
Take control of my whole body

Johnny would have declined the call but it was his brother, Sehun. The Seoul branch was in need of a little help since their current CFO is having a paternal break after the scare of a miscarriage. Sehun’s husband, Minseok, is a brilliant CFO however, the strain of his workload had taken a toll on his body and that led to bleeding, which of course scared the shit out of Sehun.


“Minseok hyung is a little on the older side, and I can’t risk his or our baby’s life.” Sehun sighed and Johnny understood this. He loves his brother and his husband, Minseok is an adorable person and he would protect the older like his own blood brother.


“No problem, I’ll leave this weekend, give me a few days to sleep off a jet lag and I’ll help you out.” Johnny replied and Sehun was grateful for his brother.


Johnny sighed as he loosened the tie on his suit and proceeded to undress to take a bath and  change into his sleep wear before he could pack his suitcase for the trip.


Johnny has friends in Korea, most notably is Taeyong, one of his closest friends when he was studying at the country before he was shipped out to their Chicago head quarters. Taeyong informed him of the party for Yuta and well, he couldn’t pass up on the offer. Johnny knew of these kinds of party, some of the elite circles throw them as celebratory or just an excuse to wind down without the scandals that accompanies them.



Johnny met up with Yuta and the younger of the two was glad to meet his friend once more. Johnny eyed the pole installed and Yuta grinned at him, Johnyn grinned back, this could be fun. The party started like it was supposed to, and he met familiar faces such as Doyoung and Jaehyun, congratulating them on their recent dating announcement. He then went to change his clothes, preparing to release a lot of pent up stress in his body. Dancing was one o Johnny’s hidden skills, not a lot would assume that he can work a pole but he just smirked because he liked breaking impressions of him.


The lights were dimmed and he took off his shirt, it was show time. He knew he could make a few jaws drop with his body and his pole dancing skills but he was not prepared to see the most beautiful man out in the crowd gaping at him. Well that was something he looked forward to after his set. He did exaggerate his moves a little than needed just to evoke a reaction from the man and when he saw the man gasp and blush, well, he was sue that he wanted to take him somewhere else tonight.



Sex was sex, for Johnny it was all the same. No attraction needed, just come and go. This is a reality for people like him, with a status that people coveted, relationships are not a thing to him. But Sex with this beautiful man, Kun, he was informed, was not just pleasurable, it was a whole different level. Let’s be honest here, Johnny’s built had always been bigger, and his package is definitely one of them, but Kun, he guessed, was either an over achiever, or he’s an expert with this because he put the bar to sex so high, Johnny was sure he won’t be able to find another with that kind of experience.



“I’m not into relationships. It would be unfair for my partner since I won’t be able to give them time.” Kun ahd said when they ate their breakfast.


“Definitely relate to that.” Johnny answered and it was true, at least part of it.


“We could be friends though.” Kun offered and Johnny nodded. “You staying at a hotel?” Kun had asked and Johnny shook his head.


‘staying over with my brother, I’ll be working for a few weeks here before I return to Chicago.” Johnny replied.


“Do you have plans…” Kun did not even finish his sentence as he was scooped up and well you all know what happens next.



Returning to Chicago was something Johnny looked forward to after his trips but somehow this time, he wasn’t really happy to be back in his hometown. Maybe because he’ll be missing the greatest sex of his life, or maybe he was feeling a little more than attraction.


 True to Kun’s words, they became friends, and with Xignature and Exodus both expanding to music by building an entertainment agency, Limitless and Vision, the two found themselves in long discussions about it more often than they could have both expected.



Johnny won’t lie that every time Kun called, his mood would instantly lift up and seeing the man would pick him up even in his heaviest slump. So he finally decided to do something bold.



“Remind me why I am in a middle of a video conference at what time of the night?” Sehun’s face was not happy as he appeared on the monitor.



“Give him some slack Sehunie.” Minseok kissed his husband’s cheek.


“Okay go ahead with the family meeting.” Sehun said and Johnny grinned and started his PowerPoint presentation.



“Let me get this straight, you’re proposing to transfer to Seoul to pursue a man?” Yoochun blinked at his son.


“Not just anyone, It’s Kun!” Johnny corrected his father.


“He’s cute, not gonna lie.” Hansol spoke then turned to Taeil, Johnny’s assistant and  his fiancé. “You’re cuter though.” Hansol said and kissed his fiancé who blushed.


“Well Thank you hyung.” Johnny beamed him a smile.


“And Junmyeon’s son.” Junsu looked at his son. “Do you have any idea how difficult to penetrate the inner circle of Exodus?” Junsu asked and johnny nodded.


“But I already did! We’re friends!” Johnny replied, a wide smile on his face.



