
New Roommates - Room 158
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A new school year means a new chapter in life. It is when a student starts their year but a much different league than the previous year. A student gets to learn new things and start anew. For Wendy, it was technically a different world for her, from the university grounds to the people here — it’s a total different environment compared to high school, well, it is expected high school is really different from college.

Wendy stared hardly at the campus map that was given to her during the orientation as she tugged her luggage behind. She’s currently walking along the hallway of their soon-to-be apartment, trying to find her designated room – she ran her eyes on the corridor and admired the neat beige colored walls, it was pretty much empty at the moment, probably because first day of classes start tomorrow, so there aren’t a lot of students going on and about yet.

She looked at every numbers on the labels on their doors, matching them on the number indicated on the message that was sent to her by her friend. A few steps were taken and Wendy finally found the door she’s searching for.

How did she manage to find this apartment, if you may ask? It was because of her high school friend, Seulgi, who offered her this shared apartment – she is apparently best friends with the current occupant and the rest is history, although she has never met her soon-to-be roommate, she’s quite excited to meet her, basing everything she knows about this woman from Seulgi’s stories.

Room 158

She read the number debossed on the silver plated bar attached on the door, Wendy looked down on the device she’s holding seeing if the room number written on it really matches what she’s seeing. When she confirmed the correct number, Wendy knocked on the door signifying her entrance but when no one opened the door for her, she tried to turn the handle and found it unlocked.

Slipping her head past the gap, Wendy tried to check if there’s someone inside but saw no one. Wendy then allowed herself inside – assuming her friend, Seulgi, notified the current occupant of the now shared apartment. She inhaled deep when she noticed how good it smells. Smells just like lavender.  

Wendy noted how there’s enough space in the living room; it wasn’t that big but just enough. She studied the whole room and could say it’s not bad – there’s a couch and in front of it is the table where a laptop and a stack of papers were placed, there’s also a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Wendy gave a nod of approval, so far so good. She turned her head towards her left where she noticed a small hall with doors on both sides of the wall, which she assumed as the rooms.

Walking her way towards the doors, she contemplated for a few seconds not wanting to open the wrong door (or where her roommate is currently using), she looked at the other door and saw a small gap. Peering at the opened door, Wendy saw the room with things that are not obviously hers. So, not this room. Wendy pulled the door towards her direction putting it at the same way when she saw it.

Just before she could put the door back to its original place, the door beside the room she just checked opened up, revealing a woman clad only in towel with an extremely startled and confused expression. Wendy, too, was stunned by the sudden presence – she wasn’t able to move an inch, even more so when she saw what the woman was wearing. In the woman’s shock, it all came by a flash and the next thing Wendy saw were stars and then darkness.


Wendy woke up with a dull pain on her right eye, she blinked trying to clear her vision – she sat up and tried to look at her surroundings, attempting to remember what happened to her and then it hit her (pun intended) – she was punched square in the face. She groaned at the headache and the ringing of her ears as she sat up from the couch, next thing she heard was the sound of feet shuffling towards her direction. She spun her head slowly and saw the woman that punched her earlier, in her fear Wendy covered her face with her arms and cowered behind them.

Something cold then hit her arms and that’s when she lowered her arms, an icepack was offered to her as she gazed at the brunette before her with her apologetic smile – she noted how the woman has already changed into a much comfortable clothes: plain white shirt and a pair of purple dolphin shorts.

“I’m sorry for punching you, I thought you’re some thief. I acted on reflex and hit you without thinking.” Is what Wendy heard come out from the pretty girl, if it weren’t for the headache and the numbing pain on her eye, she would’ve laughed and brush the situation off, “It’s Irene by the way.”

Wendy stared at the hand extended towards her and back to Irene’s face, it was only after a few seconds until Wendy realized what’s happening and took the lady’s extended hand. She smiled at the notably soft hands. One would think that this hand is not capable of putting a person unconscious, “Wendy,” She followed Irene’s movements and saw the woman now sitting on the couch and it dawned on her, “It’s fine, it’s my fault for letting myself in. Although, how did you know that I’m not a bad guy?”

Irene let out a soft laugh and Wendy saw brown eyes looking directly at hers, “Do you want the detailed answer or just a concise one?”

“Since you chose violence today, I’ll let you tell me the detailed version.” Wendy answered with a smug smile plastered on her features.

