Chapter 4

no strings attached


The whispers were an incessant buzz in the background. Normally, Jimin would’ve been unbothered, but with the electric thrum in her veins and the pounding in her ears, the murmurs are akin to a swarm of bees swallowing her whole.


Jimin took deep breaths, drumming fingers on the table at the cafeteria where she sat. She regretted agreeing to meet Winter there, a place where the whispers are louder than most. There were eyes too and between the churning of her stomach and the rapid pulse in , she’s tempted to crack and scream, yell at everyone and everything to shut up–


A pair of arms s from behind and Jimin gasped. They coiled around her shoulders and a voice whispered in her ear, “Did you wait long, unnie?”


Jimin relaxed, recognizing the voice and the scent. A thumb rubbed soothing circles on her bicep. She turned, eyes refocusing on Winter Kim’s face that’s so close that it’s blurry, yet Jimin could tell there’s a subtle smirk on those pink lips.


“What happened to ‘babe’?” was the first thing she blurted.


Winter laughed and moved to sit beside her. She looked different today. A soft curtain of bangs brushed just above her eyes and framed her face, her hair flowing past her shoulders. It wasn’t just her hair. Her face looked unfamiliar somehow. Amicable. Warm. Like a girl next door. Did she put on some sort of special makeup?


“You’re cute, but you obviously didn’t study our script hard enough. I’m quite disappointed, smarty pants.”


Jimin blinked, gears in her head turning. No, she had it memorised from front to back. And…they’re supposed to be just friends during the early stages of the timeline.


She pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’m sorry. I do remember. I’m just a little–”



She was about to say ‘out of it’ but now that she thinks about it–yes, maybe nervous fits just fine too.


Today’s the day their show finally starts. She had been right about trusting Winter in doing her job. She laid out everything with complete details and even made a groupchat, dragging Aeri and Yizhuo into it. She doesn’t doubt Winter’s abilities at all. Jimin’s on the other hand…


“Hey, relax.” a warm hand on her lap, “I got you.”


Jimin nodded, appreciative. “I know you do. I’m just worried, personally. I’m not exactly the best actress out there.”


She couldn’t recall ever dabbling in acting. She’s a terrible liar. She should’ve taken that into consideration when she got into this fake dating business. Now it’s too late to back out. But Winter just turned her body to face her and took both of her hands into her own.


“I’m Winter Kim, your friend from the States.


Jimin frowned in confusion. Winter squeezed her hands, urging. Jimin took a wild guess. “...You’re Winter Kim, my friend from the States.”


Winter nodded, satisfied. She got it right. “You haven’t seen me in years. You never forgot about me. In fact, you always thought about me night and day. You missed me so, so bad.”


“I haven’t seen you in years,” Jimin repeated, wondering if she’s getting hypnotised, or hexxed. “I never forgot about you. In fact, I always thought about you night and day. I missed you so, so bad.”


“I don’t think you emphasised that enough. Again.”


Jimin rolled her eyes. “I missed you so, so bad.”


Winter grinned. Jimin felt like she just got fooled. “Better.” she continued, “I’ve been secretly in love with you all this time.”


“I…I’ve been secretly in love with you all this time.”


“Is that hesitation I hear? Again. With more conviction. Energy. Come on. Give me that oomph!


“I’ve been secretly in love with you after all this time.”


“Mm,” Winter hummed contemplatively, waving around pinched fingers with a frown, “Again.”


Jimin repeated the sentence, over and over until it stuck in her head, an endless loop of a faux confession. Winter’s finally satisfied and Jimin stops, but the words continue to play in her mind.


Maybe she really did just get hypnotised.


“Now,” Winter said in a tone that reminded Jimin of her taekwondo coach during competitions. “Remember what I told you, rookie? A good lie is the kind that fools even the liar.”


Jimin blinked. Slowly. “What if I actually fall in love with you?”


Winter laughed. Like, really laughed–head thrown back and eyes squeezed shut, dolphin squeals, and clapping hands as if it’s the most ridiculous thing she’s ever heard. “That would be great for me, actually,” she said, recovering. “But if you do, you’ll be in trouble.”




“Now, come on.” Winter stood, pulling on the hands that she’s still holding and Jimin had no choice but to follow. “Walk me to my class. I’m running late.”