“It just bothers me that you give boring ass financial presentations while you invested like a week preparing a presentation about Kun.” Junsu rubbed his temple while Johnny sheepishly grinned.



“I’m not surprised though.” Yoochun replied and Junsu glared at him. “I mean Sehun enlisted at the same camp at the same day and even demanded to be put on the same division as Minseok.” Yoochun stated. “Hansol had to bribe Johnny to pirate Taeil and offer him triple the salary so he could work in Xignature.” Yoochun reminded them and Taeil glared at his fiancé. ‘Besides, your sons liked the cute ones. We’ll have the cutest grand kids!” Yoochun chuckled and Junsu punched his husband.


Johnny couldn’t contest to that, both Minseok and Taeil were cutest bears.



“So?” Johnny asked them.


“Sehun?” Junsu asked his eldest.


“We need Johnny here, he can help with Limitless and we’ll both need time off when Luhan is born.” Minseok reminded his husband who then nodded. “Besides, he helped us out when I had to take some time off.” Minseok added.


“But who would replace Johnny as CFO?” Sehun asked and Johnny grinned at him.


“Taeil hyung of course.” Johnny announced and Taeil, who was just drinking his water, spurted it out. “We all know you deserve this position hyung, and besides, you’ll be an incredible help when Hansol hyung takes the position of CEO.” Johnny informed him.


“But…” Taeil tried to protest but Yoochun and Junsu already stood up to congratulate him. “You better marry Kun or else!” Taeil blurted out but hugged his soon to be ex-boss.


Johnny was in high spirits as he stepped out of the conference room, four months of planning is now ready to be implemented. He felt his phone vibrate and he smiled wider as he saw the name on the lock screen.  He leaned on the railing overlooking the atrium of their office and answered it.


“Hey, it’s been a while.” Johnny smiled as he saw Kun in his comfortable and fluffy sweater.


“Am I bothering you?” Kun asked but Johnny shook his head. “I wanted to tell you something and I want you to know first before my appa hunt you down.” Kun said, smiling sadly.


“Why would your appa hunt me down?” Johnny inquired, curiously and light heartedly.


“Because I’m pregnant.” Kun blurted out and it made johnny gasp and with his surprise, the phone slipped from his fingers and plummeted down to the atrium floor where it shattered.


‘Fuck.” Johnny cursed.


“What happened?” Yoochun asked his son.


“Kun is pregnant.” Johnny started pacing. “he’s pregnant with my child.” He blurted out and Hansol had to hold his brother to stop him from walking in circles. “I gotta talk to him.” Johnny then dashed towards the parking lot and Taeil had to shout at him to slow down.



“Where are you going Johnny!” Taeil screamed at him.


“Airport!” Johnny shouted back.


“Stupid! Your passport is with me!” Taeil said then Johnny turned to catch the thing. “James will take you the airport.” Taeil said and Johnny saluted before boarding the elevator.



“Time for damage control.” Joshua snickered and Taeil took a deep breath.


“We’ll handle Sehun.” Hansol informed their parents.


“Guess time to inform Yixing.” Yoochun sighed.





Yixing doesn’t really get calls from Yoochun but they have a few close circles. It was getting late but at Yixing figured that this was important hence the call at the  late hour of the night.


“Hello hyung, it’s been a while.” Yixing greeted him.


“Hello Yixing. It is indeed.” Yoochun smiled at him. ‘Sorry for disturbing you this late into the night.” Yoochun started but Yixing dismissed him.


“It must be urgent then?” Yixing asked and Yoochun nodded.


“I am not sure how involved you are with your son’s life…” Yoochun mused.


“who are we pertaining to?” Yixing raised a brow.


“Kun.” Yoochun replied and Yixing nodded.


“I am involved enough.” Yixing replied making Yoochun nod.


“Do you know about his current condition?” Yoochun was threading carefully and Yixing scrunched up his nose.


“How much do you know hyung?” Yixing asked and Yoochun sighed.


“My son could is the father.” Yoochun said carefully and Yixing sighed.


“Well that’s a relief though.” Yixing smiled.


“and how is that a relief?” they both gasped as Junmyeon’s voice was heard and the said man appeared in front of the screen. “Mind telling me something I don’t know Yixing? Yoochun hyung?” Junmyeon dared the two.


“Hello Junmyeon.” Junsu appeared next to Yoochun.


‘Hello hyug.” Junmyeon greeted.


“We do not know the full details about this to be honest, Johnny just finished a call and informed us that Kun is pregnant with his child.” Junsu stated.


“And why didn’t he tell me?” Junmyeon felt betrayed.


“He wanted to talk to Johnny first.” Yixing comforted his husband who glared at him. “Before you kick me out of the house, I just found out by accident! He was eating mint choco ice cream at 11pm. It’s the same that you did when you got pregnant with him.” Yixing explained. “Although he did not throw the tub at me unlike you.” Yixing added making everyone laugh.



