
I would do it in a heartbeat

Rosie's pov


 I can feel the hot wetness dripping down my cheeks from my eyes. I attempted to wipe the tears away, but they just kept falling. I clutch the velvet box in my hands. I was preparing to propose to her when she abruptly stated her desire to end our relationship.


It hurts like hell.


I don't give a damn if I'm bawling on the street corner. I want to get rid of my aching heart by becoming intoxicated till I can no longer feel the ache.


The box I'm holding suddenly slips from my grasp. I walked towards it, and as I was picking up the box, I froze when I saw a truck approaching. I tried to move, but my body refused to cooperate. I closed my eyes as the truck collided with my body. Because of the force of the impact, my body flew away.


I can hear people yelling for aid, but my vision is fuzzy and I can no longer feel my body. Before the darkness swallowed me, all of our memories together flashed through my head, and I whispered the name of the person who made me the happiest person alive.







Jennie's pov


My body went cold when I got the news about Chaeyoung, so I went to the hospital right away.


I shouldn't have broken up with her in the first place.


As I frantically paced back and forth, gripping my hair with both hands, I waited for the doctor to appear.


When the doctor emerged, I spoke with him right away.


"Doc.. how's the operation going? Is Chaeyoung okay? She's fine, right?" I peppered him with questions, but as soon as I heard him speak, my heart broke into a million pieces.


"I'm sorry, but the patient didn't make it through the operation. Her life was in jeopardy when she arrived. We tried. I'm sorry for your loss," he added with a sad sigh. 


"N-no, this can't be happening. Chaeyoung is alive. S-she's strong woman, how could she not survive the operation?" I grumbled.


I walked into the room where Chaeyoung was. As I saw her lying peacefully in the hospital bed, tears streamed down my cheeks.


It's all my fault. This would not have happened if I hadn't broken up with her. . The only reason I broke up with her was because Kai was threatening me, saying that if I didn't break up with her, Rosie would lose her job, and Rosie loves her job so much.


I was about to take my words back, but then... This occurred. Screw it.


The nurse entered and placed something on the table, which I saw.


She just said, "Here are Ms. Park's things," and then walked away. When I snatched up the plastic, I discovered a velvet box. Last year, this was the ring I desired. It was purchased by her. Could it be...? No.. no.. . My chest feels constricted, as if I couldn't breathe. It's excruciatingly painful. It's entirely my fault. It's all my fault, .


I her cheeks and leaned down to press my forehead onto hers.


"I'm sorry, baby. I'm such an idiot for letting you go that easily. Now that you're gone.. what would I do now? I can't live without you. You're my life, my happiness, and my safe space, Rosie." I muttered. 


"If only I could turn back the time. I would do it in a heartbeat."







A/N: i hope you like this one shot ^^ I'm still writing the sequel of Heather. 


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Usmonsters94 #1
Chapter 1: Why did I do this to myself in the middle of the night… 😭
Chapter 1: 💔😭💔
Chapter 1: wow, a super sour good story.
I almost cried and I think Jennie was a coward, a series of irremediable circumstances.
thanks for this story author
i vote for this
Chapter 1: I’m bawling
9206jz #6
Chapter 1: the tears are coming
i'm bawling