“You’ll be slightly embarrassed, but here goes. After I punched you, I didn’t know what to do so I thought maybe call for security and so I got my phone to call, then I saw a notification from Seulgi that my new roommate is on her way, which I haven’t read yet because I was in the shower. And so, I told her that I just knocked the daylights off from someone in the apartment, she was asking what the person looked like and what you were wearing and then it dawned on me that maybe you are my roommate. So before moving you to the couch I took a photo of your unconscious self on the floor and sent it to her. Seulgi confirmed that you really are my new roommate and kept on laughing at our conversation.”

Wendy placed her hands in front of her face to cover it and groaned, “Oh God this is so embarrassing.”

“I’m really sorry.”

“It’s fine, I swear. Minus the black-eye though, you throw a one mean punch.”

Irene let out a breathy laugh, “I was taught self-defense. My dad once told me that if I’m going to punch someone I have to pour my all into it.” She stared at Wendy, whose lips curled in amusement, and then saw the bruise by her eye and felt guilt all over again, “Wait, let me see how bad it is.” Irene pried Wendy’s hands from her face and leaned a bit closer to see the now bruised part of her face, she gently grabbed the ice pack from Wendy’s hands and tenderly placed it on the darkened spot, “I hope this doesn’t get worse at all or you’ll really have a black-eye on the first day of classes.”

Wendy on the other hand, who was too caught up from Irene’s alluring features, just nodded along to the words that her roommate said. She stared at Irene’s face and ran her eyes from the knitted brows, to her coffee-colored doe eyes, slid down to the slope of Irene’s nose, down to her pink lips – she quickly took her eyes away from the brunette’s lips and back to her eyes – it surprised her when she saw Irene’s eyes were on hers and the brunette smiled at her lopsidedly.

They stared at each other for a good few second, caught up in the moment, and that was until they heard the ringing of Irene’s phone. Tearing their gazes apart from one another, Wendy and Irene both looked at the device dancing atop the surface of the glass table. Irene grabbed her phone and stared at the caller’s name, giving Wendy a smile once she knew who the caller was, “It’s Seulgi. I’ll just take the call and keep the ice on your face.”

Wendy blindly nodded at the brunette – she didn’t know she was holding her breathe until Irene was at a safe distance from her – next thing she knew head is feeling a bit light. Must be from the impact of the punch, yep. Must be.

The blonde replayed how close the pretty brunette was earlier – a smile crept up on her face when she remembered glossy brown eyes laced with worry in them, Irene’s hands on her face as she gently placed the ice pack on her face. Wendy brought her hand on to her left cheek and felt the sensation from Irene’s hands earlier that never really went away. She smiled, albeit the ringing pain on the right side of her face, yet seeing Irene’s angelic features it somehow lessened the pain she’s feeling.

Gay. Yes, she’s a totally malfunctioning gay. A malfunctioning gay who’s very very attracted to her new roommate.


A soft voice pulled her out of her reverie, and she brought her head up to where Irene’s standing, “Yeah?”

“Seulgi wanted us to have dinner together, saying she wants to see my masterpiece on your face.” Wendy saw Irene trying her best to stifle her smile. If the brunette wasn’t so cute trying not to laugh, she’d probably be rolling her eyes right now. But since she’s a totally malfunctioning gay, she’s letting it slide.

She gave Irene a smile and answered her, “Sure, tell her she’s paying.”

“Will do.”

Irene turned her back on her as the brunette continued with her conversation with their mutual friend. Wendy leaned her head on the back of the couch, closing her eyes and basking in the sound of her roommate’s chatter on the phone.

Wendy could only shake her head as she smiled; she never thought that she’d be punched in the face a day before their classes start. This is probably the start of an interesting chapter of her life.


It took around four days for Wendy’s bruise to heal, it was weird getting stared because of the dark spot by her eyes – but she’s thankful that Irene, whom she found out that was a year higher than her, didn’t let her feel left out and maybe that she’s feeling a bit guilty of what happened but who knows right?

And also there’s Seulgi, their mutual friend who’s majoring on a different field than hers. She was thankful for the both of them, nonetheless.

It was even weirder to have a number of the student body stare at her even after her black-eye was gone, curiosity clung onto her skin, like an itch wanting to be scratched but she ignored it, though she later found out after a week when her classmate slash seatmate leaned onto her during their calculus class with a hushed voice why is she friends with Irene, who’s clearly under a different course and one of the popular students. She could only reply with an ‘Oh’ and an ‘Ah’, and let the conversation die there.

