saying we're going out?" Joohyun replies, laughing.

Seungwan rolls her eyes, playfully shoving the woman. "You're going with us. Seulgi will wait until my shift is done in your classroom, right Seul?"

Hearing what her co-worker said, her eyes widens. She doesn’t recall anything about waiting at the older woman's classroom. "Uhm, I guess?" she replies, unsurely. "If it's not a problem for you, Joohyun. Because I can totally wait in the Teacher’s Room."

"Nonsense, of course you can wait there. We can keep each other company," Joohyun says, waving her hands as if it's not a big deal. "Now I gotta go, girls. My children are waiting for me."




They decided on a bar thirty-minutes drive from the school.

We don't wanna or need to run into some random parent on a Friday night if we decide on a bar near the school, as Seungwan said.

So that's how they found themselves at Ladies' Night, a bar frequented mostly by women. Seungwan was the one who suggested it, saying her friends usually go there and they say it's a nice place. So they decided to give it a chance.

The place itself wasn't that big, but it has a cozy atmosphere. On the left side, there are a few tables and chairs, right beside the windows, on the right side there's two pool tables, in case someone decides to play and on the back there's the bar with some stools in front of it. At the left of the bar, there's even a wall decorated with neon lights for pictures.

They sat at one of the tables, Seulgi back facing the door with Joohyun in front of her and Seungwan on the older woman's side. Then, they ordered a few dishes and some drinks for all of them.

"I can't believe this week is finally over." Seungwan is the first one to say, to which both women nodded their heads agreeing.

"Right? I really thought I was going to lose my mind this week," Joohyun replies, laughing. "So, Seulgi. Do you like being Seungwan's intern?"

She nods, replying. "Yes. She's super nice and helps me a lot."

"Oh, please. You don't need to lie just because she's here, you can tell us the truth." The older woman jokingly says, to which earns her a shove from Seungwan.

"Please, I'm the best there. Seulgi is lucky to be with me," Seungwan says.

Not long after a waiter brings their orders, to which all of them start eating.

"So, Joohyun, where is Minho?" The blonde asks.

Joohyun shrugs, replying "Working probably."

Seulgi frowns, not knowing who they’re talking about, but she presumes it's Joohyun's boyfriend or husband, trying to search in her mind if she remembers seeing a picture of the woman and some guy on her instagram account that one time. She doesn’t. But maybe Joohyun just doesn't like to share her personal life because the older woman doesn't seem interested in talking about this Minho guy at the moment, getting busy eating right after answering Seungwan's question.




It was a fun night, Seulgi thought as the three of them were waiting in front of the bar for their ubers.

She got to know a little more about Joohyun and she could understand why Seungwan likes her so much. She's shy but at the same time can be really talkative, she guesses it's because she's around people she trusts, even though she and Seulgi are not even close. She's fun in her own way, always joking around and making fun of Seungwan. Also, she has a pretty smile, something Seulgi couldn’t stop thinking about.

"Bye, girls. Let's do it more." Joohyun says when a car stops right in front of them, she waves them goodbye and gets inside. "Hi." Seulgi hears her say once she's inside and she guesses it's probably the Minho guy Seungwan asked about earlier.




It's during one afternoon when they're at the sports court playing soccer with the children when Joohyun appears out of nowhere, scarring both her and Seungwan.

"Hi, girls," she says loudly, making them jump, not expecting a new person to be there.

"Can you please not scare us the next time?" Seungwan asks. "Hey kids, time-out. Let's drink water!" She says but Seulgi knew it was only an excuse for her to talk to Joohyun without the children calling them to keep playing.

"Let's go to the mall later, grab something to eat."

"Sure," Seulgi replies, without thinking twice.

"Oh, I can't," Seungwan says, to which Seulgi turns her head in her direction so fast she doesn't know how she didn't break her neck.

(She doesn't mind going out alone with Joohyun, the only problem is is they hung out twice since she started working there, and although she's super fun, she doesn't know if the older woman really wants to hang out with her or if she's inviting her because she's Seungwan's intern.)

"No problem. Seulgi and I can go alone, we'll make sure to send you a lot of pictures to make you jealous," the older woman says, flipping her hair to which Seungwan only rolled her eyes in reply.




"Can I record you?" She hears Joohyun asking. Turning around she finds the older woman holding her phone, the camera directed at her.

She nods. "Now I'm feeling pressured. But just in my defense in case I don’t get anything, I only had three chances," she replies, looking straight at the phone.

(After their shifts were done, they both headed to the mall to grab something to eat. At first, they had decided on getting a pizza but after passing by a new cafe that opened there, they changed their minds and entered the place, curious about the desserts they had there. In the end, they chose their favorite cakes and ice cream.

When they were done, they decided to take a walk, maybe do some shopping, but instead found themselves in front of a claw machine, with Joohyun looking at a cute purple rabbit, asking Seulgi to try to get it for her.)

So this is how Seulgi got into the situation she's in right now. She put the coin in and started moving the crane and the claw was right above the rabbit, she took a deep breath and pressed the push button, but she didn't even get to at least grab the rabbit. She repeated the same process on the second try and she even managed to grab it, but in the end it slipped off of the claw. On the third she was feeling a little hopeful after almost grabbing the toy before and with Joohyun in the background cheering for her, she took the chance and tried again. When the claw grabbed the rabbit, she heard the older woman hold her breath, probably praying in her head and when it didn't slip off and instead fell on the prize out she heard her scream and jump happily.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you go

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: still wishing for part 2😭
reveluv316 807 streak #2
i wish we had a part 2
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 1: I still want more 😭🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #4
Chapter 1: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Kimchi43 #5
Chapter 1: GOD that was breathtaking, literally
Gabu01 #6
Chapter 1: Still waiting part two of this masterpiece
forgotme #7
Chapter 1: Waiting for part 2 or sequel😁
Chapter 1: Continuation please
Sir_Loin #9
I’ll take it as a positive outcome 😆
Dorkydory_X #10
Chapter 1: Joohyun’s indecisiveness would break Seulgi’s heart to pieces.
Even when she’s already divorced, if something challenged their relationship, there’s higher probability she’d leave Seulgi.