“Wait, I have class too.”


Winter clicked her tongue and formed a heart with her hands except that they were pressed on both of Jimin’s cheeks, sandwiching her face.


“What are you?”


“Secretly in love with you.” Jimin automatically recited.


Winter grinned, obviously pleased. “Let’s go.”


She bounded out of the cafeteria and Jimin huffed in exasperation before jogging after her. They walk through the hallway side by side and the whispers grow even louder.


Isn’t that the new exchange student?


What’s she doing with Yu Jimin?


Do they know each other?


Are they close?


Jimin made an effort to listen. The whispers were the same as ever but this time, it’s exactly what she wants to hear, for once.


When Winter linked their arms, Jimin tugged her closer. The girl started talking about a fake memory they supposedly shared. She spoke with such impressive natural familiarity that if Jimin didn’t know any better, she would’ve believed.


She shakes her head and allows herself to relax. Allows herself to believe.


Jimin looked at Winter, watched her animated hand gestures, took notes of the story she’s weaving for everyone around them to hear and Jimin tried to convince herself, I’m secretly in love with you.


And with the easy way Winter laughs and the comfortable weight when she presses against her side, Jimin found it’s not too difficult to pretend.




The plan was simple, really. No need to come up with something elaborate when all she had to do is put two exes back together again.


She just had to be lovey-dovey with Yu Jimin enough for Lee Jeno to be jealous and get reminded of what he lost and gave up on, and hopefully trigger his possessive manly nature to take back what’s his. Or whatever.


It’s agonising though, Minjeong thought. Having to go through college for this was just pure torture. Now she’s a biology student, with all her classes matching Jeno’s and because Jeno used to be Jimin’s boyfriend, his schedule matched hers too, which meant that they were too ing early.


Right now, she’s sitting in the middle of the lecture hall where she could watch him sit a few rows from her while being surrounded by students who were terrible at keeping their thoughts to themselves.


That’s her, they’re whispering in the middle of lecture. That’s the exchange student from New York. I saw her with Yu Jimin earlier. Uchinaga Aeri told my friend’s friend who told me they’re old friends from high school. Ning Yizhuo confirmed it as well.


Minjeong covered the satisfied smile that spread on her lips with a dainty hand. Seems like Aeri and Yizhuo had done their part of the plan: confirm rumours and feed firewood to the ever growing flames.


Seems like it’s true. They looked awfully close.


Really? How could you tell?


If you only saw how Yu Jimin looked at her…she even walked her to class!


Minjeong’s smile widened to a grin. Not bad, Yu Jimin. Not bad.


Her eyes skirted over to Lee Jeno who was sitting in rapt attention and diligently taking notes and wondered if he’s hearing all of these, and if he was, then how was it making him feel?


She quietly observed him, his seat conveniently situated in an angle where Minjeong can see the profile of his face. So far, his expression revealed nothing. It seems he’s too engrossed in the lesson to be minding the students’ talk.


Minjeong huffed, throwing her head back and staring at the ceiling. The professor continued to drone on. It was getting increasingly boring. Thankfully, Yu Jimin was hot. That’s the only redeeming factor of this entire ordeal, other than the money.


“Now, I want someone in this class to answer this question: can you turn your cat into a diamond? Scientifically, mind you.” the professor suddenly asked. Snickers and murmurs fill the space. Minjeong rolled her eyes. “Yes, Lee Jeno?”


Minjeong sat upright, eyeing the boy.


“Yes, sir. It is scientifically possible.”


There’s the faint look of satisfaction briefly passing across his features after having correctly answered that question. Proud, Minjeong thinks.


“Then can you please enlighten the class as to how this sorcery is possible?”




Minjeong’s hand shot up to the air before Jeno could utter a word.


How would he react if she did this?


“Can I answer this question, professor?” she asked, blinking wide, innocent eyes at the man.


He looked rather pleased, while Jeno looked winded at having his thunder stolen. She fought the urge to giggle, feeling like she’s poking a snake.


“Why, of course. Let’s hear it from the exchange student then.”