So, she’s roomies with a popular senior who punched her in the face, accidentally.

The cafeteria was jam packed with hungry students, of course; it was what they called ‘Lunch Time Rush’, although Wendy was able to get their spot despite the competition. A minute after they have settled into their seats, Seulgi quickly fished her phone out from her pocket and sent a message to the 1/3 of their trio. A reply almost came instantly and Seulgi announced to her blonde friend that Irene is coming. A wide smile blossomed almost instantly onto Wendy’s features and that especially didn’t go unnoticed by her friend.

“Do you have a crush on Irene?”

If Wendy’s neck was a size of a twig it would’ve been split into two right now, with the way her head snapped towards her friend’s direction from the remark. She was like a deer caught under the headlights with her wide eyes and mouth agape.

“What? I have a crush on Irene? That’s  nonsense. What are you on?”

“But why do you frown whenever there are people staring at her when she accompanies you to class every after lunch time?”

Seulgi looked at their newfound friend a.k.a Wendy’s classmate slash seatmate slash now could be her trusted witness on every happenings between her friends, whom she met on their first time together when they gathered for lunch. She curled her lips at the revelation – she’s totally missing out being on a different curriculum, “Nice catch Yerim,” Seulgi, whose features plastered with amusement in them turned to Wendy, who’s shooting daggers with her eyes with what her seatmate spilled, “so, Irene who’s not an engineering major, walks you to your classroom?”

“It’s because her building is nearby.”

Her answer earned a raise of eyebrows and an obvious teasing smile from both Seulgi and Yeri. “Uh-huh okay. We believe you.” Seulgi said, although even though she said she believes her she looked so unconvincing.

Still staring at her friend’s unwavering expression, she couldn’t help but to support her answer, “I really don’t have something for Irene, okay? I mean she’s pretty and all but nope, nothing.” Wendy wasn’t raised to lie and she doesn’t know why she’s hiding the fact that she indeed does have a slight crush on her pretty roommate. It has been a month, and yet her admiration from the brunette isn’t going away.

“Okay, okay just a heads up she’s bringing her girlfriend to our lunch this time.”


“T-that’s fine.” Irene has a girlfriend. Well, it’s not like she was going to pursue her to be completely honest, it was just a happy crush. Irene’s just a crush. No more. No less. If she tells no one, then that secret should be safe.

Lunch was a bit silent at first due to the presence of Irene’s girlfriend, Nayeon, and everyone just doesn’t know what to say, but all thanks to Yerim’s amazing conversational skills, which meant that Wendy’s black eye was the topic of the whole conversation on the course of their lunch. Wendy helplessly let her friend talk about anything just to make the atmosphere less awkward, she could care less about it – it really was a quirky story.

The four of them, Irene, Yeri, Seulgi and Wendy, were walking through their classes – Irene’s girlfriend was the first to leave their table telling them that something came up in their Org and she’s needed immediately – the silence between the four of them were broken when Yerim asked something that sent Seulgi quietly giggling on the sides, Wendy narrowing her eyes, and Irene chuckling at the sudden question.

“Irene, just curious how long are you and Nayeon have been together?”

“It’s only been two months, we met during a friend’s mixer and kind of hit off since then.”

“Ahh, fresh new love.” Yerim nodded in acknowledgement and ran her eyes towards Wendy and gave her a knowing look to which the blonde just rolled her eyes at her new friend.

Irene giggled, “It is.”

“How about you Wendy, any plans on being in a relationship?”

“Nope, not really.” That came out as a swift reply.

“Even if it’s Irene?” Wendy turned to Yerim and Seulgi, never missing the snickering from two of her friends, sending sharp glares and hoping her the death threats she’s been thinking would be received on the other end but her classmate just smiled mischievously at her, and then to her right, to Irene who was waiting in anticipation for her answer.

You see, Wendy doesn’t really want to lie, but somehow her friends are testing that today. She let out an exasperated sigh and answered with a poker face, “Even if it’s Irene.”

“I probably don’t meet Wendy’s standards, Yerim.” Irene jokingly said, along with a laugh and a fake frown on her face, making Yerim and Seulgi laugh and Wendy shaking her head.

“It’s not like that, I really haven’t found that someone yet.” Another lie, she’s really getting good at this if she may say.

