
It’s not like I like you!



Mina grumbled, her hands clenched at her sides as she eyed the clock. As the bell rang, she rushed out of the classroom, stuffing her things into her bag messily. She ran through the hallways swiftly, the crowd parting upon her arrival -as it always did. Mina was popular among all of the students for being perfect. She was elegant, kind, pretty and smart and, for that reason, everyone knew her. She caught her breath, finally taking a look up at the results board; 1# Son Chaeyoung, 2# Myoui Mina. Her face fell, whispers scattered throughout the crowd that was watching her. How could I not be first? I’m always first. Her fist uncurled as she let out a disappointed sigh, dropping her bag on the floor. I worked so hard for this! How could I be second? Behind her, murmurs started to arise as the crowd parted once again. A short girl stepped forward casually, her eyes uncaring as she scanned the board. Her hair was dark and unkempt, her top button undone and tie loose. The girl’s big cat-like eyes lit up as she reached the top. She let out a squeak of excitement before fist bumping a girl behind her.

“Dahyun-Ah! Look! I got first place!”

Ah, so this is her. Mina looked her up and down, blatantly checking her out. She looks disorganised, how can I lose to her? Despite the messy uniform, Mina had to admit, Chaeyoung was cute. The girl’s dimple was enough to make Mina blush, the mole under her plump lips resembled the one that sat on the bridge of Mina’s nose. Gosh, what’re you thinking!? She ruined your streak! You worked so hard for this! She was knocked out of her trance by a warm hand on her shoulder.

“Hey, it’s okay. You can still get first place next time!” Sana reassured Mina with a smile on her face, “Look! I got 56th out of 120!”

Mina stuffed her face into Sana’s shoulder and groaned, “Yeah, but you don’t have a reputation of being smart! I basically spend all my time studying!”

She pat Mina’s head as the crowd dispersed, “It’s okay Minari! We just need to work harder next time!”

“Hey! It’s lunch time now, can we go to the canteen?” Momo whined, waving her hand from down the hallway.


“Son Chaeyoung?” Momo asked, full, “I know her! She’s like, crazy good at everything. Its honestly uncanny.”

Mina rolled her eyes at the name, “Finish your food before you speak please.”

“Geez, someone’s grumpy.” Momo mumbled to herself

“Speak of the devil and she shall appear! Look! It’s Chaeyoung!” Sana whisper-shouted

Mina turned around to see Chaeyoung in a black letterman jacket, her hands deep in her pockets, surrounded by a group of girls.

“Chaeng, I never knew you were smart!” a girl with bunny-like teeth laughed 

“Hey! I’m not that dumb!” Chaeyoung retaliated

Mina looked away, distracting herself from the group with her food.

“Hey, isn’t that tall one super cute?” Sana looked as if she had just seen an angel

“Mmm,” Momo hummed in agreement, “but that one is prettier.” she pointed to a pale girl opposite from the tall one. Mina recognised her as the girl Chaeyoung was with at the board. What was her name? Dahyun? 

“Anyway,” Mina was sick of the two drooling over girls, especially girls who were friends with Chaeyoung, “I have a student council meeting after school, so don’t wait up for me.”

“Huh?,” Sana snapped back to reality, “Oh okay, sure.” 


Mina sighed as the last bell rang. She packed her bag slowly, her arms tired from all the note taking. She dragged herself to the student council room, straightening up before she went inside. Strange, there’s an extra chair. Mina took her seat next to Jihyo, the head of the student council. Eventually, every seat was filled except from the extra one next to her.

“Everyone,” Jihyo smiled, “I have an announcement! We have a new member!”

Mina gave the girl a weird look. We don’t need anyone else, I wonder who it is. 

“Sorry i’m late unnie!” Suddenly, a girl slammed the door open, out of breath and disheveled. Dark long hair, dimples, cute mole. ! It’s Chaeyoung! Mina’s eyes widened, she tensed up. Out of all people! And she’s next to me! Mina groaned internally, giving the girl a smile as she took a seat.

