Day 5 Deserted Island - Stranded

KyuSung Week 2gether 2021

Kyuhyun sighed for an umpteenth time checking the wristwatch. The shooting was delayed again even though he already promised Yesung hyung that they would spend time together tonight. He wouldn't be annoyed if it didn't happen four days in a row, four days that he broke a promise he made with his boyfriend. He knew that it was no one's fault that the weather was bad, and he told the staff so after they apologized to him again and again. Sometimes life just hated him for no particular reason.




Kyuhyun got a message from his boyfriend.



My Ye 💙: Delayed again?

Best hubby: Yeah :(

Best hubby: Sorry hyung, I'll make it up

Best hubby: Day after tmr, I think…

My Ye 💙: It's fine

My Ye 💙: Your health comes first

My Ye 💙: Luv u no matter what

Best hubby: Hyuuung 😭😭😭

Best hubby: Now I wanna see you more

My Ye 💙: Me too T T

My Ye 💙: But focus on your work

My Ye 💙: Have to go

My Ye 💙: Kkoming called me

My Ye 💙: Fighting, hubby 💋



Kyuhyun grinned at his phone like a fool. My wife is the best!!! He shouted in his head while sighing from lovesickness. He is definitely the luckiest man on earth to have such a sweet and understanding person like Yesung hyung as his boyfriend. So, he wanted to do his best to make the older man happy and loved. However, his works tended to get in the way of their scarce free time. Although he was happy working and he liked it, he couldn't help but secretly wish that the world would leave them alone even for a day.


"A deserted island… wouldn't it be nice if I could stay there with Yesung hyung, just the two of us…?"


Sighing inwardly, Kyuhyun smiled at a staff member whose face was hidden by a cap who brought a sunflower bouquet for him— a gift from a fan, they said. The yellow flowers only made him miss his boyfriend more. Feeling blue, he asked his manager to wake him up when the rain stopped and the shooting resumed, before closing his eyes and taking a short nap...


















"—Kyu, wake up, didn't you say that you'll help me?"



Yawning, Kyuhyun opened his eyes and stretched. Then, it registered to him that he just heard his boyfriend's voice. He looked up and gasped dramatically.


"Yesung… hyung…?"

"Who else if it isn't me? Come on, get up."


The person currently straddling him was definitely Yesung hyung, his cute boyfriend, but his appearance wasn't the same— his flawless milky skin became sun-kiss tanned with a few dark spots on his body and freckles scattering around his nose and chubby cheeks, his raven hair seemed even darker but messier, and he seemed to gain some muscles on his usually flat tummy. Kyuhyun stared, no, gawked at his boyfriend's new (and very hot) look. Since when did his hyung change his style and how did he change over the course of the night? To prove that he wasn't dreaming, he pulled the older man down and kissed him. Hmm, Yesung hyung no longer tasted like coffee but salt? Actually, his hyung's whole body smelled like a beach— salt, trees, sunlight, and this sweet taste… coconuts?


"That's enough. Kyu, if we don't hurry up, the tide level will decrease and we won't be able to catch any fish."

"Tide level? Fish? Hyung, what's going on here?"

"... You're really weird today. Could it be that you aren't fully awake yet?"


Kyuhyun gasped audibly when his hyung suddenly pulled down his shorts and took out his softened .


"Yesung hyung!!! What are you doing!!? What if someone saw us!!?"

"Who will? It's just the two of us here."


Before his mind got to process what the older man said, his rationality was taken away by a warm mouth and rough small hands and OH MY ING GOD!



If Kyuhyun had doubted that this person might not be his Yesung hyung, he changed his mind. Those techniques… it couldn't be anyone else but his wife!




"Kyu, don't slack off! I help you relax so you have to work hard!"

"Yes, honey, I'm doing my best!"