“Well, I’d have to say I’d date Wendy if given the chance, even though I don’t meet her standards.”

“Oooh.” Yeri and Seulgi both turned to Irene and Wendy and grinned, Wendy could only dip her head from embarrassment as her two friends laugh.

Irene’s word coursed through Wendy’s mind the whole time during her afternoon classes, it was all she could think of. No other, just Irene.


It was only 3 in the afternoon and Wendy’s last subject’s professor has dismissed them early today. She thought about how it has been two months since term started and everything has been going all right. Wendy has joined orgs and clubs, she has met nice group of people, and her grades were great too – basically, her first couple of months in college has been well. Pretty manageable and under control, but why does seeing Irene crying in their living room, sitting and leaning by the foot of their couch with knees to her chest, makes her feel so uneasy?

The creaking sound of the door brought Irene’s attention to where the noise was and Wendy felt like she was exposed of a crime with headlights on her, she grimaced knowing that the older girl has noticed her presence, “I’m sorry.” For what really? For interrupting her roommate’s sobbing? Wendy sighed, tightening her hold onto her Jansport as if trying to muster up her courage with that gesture and walked towards where Irene was sitting. She placed her bag on the floor – by the couch’s side – and sat on the couch, just a few inches away from Irene, as if telling her that she’s there to listen if she wants to talk.

Silence enveloped the room as Wendy waited for Irene to speak, all could she hear was the brunette’s sniffles and sobs. It was like that for a few minutes until the sounds Irene was making turned to quietness, Wendy turned to gaze at Irene, she hesitated if she should talk or just stay there and wait until Irene talks, she should say something she thinks.


“I’m sorry. I thought you were coming home late.” Wendy heard Irene’s low, raspy voice evident from crying too much. Her eyes landed on her roommate she was wiping her tear-stricken face.

Wendy stayed mum and watched as Irene softly chuckled, her eyes following the brunette’s movements as she picked herself up from the floor and sat beside Wendy, “Do you wanna talk about it?”


“It’s nothing.” Wendy heard her roommate respond, she watched her forced out a smile and inhaled deeply letting it out in one big exhale.


“Okay, I won’t—”


Wendy was in the middle of her statement and feeling herself stop when she saw another tear escape from Irene’s eyes, she turned her head and saw the woman lean her back on the couch, “We broke up.”




It’s amazing how Wendy’s mind that was full of things earlier has now been completely empty. It was like Irene’s words took everything from her head.


Think. Think. Think. Nothing. Instead she followed Irene’s position, leaning back to rest her back on the couch and stared at the ceiling.


“I shouldn’t be crying this much, I mean it’s just four months, you know. Not even half a year, but it’s just so…”


Wendy blinked, listening to Irene’s sobs as she trailed off from her words. “May it be a year, a month, or even a few weeks, if the feeling is real it’ll truly hurt when they leave you. So what you’re feeling right now is valid.”


Silence once again overtook the place and Wendy turned her head and stared at Irene’s side profile — illuminated by the orange hue of the afternoon sun, she studied the highlighted features of the brunette — from her the messy hair that shone along with the orange streaks, her puffy eyes, her pointed nose, and quivering lips. She’s beautiful even when she’s crying. “It’s her loss.”


Irene by then stopped crying and let out a breathy laugh, with a final wipe on her face she smiled and turned her head towards Wendy, head still leaning onto the back of the couch, “Now, you’re just telling me that to make me feel better.”


The blonde chuckled, looking at the black screen of the TV in front of them and answered, “If that makes you happy, then I’ll let you think that. But in all honesty, anyone would be lucky to date the infamous Irene Bae of the Psychology department.”


A chuckle came out from the brunette and they were engulfed with a pregnant pause, Wendy took that as the end of their conversation or so she thought.


“So I’m up to your standards now?” Wendy heard Irene’s small voice, and felt herself stiffen when she noticed a weight on her shoulders, she slightly turned her head to check if it really what she thought it is — she wasn’t imagining things, Irene’s head is on her shoulders. Wendy didn’t try to move as much trying not to ruin this, her eyes just wandered around the room thinking of what to say or what to do then Irene beat her to it, “I’m kidding, but that sure did made feel a bit better.”