“We can’t apologize in behalf of Johnny but we are willing to marry him off.” Yoochun offered.


“No, I don’t want to marry off my son just because he got pregnant.” Junmyeon protested. “They should be married because they genuinely love and care for each other. I don’t and won’t allow a political marriage to happen to any of my sons.” Junmyeon was adamant on his stand.


“You don’t have to worry about Johnny though, he dead ass created a whole detailed presentation about Kun when he typically just do the bare minimum on his financial reports.” Yoochun blurted out and made both Yixing and Junmyeon raise their brows. ‘I’ll send it to you!” Yoochun said and within minutes, the presentation was being viewed in Junmyeon’s tablet.


“so?” Junsu asked and Junmyeon smiled.


“We’ll see.” Junmyeon replied.


“Oh by the way, that son of mine is flying back to Korea as we speak so we ask that you give them time to talk it out. My son is a good one and we can see that he truly cares for Kun. Please give him a chance.” Junsu said and Junmyeon nodded.



“I promise that I’ll give him a chance.” Junmyeon replied.





“I just got here, and you want me out that fast?” Johnny gasped and it made Kun laugh, Johnny smiled at him. “I’m not a CEO, my brothers can handle Chicago, I am transferring to Seoul” Johnny told him making Kun pout. “Before you think that I shouldn’t be rash about this, I had four months to think about it, and the transfer is logical, I wanted to be with you, pursue you then propose to you one of these days.” Johnny said as he pulled the chair for Kun.


“I guess you had it planned out.” Junmyeon spoke and Johnny nodded. “We’ll skip a few steps in your plans though, are you all right with that?” Junmyeon asked and Johnny nodded like a puppy.


“More than okay! I can register our marriage now.” Johnny grinned and Kun hit his arm.


“Maybe try buying a new phone first and inform your parents about it.” Kun rolled his eyes at Johnny.


“Huh? They know my plans and already approved it; I just showed your picture.” Johnny grinned and Kun flushed at the words.


“Tell me this is not how we looked when we’re flirting.” Ten cringed and Yixing laughed at him.


“I’m not telling then.” Yixing replied with a grin, making Ten groan but smiled for his friends.  “You seem to like our son Johnny.” Yixing said matter-of-factly.


‘Yes sir. I do, like I really had thought about it a long time and Kun’s just special, I can’t get him out of my mind. Not just because he’s really good in bed.” Johnny earned a slap on his arm from Kun.


“TMI.” Kun hissed.


“Can’t deny a fact baobei.” Johnny grinned. “So yeah, I do really like him, and I am ready to prove to everyone that I have genuine feelings for Kun.” Johnny smiled at Kun who blushed.



“We already know, your fathers sent in your presentation.” Junmyeon said and Johnny blinked at him. “We had talked about the two of you. It’s not like we can do anything about the pregnancy but to move forward. Even though you are the father of Kun’s unborn child, that doesn’t give you an automatic pass to be my son’s husband.” Junmyeon explained and Johnny nodded. “And clearly you have genuine feelings for my son, that I hope he could also return.” Junmyeon turned to his first born who blushed.


“I may have feelings too.” Kun answered his father and Johnny’s face lit up.


“You want to see my presentation?” Johnny asked and Yixing laughed hearing it.


“You should show it.” Yixing urged and Johnny was more than welcome to do so until he realized that he already brought his passport and wallet.


“I’ll handle it.” Junmyeon said with a smile and connected his tablet on the TV by the dining room. The first slide where Kun’s photo pouting cutely showed and Kun had to slap Johnny again seeing such embarrassing photo being shown. Johnny just stood and began to deliver his presentation like a comedy show, making everyone laugh while Kun blushed but he was smiling wide at Johnny.



It was a little after 2 in the afternoon when Kun’s family left while Johnny stayed behind because the guy really just brought his passport and wallet with no room reservation but he could always ask his brother to pick him up somehow.


“You can stay.” Kun had informed him, blushing for the nth time that day and Johnny smiled wide and enveloped him in a warm embrace.


‘Thank you!” Johnny said and kissed his cheek.


‘you better take a bath though.” Kun pulled away and led Johnny towards his room before shoving him inside the bathroom. ‘I think I have some sweaters that can fit you.” Kun announced and Johnny started stripping, flustering Kun who immediately left the bedroom.



There was a ring and a knock when Kun reached the living room so he attended to it. He was confused when he saw the guy at the door who bowed at him.


“Hello, you must be Kun, I’m Taeil,.” The guy extended a hand. “I’m Johnny’s executive assistant.” Taeil introduced himself and Kun smiled and shook them.