Kyuhyun grinned at his Yesung hyung who stayed further into the water while he was sitting on a boulder. He jerked the fishing rod in his hand but nothing happened. . If he couldn't catch a single fish, his wife would definitely be furious at him! He yanked the fishing line out of the water and stared at the earthworm in disgust— a bait. His skin crawled picking up the slimy pink worm from a bucket but he swallowed back a puke. He can do it, for his wife. Kyuhyun cheered himself up and skewered another earthworm into the hook, before swinging the line as far as he could into the water. While waiting for some stupid fish to take the bait, he calmly analyzed the current situation. Not long ago, he was taking a nap in the waiting room but suddenly he found himself on a deserted island with his wife. At first, he thought that he was dreaming. However, he didn't wake up after getting an awesome from Yesung hyung so he doubted it (usually, he woke up before reaching and it would ruin his mood for an entire day). As a genius, he immediately understood that his wish had somehow come true.



"A deserted island… wouldn't it be nice if I could stay there with Yesung hyung, just the two of us…?"



Yes, he didn't know how but he really was on a deserted island now. From what his wife said, it was just them on this large island and they had lived here together for years. His body had never felt so light before— no cameras, no stalking crazy fans, no paparazzi, no people, just him and Yesung hyung! Since it was just the two of them, Kyuhyun decided to go wild and do everything that he had restrained himself, namely calling his boyfriend a "wife" instead and using all cute pet names he could come up with. Speaking of Yesung hyung… Kyuhyun openly, happily, and shamelessly gawked at the older man. Although Yesung hyung looked different, he was still the same passionate and kind-hearted man whom he loved dearly. Right now, his wife was catching fish using a throwing spear like in a movie and he was very good at it too! While he got nothing, his wife had already caught three or four fish. Moreover…




"Gotcha! Kyu, I caught another one!"

"You're amazing, love!"


Kyuhyun praised the older man but his eyes solely focused on the damp, thin, white tank top that clung to his wife's upper body and revealed everything to him. As expected of his Ye, he nodded and didn't forget to tell his wife how y he was. He chuckled when Yesung hyung glared at him while blushing. Too cute! Not wanting to actually anger his one and only partner, he turned attention back to fishing. After waiting a while longer, the fishing line suddenly got tugged and the wooden rod bent scarily. He immediately knew that he just caught something big! Standing up, he pulled the fishing rod with all his might but it merely budged. He frowned and called his wife to help him pull, but Yesung hyung was nowhere to be found. Before he got to look around, the line was yanked harshly from under the water and dragged him into the sparkling blue sea. After struggling a bit, Kyuhyun was able to bring himself above the surface. There, Yesung hyung was waiting for him with a mischievous smile.


"Baby, what are you doing!!?"

"Punishing my lazy husband, obviously. Yah, Kyu, I caught a bunch of fish but you still didn't get anything?"

"I'm sorry…"


Noticing his disheartened spirit, Yesung hyung sighed and gently caressed his face.


"What's wrong? You act really weird today like you're an entirely different person…"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Of course not. You're you regardless of your actions, Kyuhyun-ah. I love you."

"Yesung hyung…"


Although the water surrounding them was very refreshingly cool, Kyuhyun felt his whole body burning hot at the older man's sincere confession. He swam closer to Yesung hyung and brought the slim figure to him, so close that no gap was left between them. With his arm circling around his wife, he raised his free hand up to cradle the reddened cheek due to the sun, still feeling soft and squishy to his touch.


"I love you too, Yesung hyung."


His heart felt so free like a bird soaring in the sky when he said those words— clearly, loudly, confidently; unbound by society's expectations and judgment. Yesung hyung smiled sweetly in return and he couldn't hold himself back, no, he didn't have to hold back because it was just the two of them here, alone together on this deserted island…



As Kyuhyun exchanged deep and heated kisses with Yesung hyung, he made a wish from the bottom of his heart that he wanted to stay like this for as long as possible.




"Come on, Kyu, you can do it! Use your legs more and pull yourself up!"

"I can't do it anymore, hyung! I'm literally dying! What if my hands slipped and I fell down, making you a widow? No!"