It took all of Wendy’s self-control not hold Irene’s hands, it just felt so wrong at that moment — yes, she may have a huge crush on Irene but she won’t let that cloud her judgment. A soft sigh escaped from her lips as she closed her eyes, heart beating a little bit faster due to the weight on her shoulder and even more so to the words that Irene said next.


“Thank you, Wendy.”


“You’re welcome, roomie.”


That was the last of their conversation that day. Wendy didn’t know what to do, especially when she felt the weight on her shoulder getting heavier by the second. She didn’t want to move and might wake the girl up, she thought of all sorts of solution to her current problem and it all ended up to the possibility of Irene waking up, she sunk on the couch instead and felt her heavy lids drop, and she too, fell asleep with Irene leaning on her shoulders and Irene on her mind. She’s going to wake up with a sore shoulder but that’s okay as long as Irene’s peacefully sleeping right next to her.




Irene could say that something shifted after the afternoon by their living room, it must be the way Wendy would wait for her by her classroom – to think that the blonde was from a different building or probably the way Wendy is way too attentive to the little things that she says, one example that she could recall was when she blurted out mindlessly that she’s craving for some tteokkbokki and then Wendy just came home the next day with the said food in hand. Or the way Wendy smiles at her and how her stomach churns at the sight – Irene is sure that something really shifted but she just couldn’t quite put a finger what it is.


Feelings really are complicated. It’s like a ball of messy tangled string, there’s a supposed start and end but what’s difficult about this string is the middle – what once was a straight string is now twisted, entwined, and pretty much messy. You spend huge amount of time figuring out where and what to do just to untangle everything, but when you unravel everything comes with a great feeling of satisfaction. 


Irene found herself in the middle of that string, lost and even more so confused. Irene isn’t sure what’s happening, she should be grieving from her recent break up but somehow a certain blonde helped her to make everything easier. And to be completely honest she’s gotten so used of Wendy’s presence that at times she’d expect her to be there every time.


Sometimes, she’d expect the blonde to be waiting for her outside her classroom during her last period or to be the one accompanying her to buy their needed stuff during their Friday movie nights with their circle.


Just like today, when the campus bell rang signifying Irene that it’s her final period for the day, the brunette immediately packed her things in her bag. Excitement filled her in hopes of seeing a certain blonde waiting for her by their classroom’s door but that excitement was instantly washed away the moment she realized there’s no sign of Wendy waiting outside, instead she saw another familiar face.


“You could at least look a little bit more excited, I know you’re expecting someone else.”


Irene blinked a few times, trying to recollect her thoughts as she stuck staring at the younger girl. When she realized what’s happening Irene gave her head a shake, rejecting her friend’s statement, “I am not, I’m just surprised that you’re here.”


“Seungwan’s still finishing something from our last class if you’re wondering. That’s why she sent me instead. I will behave, I swear.”


Irene gave Yeri a questioning look when the latter raised her right hand. She chuckled at her friend’s antics. You can always trust Yeri to make someone laugh. “You’re okay with walking right? The mart’s just a block away from our apartment building.”


Yeri responded with a nod and a smile, “I’ve also asked Seulgi to meet us there, you know extra hands.”


“Sure, thanks.” With a nod, the duo made their way outside, and towards the mart where they’re meeting Seulgi. The walk towards outside the gate was silent, Yeri did kept her promise in trying to behave or so she thought. The silence was broken the moment Yeri popped her a question, a question that Irene herself, didn’t know the answer to.


“So, I can’t help but be curious and if you don’t mind me asking, why haven’t I seen you together with Nayeon? I mean she joins us for lunch and during our Friday night hang outs but I haven’t seen her the whole week and the week before.”


Right. She hasn’t told anyone yet except for Wendy, which was also accidental. A somber smile went up her features and she softly answered, “We broke up around two weeks or so.”


“Oh, I’m sorry for what happened.”


“It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt as much as it did at first.” A small smile painting her lips as she answered. She’s got to thank a certain someone for that.


“Ah, so the infamous Irene Bae is like that.”


Irene threw the younger an inquisitive look, wondering what Yerim meant about her statement. “What do you mean?”


“I mean, Irene Bae has Taylor Swift as her Patron Saint of moving on.” Yeri said jokingly, and when she saw Irene’s questioning look, she added. “What I meant is that you’re a strong, independent woman who doesn’t let her pain and suffering hinder her day.”