“Hello everyone!” she waved cheerily, “I’m Son Chaeyoung, thank you for inviting me.”

“Chaeyoung here is our new music representative.” Jihyo beamed, she was clearly excited

Mina looked around at the rest of the group. Their reactions were pretty much the same, as to be expected. Each member shook her hand, giving her a welcoming smile before sitting down and waiting.

“Hey, you’re Mina right?” Chaeyoung turned to her.

Could this day get any worse? “Yeah, congratulations on getting first place on the history exam by the way.” Mina gave her a smile, like everyone else, and withdrew her hand.

“Thanks! I saw you at the school festival last year, your dancing is so good! No wonder you’re the dance rep!” Chaeyoung gave Mina a smile back. God, those dimples are deadly.

“Thank you.” Mina replied awkwardly and then turned away.

“Great, now that everyone has been introduced, let’s move on.” The leader ended the chatter, her hands clasped on the table and her back straight.


The ballerina stayed behind in the room after the meeting ended, wanting to have some peace and quiet before she went home.

“Hey,” a familiar voice called Mina from her state of relaxation, “You okay?”

Chaeyoung. Mina grumbled, “Yeah, just tired.” It’s none of your business. Despite the annoyance creeping up Mina’s spine, she decided to remain kind.

“You’re not mad at me, are you?” Chaeyoung tilted her head, her eyes full of worry 

“Why would I be mad? It’s not like some girl I barely know broke my streak of two years, something I worked my of to achieve, and then joins the student council like it’s nothing.” 

Chaeyoung was stunned, her jaw dropped. Speechless. , I said too much. So much to being nice.

Chaeyoung, surprisingly, smirked, “Seems like someone doesn’t like me.” She crossed her arms and approached the penguin.

“Ah- it’s not like that I just-“ 

“No, I don’t mind. I love them when they’re feisty.” She leaned in closer

Mina’s eyes widened, filling with rage at the words, “First of all, i’m not your entertainment. I have no idea who you are and you’re already flirting with me? Have some respect! Second of all, you’re not my type. I don’t like girls who act bratty and arrogant. Third of all-“ she paused after seeing Chaeyoung’s face and groaned into her palms.

Chaeyoung grinned as she listened to Mina’s scolding, “Aren’t you playing into it, though?”

The ballerina glared at Chaeyoung, hatred burning so hot it could turn the shorter girl into a pile of ashes. What kind of idiot is she? She backed away and got up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder, “Hope you had fun at the meeting. I don’t look forward to seeing you again.” Mina left with a bitter smile.




“Mina? As in Myoui Mina? Scolded you?” Nayeon’s eyebrows furrowed, “I don’t believe you, she’s like an angel.”

“Angel? I guess she does look like one, but either way she’s rude. Arrogant if you ask me.” Chaeyoung sounded uninterested as she ate her fries

“Chae are you sure this isn’t one of your weird fantasies?” the group burst into laughter at Jeongyeon’s words.

The cub’s face reddened at the comment, “Stop teasing me! I’m being serious!” she pouted

“I’m sorry,” Jihyo wheezed, tears in her eyes

“But, to be honest, she’s kinda hot when she shouts.”

“WHAT?!” Dahyun spit out some of her drink

“Chaeyoung please stop being for once, you’re like 5.” Tzuyu took a sip of her milkshake 

“I’m older than you, and i’m not ! I’m just saying that she’s pretty!”


“I’m gonna take the shortcut home, wanna come with?” Chaeyoung dug her hands deeper into her pockets.

“No, sorry, my mum isn’t gonna be home until 6 so i’m gonna go to the store.” Tzuyu shook her head

Dahyun hummed, “I’m gonna go with her.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.” They waved their goodbyes as they parted ways. 