"Don't be a drama queen, Kyu, you're only ten centimeters or so above the ground."



Kyuhyun grinned sheepishly at the older man who rolled his eyes hard. Right now, he was hugging a coconut tree with his dear life, even though he wasn't far above the ground as his wife said. Still, he couldn't help it. He had never climbed coconut trees before so he had no idea what to do. Maybe the "past" him before he took place might know but not him. He is a singer, musical actor, mc, and many more, but definitely not a climber! He felt guilty hearing a sigh from Yesung hyung but he couldn't do anything about this situation, except sincerely apologize for his uselessness.


"Yesung hyung, I'm sorry… I'm not being useful at all, right?"

"It's alright, Kyuhyun-ah. I'm glad that you admit it. It's better than forcing yourself and risking your life. I can't live without you, you know that, right?"


Kyuhyun literally saw wings behind his wife and a glowing halo above his head. An angel was standing before him! He nodded happily and got down from the tree. Then, he watched in awe at Yesung hyung who coolly and skillfully climbed the tall tree to get the coconuts. Because they were living on a deserted island, drinking water was extremely hard to come by. Although there was a waterfall deep in the jungle according to the older man, it was too far away from their cabin so they relied on coconuts instead. Looking up, Kyuhyun whistled as his eyes glued on the honey-tone thighs and flat bottom in shorts.


"I like the view here!"

"Very helpful, Kyu."


Despite the bite, the older man was actually giggling so Kyuhyun continued to appreciate his wife's beauty; all the while dodging falling coconuts before it hit his head. Soon, all the green fruits were harvested and Yesung hyung was ready to get down. He shuffled nervously on the ground and kept his arms widespread, ready to catch the older man if something happened. And he was glad that he was prepared because Yesung hyung's hands slipped and actually fell off the tree. Luckily, his wife had already climbed down for more than halfway so the fall wasn't too high, and he perfectly caught the love of his life in his arms. However, he wasn't strong enough to absorb the impact so they fell on the sand with Yesung hyung lying on top of him.


"Yesung hyung! Are you alright!!?"

"I was a bit startled but I'm fine now. Thank you for catching me, Kyu, you were really cool just now!"

"Really? I'm glad that I can finally do something for you, hyung."

"You being by my side is more than enough, Kyu."


Once again, Kyuhyun was touched by his wife's humble desire. This man is really his Yesung hyung. Of all the things in the entire world, this man only wanted him…


"Wow, I'm flattered! Nothing makes me happier than knowing that you love me as much as your family and ELF."

"Family? ELF? Who are they?"


Kyuhyun frowned.


"What are you talking about hyung? Your father, mother, and Jongjin, your younger brother? And ELF, our fans who have been supporting us for almost twenty years?"

"Kyuhyun-ah, did you get a heatstroke? I don't understand a single thing that you said. Here, drink some water."

"Hyung, I'm totally fine. I'm talking about our life as a member of Super Junior! Don't tell me that you also forgot about the members?"

"Oh, I got it! You're talking about Leeteuk hyung and Ryeowook and such, right?"

"You do remember them! Thanks—"

"Of course, I do," Yesung hyung giggled sweetly, "after all, you always tell me whenever you dream of them, Kyu."


Kyuhyun's whole body froze despite the midday blazing sun.


"A dream…?"

"Yes. You always have a dream about being an idol of a group named Super Junior and that I'm one of the members too. I must say, though, Kyu, that your dream is really vivid and convincing!"

"Hyung!! It's not a dream! Those sixteen years that we, Super Junior and ELF, fight together side by side isn't a dream!"


Yesung hyung sighed and pulled his ear. Although the older man didn't use much force, it still hurt. His wife smiled kindly at him and gently caressed his face after letting his ear free.


"It hurts, right?"


"See? Those idol stuff are just a dream, but, this,"


Titling his head, Yesung hyung smiled and kissed him. The sweet taste that lingered at the tip of his tongue made Kyuhyun feel drunk and his body felt strangely light.


