1/1 rofl


Happy World book day, my Yewon shippers! :) Sorry, not feeling too well, so sorry for grammar mistakes and this was kind of done at School soooo~ Yeah, Comments are loved~ x Oh, and i'm not sure if this counts as a drabble because I think it's slightly too long for a drabble, but yeah, name it what you want to, Enjoy~

Siwon was on one of his daily jogs, it was in the middle of the summer and the heat was SCORCHING hot, but he HAD to go jogging. He was just a health/fitness freak.

He even jogs on a Saturday. a SATURDAY! And this was one of those many Saturdays.

He actually looked forward to it, since he would pass by the park. The park was something special to him. Today was a beautiful day and he was going to enjoy the sight of a beautiful man.

Call him a stalker, a weirdo or a freak, but the second he made eye contact with the male in the park, he fell in love. Eye contact, BOOM. Fell in love. No, really. The man in the park was just plainly STUNNING.

He wasn't shallow and just necessarily attracted to the other male's looks, but he seems like the sweetest person in the world, those gorgeous facial features were just a bonus.

He didn't know his name, nor has he ever talked to him Siwon being the oversized wimp he was, but he really wanted to. More like he needed to.

There Siwon was, on his black wife beater shirt, his grey (/gray) sweat pants hugging his waist loosely slightly bouncing up and down as he jogged, his black earphones (ear buds) plugged into his ear, connected to his iPod that was currently resting safely on his pant pockets.

He turned a corner, only to meet with the sight of the park, his legs unconsciously going on a faster pace before stopping to stare.

There he was, sat on the bench, his raven coloured hair framing his flawless face, his lips...oh, those gorgeous pink lips shaped into an 'o' shape as he blew more bubbles.

He was surrounded by little kids, the age range going probably going from 4-10 years. Siwon was sure those little kids were entranced by his beauty, and not the bubbles'.

The short girls and boys would only stare with admiration, especially when he smiled. The way his eyes cutely disappeared as he flashed that billion-watt smile.

Siwon just knew, don't ask him how, but he knew that those girls (and some boys) were dying inside, probably upset at how they're too young to fall in love, most importantly to fall in love with him. Some of the other boys, jealous of his god giving looks, or the heart warming aura around him. It's like if you look at him, everything else disappeared, it was only him you would see. Or maybe it was only Siwon who felt that, or maybe he wasn't the only one.

Siwon was positive that the male could attract any gender, any age, any species. He was just so goddamn flawless words just couldn't describe how beautiful he was.

And God, that husky yet gentle laugh he would let out as he entertained the children with bubbles was music to Siwon's ears.

Last, but not least, Siwon was mesmerised at how the male would stare off into one of those countless bubbles he would blow with fascinated eyes, as if he wanted to be one of those bubbles; to be free, away from society, to be able to float in his own world and not be disturbed.

Siwon almost fainted on the spot as the male stopped gazing at the bubbles and gave him a smile and a sweet wave, as if he knew that he had been watching him the whole time.

Siwon let out a rosy blush as he waved back, before going back to his jogging. One day, he hoped that he would have the courage to speak to the male, and hopefully ask for his name.

And if possible, blow those bubbles with him.

A/N: Lolishness! My first YeWon fic! I have another YeWon fic, but there's Kyusung in there too...so I'll count this as my first YeWon fic and I didn't even bother on that other one And if you guys didn't get the hint, the guy with the 'god-giving' looks is indeed Yesung. You'd have to be pretty dense to think that the guy would be a random guy named George or something when it's a YeWon fic

:P Lol, joke *if you read the one with the slash*, Comments on to make it better? What you liked? What you hated? Advice? Love? Hate? All welcome :)

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waaaa so cute!!!

no part 2?? T___________T wait a minute ooomo!!
yeah sequel!!

xD can't wait fighting!! :D
cloudy_28 #2
What a good news..looking forward bb #excited n thank u Chu..
cloudykuro #3
this is kyuuuuteeee!!! ^^
i have to use 'kyu' since u make me remember about SS3 where yesung blew the bubbles to the elf and kyu couldn't help but stared in aww with puppy eyes wanted to blow the bubbles too like a kindergarten kid he is XD *squishes them all*
and the way u describe yesung beauty is just perfect! he is so beautiful like that!!!! ^^
can u continue this? *puppy eyes*
AWWW!!!! That was so adorable >w<
Lol usually Yesung is the stalker but Siwon is the stalker this time xD
i mean who wouldnt want to stalk Yesung? He just so attractive >_<
Yesung with bubbles is just such a cute image >w<
I hope Siwon confesses to Yesung soon :D
cloudy_28 #5
Kyaaaa...that was so cute n sweet,love this so much. U describe siwon feeling so perfectly as if yesung is a beautiful thing in this world,though that's the trruth keekeke..No one can resist yesung's charm not even siwon. And this line are my fav "Siwon was positive that the male could attract any gender,any age n any 'species' "..Any species?that was tottaly shocking ahahaha..
Oh i wish u could make this as chaptered fic..
cloudy91 #6
this is cute and sweet!!!!
love how siwon stalked yesung...
xD LoL.. This is short and sweet, Siwon is crazy over Yesung, i even can imagine his face, looked like an idiot when he stare my cloud prince *oh, i claim yesung as mine, don't slap me please*
And, YOU.. When will u update ' gone wrong'?? i miss it T.T
wish Siwon would get that chance soon~ I think you can develop the story more :slap
I really liked this!!! The way you described everything was amazing!! You could just see everything happening and feel the many emotions that Siwon is feeling!!!
it was really sweet..why don`t you make this a chapterd story or at least a little squel in wich they actually talk with each other..it would be wonderful ^^