

Chunji swore as he threw the empty inhaler canister onto the floor before dropping down to the floor in defeat. He couldn't even pay rent for his ty apartment so getting a refill was a laughable thing at the moment. With his condition manual labor was out of the question and nobody would hire somebody who hasn't even graduated from high school yet. Even the part time jobs didn't want him because they said he caused too many problems. In reality he knew the bosses were just scared of their lovers being taken away by his appearance. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" He muttered to himself in defeat before curling up into a ball leaning against the wall.


"Okay, Chunji, today you are going to smile and make friends so you can get food at lunch. Then, we can worry about dinner after we get away from the debt collectors." He muttered to himself in a mockingly cheerful way on his way to school. Honestly he found no point in attending the school the only reason he went was so he could be in a warm environment and steal some food. He shivered from the cold as he watched his classmates walk by without his problem as they were all dressed warmly. Seeing that more students were appearing on the road now he stood up a bit straighter than before still slouching a bit and stuck his hands into his pocket in his attempt of keeping his image.

Frowning as  the cold air rushing down his throat became more and more unbearable he found himself take shorter and shallower breaths in an attempt to breath. Slowly he was forced by his own body to fall onto his knees while gasping for the breath of air his body never seemed to recieve. By now he was completely gone and was sprawled out onto the asphalt desperately trying to breathe. An attack now of all times? After everything I've worked for I leave like this? 


Year 4015

"Changjo, your patient's vital signs are improving significantly and have been continuing to do so for the past few days. Is there anything that should me done?"

"See to it that there are no changes in his improvement and make it steady." The young man ordered after a moment of thought and sent the butler out of his study. "Chunji, it's a strange time that you have chosen to be present in. No matter I assume your presence would be rather reassuring to my partners." He murmured to himself in amusement. He shifted in his seat before glancing at his moniter to reveal a complete description of his patient's background, presonality, characteristics and habits. "Abandoned at birth and kicked out of an orphanage to be found by a gang and then interacting with loan sharks. I think I may have found Byunghyun's twin, if disaster ever strikes you know where to look first." He chuckled to himself before hearing a knock at the door. "Come in," He called to the door before it slowly opened revealing his butler who looked like he was just in the middle of an explosion.

"Young master, it seems your comerad has come to pay you a visit. I think it was the rather small one who preferred to be called, L.Joe." He spoke nervously before bowing and making his leave.



Author's note: This was my first chapter and I hope you like it. If you find any problems with my writing or grammar and spelling please tell me in the comments and forgive me because I am not good with spelling or grammar. I try my best to fix up any errors I find but I can almost never get them all. Also, tell me if the plot so far is interesting or is it boring. Don't forget to comment and enjoy this as much as you can.

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:o this looks really cool :D