"—you and me, just the two of us on this deserted island is the reality."

"Yes… hyung…"



Although Kyuhyun felt like something was off about the current situation, when his wife kissed him again and those endearing small hands wandered all over his body, he forgot about everything.




After they were done foraging for food and drinking water, Kyuhyun helped the older man with odd jobs like picking up dry branches for a bonfire or fixing their wooden cabin. There were just too many things to do in order to survive that he forgot his conversation with Yesung hyung in the late morning. It was only after the night fell and the moon rose in the sky, after Kyuhyun had sated his desire to savor his beautiful wife, did he recall the conversation— everything he had known about his life as a member of Super Junior was just a dream. Although he would never doubt the older man, some tiny part of him kept nagging him at the back of his mind, a voice barely above a whisper, that it wasn't a dream. Even though he was happy and satisfied after the wonderful with Yesung hyung, he wasn't able to sleep with the two contrasting beliefs constantly clashing. How could he know which one was a dream?


"Kyu, what's wrong? Can't sleep?"

"Yesung hyung, I still believe that it's not just a dream. I really am a member of Super Junior and so are you."

"But, if you said that it's not a dream, then, is everything that happens right now just a dream?"

"Yes. I wished for us to go to a deserted island together and this happened."

"If you wished for it, then why did you want to leave this place?"

"Because we have to go back. There are many people waiting for us— our families, the members, our friends, and ELF."


Kyuhyun inched forward to peck the older man's forehead.


"I had so much fun today, hyung, being with you, just the two of us here, but every dream has to end. See you again after I wake up, hyung, I love you."

"I love you too, Kyuhyun-ah."


Kyuhyun beamed and hugged his wife to sleep. Now that he had known what it would be like to be with Yesung hyung alone on a deserted island, he had to wake up and go back to reality…








Kyuhyun woke up with a tired yawn. He felt exhausted and his body ached all over. Maybe he shouldn't have fallen asleep while sitting… Stretching his arms and legs, he was about to ask his manager regarding resuming the shooting when—



"Good morning, Kyuhyun-ah."



Yesung hyung, the "dream" Yesung hyung, was watching him quietly with a serene smile showing on his expression. Startled, Kyuhyun looked around and his heart dropped in apprehension finding himself still in an old wooden cabin…



"Good morning, Kyuhyun-ah."



Yesung hyung greeted him again. Outside of the window, the sun was shining radiantly but Kyuhyun's entire being felt so cold.




He couldn't wake up from this dream.



It had been many, many weeks since Kyuhyun found himself on this deserted island with his Yesung hyung. He knew that what happened here was just a dream conjured by his wistful wish and his reality was out there as a member of Super Junior, a group of people whom he loved like a family. He had a place to go back and people to meet.


But they couldn't escape from this damn deserted island.


As days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, but Kyuhyun still woke up in the same wooden cabin, he started to fear the worst. What if his life had always been here, on this island? What if everything about Super Junior was just a very vivid and lucid dream? Had he been dreaming all these times? Soon, doubt took roots in his heart and its branches grasped him unyieldingly. The deserted tropical island that he once thought of as a paradise looked more and more grim with each passing day. His boyfriend, Yesung hyung, was a beacon of light and the only thing that kept him sane in this farce. His boyfriend always asked him about his "reality" as if it might come true if he kept talking about it, and their conversations were the last fragment of hope that he held on to assure himself that Super Junior wasn't just a dream. The longer he stayed on this god-awful deserted island, the hazier his memories had become. Without Yesung hyung, he might have already forgotten everything about his actual reality…



So, he decided to leave the goddamn island with Yesung hyung.








"Kyu… where are you taking me to?"

"We're leaving this ing cursed place."