The psychology student laughed at her friend’s nervous look, of course she got what she meant from the first statement. She’s just using this topic to her advantage and tease Yeri. This time it’s Yeri who’s giving her a confused look, “You didn’t have to go on full defensive mode, I understood what you meant.”


Irene saw Wendy’s classmate let out a breath of relief the moment she finished her response. They fell in comfortable silence after that, Irene didn’t expect that she’d be this comfortable with the younger even if they only just met for almost three months. The constant lunch group and Friday hang outs really contributed to her expanding her network of friends. She’s got to thank Seulgi for that too, for introducing Wendy to her and then the chain effect of their meeting.


She let out a contented sigh, and looked at the humming Yeri by her side. “Do you like ice cream?”


“Yep.” Yeri answered a pop on her lips and raised her brows after the random question, “Why?”


“I’m treating you.”


Irene never missed the way the younger girl’s eyes lit up the moment she let out her reply, and it made her smile.


“Are you sure?”


She hummed, placing her finger on her chin just to look that she’s thinking hard about this, “Now that you’ve asked, I’ve changed my mind.” She jested, chuckling at Yeri’s panicked reaction.


“Nope, no. You’re sure, yes I want ice cream. Ice cream that you’re going to buy for free for me.”


Irene gave her head a shake from Yeri’s babbling and they fell at ease as they continued to walk to their rendezvous with the younger who just randomly shared any anecdotes that she experienced with Wendy during one of their classes.




It was quick to set up what they needed for their movie night with three pairs of hands helping to organize and put everything in place. It’s not like they have a lot to prepare too, they only have two boxes of pizza (yeah, Irene’s sure they can all gobble these down), a few bags of chips, and two large bottles of soda. That should be enough for four people.


Everything is going as expected so far, Yeri and Seulgi are peacefully choosing the movie they’re going to watch. Irene’s on their single seater with her laptop trying to finish some schoolwork before they start or another way to say it, before Wendy comes home.


As they waited for the one fourth of their quartet to arrive, Irene checked her phone to see the time – 5:43 PM and just in that moment they all heard a ringing which came from the phone on the center table beside Seulgi.


The trio looked at each other and then to the ringing phone, when the owner realized her phone was ringing she quickly picked it up, when she realized who was calling.


“Wendy, where are you? Everything has been set, we’re waiting for you so we can start.”


Irene kept her eye on Seulgi, who’s taking the call, and noticed that Yeri already has a bag of chips in her hands. She chuckled at the sight; guess she’s not the only one who’s getting starving. She continued to eye the conversation that’s going on in front of her and from what she’s hearing Wendy’s probably going to bring someone outside of their group.


Seulgi then turned to the both of them and asked, almost whisper-like, “Wendy asked if you guys don’t mind her bringing her partner from her group assignment? She felt bad that they took too long and all.”


Irene took a few seconds to process the question, and in response she turned to Yeri, maybe she can answer for them – maybe it was the way she looked at Yeri or the way her face contorted in a way that’s asking for help but in response the younger only shrugged and whispered, “I’m okay with it, though this is still you two’s apartment.”


Yeri was correct, this is their apartment but why does the thought of Wendy bringing in another person to their space feel so weird. Irene heaved a deep breath and turned back to Seulgi, “We don’t mind.”


“Okay,” Seulgi nodded and placed her device back on her ear and answered, “They don’t mind. Okay, we’ll see you guys.”


It didn’t take too long for Wendy and her classmate to arrive at their apartment, the newcomers were greeted by Seulgi and Yeri by the doorstep, which leaves Irene sitting silently on her chair – not wanting to crowd, they’d eventually come up anyways.


“So guys, this is Joy. She’s my – wait our classmate.” Wendy initiated, her hands pointing to Yeri and herself to emphasize the ‘our’ in her sentence.  Irene nodded along with Seulgi and Yeri in response to Wendy’s intro. They were all greeting Joy a warm, welcoming smile. “So, Joy as you may know this is Yeri, this is Seulgi, and this is Irene – she’s the one I share the apartment with.”


“It’s nice to meet you all, please take care of me tonight.” Joy offered them a bright smile and hand to formalize their introductions, and nobody could dare reject her. Especially Seulgi, if Irene may say Seulgi almost instantly took the girl’s hand in no second.


“We hope that you’ll enjoy your time here too.”


“Great! Now end of introductions and let’s start eating! I’m famished!” Yeri exclaimed, grabbing Seulgi by the hand and dragged her to the couch and sat next to Irene leaving Wend y and Joy standing at the sides.