Minjeong smiled. She deliberately met Jeno’s gaze before shifting her eyes back to the professor. “Diamonds are just a collection of carbon atoms arranged in a tightly packed crystalline pattern. If you press a chunk of carbon, like graphite or coal, with enough pressure and at a high enough temperature, then the carbon atoms are forced into this tightly-packed arrangement. As a result, you make a real diamond. Just like a chunk of coal, biological tissues can be turned into a diamond. Biological creatures, such as your cat, are composed primarily of water and carbon-based molecules. For this reason, the three most abundant elements in biological tissue are hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. If you take your deceased cat–or any pet or even relative–and remove all the hydrogen and oxygen atoms, most of the atoms in the remaining tissue will be carbon atoms. With some further filtering, the remains can be reduced down to pure carbon. This remaining tissue can therefore be placed in a diamond press and made into a diamond.”


The professor raised his brows, impressed. “And what if your chunk of atoms contain impurities? Will that still be valid?”


“Diamond pressing process tends to drive out impurities so yes, it would still be valid.”


“Is that really possible? Like, such a thing really exists? Turning cats to diamonds? People actually do that?” somebody in the class asked.


Minjeong turned to the general direction of the voice, “Yes. In fact, there are companies that exist right now that are willing to do this for you.”


“How much would it cost?” asked another student.


Minjeong hummed thoughtfully, “This service could cost you as much as the price of a new car, depending on how big you want the diamond to be.”


There’s an eruption of murmurs, a quick discussion on whether they’d be willing to do that or not, and then there’s their professor’s chuckles.


“Well elaborated, Ms. Kim. Under different circumstances, I would’ve been inclined to think that you work in one of those companies.”


Well, she did. Once, for a few months. Managed to bag a fistful of diamonds undetected. Good times. She didn’t reveal any of that though and just smiled sweetly at the man. Her eyes darted towards Jeno. He’s already staring at her.


She flashed him a smile.


The discussion went on.


Minjeong stifled a yawn. She blinked blearily at the presentation projected on the screen before subtly taking out her phone, and started typing under the table.


Hey, baby. I’m bored.


She huffed when Jimin didn't reply, but she expected as much. The girl’s probably listening to class like she’s watching the latest Marvel movie. So when her phone buzzed, she was pleasantly surprised.


Pay attention to class.



You replied


I’m bound by contract



I don’t have to

Anyway, you dragged me into this. I expect compensation


When are you free?

I’ll get you your first strawberry cake of the week




Now pay attention to class


Minjeong’s grinning when she pocketed her phone. Free strawberry cake! Maybe she can convince Jimin to buy her two, instead of one. She’s quite confident she could do it. She discovered the girl could be surprisingly soft and pliant if the right buttons were pushed, and she was starting to be familiar with those buttons.


Soon, the hour eventually came to an end and Minjeong swallowed back the sigh of relief when they were finally dismissed. She shouldered her bag that weighed like paper (she didn’t bring anything–didn’t have to) and geared for the door. Her next class wasn’t until 45 minutes later so she could hang out with Jimin until–


“Excuse me,”


Minjeong paused and turned and–my oh my, it’s Lee Jeno.


She quickly put her game face on.




He’s smiling, looking directly into her eyes. Confident, Minjeong noted. “Hi. I heard you’re an exchange student. Winter Kim?”


“Yes, that’s me.” Minjeong kept a controlled, polite smile on her face.


“I don’t know how true this is, but I heard you’re Jimin’s friend. Yu Jimin.”


Oh? Talking about his ex-girlfriend like it’s nothing? She carefully tucked this in the pockets of her mind to dissect later.


For now Minjeong let her smile veer into a bashful direction, eyes straying to the side. If only she could blush through sheer willpower. “I…yes, I do know her well.”


Ugh. Her toes curled while she fluttered her lashes.


Even after all this time, she could never get used to the cringe.


“Oh, I see.” he nodded, and his smile restored its lustre, “My name’s Lee Jeno. If it’s alright, can I ask you out to grab some drinks? When are you free? I’d love to hear more about that diamond pressing business.”


Well, that’s an odd way to ask someone out. She didn’t miss the implication, as vague as he worded it to be. Minjeong knows interest when she sees it. She knows when a smile is naturally charming, or purposely meant to enthral. She could hear the empty spaces between words, loud and clear.


Still, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. She kept the smile on her face, unwavering.


“Professor Yoon already said enough about the topic, I believe.”