Kyuhyun led his boyfriend through the dark jungle heading to the beach. Tonight, they will leave the island, one way or another, he don't ing care how. He had had enough of a deserted island. Sensing his bad mood, Yesung hyung followed him quietly while squeezing his hand to quietly support him. It was such a small gesture but it was powerful enough to strengthen his resolve. He will take his boyfriend back to their real world together. After having been stranded on the island for probably months, Kyuhyun remembered the way around this place like the back of his hand. If they walked past this hideous tree with a bark that looked like an anguish screaming face, they would arrive at the beach—


They arrived at a cliff instead.


"What the ? Since when did this place have a cliff?"


Kyuhyun cursed and carefully peered over the edge. The bright full moon shone on the furious wave down below that rhythmically crashed against the rocky cliff, creating a noise that sounded like a heartbeat. He wasn't sure which one would happen first if they fell down, being drowned under the roaring wave or getting crushed like minced meat. Either way, this definitely wasn't a way out of the island.


"Crap, let's find the other ways, hyung. There has to be a path that takes us back to the beach."



Yesung hyung stopped him. Kyuhyun's heart twisted in pain when he saw the older man's eyes staring at him with tremendous sadness.


"Kyuhyun-ah… do you really want to leave the island?"

"Yes. Hyung, you might not remember it but our lives are outside of here. There are people waiting for us."

"But… Didn't you say that you want to be on a deserted island with me?"

"I do but…"

"Kyu," Yesung hyung tugged his arm, "are you going to leave me?"

"What? Never! That's why I'm trying to get us out of this damn island!"

"But why? I thought that you're happy being here with me?"

"Oh, absolutely. I love every moment that we're together but not on this godforsaken deserted island. Hyung, I want to be with you, that's the truth that will never change, but I want to be with you on a stage where we shine the brightest! I want to be with you where we're surrounded by the members and ELF! I want to be a part of Super Junior with you!"


The more he talked, the louder he became. By the end of the speech, Kyuhyun was practically shouting. After that, he panted while putting his head on the thin shoulder, desperately holding onto his boyfriend as if he was about to lose sanity at any moment.


"Please, Yesung hyung, let's go back together…"

"I see… Kyu, do you trust me?"


Kyuhyun raised his head up to look at his boyfriend who was smiling saintly.


"With all my heart. Why?"

"Then, close your eyes."


Despite being full of questions, Kyuhyun obediently closed his eyes. Then, he felt Yesung hyung wrap his arms around his torso, so tightly that their chests were pressing. The older man's heartbeat rumbled against his chest and he felt his panic slowly subside.


"Hyung… what are we—"


Yesung hyung made a lunge and pushed both of them off the cliff. Kyuhyun felt the strong wind cutting his skin as gravity pulled them down at a fearsome speed. Out of instinct, he wanted to open his eyes but his boyfriend stopped him.


"Everything will be alright, Kyuhyun-ah, just close your eyes."

"Yesung hyung…"


He wholeheartedly believed in his boyfriend and continued to shut his eyes tight. He didn't open them even when his body crashed against the surface and they slowly sank under the cold ocean. Even when the water invaded his nostrils and lungs and his whole body froze, Kyuhyun refused to open his eyes. He hugged Yesung hyung close to him and let them sink deeper…

















"—up, Kyuhyun-ah, wake up."

"Ahh! No! No more deserted islands!!"



Kyuhyun woke up with a start. His heart was pounding and his body was drenched in cold sweats. What happened!!? They fell off the cliff and drowned in the ocean. Did they die!!? Was he still at the deserted island and where was Yesung hyung!!?


"Kyuhyun-ah, calm down and look at me."

"Y-Yesung hyung…?"


He looked up at the kind voice and found his boyfriend looking at him in worry. Yesung hyung's pale skin seemed so bright under the neon light, contrasting with his silky raven hair that looked slightly damp and bottomless black eyes that never left his face. His boyfriend's stylish outfit enhanced his beauty to a blinding level and caused Kyuhyun to forget to think for a second.


Wait, pale skin and stylish outfit?


Shaking his head furiously, Kyuhyun quickly swept his gaze around. A white room with a couch in the corner where he was sitting. There was a bottle of water and a few snacks on a table, along with a sunflower bouquet. This is… the waiting room…?


