Yesung and others

(this is not a Yesung fic, you can skip.)

Story time!!!

I shared my wattpad account link with...........lets just call her my wife. OK? yeah.

So miss wifey saw my take? explanation? opinion? theory? about singularity (by BTS V). Now I don't know how, but this glorious being of a human liked it. Enough that she asked me to make one of still with you. Do you get it? No? Still with you (jungkook) is her favorite song. absorb it. favorite song. AND SHE ASKED ME TO WRITE MY TAKE ON ITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME!!! MY TAKE!!! ON HER /FAVORITE/ SONG!!!!!!

So, obviously, I had to do it.

..............but I did it months later. Forgive me for that, dear.

Anyways, here's the thing.



Idk why I never noticed it before, but still with you is a song of one dedicated lover. Like, you know that idiom? A moth flying towards the flame? That love is destructive, but so strong that not being in love is a foriegn concept to the moth. Like....I know it'll kill me, but I love it, y'know? Like not loving is out of the question. This is that type of love. Not destructive tho. This one is sweet. Bittersweet, but sweet.  


YOUR FAINT VOICE THAT PASSES ME, why is it faint? because its not really there. Its an auditory hallucination. He's just hearing that hallucination.

WOULD YOU PLEASE CALL MY NAME ONE MORE TIME? This is the craving for what could be called, validation from your love. Its like, the love is what gets you going. Their sight, their voice, its your strength. So even if its a hallucination, he asks them, the hallucination, to please call his name once again. 'Remember me', that type of thing. Lead me more into loving you.

ALTHOUGH I'M PAUSED BENEATH A FROZEN SUNSET, I'LL WALK TOWARDS YOU, ONE STEP AT A TIME. this is like a plead to the love. That please don't leave me, don't forget me. It might be difficult for me, and I might be slow, frozen, but its you that I'm coming towards

STILL WITH YOU. You're my destination. It'll always be you, no matter how difficult it is. So please, stay.


Now, this following is a bit normal-lifey. Like, that was what his mind is now, this is what his life is now. Now that the love is not currently with him. 

THERE ISN'T A SINGLE LIGHT IN THIS DARK ROOM, I SHOULDN'T GET USED TO THIS. He knows what he should and should not do, but he can't find the strength to fight the feeling. He lets the depression, sadness cover him. cloud him

BUT IT FEELS FAMILIAR ONCE AGAIN. Meaning that the reason he got out of this was probably the love too. He has overcome it once, he knows how to, but he can't really bring himself to make the effort.

THIS SUBTLE NOISE COMING FROM THE AIR-CON Its a very small thing. Not even a living being. But this is all he has. This little noise to keep him company. Also, the air-con could also mean that it is keeping him company, but it is also chilling him. A bit bad for him.

IF I DIDN'T HAVE EVEN THIS, I THINK I'D BREAK DOWN That this one thing, this sound, is what is keeping him sane. A little resemblance to the love's voice. The hallucinations here, once again. The voice passed, remember? That is the air from the AC, and he is hearing his love's voice in the small humming of the device

LAUGHING TOGETHER, CRYING TOGETHER He's just remembering things from that time. No matter if it is a good memory as such, like whether he's happy or not.

THESE SIMPLE EMOTIONS PERHAPS THEY BECAME EVRYTHING TO ME NOW Now, they're all he has of his love. Those memories. So all types of memories become realllly precious to him.

WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN, THAT I MEET YOU AGAIN? He is now hoping that he will get to make more of those memories with his love. He is also a little bit hopeless. Like 'when will it happen?', 'will it even happen?'.

I'LL LOOK INTO YOUR EYES AND TELL YOU, I'VE MISSED YOU There is soooo much to say, so many feelings to express. But instead of declaring his love, he's telling his love that he missed them. That they are important.

IN THE MEMORIES OF ENTRANCING MOMENTS, EVEN WHEN I DANCE ALONE, IT STILL RAINS As he is lost in those memories, the ones he holds so dear, it rains. He feels the rain, and he dances. Here, rain is merry. He's alone, but those memories with him are so wonderful, he is merry even if he is alone. Obviously, the memories are not better than the person, but even those memories make him soo happy. Its like he's dancing with the hallucination of his love. (this part is my favorite lyric)

WHEN THIS FOG CLEARS UP, Rain clears up the fog. When the obstacles are gone, when this happiness causes the sadness to vanish (or when corona finishes)

I'LL QUICKLY RUN TO YOU ON MY WET FEET This is a hope and a promise. That while he can hold onto the memories, while he has not yet broken down, when he still has this happiness, the obstacle will vanish and he can reach his love. that the fog clears up soon after the rain, before the feet dry up. Before memories become insufficient to keep him going, he gets to meet his love again. And then he won't bother with anything, he'll run to his love.

THEN HUG ME. This too, is like a validation. Like I did so much, can I get a little reward?

Now the following part is him reminiscing the past.

BECAUSE THE MOON LOOKED LONELY, These are his memories. That his love was like a moon. So radiant, lighting up the dark night sky alone. But it seemed lonely.

BECAUSE IT SEEMED TO BE CRYING, RADIANT IN THE SKY, ALTHOUGH I KNEW THAT AT LAST MORNING WILL COME, He knew that his love might not have been lonely, they would have eventually become happy again, but he wanted to do something

I STILL WANTED TO STAY IN YOUR SKY, LIKE A STAR He wanted to stay with them, help them a little, keep them a little company, protect them a little, to his capability. His support might be as insignificant to his lover as is the help of a star for a moon in lighting up the night sky, but he wanted to do it. So he did.

THAT DAY, THAT MOMENT, HAD I KNOWN IT WOULD BE LIKE THIS,  I WOULD'VE KEPT MORE OF THEM IN MY MEMORIES. Whatever the reason, the star didn't stay with the moon very long. Probably it realized its light was not helping very much. Or maybe he stayed with his love throughout, but every time he looked back at the memories, he felt that his love was sooooo brilliant, or felt insecure, and tried not to think about it too much, resulting in forgetting some details. He was insecure and lost some of his time with his love. Now he regrets it.

WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN, THAT I MEET YOU AGAIN? He is now hoping that he will get to make more of those memories with his love. He is also a little bit hopeless. Like 'when will it happen?', 'will it even happen?'.

I'LL LOOK INTO YOUR EYES AND TELL YOU, I'VE MISSED YOU There is soooo much to say, so many feelings to express. But instead of wasting time on those, he's telling his love that he missed them. That he loves them. That they are important to him.

IN THE MEMORIES OF ENTRANCING MOMENTS, EVEN WHEN I DANCE ALONE, IT STILL RAINS Again, its like he's drunk and talkiing about the irony and beauty in this.

WHEN THIS FOG CLEARS UP, I'LL QUICKLY RUN TO YOU ON MY WET FEET This is a promise. To himself and to his love. That he won't waste time on fickle worries. Like is short. He'll run to his love as fast as he can.

THEN HUG ME. This too, is like a validation. Like I did so much, can I get a little reward?

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I forgot the idea😫


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392 streak #1
Chapter 4: Ummm.. I don't know about BTS that much so... 😅

Eniwei, you wouldn't write about yesung x everyone anymore? 😭
392 streak #2
Chapter 2: well, so Heechul was falling in love with Jongwoon (?) who wouldn't anyway? XD
392 streak #3
Chapter 1: I love when Kyu and Wookie even talked about Yesung and their romantic feeling towards the man, casually (?) like it's really okay to do that (?) XD
392 streak #4
yesung x everyone, the way I like it hehehe~
Chapter 1: I like your story keep up 😉