“I would like to hear more. From you, preferably.” his eyes disappeared into crescents when he smiled. Undeniably attractive and obviously appealing.


What an .


She forced herself not to physically recoil, though her smile strained now, albeit barely. He just confirmed she’s friends with his ex and now he’s hitting on her? Asking her out?


The audacity.


She shifted, rage bubbling too close to the surface to play this cool. Jimin might be a fool, but Winter wasn’t. And she wasn’t the type to condone such infidelity. Knowing how her client had gone out of her way to get this man to be her boyfriend again made it worse, but she wasn’t in the position to do something about it. Not in the position to care. Still, she had to grit her teeth to push down the growing urge to punch him in the face then and there.


“Is that so?” her smile turned sickeningly sweet, “I wouldn’t have pegged you to be this gaga over diamonds–or dead cat ashes. Whichever, it is an odd , but hey, no judgement. I respect it.”


His carefully crafted veneer of charm faltered, “I–that’s not–”


“I’m sorry though. I already have plans with Jimin-unnie. Maybe next time.”


She gave him no chance to respond, walking briskly out of the hall. Time was ticking and she had an idiot to meet.


Yu Jimin’s really lucky she’s hot.




Their go-to university coffee shop was empty during these hours, though it was hard to tell since nobody frequented the place due to its overpriced menu. Empty, then, meant that the chances that somebody would come in was lower than it normally was, which was unfortunate for the owner and beneficial for Jimin and her friends who would just order a drink and hang around for hours. Yizhuo would usually be petty and sip from Jimin and Aeri’s coffee instead of getting her own.


That wasn’t the case today.


“Are you heading to war,” Aeri asked, curiously staring at Yizhuo’s large americano with five shots of espresso.


“I just got partnered with freaking Zhong Chenle for our group project and I’m stressed about leaving Jimin-unnie with Kim–Kim Winter,” Yizhuo raged and Jimin noted the pause she made when mentioning Winter’s name, like she was about to say something else. “So I need caffeine to get through this day.”


Aeri shot her drink a wary look, “Yeah, I think it will get you through the entire week, actually.”


“You have nothing to worry about me,” Jimin said, “Besides, aren’t you the one who came up with this idea?As you’ve said, Winter’s the best actress I can ever hire. It’s going to be fine. ”


Aeri raised a brow, “Weren’t you a nervous wreck earlier?”


Well, she did spam their group chat with panicking messages. “Winter helped. I’m better now.”


“I know she’ll do her job well,” Yizhuo clarified, “But that’s not what I’m worried about,”


Jimin was about to ask her to elaborate when door chimes tinkled and the glass door flew open, a Winter Kim sauntering in with a grand entrance of billowing hair with the gush of the wind.


“Yu Jimin, with all due respect, your ex-boyfriend is an .” was what she said as soon as she sat beside Jimin.


Across them, Yizhuo and Aeri gaped at her sudden arrival.


“I already like you,” Aeri approved, nodding.


Winter bowed with a flourish. “Honoured to finally meet you, Miss Uchinaga. And–ah, yes, our lovely Yizhuo.”


“ off.”


“Oh, my, how charming.”


“Jeno isn’t an .”


Winter’s smile turned cold as she turned to her, “Really, now? I’m quite the good judge of character and believe me when I say that he is, for a lack of better term, an .”


Jimin frowned, “You met him once.”


“Heaven’s forbid I have to meet him twice.”


Jimin narrowed her eyes. What was her problem? “Just what did he do to you?”


“Oh, nothing much. He just–” Winter stopped herself, swallowing what she was about to say. She closed her eyes. “It’s okay. Murder is okay. People can be stupid.” she muttered to herself.


Jimin heard. “What?”


Aeri cleared before Winter could reply. Beside her, Yizhuo’s amused gaze was fixed on Winter. “As much as I enjoy a catfight, might I remind you that you’re supposed to be really close friends,” she made air quotes with her fingers.


Winter was all smiles again. “As expected, you’re the only sensible person in this table, unnie.” she plucked a strawberry from her cake and turned to Jimin, all upturned brows and pouting lips. “I’m so sorry about all that. It isn’t my business if your taste in men is horrid or not. Here, take this as a token of my apology.”