Irene was left dumbfounded, she has not given a chance to say anything and seems like everyone has already settled down on the couch. She left her laptop on her lap just to keep herself occupied, staring at her four companions who are happily chatting each other Irene just let out a soft sigh at the sight.


They were midway on their movie and everyone’s just focused on what’s being shown on the screen. Everything was silent aside from the sound of the movie and the munch and crunch of food. Irene stole quick glances at the others sitting by the couch, especially noting on how close Joy is sitting close to Wendy. Although, she understands why – being with your classmates’ friends and being the new person in group sure feels awkward, but Irene thinks that perhaps the distance shouldn’t be that close.


Irene kept her eyes on Wendy, sitting by the end of the couch closer to her, she felt the heat went up to her face when she noticed Wendy looking at her. She saw the blonde gave her a smile, cheeks full from getting a bite from the pizza that she’s holding. In return Irene responded with a small smile, hiding her reddening cheeks behind her laptop.


She should be done with this assignment earlier but somehow Irene failed to do so, she stared at her almost finished paper as if to distract her thoughts from her roommate. Cooling down from the heat on her cheeks, what Irene saw next made heat come up her face again but this time it isn’t because of a certain blonde’s smile but because of what’s unfolding before her.


Wendy and Joy talking to each other with her roommate leaning towards Joy who is holding her phone, in their hushed voices it seemed like they were exchanging numbers. Her grip on her laptop tightened as she eyed the two and turned back to her unfinished paper. With heavy fingers, her laptop keys clicked with such intensity that probably after this it’ll come off loose.


In her newfound drive, she’s just finished her paper that is due not until Thursday in record time. She heaved a sigh, when she realized she has no more excuse in being in front of her laptop. Irene had almost forgotten why she’s so agitated earlier until she heard them giggling, not the by watching the movie kind of giggling but the type that sounded like a giggle coming out from flirting. Irked, Irene slammed her laptop shut to ease the warmth seeping in her.


The loud sound that she made earned a few curious look from her friends and reasoned, “Sorry, I’m just happy that I’m done with my paper.”


“You don’t look so happy at al–”, Seulgi didn’t even get the chance to finish her sentence when Irene gave her a look to shut up. She probably noticed her agitation and Seulgi nodded in response.


But what Irene didn’t know was how Seulgi never missed the way her eyes immediately ran to Joy’s direction noting how frustrated almost like constipated Irene looks.


Irene let herself be immersed on the movie and sat in her chair quietly, trying to brush off the icky feeling that’s boiling in her. She doesn’t know what is happening with her if she’s being honest. Friends don’t heat up with just a friend’s smile, right? And most especially friends don’t get annoyed when they see their friends talking and flirting with someone, right?


Excusing herself to get a glass of water in order to distract her mind from her thoughts, Irene then walked towards their apartment’s kitchen, pouring her self a cold glass of water in hopes to cool herself down. She heard a shuffle of footsteps from behind and jumped right where she’s standing when she heard a familiar voice behind her.


“Are you okay?”


A sudden yelp echoed through the four walls of their kitchen and Irene turned around to see her friend giving her a sheepish smile, her eyes forming into slits. “Shi– Seulgi you scared me!”


“Are you guys alright?”


Wendy’s voice came across from their living room and the two turned towards the direction to respond with the query.


“We’re okay!”


“It’s fine!”


Irene then looked at Seulgi sporting an inquisitive look, which Irene is curious as to why her best friend is asking her if she’s okay, “I’m fine.”


“You know you’re a bad liar, right? You’re obviously not alright, you didn’t

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elrein #1
Chapter 1: Well written and fluff, sooo good. Thank you 💙💗
Chapter 1: Wenrene fluff is always nice to have.
Chapter 1: We read this again to be happy - my Brain
ShinHye24 1340 streak #4
Chapter 1: Wenreneee :)
chchcn #5
Chapter 1: ☺☺☺ that's good, wr should be a happy ending
Chapter 1: ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ♡ thank god it's fluff 💙💗 thank you author nim
Chapter 1: So good
Favebolous 11 streak #8
Chapter 1: Yashh WenRene
Chapter 1: Happy ending for the two yayyy thank you seul, joy and yeri
Chapter 1: aaaaa this is so good, thank you so much for writing this authornim