Aero's Dynamic Wave

Aero and Muri [Apply Closed] (Story has begun)

~A Fan's POV~

"Omo... Jin!! Aero let out there album and now the song is on YouTube!" I yelled to the room across from me.

My sister, Jin Ae, who I call Jin, ran into my room and sat next to me on my bed. "Play it! I wanna hear Sun Oppa's y rapping voice and see how cute the two awesome maknaes are!" I chuckled and pressed play on the video.

( So I found this AMAZING instrumental this person made and it's amazing~ So I decided to us it for Aero's song, but thank you all for your input. I did use some's idea for Muri's song so ^^ Thank you all so much who had helped me choose!)

[Here's the instrumental]


[Kyuhyun] I don’t know,

I just don’t wanna feel it.

I just know,

What my heart says,

What is this feeling that’s in my heart?

Is it really?

What about love?

[SangHee] How can you really just walk away?

Do you really care about me at all?

[TaeRin] I just wanna feel the rain~,

Hitting on my skin.

I just wanna feel you hold me close,

But you’re gone from my heart.

[Akiva] I was once with you,

I believed love was true.

You broke it all,

Lost it all,

And now I’m broken in two.

[Sun] I don’t even want to hear you,

I don’t even want to see you,

But your face comes to my mind all I see is my tear-filled eyes.

I want nothing from you,

Not even your apologies.

I just want you gone.


[Aero-4 (All except Akiva or except Sun)] I just wondered why when we had it all..

[Akiva] Maybe it was because I was insecure.

Just don’t really have the strength

To even go on.

[Aero-4]Maybe now you see all your faults.

[Sun]It’s finally coming down, isn’t it?

You’re breaking down aren’t you?

[TaeRin] I didn’t even hurt you babe.

I didn’t break your fragile heart.


It seems you never really cared for mine.

What about Love?

[KyuHyun]You broke it~,

You tore it~,

I can’t believe all this time,

I was living in a lie~.

(Kyuhyun’s “lie~” Drags on for a while)[SangHee]I just wanted to be only with you.

You didn’t even say sorry,

Was I really that bad?

Was I really too nice?

I gave you all those things.

My love,

My time,

My dark secrets.

You go and do this,

Why would you do this?

[Kyuhyun and SangHee]What is this about Love~?

(Love drags on a bit) [Akiva] I really wonder why

I spent my time

On all your lies.

I really wonder why

I spent my time

On you,

You really didn’t care.

You didn’t spare a time

Even on me.

What is this?

What about Love?

(Chorus )

[Kyuhyun]You keep asking for another chance.

I don’t even know if I can do it.

[SangHee]You keep asking for forgiveness.

I don’t even know if I want to.

[TaeRin]You keep asking to talk to you.

You know I won’t do it.

[Sun]You keep asking,

Keep talking,

You know I won’t answer.



We were once a great thing.

Now look at us,

We are torn apart,

Broken and hopeless,

What are we even doing?

I don’t want this feeling.

What about love?

What about happiness?

I know either

Just pain and sadness.

[Kyuhyun] I don’t know,

I just don’t wanna feel it.

I just know,

What my heart says,

What is this feeling that’s in my heart?

Is it really?

What about love?

[All] I don’t know,

I just don’t wanna feel it.

I just know,

What my heart says,

What is this feeling that’s in my heart?

Is it really?

What about love?



My sister and I stared at each other befor squealing. "Omo, Sun Oppa and Akiva were amazing! I can't believe their rapping skills Yoon!" Jin yelled before hugging me tight.

I giggled and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but don't forget Kyuhyun, SangHee and TaeRin. Their singing voices are amazing. Especially Kyuhyun's... Ah~ I swear he makes me fall in love with him every day."

"SangHee is my all time favorite! I love TaeRin too because she's just... adorable!"

"Muri's song is coming in a few hours by ChungSang's tweet, I'm so excited! My two favorite rookie groups that I haven't even seen live yet! They already sing and rap so well!"

"I can't wait to hear Hana rap. They say that China's Voice's rap skills are just as amazing as Sun's skills, but she only had trained on it when she got here to Korea because she was originally trained to sing and decided to be a rapper."

"Well... She's a pretty hot and y rapper. Like... have you seen her abs?!" We went downhill from there as we spazzed about NegaNetworks new groups. They really are amazing. Maybe they'll be up top like B.A.P. and EXO-K!

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On up to Muri's song. Posting it in a few minutes Sorry for the anticipated wait >


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1ll1ll9oo #1
Chapter 15: Heyyyy long time no see :P
Hahaha busy? ^^
Chapter 15: :3
Unnie...Update more^^
You can make me the co-author....-u-
1ll1ll9oo #3
Lol I'd do it, but I'm too lazy xD
hehe Yeah I made the lyrics and I was thinking of doing that actually.. Thanks for the idea ^_^ I'm just finding other translators other than Google Translator because people tell me it's not good so I'm finding others to use and possibly getting my friend who's taking Korean in college XD
1ll1ll9oo #5
You made the lyrics right? :O
I think it might sound good if translated correctly into Korean as well...
soo2k_ #6
Nice nice nice !!! This is Chung sang btw
I'm glad! ^_^ I thought you guys would like it because it's just... amazing! This person is helping me with creating instrumentals like this so I'm excited when I make later songs I can create them as good as this or maybe up to his level! ^^
1ll1ll9oo #8
That instrumental... I LOVE IT.