She pushed the chunk against Jimin’s lips, smiling sweetly, and Jimin could only open and eat it, mind going blank when Winter’s finger lingered for a second longer than necessary, tapping her lower lip.


Aeri and Winter took over the conversation. Jimin didn’t quite know what to feel about her friend hitting it off with her conwoman fake girlfriend. Equal parts relieved and horrified perhaps. She could only hope they wouldn’t start rubbing off too much on each other and start ganging up on her.


Winter’s brows expressively shot up and down as she conversed, a faint shadow on her cheek–a ghost of a dimple threatening to show whenever her lips curved up the slightest. Jimin tried to find the subtle chinks to her impeccable armor and found it in the fluid shifts of her expression, so smooth it’s almost inhuman. Like she’s already had the different faces on a lineup, rehearsed and perfected.


Winter noticed her looking and raised a questioning brow. Jimin quietly shook her head. Yizhuo then began talking about the book Jimin had recently started to read, taking the latter’s attention.


The younger girl pointedly ignored Winter whenever she made remarks like ‘isn’t that right, Yizhuo?’. It’s interesting, how Yizhuo acted like she despised every bit of Winter’s existence, yet sang her praises when she was still trying to talk Jimin into this fake dating situation.


The cafe’s door chimes rang again as a couple of students entered. Winter grabbed her hand under the table. She shot her a curious glance but Winter ignored her this time, carrying on with the conversation.




Jimin looked up with a start. “Huh?”


Yizhuo’s frowning, more concerned than annoyed. “You okay? I asked you a question.”


“Yes. Sorry. What was that?”


Winter languidly intertwined their fingers together, digits slowly dragging down the length of Jimin’s before settling and clasping her hand. Jimin jolted at the sensation and very nearly missed Yizhuo’s question a second time.


She’s fine with holding Winter’s hand, yes. But not if she does it like this. Jimin feared she might combust.


It’s…different from Jeno. His grip was much too big and overpowering, a protective clutch of possessiveness that made her feel safe and grounded. Winter’s is sly and playful, knocking the breath out of her lungs and making her nervous for no reason, electricity biting her skin making her want to scream.


A thumb suddenly grazed her palm and the brush soon turned to a rhythmic caress. Jimin swallowed, wondering if she was doing it on purpose. Winter’s face betrayed nothing.


When Yizhuo left the table to get another drink and Aeri excused herself to the restroom, Jimin turned to Winter, jaw set and determined.


She still hadn’t forgotten her Jeno slander.




She blinked up at her, “Yes, unnie?”


Jimin glanced at the other patrons of the cafe and lowered her voice, “Look, I would appreciate it if you can refrain from bad mouthing Jeno. I don’t know what he did but whatever it was, it can’t possibly be that bad. If it was, then he probably didn’t mean it.”


Winter stared at her and for the first time the look on her face did not seem fabricated. She looked absolutely, completely, truly outraged.


“Sorry,” she blurted, feeling like she had to apologise. “Whatever he did, I’m sorry on his behalf.”


Winter opened but no words came out. She snapped her jaw shut with such force that her teeth clicked against each other and closed her eyes.


Jimin didn’t know why she was starting to sweat. “It’s just–”


“I get it.” Winter snapped, clipped and raw and it’s jarring to hear after being so used to her silky eloquence. “I get it.” she repeated, sounding much more in control this time. She opened her eyes and the cracks that allowed Jimin to get a glimpse of her incense had already been sealed making it impossible to know what she’s thinking now.


“My, my.” she said, as though she’d resumed reading her script, getting back into character. “Aren’t you such a sweet and loyal ex-girlfriend?”


Jimin watched, with something akin to wonder and horror, how Winter’s face morphed into a dazzling smile, stable and stellar as if nothing happened.


Aeri then returned to their table followed by Yizhuo and her 2nd cup of coffee so monstrous it should be considered an illegal drug and the conversation picked up where it left off.


Throughout the hour, Winter’s hand lay limp and loose on top of Jimin’s, unmoving and void of all its previous playfulness.


When the other customers took their leave, Winter quickly let go of her hand.




The next few days went on just as usual and there’s still no progress with Jeno. He gave her little to no attention every time they happened to bump into each other and didn’t show any signs of jealousy whenever Jimin walked Minjeong to their classes.