“oh please come in.” Kun allowed him to enter and before he could bend over to offer a pair of slippers, Taeil stopped him.


“You’re pregnant, let me do it.” Taeil said then proceeded to take off his shoes. It was then that Kun noticed the luggage that Taeil brought. “That’s for my boss.” Taeil informed Kun.


“His clothes?” Kun asked and Taeil nodded.


“He may have informed you that he only  brought his passport and wallet coming here.” Taeil sighed and Kun chuckled.


“He’s not lying then?” Kun asked and Taeil nodded, straightening up and pulling the suitcase inside as he followed Kun.



“Kunnie?” They both turned to see Johnny with a towel wrapped below his waist.


“Have some decency!” Taeil took of his slipper and threw it at Johnny who dodged it and laughed. “here, wear something.” Taeil pushed the suitcase towards Johnyn who took it and thanked Taeil before disappearing inside Kun’s bedroom.


“You seemed close.” Kun muttered.


“Oh yeah, I have been his assistant for years. I can’t stand him some times but what can I do, he’ll be my brother-in-law.” Taeil shrugged.


‘Brother-n-law?” Kun asked and Taeil nodded with a smile.


“Care for a chat?” Taeil asked and Kun nodded, leading him towards the kitchen where  the two seemed to bond over cooking.


Johnny looked at them fondly and was only disturbed when Taeil pointed him to the paper bag on the coffee table. Johnny took out the phone and thanked Taeil, he’s such a good assistant, he’ll miss him.




The inauguration of Neo Culture Entertainment brought a wave of interest when both Xignature and Exodus announced the joint project and introduced the CEO and CFO for the new venture. Kun was heavily pregnant at 9 months when the press conference was held where they explained that though Kun and Johnny were the head of  NC Ent, they still hold their current positions in Exodus and Xignature while they train Junhui, Kun and Sicheng’s cousin, to hold the CEO position at the Exodus Seoul HQ, and Joshua  as the new  CFO for Xignature Seoul HQ.


They also announced that their marriage had been registered however decided to push back the actual wedding to give time for the launch of the new business venture. This received mixed response from the public but Kun and Johnny did not mind.


At the end of the press conference was a party in celebration of the launch however, Kun and Johnny opted out because as soon as the press con ended, his water broke.


On the 22nd of November, their twins Sungchan and Chenle were born on the same day that NC Ent opened its doors.



The wedding happened on April, and they transformed a resort into a paradise of blue and orange, the couple’s favorite colors. They decided to wear a hanfu and hanbok each with the colors of Blue and orange. The wedding was well documented and was released as a feature spread in Taeyong’s magazine.






“baba!” Kun looked at his teenage son.


“Yes Chenle?” he answered.


“Why can’t we be idols? I want to perform!” Chenle pouted, the thirteen year old was already a performer in his own right, having been casted since he was nine years old.



“No one’s stopping you.” Kun replied like it was common knowledge.


“But the other trainees were saying that we have the privilege.” Chenle pouted then sat on the sofa next to his father.



“Well why don’t you just prove them wrong?” Johnny walked in with a crying Sungchan, the boy immediately ran to his father to seek for hugs while Chenle asked his father to pick him up, the 41 year old did so with ease despite his age. While their youngest daughter Yizhou sat next to Chenle quietly.



“What happened?” Kun asked and Sungchan cried louder.



“some trainees were not happy when he wanted to join them.” Johnny pouted.


“See baba, they don’t want us to!” Chenle huffed, Sungchanie is better than them anyway.” Chenle sassed.


“Yeah, Channie ge was just there and everyone was mean to him.” Yizhou added making Kun’s heart break.


“Don’t worry about it, we’ll have you and the rest of the kiddos train separately okay?” Kun assured them and Sungchan looked at him, the precious child’s face was tear stained and Kun wiped it clean with his handkerchief.



“Really baba?” Sungchan asked and Kun nodded.


“We’ll make it happen.” Kun promised and Sungchan smiled wide soon after.



Kun only wanted to provide a safe training place for Sungchan, Chenle, Yizhou and the rest of their friend group’s kids but when the annual corporate dinner was held and their little group wanted to perform, Kun and Johnny were not prepared for the feedback that they received.


And by the age of 14 to 18, NC Ent’s biggest idol groups debuted with an overwhelming reception. NCT and their brother group WayV became the gold standard and proof that even though they were sons of millionaires, they were still humble and hardworking as their fathers. And when their sister group and real life sisters Aespa and Red Velvet debuted, NC Ent’s future was secured.





a/n: Not sure where the story went but yeah.


NCT will be the Korean members from 98-02 including while Wayv will be the foreign members from 99-01, Mark will be in NCT

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jazzperegrine23 #1
Chapter 1: Will there be a second part? Like the next generation?
I really love your stories especially JohnKun