
Love House



“Kyungsoo… if you sigh again you’ll deflate completely.” Baekhyun says, crossing his arms over his chest. “What is going on? For the hundredth time.”

Kyungsoo shakes his head as he continues chopping some vegetables. The knife is flying across the cutting board. However, the pieces are a bit too small for the dish he was trying to prepare for lunch. He can barely concentrate. His brain keeps going back to that hospital, Jongin’s words echoing louder each time.

Unease forms like knots and his stomach sinks, just like it does every time he thinks about it.

After they talked, Kyungsoo didn’t protest. He didn’t say anything and left, not even telling the others he was leaving. So, when they came back home and found him there, they all asked what happened. Kyungsoo did not give them any information, but he knows they can tell. His mood has been too obvious since the day before.

He keeps wondering what went wrong. If it was something he did or was Jongin just too overwhelmed with everything that he didn’t want people there? Kyungsoo was leaning towards the last one, however, Junmyeon and Sehun left earlier that morning to go see him, and considering none of them were back, he could guess Jongin didn’t have an issue with either of them visiting him.

It was just him he had a problem with.


What did he even do to make Jongin say those things? Why did he not want Kyungsoo there helping him? The more he thought about it, the less sense it made. Wouldn’t you want the person you allegedly like to support you through tough times? Jongin was the helping type. He always looked for ways to help Kyungsoo with small stuff, so why was it so bad that he tried to do the same?

Even when it was a bigger deal.

He can only think that maybe his feelings changed.

Maybe Jongin somehow did not feel the same way anymore. A part of his brain keeps telling him to stop doubting Jongin’s feelings. He’s done it before and Jongin always proved him wrong. However, what other explanation could there be?

Kyungsoo can’t figure out what he’s thinking and Jongin is not communicating much either.

It’s not going to work out this way.

Baekhyun groans when he doesn’t get an answer. Turning around and leaving the kitchen. Kyungsoo doesn’t want to upset the rest of them, but he doesn’t feel like talking about it yet. He still has his own feelings to go through.

Chanyeol then steps into the kitchen, his eyes scanning the area before they land on Kyungsoo. He gets closer and when he speaks his voice is so low, that Kyungsoo is afraid he might’ve misunderstood what he said.

“Where’s Baekhyun?” Chanyeol blinks, a hand over his mouth as if to avoid the sound reaching said person.

“He was here a moment ago, but I don’t know where he went,” Kyungsoo says in a normal tone. Panic flashes into Chanyeol’s eyes and he looks over his shoulder.


“He’s out with Junmyeon.”

Chanyeol hums.


“Do you think he’ll say yes if I ask him out?” Chanyeol asks.

“Who? Sehun?” Kyungsoo chuckles when the other shoots him a glare.

“Baekhyun! I saw a few interesting places, but I don’t know if I should ask.” He rubs his palms against his jeans, biting his bottom lip in nervousness.

“Hmm, well after the way you attacked him, I can understand why you’re hesitant-”

“I did not attack him. I just stated a fact.” Chanyeol frowns.

“However…” Kyungsoo continues as if Chanyeol said nothing. “You’ll know only when you ask him. Who knows, you might be surprised.”

Chanyeol nods, eyes losing focus as he thinks about this.

“The worst thing that can happen is him saying no… and that’s not any different from what you guys are doing now so.” Kyungsoo shrugs.

Chanyeol takes a deep breath and nods again. There’s a hint of determination in his eyes when he turns around. He shoots a quick ‘thank you’ before running upstairs. Probably to find Baekhyun.

For the first time since he got to the house, Kyungsoo sits to eat by himself. He finds the place a bit too quiet and he’s not sure he likes that. He’s feeling very tempted to call Sehun and ask how Jongin is doing or to give him overall updates, however, he refrains from doing so. Jongin asked for space and that’s what he would give him.

Even if it didn’t feel right.

He pokes at his food for a while until he finally decides he’s done. He throws away the rest of the food, before carefully washing his plate.

Going back to his room, he opens his laptop, hoping to get some work done. He has quite a few emails to answer among other things. Maybe he can go in to the restaurant tonight since there’s not much to do around the house. Kyungsoo welcomes the distraction that his job represents.

Answering emails and making phone calls, ordering supplies, take his mind off things. This is something he knows well, his restaurant, his passion. He works for a while, not noticing when the sun sets and it gets dark outside. Kyungsoo rubs his tired eyes, tossing his glasses away as he stretches. He needs a shower and then he can be on his way.

Walking downstairs a while later, he can hear noise coming from the entrance. He glances over to see Baekhyun and Chanyeol standing there, facing each other. Staring silently. Kyungsoo frowns, watching the scene.

“Everything okay guys?” Kyungsoo asks. The two of them seem to break out of a deep trance.

“Everything’s fine,” Baekhyun responds. “We’re just on our way out.”

Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow. “Together?”

“Yeah.” Chanyeol smiles and Kyungsoo realizes he succeeded. He actually asked Baekhyun out, and Baekhyun was curious enough to say yes. His attack the other day worked.

Kyungsoo nods. “Have fun.” He doesn’t say anything else as the other two make their way out. Kyungsoo gathers his things and gets ready to head out as well. He keeps going over everything he needs in his head, over and over, until he’s satisfied.

The sound of the door opening breaks his concentration, he thinks probably Baekhyun or Chanyeol forgot something and came back for it, but when he looks up, a different pair of eyes return his stare. It’s Junmyeon. He’s alone, which makes Kyungsoo wonder where Sehun is. The other man glances at him for a moment, but he doesn’t say anything as he takes off his shoes with a groan and walks into the house.

Kyungsoo wants to ask. He wants to ask so badly.

“How’s he doing?” He blurts out and regrets it the moment the words are out in the open. Floating in the surrounding air.

Junmyeon is silent for a while, he seems to think about it. “He’s okay. His mother is a lot better, so he’s in a better mood. Thought I would see you there today.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes fall to the ground. He doesn’t know if he wants to tell Junmyeon what happened. This might open an opportunity for him and Kyungsoo is not willing to give in. So, instead, he simply shrugs.

Junmyeon hums. There’s silence for a small eternity. Kyungsoo debates just leaving before it gets awkward. He’s holding his breath, lungs burning with every second that goes by.

“Whatever he said…” Junmyeon starts and his words send goosebumps through Kyungsoo’s skin. “I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”

Kyungsoo frowns.

“I would talk to him if I were you.”

Junmyeon heads upstairs without another word and Kyungsoo finds himself even more confused than he was before. What was that supposed to mean? Should he even listen to his advice?

It didn’t seem ill-intended, but…

What the heck was he supposed to do?

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964 streak #1
Chapter 21: Baekhyun and Jongin are definitely competing for Kyungsoo's attention. My best friend used to call my boyfriend back then her rival.
I love the lessons they got from the show.
Thank you so much for sharing.
964 streak #2
Chapter 4: They picked each other after week 1. Jongin, despite his tough exterior, seems to be a blushing school girl. I can't wait to be with them in the Love Villa.
964 streak #3
Chapter 1: Just started reading this. Looks interesting.
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 21: Hahaha. Their reunion says it all. Love this story. Thank you so much
Nicole121314 #5
Chapter 20: So cute KaiSoo as always hehe
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 19: In real life, i also want to taste Kyungsoo's cooking...
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 18: They've become so close and im sure it will be hard for them to leave. But of course they can stil contact each other after the show.
Nicole121314 #8
Chapter 17: They're all so weird haha
Diraunnie #9
Chapter 18: It is a lovely chapter. It is good to see all of them having fun together.
chanlily2109 #10
Chapter 16: When you update Dear Author