She wasn’t expecting instant results, of course not. They weren’t even “dating” yet. But she was getting anxious.


Her step-father called the other day, saying that if he wasn’t so busy he would’ve arranged to talk with her personally. Have a chat over tea. The idea made her blood run cold. He asked about Jeno in his usual saccharine tone and Jimin found herself promising that she’s going to fix it soon.


Fortunately, he didn’t seem to be aware that his little prisoner was out of jail. Yizhuo had reassured her that he wouldn’t be able to trace it back to her, if he ever found out.


“Patience, sweet pea.” Winter’s crooning voice broke into her thoughts. She turned with a start, almost forgetting that they’re walking to Winter’s next class. “We’ll get there.”


And Winter Kim…well, things were going oddly smooth with her.


“What do you mean?”


“You’re obviously worrying about Jeno.”


Jimin gaped at her. “How did you know?”

Winter rolled her eyes, “What did I say about questioning my all-knowing benevolence?”


Jimin snapped her jaw shut. “Right.”


“Look, we’re only on our preliminaries,” Winter continued, “The real deal starts next week.” she pat her arm reassuringly. “Just relax and follow my lead.”


The days had gone on just as usual, and Winter had managed to seamlessly blend into her daily life rather unceremoniously, throwing everything out of order and toppling over the rules Jimin had set for herself to make space and squeezing herself in the gaps and Jimin let her.


It was getting a little concerning, but Jimin chalked it off to her being responsible and owning up to her side of the agreement.


“Thanks for walking me,” said Winter when they stopped outside the open door of their classroom. Jimin could spot Jeno on his usual seat, looking at them. Winter shifted and blocked her view.


Jimin blinked, refocusing on Winter. “My pleasure.” she replied, automatic, as though she wasn’t coerced into this.


Winter suddenly stepped close and wrapped her arms around Jimin’s waist. Jimin stiffly reciprocated the hug, hyper aware of the people around them–of Jeno.


I’m secretly in love with you.


She held her tighter.


Winter leaned up and just when Jimin thought she was going to whisper something in her ear, soft lips pressed firmly on her cheek.


“Your punishment for making me jealous,” Winter then whispered into her ear, “You’re dating me now, remember?”


Jimin flushed, entire body shivering at the warm breath.


Winter had leaned back, looking smug. “You’re so red, it’s stupid.”




Winter stepped away and skipped into the room before she could strangle her. Jimin sighed and turned to leave, not sparing Jeno another glance.


Nothing changed much after her conversation with Winter at that coffee shop. Her mask is impenetrable, as always, but Jimin couldn’t help but be curious. Just what did Jeno do? As much as she’d like to ask, it felt like a wrong move to bring it up again and even if she does, Winter didn’t seem like she would give her a proper answer.


She was still puzzled over Winter’s too-normal behaviour even as she sat in class. It shouldn’t be a problem, really, as long as they could still work together. And they could. Winter wasn’t lying when she said she’s a professional. Still, Jimin couldn’t help it. She could still recall the brief look of disbelief and offence on her face. What could possibly make the Winter Kim’s composure slip like that?


...Winter Kim?


Jimin’s ears perked at the mention of her name. People were whispering again. She leaned back, straining to listen.


Yes, the transferee chick.


You really saw them?


Yes! My friend did. I’m telling you, Lee Jeno’s trying to ask her out! He’s been trying for days now.




She always turns him down though. Understandable. She’s close with his ex-girlfriend after all.


Jimin almost dropped the pen she’s been twirling.


She thinks she understands a little better now.




Jimin asked to meet Winter at the convenience store near the campus after their class and they ended up sitting on the curb outside the store, eating ice cream Jimin had offered to buy as soon as Winter arrived.


Jimin stole a glance at her. And another. She’s casual yet immaculate in her cream colored cardigan and faded blue jeans, looking relaxed the same way characters in dramas and movies looked relaxed–deliberate and rehearsed. Still, a gust of wind swept her bangs aside, giving Jimin a clearer view of her face and making a mess of her hair. She’s prettier like this. A little dishevelled, a little spontaneous. Jimin liked this look on her.


“Your ice cream’s melting.”