"Kyuhyun-ah, are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?"


Yesung hyung gently inquired while caressing his face. Kyuhyun hummed at the loving touch and breathed slowly. Then, he pinched his arm and yelped when the pain immediately shot through his body. It hurt but he felt immensely happy. He is back! He escaped the damn deserted island! Relief washed over him and he tugged his boyfriend into his arms, uncaring about the world. The older man gently patted his head and hushed softly.


"Shh, I'm here. Everything will be okay."

"Hyung!! I almost thought that I won't be able to come back again…"

"What happened? A nightmare?"

"I dreamed that I got stranded on a deserted island and couldn't leave. Gosh, I almost lost my mind if it wasn't for you…"

"I was there too?"

"Yes, you were with me. Actually, you saved me from going crazy. Without you, I'd have… wait, this is the waiting room, Yesung hyung, what are you doing here?"


Yesung hyung smiled shyly and kissed his forehead.


"What? Can't I come here to surprise my boyfriend?"

"Surprise me?"

"Yep! I drove here after getting permission from your Manager who talked with PD-nim. Kyuhyun-ah, you always find time to see me despite your hectic schedule. So, I thought that I should come see you too when you can't make it. I know it's hard for us to date considering our identities as Super Junior. However, I want you to know that you don't have to work hard alone. You have me, our families, the members, and our friends. Most importantly, We promised to look after each other, right?"


The older man's words almost brought Kyuhyun to tears. Despite their difficult circumstances, they worked hard to be together. It might be a fleeting thought but he shouldn't wish for something like escaping reality to live on a deserted island with only the two of them, not when they had something else as precious as their relationship to protect— the name "Super Junior". His smile was unrestrained as he nuzzled his face against the older man's tummy.


"Yesung hyung, meeting you and being a part of Super Junior with you are the best two things that ever happened to me."

"Me too. Now, we still have time before the shooting resumes. Want a lap pillow?"

"Absolutely yes!"


Kyuhyun beamed watching his boyfriend sitting down and tapping his lap, before happily lying down with his head on the comfortable lap. He grasped the small hand and brought it to his lips. Then, he showered it with kisses after kisses, drawing a light giggle from Yesung hyung whose other hand was patting his head affectionately. Yes, being an idol and dating your bandmate at the same time was no easy life, but he wouldn't trade them for anything. After all, he wasn't alone in this. Together, they will step into a bright future as each other's life partner and as a proud member of Super Junior.





While Kyuhyun and Yesung were enjoying their lover's company, Unbeknown to them, a small card hidden in the sunflower bouquet mysteriously disappeared into thin air. A short message written on the card glowed weakly for a second before the card was completely gone.



Be careful what you wish for

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Happy KyuSung Week!!! 🐧💙🐢


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487 streak #1
Chapter 8: LOL!! Detective Donghae is so cuteeee! <3 so clueless too XD I kinda wished that he was Wookie (since I love Wookie in your kyusung's stories) but Donghae wasn't bad at all!! So precious! >___<

Upvote! <3
487 streak #2
Chapter 4: LMAO

It's so refreshing to read this chapter! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
487 streak #3
Chapter 3: sweeeet~ LOVE IT so much~~~ <3333
487 streak #4
Chapter 2: yes Wookie, DO NOT ASK, it's for your safety and your heart and your mental state XD
487 streak #5
Chapter 1: "Yah, Kyuhyun, you said that sharing is caring, right? What if someone wants to share Ye with you?"

"They can rot in hell for all I care."

_MyName_ #6
Chapter 8: I had a hunch this was the case.. sweet innocent Donghae :D
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 7: Cutie kyukyu who wants to appear cool boyfriend before yesung and because of many reference it feels real.
Chapter 7: Hehehe. That little jealousy in the end is so cute.
Chapter 6: This was so warm. I love the friendship between Hae and Yeye and how much they longed to see their boyfriends <3