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Soulmates. It isn’t something not common in their age and time, everyone has their own soulmate the problem is how to find them. You meet everyone and anyone, which makes finding that certain person kind of hard. The Universe gives you a hint though, everyone sees a missing color – one color stays in its monochromatic state until you meet the one for you. Another problem that arises in finding your soulmate is when? The Universe doesn’t help you in that department, but everyone says “Soulmates come when the time is right.”

Joohyun wanted to believe that, she wanted to believe that having a soulmate is real but somehow the universe is trying to tell her there is no one destined for her. She has seen her friends find their own soulmates, every single one of them and none for her. She wonders how does it feel like to have your own person to love. Joohyun witnessed her friends acting like they can’t live without the other, like some sugar-infused overly clingy to each other type of couple that makes her want to puke.

“I’m sure you’d be able to find that person, Hyun. I’m sure they’re out there somewhere.” That is what Seulgi said when she felt she was losing hope.

She chuckled at her friend’s statement, Seulgi, and her positivity, she’s got to give her that. She entered the restaurant where her best friend texted her and immediately saw Seulgi and her girlfriend happily waving at her.

Her friend’s happy atmosphere just saved her from the very bleak and stressful week at work. The place was bustling as it was a Friday night, the chatters of everyone in the place clamored softly in Joohyun’s ear along with Seulgi’s story of them going camping for the weekend. She listened to her best friend's plans and nodded, it was one of those nights where she wished she had someone, someone to have weekend plans with, someone whom she could introduce to her best friend with but that someone is someone she hasn’t met yet or simply just doesn’t exist.

Suddenly, all the chatters around were silenced the moment the place dimmed its light and a spotlight onto the stage. “It’s mic night.” She heard Seulgi whisper excitedly to both of them as if they didn’t know that fact.

Applauses were heard when a woman, who seem to look the same as their age, got up and sat on the seat carrying her guitar which seemed to look bigger than her. Cute. Joohyun thinks.

They heard the woman with the guitar greet everyone in the diner and introduced herself as Wendy, as everyone’s claps died down the singer started to strum her guitar transforming it to a soft tune, and then she started singing her number for today.

The first few seconds in, it was nothing for Joohyun if she may be completely honest but she didn’t know how it happened but seemingly she was so entranced when the singer sang her words, and slowly Joohyun felt herself drawn to the singer’s voice. She was stuck staring at the woman on stage and didn’t realize until Wendy the singer locked gazes with her. Joohyun was sure her heart jumped straight through her stomach when that happened.

The singer gave her a smile as she closed her eyes feeling the words of the song she was singing, for Joohyun it was the most beautiful thing that she had seen in her entire life. She didn’t dare to tear away from her gaze as if she’s bewitched by the woman’s voice – like Wendy’s voice was gifted to he

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16 streak #1
Chapter 1: Awww its so lovely I love it
Favebolous 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: Love it ♥️♥️
Favebolous 11 streak #3
Chapter 1: Love it ♥️♥️
Chapter 1: Awww, short and sweet.
Chapter 1: This is so sweet 😭💘
hi_mitochondria #6
Chapter 1: Fluff fluff fluff 💙💗
1695 streak #7
Chapter 1: Thank you for fluff
Chapter 1: An awesome read after a long day 🥰
281200 #9
Chapter 1: The first paragraph one is really a beautiful metaphor
baejoonism #10
Chapter 1: Awww theyre so soft 🥺