Like falling sick because you wanted to take care of us

Little Things
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A/N: Am really thankful for the subscription, upvotes and kind words. I've always enjoyed coming up with my own version of reality through fan fiction.

If y'all realise this was a double update, this particular one shot that's shorter was written on a whim.

Hoping the girls get well soon! You lot stay safe too!


Coughing sounds have become a lot more common in the dorms. 


If somebody wasn’t aware, they’d think this particular unit was a makeshift clinic. 


The Omicron wave had hit South Korea a few months ago, but it was only a few weeks ago when the cases spiked. 


Over three hundred thousand cases daily. 


Irene tried to run from it, hide herself in the comforts of her room but eventually it caught up with her. 


Worst, with spring arriving, it was the flu and allergy season too. 


Irene sneezes into the tissue and wipe away the thick mucus. 


“Arghhh, I feel like dying” the girls shouts in frustration, folding the piece of contaminated paper tightly and discarding it into the bin.


Hygiene’s everything these day, so of course, Irene reaches for a few pumps of hand sanitiser and proceeds with coating her entire hand, rubbing her hands to get her until everything more or less evaporates.


The older girl might have lost her sense of taste and smell, but she could still faintly recall what that bottle of sanitiser smells like. 


Grapefruit Soju.


Or in other words, regret.


It was a night that etched itself onto the older girl’s head, seared right into her memory. 


She reminded herself never to drink that much ever again. Even if it was a special occasion.


Even if it was Son Seungwan’s bright idea of enjoying the night. 


Speaking of Seungwan, Irene forces her lethargic self off the bed and made her way towards her door. 


Opening slightly and peeking through the tiny gap, afraid if the door was opened any wider, the virus would escape her room and go after Seungwan. 


You see, Irene hadn’t been the only one who caught the coronavirus. Joy got it, Yerim too. A staff from the salon had caught it first, so when the three of them were down there one afternoon to get their hair done for the upcoming comeback, the three of them became infected as well.


Just like that! Even with masks on! That was how scary the new virus strain was - it’s unforgiving and spreads like uncontrolled wildfire. 


The three of them have opted to quarantine in the dorm, adhering to the nation’s prevailing measures when it comes to managing the infected. It’s definitely better to stay out than head home, putting innocent family members at risk. 


Seulgi who wasn’t infected headed back home, but Seungwan - stubborn Son Seungwan volunteered to stay. 


It was something along the lines of wanting to look after her sick members. Preparing meals, getting daily necessities, delivering of medications and monitoring the girls’ health and well-being. 


Sounds like Irene’s warm-hearted Wendy. But also straight up stupid, yes. 


Irene’s eyes was just wandering left and right, trying to locate the foolish girl in question when a scary astronaut? appeared right before of her. 


“Boo!”, the sudden appearance of Wendy on the other side of the door and that not so subtle boo gave Irene the shock of her life. 


“Yah!”, the older girl shrieks, “what the fu-“, Irene jumps rolling her eyes and hands immediately across her own chest. Attempting to sooth her roaring heart, a swear word almost left her naughty mouth. 


“Son Seungwan!” Irene shouts but regrets quickly when she feels a sharp pain in , her head begins throbbing just a little. 


Irene could here the laughter dying, a sign that Wendy had left to carry on with the girl’s own tasks.


The older girl slams the door shut, making sure it’s locked so Wendy doesn’t barge in again like before. Wendy tried alright, to push her way in at every opportunity, whining about wanting to see Irene. The few time Wendy had attempted, she fails.


This was serious business. Irene wasn’t going to risk exposing Seungwan to her contaminated room. 


Earlier, the older girl was peeping out from her room, into the living room, hoping to catch Wendy when said girl abruptly appears so close before her. Irene is still trying to get used to that astronaut like suit that Wendy had stuffed herself in, not being able see the younger girl’s face clearly does bring about a certain unfamiliarity. That would explain the shock because the whole situation is still a little new?


Opening the door and catching Wendy through the small gaps - it’s something Irene finds herself doing the past few days of quarantine. The older girl admits, it’s a little weird to be peeping out from her room like a creep, watching Wendy’s every move. But it does get extremely boring, being confined within her own four walls; Irene had never realised a homebody like her would complain about being bored in her own room, but now she does. 


She misses playing with Son Seungwan, watching movies together, sneaking out to nearby cafes for cakes.


But back to her new found hobby that certainly helps to pass time and kill boredom, Irene have come notice how Wendy would occasionally be sitting on the floor, decked out in that full personal protective equipment, folding the dry laundry.


Sometimes the girl would be mopping the floor, sanitising the previously shared living space. And other times, Seungwan would be settle down on the sofa, watching the TV or reading her scripts for need week’s Youngstreet. 


Something that have become way familiar that it has not become a cemented routine was how when the clock is exactly an hour before meal time - Wendy would proceed to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Irene may not be there to witness the younger girl cooking away every time because on some occasion, Irene needs her rest in bed - mostly due to the medication that’s causing her to get drowsy. But even in semi-consciousness, Irene hears the pots and pans. She could hear them so clearly and therefore picture Son Seungwan in the kitchen; turning on the stove knob, chopping away the fresh vegetables, and stirring the slow bubbling congee. 


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1695 streak #1
Chapter 3: Re reading this because I need fluff
ShinHye24 1340 streak #2
Chapter 1: Rereading cause fluff wenrene is the best :)
Chapter 3: This is so heart warming 😍😍
Chapter 3: I love this collection, I’ll enjoy Head cannon AU - this one stings abit from the recent events but I can definitely see this happens. Hope to see this collection update once and a while, thank you author!
1695 streak #5
Chapter 3: *sobs sobs they are really loving family...
Chapter 2: This is so sweet 😍
aglaonema #7
Chapter 3: Sweet
aglaonema #8
Chapter 2: Aww
happystinko1512 #9
Chapter 3: thank you so much for continuing this story author-nim! it's so nice to have some hearty fluff after sooooo many angst stories of this golden couple truly. hope you have lovely days, stay safe and take care of yourselves!
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 3: The double update eeeeeeee! You are spoiling us author-nim 😚