Chaeyoung shivered as she walked through the narrow alleyways, the chilly winter air seeping through her jacket. The streetlights were already on and the sky was dark, almost pitch black. God I hate winter.She turned right to her street when- Who the ! 

“Ah- Sorry-“ A familiar soft voice spoke, “Oh, it’s you.” the voice hardened.

Chaeyoung rubbed her head in pain and winced, “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean you’re a total douche, and you’re definitely stalking me.”

“Me? Stalking you? You wish! I’m just on my way home!” Chaeyoung looked up at Mina clearly pissed.

“Whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it too close to me.” 

Chaeyoung stopped rubbing her head, taking the moment to look up at Mina. Wow. The streetlight ahead gave the ballerina a halo, and Chaeyoung looked at her as if she were an angel. Her eyes were wide as they settled on Mina’s face, the moles that had formed a constellation. She really is pretty, huh? 

Mina’s face heated up at the attention, the red rising from her cheeks to her ears, “Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to move on?” she grumbled

Chaeyoung shook her head as if to rid all of her thoughts of Mina and pointed behind her, “I live right there, I have time to stare for longer.” she smiled.

“,” Mina mumbled under her breath, “I live right across from you.”

“Really?” Chaeyoung asked excitedly, tiptoeing slightly to get a better look at Mina, “I’ll walk you home!”

“Gross, no.”


“No.” Mina crossed her arms and rolled her hands and began walking away.

Chaeyoung trailed behind like a sad puppy, “I’m gonna do it anyway.”

“Anyone ever told you you’re creepy?”

“Anyone ever told you you’re rude?”

“Only you. I’m not really known to be mean, quite the opposite really.”

“Then why are you so cruel to me?” 

“You’re an annoying, arrogant air head.” Mina jammed her key into the door, wiggling it around until it clicked, “Bye.”

“What do you mea-“ Chaeyoung was cut off as Mina slammed the door in her face. She slumped her shoulders and dropped her cheery face. What am I doing?




She stuffed her keys into her pocket, falling onto her bed with a thump. Mina reached for her penguin plushie and stuffed her face into its white stomach. She let out a long groan and slumped once again. This Son Chaeyoung girl is so annoying. Ding! She looked over and her phone, grabbing it and looking at the notification.

From: Squirrel To: MiSaMo

You guys!!! I just got a date with that cutie!!!!!!!

From: Momoring To: MiSaMo

The tall one???

From: Squirrel To: MiSaMo

Yeah, she said she wouldn’t mind having a triple date with that pale girl and Chaeyoung as long as I have ppl to bring. 

From: Momoring To: MiSaMo

I claim the one that isn’t Chaeyoung!!!

From: Squirrel To: MiSaMo

Mina-ya??!!! Ik you’re reading this! Please come along, I really want this date!!! Chaeyoung isn’t that bad!


Mina rolled her eyes at the amount of exclamations, she could basically hear Sana pleading in her head. She typed back quickly.


From: You To: MiSaMo

Fine, no funny business tho. 

From: Squirrel To: MiSaMo



“Ugh.” Mina rolled over onto her back and stared at her ceiling. What am I doing? She huffed and jumped out of her bed, opening her curtains dramatically. Across the street Chaeyoung’s house was dark, every window pitch black. Suddenly, a light flickered. The room right across from her window. Mina squinted as she tried to get a better view. What the ?! Chaeyoung was basically , her raven hair tied up as she adjusted her sports bra. Mina’s face reddened at the sight of Chaeyoung’s soft curves contrasted by her toned arms and abs. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she ran her eyes down the girl’s body. Mina’s gaze followed the constellation of moles on her body, infatuated with her every curve and- ! ! She saw me! The girl walked to her window, winking at Mina before she closed her curtains.

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dallydally #1
Chapter 1: authornim 😭😭🥺🥺
Chapter 1: I love this already 🥺
Mariahsright #3
Chapter 1: I love this story already
Myrulesmylife #4
Chapter 1: Great start Authornim