“Ah.” Jimin jolted and a drop of vanilla landed on her knee. She rubbed at it, scrubbed with her nails. It didn’t come off.


Winter snickered. “Leave it be. You’ll only make it worse.”


Jimin complied, taking her hands off her pants and holding the remains of her ice cream as far away from her as possible. She watched it drip to the asphalt.


Winter broke the silence with a sigh. “What is it? The thing you wanted to talk about.” she finally asked, sounding just a tad impatient.


“Right. Sorry.” Jimin cleared . “I know you must be confused as to why I called you out here–”


“Yu Jimin,” Winter interrupted. “What did I say about opening remarks?”


Jimin huffed, feeling heat creep up to her neck, “I’m trying to gather my thoughts!”


“We’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes.”


“Well, I need to think for longer than that.”


Winter faced her. A knowing smirk was on her lips, along with a smudge of chocolate from her ice cream. “You want to talk about our conversation at the coffee shop, don’t you?”


She looked so smug Jimin had half the mind to tell her no, just to tick her off. “How did you know?”


“It’s written all over your face,” Winter shrugged, “Let me guess. It’s either you want to ask about what he did or you already found out.”


Jimin stared at her. Winter grinned victoriously. There’s also chocolate stuck between her teeth.


She tried hard to concentrate. “Did Jeno ask you out? Is that why you called him an ?”


“Ah, you found out.” Winter nodded, “Yes, to both questions.”


Jimin frowned, sitting a little straighter. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


“I did! I told you he’s an !”


“I meant the situation.”


“What’s the point in telling you?”


“I don’t know, maybe because I’m his ex-girlfriend and your client?” Jimin paused, hesitating. “Did you do that to protect my feelings?”


“Pff, as if.” Winter scoffed, “I just didn’t want to be accused of being a man stealing back stabbing .” she let out a long sigh. “Look, I don’t plan on stealing him, alright? So spare me the step back, step back, silly girl speech because you have absolutely nothing to worry about. If anything happens, you can throw me back in jail. I beg you to throw me back in jail. If I ever agree to such bull then I obviously need some jail time to meditate and rethink my life decisions.”


Jimin tried not to smile. That was the least of her concerns, but it’s amusing to witness Winter be wrong for once. The reassurance was appreciated though, albeit unnecessary.


Winter continued, “I mean, this dude just broke up with you and suddenly started asking out your friend not even a month after the break up! And you were actually defending him. And apologising for him. You sick in the head, ex-boyfriend apologist.”


“I didn’t know because somebody didn’t tell me,”


“I didn’t want to deal with a sobbing loser!”


“Oh, so you admit it? You were looking out for me.”


“Why are you so obsessed with that?” Winter threw her popsicle at her. Jimin let it bounce off her cheek, blinking.


She suppressed a smile. Winter looked funny when disgruntled, face all scrunched up. “Why can’t you just tell me the truth?”


Winter turned away. “Why tell you when you already know?”


Jimin grinned victoriously. Winter shot her a glare. She quickly pursed her lips.


The ice cream had completely melted off her popsicle. She flicked off its remnants and tossed it at Winter’s face for payback. It hit her forehead with a thunk.


“Hey, don’t litter.” Winter punched Jimin’s arm. She choked back a grunt of pain. Ouch.


A moment later, Winter rested her cheek on her knees, facing Jimin. She studied her and Jimin could almost see the gears in her head turning, analysing. “Are you okay?”


“No, that hurt.”


“That’s not what I mean. You deserved that,” Winter said, rolling her eyes. “I meant about this situation. About Jeno. About me.”


Jimin blinked, taking a moment to assess. How did she feel about it? Maybe a little bit betrayed. Kind of surprised. Aside from that, there’s nothing much, really.


“What do you think?” she ended up retorting.


The look Winter gave her was surprising–long and sad. “Yu Jimin, look, I know it’s none of my business but if I were you, I’d stop chasing after him. He’s not worth it.”


Jimin sighed, looking up at the splash of yellows and pinks on the sky. “I can’t do that,” she muttered, “We already started. I can’t just give up. I mean…I already kind of let a criminal out of jail, after all.” her eyes drifted to the said criminal, offering a half smile.


“Oh, that’s not a problem at all. I’m sure we can arrange something about that–I’ll behave. I promise.”


Jimin looked at her wide, blinking eyes and scoffed. “You can’t change my mind, Winter.”


She huffed, pouting. “Fine, then if you don’t want to end this then we might as well go for it! Let’s get that man!” she straightened up, a determined fire in her eyes. “He probably thinks he’s so cool, going around like that after a recent breakup. We’ll show him when you come out with a girlfriend tomorrow. Especially when that girlfriend is me. Oh, I’m so ready to catch his eyeballs once it pops out of his sockets in shock.”


“Winter, that’s gross.” Jimin chuckled, amused with her vigour until it dawned on her that– “Wait, tomorrow? Isn’t that for Monday?”


Winter waved an impatient hand. “We’re moving it. He made me angry and I’ve had enough of him trying to ask me out every single day.”


“But isn’t it too fast?”


“He started it!” Winter argued. “You heard about him making moves on me and got threatened so you decided to mark and claim your territory.”


Jimin jotted that down in her head, scratching out their previous story. “Okay.”


Winter grinned. “Let’s do this.”


They locked eyes, Winter’s broad grin shifting into something a little softer. She seemed like she genuinely cared. Judging from the way this entire conversation went, maybe she actually did.


Jimin wondered if she was aware, and so she attempted to let her know.


“You’re actually really nice, you know that?”


It broke the spell. Winter scoffed and whipped her face away, but Jimin could see the red colouring the tips of her ear.


“If you’re done talking then I would like to go home. My bed is waiting for me.” Winter stood, dusting her pants and completely disregarding what she just said in true Winter fashion.


Jimin laughed at her apparent fluster. “I’m not done yet,” she said in the middle of giggles that felt foreign.


Winter huffed, “What is it?”


Jimin pursed her lips. It’s just a few words. Why was it so difficult to say?


“Sorry,” she managed, “And thank you.”


Winter did not expect that. Her face twitched, like it did not know which expression to wear for once. Jimin liked this look on her too. When she spoke, she sounded strangled, “What for?”


For being so genuinely enraged for Jimin’s sake. She’s never experienced somebody being angry for her that wasn’t her friend before. It’s…it’s a nice feeling, but she wouldn’t want to cause her such distress again.


Maybe they have become friends. A twisted and complicated version of it, maybe, but Jimin found that she didn’t mind.


She said none of that, however. Winter wouldn’t want to hear it. Instead, she shrugged, “Just in general.”


Winter rolled her eyes, “Yeah, well, if you’re really, really grateful, you would wire me a few million dollars. I’d really appreciate that.” she offered a hand.


Jimin let Winter pull her up to her feet. They stood close, and Jimin silently gloated at how Winter had to crane her head back to meet her eyes. “What about a free ride home instead?”


“Yeah, no, I’m not that cheap.” Winter started walking away and Jimin watched as her back grew smaller and smaller until she was swallowed into the sunset.


Jimin chuckled to herself.


Miss know-it-all. Bet she didn’t know about the chocolate stuck on her teeth.


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no strings attached is back!
i cant make any promises tho updates might still be irregular bc im still trying to get back into my rhythm w writing but i'll do my best to at least finish this one. thank you very much for the support! it's been very helpful while i was struggling to write :)


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Chapter 9: i was so invested in this i didn't even notice it isn't finished 😭😭😭😭😭 what im supposed to do with my life now?!?! please update 😭😭😭 not ending this could be my thirteen reason
Minseok25 #2
We’re still waiting for you 😭 hope you’re doing great
i'm a big fan of your works, thank you for sharing it to us~ hope u're doing well!
Chapter 9: Please update. I’m already invested on this story. 😭
Chapter 1: im so hooked on this rn omg
monsalaimx #7
Chapter 9: author-nim please save us (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Chapter 9: I suddenly missed this and reread the last chapter. AAAAAAAAAAAAA~ 🥰 such a talented writer

kwonjess13 #10
Chapter 9: can't believe it took me more tha a year to read the latest update. i loved this story so much and i still love it!!!! will probably reread this a couple more times especially now that it's obvious that they're both catching feelings but are too stubborn to admit it. not quite sure if i commented this before but this has the right amount of slowburn and tension, fluff and angst. seriously, this story gives me butterflies the best kind!